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Findings on
Submitted to
Ali Reza Iftekhar
Managing Director & CEO
Submitted by
Management Trainee Bath 2010
August 08, 2010
!eneral "#$er%ati&n$
1. "ne $t&' $er%ie( !e SME "ersonne# do not !a$e Mu#ti %D, so t!ey can&t "ost t!e
customer in'o on t!e ()S. %t is to#d t!at t!ey are 'or business side on#y, so as im"#y
t!at "osting t!e in'o on t!e ()S is not t!eir *ob.
+o,e$er it is "utting undue "ressure on t!e C-) "eo"#e. !ey !a$e to do t!eir "osting
o' consumer accounts, gi$e customer ser$ice to t!e "ros"ecti$e ,a#. in c#ients, ta.e
care o' dai#y need o' e/isting customer 0)an. statement etc.1 and sti## !unt 'or business.
!is is causing unnecessary "ressure on t!em, creating a bac. #og in t!e branc!es.
Re&mmen)ati&n( !e SME "eo"#e cou#d be gi$en access to ()S, so t!at t!ey can
'u##y ta.e care o' t!eir c#ients. A#so t!ey can be trained to gi$e customer ser$ice, so t!at
e$eryone in branc! ,i## .no, e$eryt!ing, ,!ic! is tru#y t!e e/ce##ence ,e are #oo.ing
2. Ser%ie E*e+ti%e( So many customers come to ban. to .no, #ots o' in'ormation
t!at can be "ro$ided in a minute. Many customer come to branc! *ust to .no, about
t!e "rocedures o' account o"ening and to ta.e t!e AOF and ot!ers. o .no, t!is
t!ey !a$e to ,ait !ours a'ter !ours to ta#. to 2M.
Re&mmen)ati&n( %t can be so#$ed e''ecti$e#y i' t!ere is a Ser%ie E*e+ti%e ,!o ,i##
*ust "ro$ide in'ormation about "roducts, account o"ening and ot!er ser$ices. Ser$ice
E/ecuti$e des. ,i## be *ust in 'ront o' entry so t!at many customers can be ser$ed not
e$en entering into t!e customer ser$ice area.
3. ,eli%er- &f Bill Statement( !e bi## statements o' t!e customers are de#i$ered t,ice
a year but un'ortunate#y most o' t!e customers com"#ain about not recei$ing t!e bi##
statement on due time. Most o' t!e customers are un,i##ing to use t!e %nternet
)an.ing 'aci#ity because t!ey 'ee# more at ease recei$ing )i## statements t!roug!
"osta# ser$ices. 4!en t!ey don&t recei$e t!e Statements t!roug! mai#, t!ey !a$e t!e
rig!t to get t!eir statements 'ree o' c!arge ,!en t!ey "!ysica##y come to t!e ban..
)ut un'ortunate#y, t!ey are being c!arged a certain amount 'or getting a ser$ice t!at
,as su""osed to be 'ree o' c!arge. !is causes a #ot o' dissatis'action among t!e
Re&mmen)ati&n( !e assigned courier ser$ice s!ou#d be gi$en directi$es to
e''icient#y de#i$er t!e bi## statements. !e bi## statements t!at ,ere returned to Ser$ice
De#i$ery s!ou#d be disbursed to t!e res"ecti$e branc!es so t!at t!e customers can "ic.
t!em u" 'rom t!eir branc!es ,!en in5uired 'or in "erson, reducing t!e time.
6. I)entifiati&n &f ,e$k$( !e res"ecti$e customer ser$ice des.s cou#d be mar.ed
,it! numbers to a$oid customers& incon$enience to obtain t!e ser$ice 'rom t!e rig!t
7. Traking S+$'ii&+$ +$t&mer$( Fa.e or sus"icious c#ients 'rom one branc! can
easi#y go to anot!er E)8 branc! and o"en an account, t!at branc! being none t!e
,iser. !is increases t!e ris. o' t!at account.
Re&mmen)ati&n( Suc! customers s!ou#d be dea#t $ery care'u##y. Suc! account ,as
not su""osed to be o"ened and t!e branc! s!ou#d !a$e in'ormed t!e ot!er branc!es o'
t!is customer.
