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Thank you very much for the information. / !"#$%.

&'m (ratefu) for your he)*. / + ,-" .# #/.

& am 0orry1 the )ine i0 en(a(e2 at the moment. / 3451 6 78 65.
Thank you for ca))in(. / 9 4:.
& am 0orry1 there i0 no an0;er. / 3451 #" 5485.
Russian Greetings
Hi! !
Good morning! !
Good evening! uu/ u!
WeIcome! (to greet someone) nxanau!
How are you? Kak na?
I'm fine, thanks! Xm, cnac!
And you? A n?
Good/ so-so. Xm/Tak c
Thank you (very much)! Cnac!
You're weIcome! (for "thank you") nxanca!
Hey! Friend! D, r\ D, nnnu.
I missed you so much! R ak cnuu ckuan/a n
What's new? H ur?
How's it going? (informaI) Kak na?
Nothing much Hnnx\ Hur.
Good night! cnku uu
See you Iater! cu/ caun
Good bye! ka/ caun

HeIp & Directions:

Where is the (hospitaI/ pharmacy)? r (nuuua/ anka)?
Is it far? D ank?
No, it's near. H, a nsk.
Turn right. u uana.
Turn Ieft. u uan.
Go straight ahead. H nnu.
Taxi! Takc!
I'm in a hurry. R cnm.
PIease stop here xanca, caucu scu.
PIease wait for me! xanca, nx uun!
How much (do I owe you)? Cknuk c uun?
Where is the nearest bus stop? F nxaman acuan cauka?
What is the fare? Cknuk c ns?
What Iine shouId I take? kak nu uu ua xau?
I wouId Iike to see downtown R xn (xna) ncuu uu ra.
What is the name of this paIace? Kak uasacn a u?
I'm Lost R sanncn
Can I heIp you? R ur au nuuu?
Can you heIp me? B ux uu nuuu?
Where is the (bathroom/ pharmacy)? F uaxcn (Bauuan/ Anka)
Go straight! Then turn Ieft/ right! H nnu, nu uan/uana
I'm Iooking for John. R m xua.
One moment pIease! Mu, nxanca.
HoId on pIease! (phone) x, nxanca!
How much is this? Cknuk a c?
Excuse me ...! ( to ask for something) Hsu\c
Excuse me! ( to pass by) Hsu!
Come with me! u c uu!

PersonaI Info:

