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Personal Pronouns

Em ingls, estes pronomes sujeito so os seguintes:

I - eu
you - tu ou vs (voc ou vocs)
he - ele
she - ela
it - (um caso complicado, vamos falar dele neste local)
we - ns
they - eles ou elas

Assim voc j deve comear a entender que estes pronomes a sempre
estaro, por assim dizer, antes do verbo (ou seja, sero sempre o sujeito da
orao). So eles que dizem que fez algo. Veja s os exemplos:

I study English Eu estudo ingls.
We like bananas Ns gostamos de banana.
They travel every year Eles viajam todos os anos.

Entender o uso destes pronomes de grande ajuda para entender a
conjugao verbal em ingls. Ento lembre-se bem deles.

Verb to be: Ser ou Estar
Observe as sentenas:

Ivete Sangalo is a Brazilian singer. She is very beautiful.

Ronaldinho and pato are very famous. They are soccer players.

Justin Bieber is a singer. He is American.

O verbo to be equivale aos verbos ser e/ou estar em portugus. A conjugao
do verbo to be no presente do indicativo :

Ao usarmos o verbo to be na forma interrogativa, geralmente empregamos a
ordem: verbo+sujeito+complemento.

Is Ivete Sangalo a Brazilian singer?

Are Ronaldinho and Pato soccer players?

Is Justin Bieber from the U.S?

Nas frases que esto na forma negativa aplica-se a ordem:

sujeito + verbo to be+ not + complemento.

Ivete Sangalo is a singer. She isnt a teacher.

Ronaldinho and Pato arent baseball players.
WH- questions with be
Whats your name ?
My name is Jill

Where are you from?
Im from Canada

How are you today?
Im fine
Whos that?
Hes my brother?

How old is he?
He is twenty-one

Whos = Who is
WH- questions with be
Who are they?
They are my classmates

Where are they from?
Theyre from Rio

Theyre = they are
WH- questions with be
Short answers
Are Ronaldinho and Pato from Brazil?
Yes, they are

Are Ronaldinho and Pato tennis players?
No, they aren`t

Is Sarah American?
No, she isn`t.

Is Bob English?
No, he isn`t
Are you and your sister from China?
No, we aren`t.

Are you a teacher?
No, Im not

Are you a student?
Yes, I am

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