9. .r&'er MIS( 4!i#e o"ening ne, accounts t!e system does not "ro$ide any
message or dis"#ay ,arnings i' t!e e/isting & t!e ne, customers !a$e simi#ar
"arameters 0customers ,it! t!e same name, same 'at!er&s name, same mot!er&s
name & same $oter id number1.
:. Intr&)+er Signat+re; %n a#most a## branc!es <introducers signature& is gi$en by
em"#oyees, ,!ic! a#so ma.es t!is account o"ening ris.y 'or some accounts.
8. /0C an) T.( !ere are mu#ti"#e mista.es in t!e =>C and ot!er 'orm as ,e## as in
t!e di''erent "rescribed 'orms in t!e com"uter. %t s!ou#d be o' utmost "riority to 'i/
t!em. 2Ms o'ten 'i## u" =>C and ? 'orms ,it!out "ro"er *usti'ication.
@. The &ntrat+al em'l&-ee$; !e contractua# em"#oyees are dissatis'ied ,it! t!e
#engt!y "rocess o' turning "ermanent. !ey 'ee# a ,ritten as ,e## as a $i$a a'ter t,o
years is too muc!, ,!ere ot!er reno,ned ban.s are ma.ing t!em "ermanent a'ter 2
years direct#y. As a resu#t ,e #ose many contractua# to ot!ers ban.s.
Re&mmen)ati&n( 4e may reconsider to do a,ay ,it! t!e $i$a a'ter t!e ,ritten e/am
'or t!e contractua#s.
10. Lak &f 1&rkf&re( Many o' t!e branc!es are running ,it! a 'e, "eo"#e s!ort,
,!ic! !am"ers t!e dai#y o"erations as ,e## as business. For instance, in =!u#na and
Sy#!et branc! 2e#ations!i" O''icers are busy ,it! "rocessing 'oreign remittance. %n
=!atungan*, t!ere is at #east a te##er s!ort, ,!i#e t!ere is one "erson s!ort bot! in Cas!
and Customer Ser$ice De"artment in O 2 -iAam 2oad )ranc!.
112 S-$tem C&m'ati#ilit-( Sometimes 5uic. ser$ice 'or "ro$iding ba#ance in'ormation
is !am"ered due to una$ai#abi#ity o' F#e/Cube and ()S simu#taneous#y.
122 !A. Vi&lati&n; %n genera#, a#beit most#y minor, some BA? $io#ations ,ere seen in
many o' t!e branc!es, es"ecia##y in t!e ones outside D!a.a.
Re&mmen)ati&n( More stringent BA? training cou"#ed ,it! unannounced branc! $isit
s!ou#d c!ange t!e scenario.
Branh S'eifi "#$er%ati&n$
,hanm&n)i Branh
L&ker Ser%ie( %n D!anmondi )ranc!, t,o custodians simu#taneous#y maintain #oc.er
ser$ice. 4!ene$er a customer comes to $isit #oc.er, sC!e !as to ,ait 'or t!at t,o
Re&mmen)ati&n( %t can be managed ,e## i' one custodian and anot!er o''icer ,!o is
a$ai#ab#e t!at time can !and#e t!is issue.
A#so, i' t!ere is a card "unc!ing system in bot! #oc.er room and "articu#ar #oc.er t!an it
can be easi#y identi'ied ,!o is t!e user and t!e entry as ,e## as e/it time. !en t!e
manua# maintenance o' #oc.er ser$ice can a#so be sto""ed or minimiAed.
V&+her entr-(
At t!e end o' t!e day O''icers !a$e to "re"are $ouc!ers based on transactions and
re$enue earned manua##y, ,!ic! can easi#y be "rinted 'rom t!e so't,are and ,i## sa$e
time and error.
Satm&$3i) R&a) Branh
1. Customer&s Documents #i.e AOF, -ationa# %D, "icture and "ersona# %n'ormation ,ere
#e't on t!e des. $isib#e to ot!er "eo"#eCcustomers $isiting t!e ban. ,!ic! are t!e
con'identia# documents and must be .e"t a,ay 'rom any .ind o' access o' any
unaut!oriAed "erson.