Do you speak (EngIish/ Russian)? B r n-aurnck/n-cck?
Just a IittIe. a, uuur
What's your Name? Kak Bac s?
Let me introduce myseIf. Pasm ncaucn.
I want you to meet my wife/ my husband. suakuucu c u xu/ uu uxu.
I am very happy to meet you. Ouuu a (aa)
My name is .. Mun s .
Mr.../ Mrs../ Miss. F-u/F-xa {Fcnu/ Fcnxa}
Name (first name) un
Iast name qaunn
Patronymic (middIe name) uc
What is your famiIy name? Kakan n qaunn?
My famiIy name is . Mn qaunn .
singIe man uk uxuua
singIe woman ukan xumua
I have a son/ a daughter. Y uun cu cu/ uu.
I don't have chiIdren. Y uun u .
What is your native Ianguage? Kak /am u nsk?
My native Ianguage is EngIish. M u nsk - aurnck.
French qauusck
German uuuk
Spanish cnauck
ItaIian anunuck
Arabic aack
Russian cck
What Ianguages do you speak? Kaku nskau namu?
I speak EngIish, French, Spanish. R rm n-aurnck, n-qauusck, n-cnauck.
I don't know Russian. R u suam cck.
I speak poor Russian. R nnx rm n-cck.
I want to Iearn Russian. R xu suau cck.
How taII are you? Kakr ca?
I am taII. R ck (ckan).
I am not taII. R uck (uckan)
How much do you weigh? Cknuk c?
I weigh 65 kg. R m 75 kr.
Are you married? B xua (sauxu)?
Do you have chiIdren? Y ac cu ?
Yes, I have. a. Y uun cu.
No, I don't have (any). H. Y uun u.
Nice to meet you! Ouuu nnu
You're very kind! B uuu
Where are you from? B ka?
I'm from (the U.S/ Russia) s (La/ Pcc)
I'm (American) R aukauu
Where do you Iive? F x?
I Iive in (the U.S/ Russia) ( x) Laax/ Pcc
Did you Iike it here? Bau scu nuancu?
Russia is a wonderfuI country Pcc-sauuanuuan caua!
What do you do for a Iiving? Hu B sauuacu?
I work as a (transIator/ businessman) (R) aam (nuku/ sucuuu)
I Iike Russian Mu uacn cck
I've been Iearning Russian for 1 month R un cck 1 ucnu
Oh! that's good! O! D xm!
How oId are you? Cknuk Bau n?
I'm (twenty, thirty.) Years OId. Mu (auau/ uau) n
Have you got any pIans for tomorrow? Kak ac nnau ua saa?
May I invite you to a restaurant? Mxu ac nrnacu cau?
See you tomorrow. saa.
Very happy to see you. Ouuu a (aa) ac u.
You Iook wonderfuI! B nknnu rnn!
Thank you for the compIiment. Cnac sa kunnuu.
Let's be more informaI with each other. aa nu ua "".
Here's my address and phone number. B u ac nqu.
How Iong wiII you be here? Kak nr scu?
I'II stay here for about a week. R n scu kn un.
How do you Iike Moscow? Kak au uacn Mcka?
It's a beautifuI city. D kac r.
What do you want to see in Russia? H x ncuu Pcc?
What do you know about Russia? H sua Pcc?
I don't agree with it. R u crnacu (crnacua) c au.
Have you ever been here before? B n scu auum?
It's my first trip to Russia. D un nan nska Pccm.
I enjoyed my stay here. Mu uuu nuancu scu.
Have you ever been to the USA? B kra-uu n CLA?
No, never. H, ukra.
You'II enjoy the trip. B nnu nuc a nsk.
With pIeasure! C nucu!
What do you do in your spare time? Hu sauuacu cu un?
I pIay sports. R sauuamcu cnu.
I Iike to traveI. Mu uacn ...
Let me accompany you. Pasm uu nu ac.
I hope to see you soon. Hamcu ck cucn c au.
Sure! Kuuu!
WonderfuI! Awesome! 3auuanuu!
I must be going now! R nxu (nxua) .
Hope we'II meet again. Hamcu, u m ucn.
I Have To Go Mu uxu
I WiII Be Right Back! R cuac ucu


AII the best! Bcr xmr!
BIess you (when sneezing) Bu s!
CongratuIations! sannm!
Enjoy! (For meaIs.) Ha su!
Good Iuck! Yau!
Good night & sweet dreams! Cnku uu nnux cu!
Happy birthday! C uu xun!
Happy new year! C Hu Fu!
I wiII miss you. R ckuau n .
I'd Iike to visit your country one day Mu xncu nau am cau
Merry christmas! C Pxcu!
Say hi to John for me. a xu uun n!
Take care of yourseIf! Br cn!


I'm sorry! (if you don't hear something) c uun, kak B ckasan?
Sorry (for a mistake) c/ Hsu
No probIem! Bs nnu
Can you say it again? , nxanca
Can you speak sIowIy? Mxu n-unuu?
Write it down pIease! Hanm, nxanca
I don't understand! R u nuuam
I don't know! H suam
I have no idea. unn u um
What's that caIIed in russian? Kak a ckasau n-cck?
What does "horosho" mean in engIish? H suau horosho ua aurncku?
How do you say "pIease" in russian? Kak ckasau "pIease" n-cck?
What is this? H a?
My russian is bad. Y uun nnx c ccku
I need to practice my Russian Mu uxu nakkaucn ccku
Don't worry! H cnkcu

Expressions & Words:

Perhaps. Mx u.
CertainIy. Kuuu.
That's bad. D nnx.
PIease. xanca.
HeIp! ur!
Oh! Ax!
Oops! u!
CooI! K!
(very weII) Kn!
buddy uak
bastard cnuu
damn! H!
hurry up! Lncu!
Very interesting! Ouuu ucu!
How beautifuI! Kak kac!
Permitted asmu
Forbidden sanmu
That's it! B ak!
Done! F!
Sit down! Cacu!
Stand up! Bcauu!
Good/ Bad/ So-So. Xm/nx/Tak c
Big/ SmaII Manuuk {-an} {-} / Bnum {-an} {-}
Today/ Now Crun/ Cuac
Tomorrow/ Yesterday 3aa/ Bua
Yes/ No a/ H
Here you go! (when giving something) B/ B, suu
Do you Iike it? Bau (a) uacn?
I reaIIy Iike it! Mu (a) uuu uacn!
I'm hungry/ thirsty. R xu cu/ R xu nu
In the morning/ evening/ at night. Yu/ Buu/ Huum
This/ That. Here/There D/T. 3cu/Tau
To me/To you. To him/ To her. uu / (au). u /
ReaIIy! Ha cauu n
Look! ()cu!
I have a reservation. nn uun sauau uu.
I wouId Iike (a singIe/ doubIe room). R xn (xna) (uucu/ xucu) uu.
Is breakfast incIuded? 3aak knmuu?
It's very important. D uuu axu.
Did you enjoy your stay at our hoteI? Bau nuanacu uama rcuua?
I enjoyed my stay here. R nu (nuua) nauu scu.
Where are you staying? F cauncu?
At what hoteI? B kak rcuu?
Hurry Up! ncu! (aa ... /aa ...)
What? Where? H? F?
What time is it? Cknuk cuac uu?
It's 10 o'cIock. 07:0pm. cnu uac/ Cuu uau ua
Give me this! a uu . a uu ...
I Love You! R n nmnm
One, Two, Three Ou, a,
Four, Five, Six H, nnu, mcu
Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten Cuu, cuu, nu, cnu
How is the weather today? Kakan crun nra?
The weather is (fine/ bad) ra (xman/ nnxan).
Today it is (hot/ coId) Crun (xak/ xnu).
It's snowing. H cur.
It's raining. H xu.
WouId you Iike to visit me? H x nxau k uu?
Oh yes! O a!
As soon as possibIe kak uxu ck
Don't worry. He cnkcu.
How do you feeI today? Kak uc cn crun?
I feeI bad. Mu nnx.
I feeI sick. Mun mu.
I have a fever. Y uun unaa.
I have a headache. Y uun n rna.
I have a toothache. Y uun n s.
Lie down! xcu!
PIease caII (a doctor/ an ambuIance) xanca, s (aua/ ckm numu)
PIease give me something for a fever. xanca, a uu u-uu una.
We need a doctor. Hau uxu au.
Where can I find a pharmacy? F scu anka?
O.. Xm.
Yes, certainIy. a, kuuu.
With pIeasure! C nucu!
I agree. R crnacu (crnacua)
I don't agree. R u crnacu (crnacua)
I think so. uam, u a.
Where is (the restaurant/ the caf)? F (cau/ kaq)?
CouId you recommend a good
B urn nkuuau xm cau?
FoIIow me, pIease. Cn sa uu, nxanca.
The menu, pIease. Mum, nxanca.
What speciaIties do you have? Kak ac quuu nma?
What is this? H a?
More pIease. m, nxanca.
Do you want anything to drink? X u-uu nu?
With pIeasure! C nucu!
Waitress! Oquauka!
Waiter! Oquau!
To your heaIth! 3a am su!
It was deIicious! Bn uuu kcu!
The biII, pIease. Cu, nxanca.
Is the tip incIuded? Bknmuu n ua?
I wouId Iike to pay with a credit card. R xn (xna) accuaucn ku ka.
Do you accept VISA credit cards? B nuua ku ka VISA?
Come back again! x m!
Basic Expressions
Russian Greetings
Dobraye ootro Good morning
Dobriy den' Good afternoon
!" Dobriy #$echer Good evening
%&!'! ()rastvooyte Hello
*+!, Pree#$et Hi!
-& . !+ Rat teeb$a #eedet' Nice to see you!
/&0 12+!&34 Kak pazhi#a$es5? Ho are you?
61&'+7 10&', !pasee"a pree8rasna! #ine$ thanks!
91:;, Neep<oha! Not so "ad
/&0 =&' >!4 Kak vas za#oot? %hat's your name?
