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Taylor green

Mrs, mortinsen
grade writing


Can you imagine standing at a landfill all covered with wastes, materials and soil all over
all of it? More than 80% at landfills could be recycled but arent, pollution occurs in many things
but when you recycle it occurs less. Recycling helps to not pollute the air. Pollution is a big
problem, there are also a lot of types, as well as facts that go with it all, also recycling is
something people dont do a lot of but should. Pollution and recycling work together in many

Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment.
Pollution occurs from many things like factory buildings and landfills. There are seven kinds of
environmental pollution.
Some different types of pollution are land pollution, water pollution, air pollution, and
others to. Land pollution is when harmful substances get onto our land like when people throw
things out the window (liter). Water pollution is when you throw things into the water like paper
and other things like that. Last, air pollution, air pollution is what happens when factories let out
steam and other things that fly out into the air.
Some facts about pollution would be that in some places, babies are born with
disabilities because of pollution, Also children have lost 30 or 40 IQ points because of pollution
too. More facts would be that Americans generate around 30 billion foam cups a year. Some air
pollution facts would be, that about 232 million different types of vehicles are drove by the U.S.
people every day adding greenhouse gases to be put in the air. One of the water pollution facts is
that 40% of all rivers are way too polluted. Some sources of water pollution are Factories,
refineries, mining, animal wastes, and also oil spills. Air pollution is an accumulation of
hazardous substances into the atmosphere and other living things. Some of the main contributors
are Tabaco, automobiles because of the exhaustion, acid rain, power plants, wildfires, nuclear
weapons and combustion of smoke. (greenstudentU)

However, Recycling is a good thing for our environment Not only because wastes dont
go in the air, When you recycle it goes to people who can reuse it again. Recycling is when you
get together items and take them to companies to reuse. I found my information at
greenstudentU.com. Some facts are that nearly 900,000,000 trees are cut down per year. One
more fact is that it takes a 15 year old tree to produce 700 grocery bags. According to U.S.
environmental Protection Agency

Pollution and recycling have a lot to do with each other. Since pollution is caused by not
recycling and when people do recycle there would not be as much pollution. Still recycling
would not completely get ride of pollution because a lot of pollution is caused by big factories
and automobiles. Pollution can cause both long and short term adverse effects; however, when
you recycle things like plastics, paper, steel, glass, and aluminum pollution would not be so bad.
I found this information from Victoria Weinblatt

Pollution occurs in many things but when people recycle it occurs less. Recycling
helps to not pollute the air. Basically, if people recycle the air and our environment would not get
as polluted and our land would be a much better place to live.

Work cited
Gammon, Katherine. Pollution Facts/ Types of Pollution. Livescience. Tech Media
Network. 27 August 2012. Web. 18 October 2013.

Green Student University. Pollution. GreenstudentU. Copyright. 17 October
2013.Web. 24 October 2013.

Green Student University. Recycling. GreenstudentU. Copyright. 17 October 2013.
Web. 24 October 2013.

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