2. Mobi#e "!ones are genera##y not a##o,ed but customers insist on using t!em at t!e
cas! counters des"ite o' "o#ite re5uests.
Re&mmen)ati&n; A system o' co##ecting mobi#e "!ones at t!e gateC cas! counter is
recommended .ee"ing in mind t!e t!reatCris.s im"osed by mobi#e "!ones on customers
and ban.ers.
3. !e #ine dra,n in 'ront o' t!e cas! counter is not obeyed during t!e rus! ban.ing
6. More eye contact and a ,armer ,e#come as ,e## as a more "ro'essiona# ser$ice is
e/"ected at t!e cas! counter.
7. !e c!ec.s are usua##y #e't on t!e des. ,!ere 'rom one can easi#y be remo$ed or
sto#en. !ey "osted c!ec.s and c#earing c!ec.s s!ou#d be arranged on se"arate
/hat+ngan3 Branh
1. .&$$i#le 'ri&rit- C+$t&mer$; !ere are some customers at =!atungan* 0#oca#1 ,!o
!a$e more t!an 8 mi##ion ta.a in t!eir sa$ing account, & t!ey desire some e/tra
attention due to t!eir !ig! de"osits. +o,e$er, t!ese customers do not ,is! to go to
t!e O.2. -iAam )ranc! 'or ?riority )an.ing.
2. Lak &f $tringent C+$t&mer I)entifiati&n; !e signatures o' some customers are
so ob$ious t!at it is "ossib#e 'or anyone to co"y t!em. Suc! cases increase t!e ris.
o' c!e5ue 'orgery.
3. T&& m+h &m'etiti&n( A## most e$ery sing#e commercia# ban. in )ang#ades! is
"resent at =!atungan* 'or its strategic im"ortance. !is situation 'a$ors t!e
customers as t!ey !a$e more o"tions to s,itc! to.
6. 4l&ating 4+n). !e de"osited 'und does not stay in t!e ban.. !is is done by
dominated cor"orate bodies t!at basica##y use ban.s 'or transaction "ur"oses.
52 Ver- fe6 interati&n$ 6ith the at+al a&+nt h&l)er$2
9. ,ifferent Nee)$; !e consumer branc! at t!is #ocation is not so#e#y ca"ab#e o'
!and#ing t!e demands o' t!e customers as many consumers no, #oo. 'or cor"orate
:. Teller 7CS"8 $h&rtage. !e rate o' transaction at t!is branc! is re#ati$e#y !ig!. !us
te##er s!ortage !am"ers customer ser$ice.
8. ,i$$ati$fati&n 6ith Training( )ranc! em"#oyees are re#ati$e#y dissatis'ied ,it! t!e
amount o' training t!ey recei$e. !ey b#ame t!e 5ua#ity o' t!eir "er'ormance on t!e
#ac. o' training.
Salman 7Branh name re9+ire)8
1. Reei%ing Call( !ere !a$e been a #ot o' instances ,!ere t!e "!one ,as ringing at
someone&s des. ,!i#e t!e "erson ,as not "resent at !is des. and t!e "erson sitting
ne/t to !im didn&t bot!er to recei$e t!e "!one ca##. Most o' t!e time, t!ere cou#d be
emergency ca##s ,!ic! s!ou#d be attended. Anot!er obser$ation ,as t!at most o'
t!e 2M or A2M is recei$ing t!eir "ersona# ca##s ,!i#e a customer is in 'ront o' !im
,!ic! is not at a## "ro'essiona#ism.
Re&mmen)ati&n !e most suitab#e so#ution to t!is "rob#em is to assign a rece"tionist
,!ose "rimary duty ,i## be to recei$e a## t!e ca##s and t!en trans'er t!em to t!e
res"ecti$e "erson. %n case i' t!e "erson is not at !isC!er des., t!e ca## cou#d be
trans'erred to someone e#se ,!o can gi$e a so#ution to t!e "rob#em.
2. Talking l&+)l- in the 'remi$e( %t !as been obser$ed t!at some o' t!e em"#oyees
ta#. #oud#y and in t!eir regiona# #anguages ,!i#e customers are being ser$ed at t!e
same '#oor. %n some instances, t!ey !a$e been 'ound using s#ang #anguages ,!i#e
ta#.ing to someone o$er t!e "!one. !ese .inds o' acti$ities can serious#y !am"er
t!e image o' t!e ban. to t!e e/isting as ,e## as t!e "otentia# customers.