?. >!@@@ &een$a za#oot''' &y name is'''
Aa$ing B5an8s in Russian
61&'+ !paseeba (hank you
C:3 '1&'+ )al's5o$e spaseeba (hank you very much'
9 >& " D$ezashta (hat's all right
*2&:'& PaE5alooysta *ou're elcome
G>!++ +ezveeneete !orry!
*'+ Prasteete +,cuse me
9+"H7 +"H7 12&:'& Neeche#o$ neeche#o$ paE5aloosta (hat's all right
9+"H '&3H Neeche#o sras5nava No harm
Aa$ing Goo)b$e in Russian
/ '2&:+I7 J K&JL
1& ++
K sazha<$eneeyoo mnye -nam.
para eettee
/'m sorry / -e. should
"e going
'!+&+., 0a svee)aneeya Good1"ye!
*0&, Pa8a )ye1"ye!
M!++J'. 2o#eedeemsya !ee you
6"&':+!H 1+, !chas<eevava pootee Have a nice trip!
Apea8ing7 NoOpre5ension
= H!+ 1P&H:+'0+4 3i gavareetye pa ang<eeskee? 0o you speak +nglish?
Q 1:; H!I 1P''0+ *a p<okha gavar$oo parooskee &y Russian is "ad
R!+7 12&:'&7
4ould you speak more
Q 1+J&I *a nee paneeOayoo / don't understand
Q 1+J&I *a paneeOayoo / understand
Frri#a<7 Sote<
Ft t5e custoOs
= J 1&'1 3ot moy paspart
Here's my
= J. !+>& 3ot ma$a #eeza Here's my visa
Q 1 >' :I *a praboodoo zdes' nee)elyoo
/'ll "e staying a
Q >' ! 1'0 *a zdyes' v otpooske
/'m here on
Q >' 1 :&J *a zdyes' pa dee<aO
/'m here on
M J. :0& !0+ 2o meen$a "ooti<ka #otkee
/ have a "ottle of
?2 T 1!>+4 UoE5na eto praveestee?
&ay / "ring this
/&0I 13:+ J 2
Ka8ooyoo pos5leenoo mnenooE5na
%hat duty must /
Q '+&I' 2+ !
*a sa"eerayoos' zhit v gasteeneetse
/'ll "e staying at a
Q '&!:I' >&0J; *a ostanav<$oosV oo drooEe$
/'ll live at my
Nurrenc$ exc5ange
R J2 J.
Gde OoE5na a"meen$atV va<$ootoo?
%here can / change some
Q ;" J.
*a hac5oo a"meen$atV)o<lari
/ ant to change some
Q ;" J.
2 "0+
hac5oo a"meen$atVdaroE5nie c5ekee
/ ant to change some
traveller's che5ues
/&0 0' !&:I4 Ka8o$ koors va<$ooVti?
%hat's the e,change
N5ec8ing in
? 2 J !
&ne noozhen nomer v
/ need hotel
? 2& 0J&& &
&ne noozhna 8oOnata na
/ need a single room
? 2& 0J&& &
&ne noozhna 8oOnata na
/ need a dou"le room
R H'++W&4 Gde gasteeneetsa? %here is the hotel?
60:0 '+ J !
A8o<ka stoeet nomer vsootkee?
%hat do you charge for the
room per day?
=;+ :+ ! '+J'
J& 1+&+4
X85odeet lee
fstoeemost' nomeera
0oes the charge for the
room include meals?
Q J&I '&!+'. &
*a )oomayoo ostano#eetsa
naneskal'ka dney
/ intend to stay for fe
/&0 J J4 Ka8o$ moy' nomer? %hat's my room num"er?
N5ec8ing out
*+H!7 12&:'&7
!' '"& 0 JJ Y>
Preegato#Vte paE5aloosta fse
scheetak maeeOoo at $eEdoo
Please$ have all my
"ills ready "y the time
/ leave
Q >2&I >&!& J *ah ooeE5ayoo Ea#traootram
/'m leaving tomorro
Q >2&I >&!& ZJ *ah ooeE5ayoo Ea#tra dnyom
/'m leaving tomorro
Q >2&I >&!& !"J *ah ooeE5ayoo Ea#tra vecheraO
/'m leaving tomorro
R J2 &+ &0'+4 Gde OoE5na nayteeta8see
%here can / find a
? 2 ! &T1 &ne nooE5na v aeroport (ake me to the airport
? 2 & !0>&: &ne nooE5na na vakEa<
(ake me to the railay
Ft t5e 5ote<
[' :+ =&'@@@4 EstV lee oo vas &ay / have a '''?
R &.4 Gde oobornaya %here's the toilet?
-&>+ J. ! 'J
"&'! &
Raz"oo)eete Oeenya f sem
chaso\ ootra
%ill you ake me up at 6
Q 2+! ! J ]^] *a zhi#oo v nomeere sto o)een
/ am living in room
num"er 787
*3 '+ J
&H&2 ! J
Pras5oo atneestee moy
"agaE5 v nomer
(ake my luggage to my
room$ please

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