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 H/P: how bad is the asthma? Severity? Frequency? Any hospital or ICU admission
in the past, if yes when was the last one, how he/she manage the asthma at home,
or need ER visit, Exam: V/S, A/E , wheezing
 Review PFT results pre-post bronchodilators, and optimize pre-op
 If Pt is steroids (PO) dependent asthma consider steroids coverage peri-op
 Pre-med -agonist, Anticholenergics,
 Induction: IV Lidocaine, avoid STP, intubate deep, may consider LMA
 Maintenance: avoid any histamine releasing drugs,
 Emergence: consider extubate deep, IV Lidocaine pre-extubation
 Consider regional anesthesia to avoid intubation

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