:2 Regar)ing Re&niliati&n( )an. reconci#iation is done using t!e register boo.
,!ere data entry is "ro$ided 'or debit cards, credit cards, c!e5ue boo.s, %nternet
ban.ing "in codes, FD ad$ice at t!e end o' t!e ban.ing !our. !is is a tedious *ob ,!ic!
can a#so in$o#$e !uman errors.
Re&mmen)ati&n( %t s!ou#d be done e#ectronica##y so t!at !uman errors are reduced
and it can be done more e''icient#y. %n case o' t!e #oss o' t!e register, it&## a#so "ro$ide a
bac.u". Moreo$er, i' our % can "ro$ide necessary su""ort in de$e#o"ing an autoD
u"date registerC#edger boo. ,!ere eac! 2MCA2MCCSO ,i## "ro$ide an entry 'rom t!eir
end ,it! a## t!e acti$ities t!ey !a$e done in a day in t!eir suitab#e time, it can be done
more e''icient#y. As it is an autoDu"date register, a## t!e entries "ro$ided ,i## be re'#ected
t!ere and 'ina##y, a "rintDout can be ta.en to maintain t!e "ro"er documentation.
;2 /ee'ing .r&mi$e$; Most o' t!e time ,!en a customer a""#ies 'or a #oan and !eCs!e
as.s 'or t!e amount o' #oan !eCs!e can get, t!e 2MCA2M "ro$ides in'ormation to t!e
customer ,!ic! becomes a "romise t!at is not u" to !isC!er !and. As t!e a""ro$a# o'
#oan, as ,e## as t!e amount a""ro$ed is so#e#y sub*ect to t!e management&s discretion,
t!ey s!ou#d not be gi$en assurance ,it! any certainty as t!is can ma.e t!e customer
dissatis'ied in case t!e "romise is not .e"t.
/h+lna Branh
1. !ere are ,ide s"read com"#aints against t!e % de"artment t!at t!ey are not
a$ai#ab#e ,!en needed. %t s#o,s t!e ,or. do,n and creates dead#oc.. A#so t!ere are
com"#aints against ()S training, or t!e #ac. o' it. A#t!oug! it does seem t!at t!ey
need more "ractice to master t!e system.
Re&mmen)ati&n( !ere can be sma## team o' dedicated % "ersonne# 'or =!u#na
c#uster, ta.ing care o' t!eir troub#e s!ootings on#y. A#so, t!ere is no comprehensive
manua# to e/"#ain t!e ()S 'unctions. %t ,i## be $ery muc! !e#"'u# and reduce ca##
're5uency to % a #ot.
2. !e ban. remains o"en ti## :D30D8.00 "m e$ery day. One o' t!e main "rob#ems is t!e
cas! section. %t ta.es $ery #ong 'or t!em to c#ose as a#beit sincere, t!ey are 5uite
s#o, com"ared to t!e genera# standard. A#so, a#t!oug! t!e customer "ressure is
substantia# !ere, t!ey can be managed better and 'aster in t!e cas! counter, i' t!e
CSO&s are more e''icient. Some o' t!e CSO&s are $ery e/"erienced ban.ers, but
t!ey are $ery s#o, in c#earing a c!e5ue, creating a bac. #og.
3. !ere are some administrati$eCbureaucratic "rob#ems, es"ecia##y in t!e admin
sector. For e/am"#e;
a. !e SME used to be inside t!e ban. out o' customer interaction. 8ater it
mo$ed in 'ront. +o,e$er t!eir "!one remained t!ere. E$ery time t!ere is an
SME ca##, SME "eo"#e !as to come a## t!e ,ay o$er to t!e room to ma.e or
recei$e t!e ca##, creating nuisance 'or t!e "resent MO2 ,!ose des. it is on
Re&mmen)ati&n( %t can be 'i/ed in an !our by t!e #oca# "eo"#e.
b. !e "rinter, 'a/ mac!ine are in t!e bac. o''ice. A'ter "rint eit!er t!e res"ecti$e
2M or an o''ice sta'' !as to 'etc! t!e "a"ers. -o, it ,astes time, as ,e## as
creates a security #oo"!o#e, as many con'identia# documents are "rinted.
