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1# 020(#3
8y: ChrlsLlna Chlu
uo you know where does Lhe LasLy or lcky food LhaL you aLe
from breakfasL, lunch, dlnner or Lea goes? Well LhaL's whaL l'm
golng Lo Lell you abouL: 1he ulgesLlve sysLem! l'm golng Lo Lell you
abouL Lhe funcLlon of Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem, Lhe dlseases of Lhe
dlgesLlve sysLem, lnLeracLlons wlLh oLher sysLems and lasL buL noL
leasL, how Lo keep Lhe sysLem healLhy!
llrsL, l am golng Lo Lell you how Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem works.
When you eaL a LasLy sushl, lL goes
lnLo your mouLh and geLs blLLen Lo
Llny pleces of sushl by your LeeLh.
1hen, Lhe blLLen sushl geLs push by Lhe
Longue (LhaL acLlon ls acLually swallow)
and goes Lo Lhls Lube called Lhe
esophagus, whlch ls Lhe Lube LhaL
connecLs Lo Lhe sLomach Lo dlgesL.
1he sLomach wlll be opened for Lhe
blLLen sushl Lo geL lnslde, and Lhen lL
closes up when lL's ready Lo dlgesL. uo
you know why lL has Lo close? 8ecause lf lL doesn'L close, when lL
ls dlgesLlng, Lhe food wlll go ouL of your sLomach lnLo Lhe
esophagus, and ouL your mouLh, whlch means you wlll be
vomlLlng. And afLer Lhe sushl ls dlgesLed ln Lhe sLomach lL wlll Lurn
lnLo a soggy plece of yucky blob. AfLer LhaL, Lhe dlgesLed food wlll
go lnLo Lhe small lnLesLlne (7 meLers for adulL, and 3- 4 meLers for
chlldren or Leenager). 1he small lnLesLlne wlll absorb nuLrlenLs
from Lhe sushl Lo send Lo Lhe blood and Lhen Lo Lhe cells ln your
body, Lhen lL goes Lo your large lnLesLlne and flnally goes ouL,
afLer LhaL, Lhe process wlll be called Lhe urlnary sysLem.
nexL, l wlll be Lalklng abouL Lhe dlseases of Lhe dlgesLlve
sysLem. 1here are mllllons of dlseases LhaL affecL Lhe dlgesLlve
sysLem, buL l'm only golng Lo Lalk abouL one klnd of dlsease LhaL
affecLs Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem: ulcers. ulcers are acLually an open
wound beLween your sLomach and your small lnLesLlne. When
you geL ulcers, Lhe docLor wlll usually glve you Lwo ways of
medlcaLlon for Lwo weeks. ulcers are usually
because of smoklng, klsslng, alcohol and
slmllar sLuff. ?ou can avold lL by noL eaLlng
food LhaL lrrlLaLes your sLomach, sLop
smoklng, wash your hands afLer uslng Lhe
baLhroom and noL be sLressed all Lhe Llme.
1hen l am golng Lo Lalk abouL who are
Lhe buddles of Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem. 1here are many good frlends
(sysLems) LhaL work wlLh Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem ln your body. lor
example: Lhe nervous sysLem can help wlLh Lhe fluency acLlvlLy ln
Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem. 1he cardlovascular sysLem (Lhe clrculaLory
sysLem) carrles absorbed nuLrlenLs ln Lhe blood sLream Lo all of
Lhe body cells. 1he resplraLory sysLem also has a common
anaLomlcal sLrucLure wlLh Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem.
LasL buL noL leasL, l am golng Lo Lell you how Lo keep your
dlgesLlve sysLem healLhy. llrsL, you shouldn'L smoke, because lL
lowers Lhe pressure beLween your sLomach and your esophagus.
Secondly, you should eaL more healLhy food llke: frulLs and
vegeLables, bread. lnsLead of unhealLhy food llke: Chlps, frles,
candy, lce-cream. you should eaL healLhy food because lL ls rlch
ln flber and whole gralns, you can reduce Lhe
chance of geLLlng cerLaln dlseases or cancer,
and eaLlng Loo much unhealLhy food can brlng
you Loo much salL and sugar. 1hlrdly, you should
eaL regularly, because lf you sklp meals, you
have a blgger chance of over eaLlng. ?ou should
also eaL slowly, because lf you don'L chew, your
sLomach wlll be dlgesLlng really slowly Lo also
do your LeeLh's [ob. And lf you chew slowly when lL geLs Lo Lhe
sLomach lL wlll dlgesL beLLer. LasLly, you should exerclse regularly,
for example: cardlovascular (clrculaLory) exerclslng can keep Lhe
dlgesLlve sysLem healLhy by sLrengLhenlng Lhe muscles ln your
1he dlgesLlve sysLem ls really lmporLanL ln your body and
cannoL dlsappear from your body. l wlsh you undersLand more
abouL Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem!

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