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Angers flows through my veins

My mind and mouth seem to be disconnected.

Cruel words gush out in an unending stream.
All those little things turned into a huge injustice
by that ball of fire in my heart.
I wanted to maim
but the devil in me killed
the moments of joy,the connection,the friendship.
All wretched out of hearts because of the fire.
The angel in me tells me to apologise.
I do as she says but only to have it coldly rejected.
The fire in my heart instead of etinguishing grows stronger.
The devil gives it more oygen causing it to burn more and more.
!here once there was love,now there is hate.
!here once there was secret talks,now there is haunting silence.
!here once there was kinship,now there is nothing...
a fire burns in my throat
which neither the coldest water can dull nor the sweetest chocolate.
I wonder with despair if it will go and one day
I see you in pain
and all that old protectiveness comes rushing back.
I come to comfort you,
fearing you will reject it yet again.
"ut you take my comfort with gratitude.
I give and recieve so much more in return
as the burning in my throat which plagued me for so long subsides,
I realise that only love truimphs over all.

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