Re&mmen)ati&n( Eust mo$e t!e "rinter in c#ose $icinity o' t!e 2M&s. !ere is a
#ot o' room.
6. !e c!e5ue boo.s and cards 0DebitFcredit1 get sent to ,rong address $ery o'ten,
creating customer dissatis'action and ,aste o' o''ice !our.
Re&mmen)ati&n( %n$estigate and i' necessary assign a ne, courier.
7. 8oan disbursement in SME is $ery s#o,G t!e 5ueries 'rom C2M as ,e## as t!e
ans,ers must be 'aster. A#so t!e sanction #etter does not a#,ays come on time.
9. !e o$era## s.i## and e''iciency on t!e sta'' 0many o' t!em1 must be im"ro$ed.
Ma.ing a "ay order sometimes ta.es more t!an !a#' an !our, ,!en it s!ou#d roug!#y
ta.e 8D10 minutes. !is "art#y because !e !as to ta.e care o' ot!er t!ings, sti## ,aste
o' time is too muc!.
Re&mmen)ati&n( Many o' t!e sta''s are getting o#dG t!ey can&t "er'orm as e''icient#y
as t!ey must !a$e !ad in t!e "ast. 2e s!u''#ing o' ,or. 'orce in t!e branc! can be done
to "ut t!e rig!t "eo"#e in t!e rig!t "#ace.
:. Customers !ere are muc! more im"atient and some,!at rude to t!e ban. o''icia#s,
"rimari#y because o' t!e many o"tions t!ey !a$e to s,itc!. !ere is substantia#
dissatis'action among some o' t!e "eo"#e in t!e 'ront o''ice about t!eir be!a$ior.
Re&mmen)ati&n( !e SSM is 5uite e/ce##ent in !and#ing suc! situations.
" R Nizam R&a) Branh
1. !e Hau#t #imit is on#y :7 #ac ta.a, ,!ic! is muc! too #o, com"ared to t!e dai#y
de"osit. As a resu#t a#most e$eryday cas! !as to be sent to t!e 'eeding branc! in
Agrabad to maintain t!e #imit, creating a dai#y !ass#e as ,e## as security ris..
2. Di''erent Customer 'orms suc! as =>C, ? and e$en t!e C%F are not 'i##ed u"
"ro"er#y. Many times t!e 2O !imse#' 'i##s t!e 'orms.
S&narga&n R&a) Branh
1. !e interior arrangement o' t!e Sonargaon 2oad branc! didn&t seem ,e## "#anned.
!e e/isting arrangement is suc! t!at, ,!en a "erson enters t!roug! t!e gate, sC!e
'inds t!e cas! counter straig!t in 'ront. )ut t!is cas! counter and 5ueue area !as
di$ided t!e customer ser$ice area into t,o ,ings. A customer see.ing nonDcas!
ser$ices gets con'used entering t!e ban.. Most o'ten it is 'ound t!at one side o' t!e
ser$ice area is o$er#oaded ,it! customers, ,!i#e t!e ot!er side is 'ree.
Re&mmen)ati&n; t!ere is sti## sco"e 'or rearranging t!e ban.&s interior .ee"ing t!e
$au#t "osition in mind. !e cas! counter area can be set at one side ,!i#e t!e entire
customer ser$ice area in t!e ot!er.
2. Sonargaon 2oad )ranc! is a $ery busy one, es"ecia##y at t!e cas! counter area.
8ong 5ueues are $ery common !ere, t!oug! t!ey mo$e 5uic.#y. !is constant cro,d
causes discom'ort to t!e nonDcas!Dser$ice see.ing customer.
!e interior setu" s!ou#d be rearranged so t!at some "ri$acy to t!e customer ser$ice
area can be gi$en.
3. !e staircase #eading to t!e branc! is not at a## u"to E)8&s standard. !e ste"s are
unc#ean and so are t!e ,a##s. !ere is E)8 AM boot!, )i## "ay center and SME
center on ground '#oor and t!e branc! is on 1
'#oor in t!e same bui#ding. So t!e
staircase 0at #east u"to t!e 1
'#oor1 s!ou#d be considered ,it!in ban. "remise and
made u"to E)8 standard.
Sh-am&li Branh
1. A&+nt$ "'ening 4&rm( Em"#oyees 'i## u" a## t!e in'ormation most o' t!e cases.
For Itransaction "ro'i#eJ, b#an.s are 'i##edKu" *ust o$er ta#.ing ,it! customers and
idea ,!ereas t!ese !a$e to be 'i##edKu" customers.
2. Mi$inf&rmati&n #- ,ST<$( !e DS&s create customer dissatis'action ,!en t!ey
gi$e 'a#se in'ormation, suc! as regarding Credit card 8imit, causing t!e customer
t!reat to s,itc! and c#ose transaction.
3. Safet- i$$+e$( Hau#t and dra,ers remain o"en during transaction. Again a'ter
transaction !our, bac. door is o"ened ,it!out c!ec.ing as t!ere is no doorD$ie,.
)etter sa'ety "recautions must be ta.en to sa'eguard t!e $au#t.
6. S'ae +tilizati&n( %n S!yamo#i branc!, 'irst '#oor ,as designed 'or SME ser$ices
,!ic! t!en s!i'ted to Mir"ur area and since t!en t!e '#oor is a#most unuti#iAed. )ut
sti## many customers made 5ueries about #oans ,!ic! 'a## under SME ser$ices.
2ecommendation; 2eDe$a#uate t!e management&s decision to s!i't SME 'rom !ere and
"#ace at #east one SME re#ations!i" manager !ere.
='a$hahar Branh> S-lhet
12 EBL E*hange h&+$e( Most o' t!e customers are ,it!dra,ing money ,!ic! is
coming t!roug! remittance t!at&s ,!y e/c!ange !ouse o' E)8 is a need.
22 Most o' t!e remittance is coming 'rom Midd#e East 0)a!rain, Saudi Arab1 and (nited
=ingdom 0Eng#and1.
%' E)8 starts any e/c!ange !ouse, t!ese areas s!ou#d be gi$en "riority. A#so, in (nited
=ingdom most o' t!e remittance is done t!roug! t!ose e/c!ange !ouses ,!ere t!e
o''icia#s are 'rom Sy#!et.
:2 %n times o' #oad s!edding t!e sta''s do not get t!e o""ortunity o' using bac.u" as t!e
reno$ation "ro*ect is on "rogress.
;2 Sometimes 5uic. ser$ice o' "ro$iding ba#ance in'ormation is !am"ered due to
una$ai#abi#ity o' F#e/Cube and ()S simu#taneous#y.
Banani Branh
12 .&&r Ser%ie ?+alit-( A #ady c#ient ,!o !as a""#ied 'or debit card comes to co##ect
!er card and 'inds a "icture o' a man instead o' !er o,n "icture at t!e bac. o' t!e
card. !e res"ecti$e re#ations!i" o''icer "romised t!at it ,i## be c!anged and as.ed
t!e c#ient to come a'ter one ,ee.. +o,e$er, ,!en t!e c#ient $isited t!e branc! a'ter
a ,ee., it ,as 'ound t!at t!e card ,as not ready 'or de#i$ery. !e o''icer ca##ed u"
t!e card di$ision se$era# times but t!ere ,as no one to ans,er t!e ca##. %t ,as
obser$ed t!at t!e card di$ision !e#"D#ine numbers ,ere not a$ai#ab#e most o' t!e
time. !e c#ient ,as $ery dissatis'ied ,it! t!e ser$ice. !e re#ations!i" o''icer
e/"ressed dee" regrets and did not !a$e any s"eci'ic ans,er to ,!y t!ere ,as
de#ay to t!e card de#i$ery.
Re&mmen)ati&n( Cases #i.e t!is can be gi$en status o' Is"ecia# attentionJ. Suc!
incidents s!ou#d be gi$en "riority by t!e cards di$ision and reso#$ed 5uic.#y be'ore
!and#ing routine o"erations.
22 S+$'ii&+$ angr- lient(A c#ient ,!o ,as a""roac!ed by a DS a""#ied 'or a ED8
#oan. +is a""#ication ,as sent to a res"ected 2M. ("on re$ie, o' t!e 'i#e, it ,as
'ound t!at t!e "!otogra"! "ro$ided did not matc! ,it! t!e "!otogra"! in t!e nationa#
identity card. !e c#ient&s 'i#e ,as 'ound sus"icious. !e c#ient ga$e ambiguous
ans,ers in many "#aces o' t!e #oan a""#ication 'orm. Moreo$er, ,!en t!e c#ient
!imse#' came to meet t!e manager, t!e manager ,as a#so $ery sur"rised to see t!at
t!e man #oo.ed $ery di''erent 'rom t!e "icture "ro$ided by t!e c#ient. 4!en as.ed
about t!is, t!e c#ient 'e#t 5uite o''ended. !e c#ient came to #aunc! a com"#aint
against t!e DS ,!o a""roac!ed !im. +e said t!e DS be!a$ed $ery rude#y ,it!
!im o$er t!e "!one. +e sat in 'ront o' t!e 2M and ,rote a t,oD"age com"#aint #etter.
Re&mmen)ati&n( !e 2M s!ou#d be more care'u# in !and#ing suc! ty"e o' c#ients.
More rigorous 5uestions s!ou#d be as.ed to 'ind integrity o' t!e issue ,it! t!e DS.
Since com"#aints are regu#ar#y #aunc!ed against DS, management s!ou#d see t!at
c#ients are not !arassed by t!e DSs. A com"#aint bo/ can be set u" ,!ere c#ients
can come and dro" t!eir com"#aints.
:2 L&gi$tial S+''&rt( ?!otoco"ier and "rinter are "#aced in t!e ground '#oor. O''icers
in t!e '#oor abo$e !a$e to come do,n to ta.e "!otoco"ies and "rintouts. O'ten t!e
customers are made to ,ait ,!i#e t!e o''icer goes do,nstairs to co##ect t!e co"ies.
Re&mmen)ati&n( Eac! '#oor can !a$e a "rinter and a "!otoco"ier. Messengers
s!ou#d be a$ai#ab#e to co##ect t!e "rintouts 'or t!e o''icers so t!at t!e o''icers do not
.ee" any customers unattended or ,aiting.
;2 Ca$h C&+nter$( Cas! counters do not !a$e any signs as to ,!ic! one is a cas!
,it!dra,a# or cas! de"osit #ine.
Re&mmen)ati&n( ?#acard dis"#aying ,it!dra,a# or de"osit s!ou#d be "#aced in t!e
cas! counter.
52 .remi$e( !e branc! is situated in t!e ground and 'irst '#oor ,!i#e t!e SME and
student centre are #ocated in t!e 2
'#oor o' t!e )anani "remise. !e bac.Ddoor
remains s!ut 'rom 10am ti## #unc! time. During t!is time, it is a !ass#e 'or any o''icer
to mo$e bet,een t!e '#oors i' !e or s!e ,ants to go u" stair to t!e SME centre or
come do,n to t!e branc!. !e o''icers !a$e to ca## a "eon to o"en t!e gate.
Ot!er,ise, t!ey use t!e 'ront door. (sing t!e 'ront door, ,!ic! is t!e main entry and
e/it, may "ro$e to be ris.y i' o''icers !a$e to ta.e con'identia# "a"ers outside and
use t!e outside staircase.
Re&mmen)ati&n( !e bac.Ddoor can stay o"en.
@2 L&$t Client$( C#ients o'ten come inside and #oo. !ere and t!ere as to ,!o to as.,
about ,!ere a certain o''icer can bereac!ed. !ere'ore, i' t!e guard ,!o stands
outside t!e main entry and e/it door is ,e## in'ormed, !e !imse#' can direct t!e
customer and t!e customer ,i## not be #ost inside.
Agra#a) Branh> Chittag&ng
1. Bank a&+nt $tatement re9+e$t$( !ere ,ere 're5uent com"#aints 'rom
customers ,!o did not recei$e ban. account statements a#t!oug! t!ere !as been
no c!ange in mai#ing addresses.

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