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Morning Consult

Cap And Trade Energy Survey

June 2014
Topline Results
This poll was conducted from May 29-June 1, 2014, among a national sample of 1754 likely 2014 voters. The
interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of likely
voters based on age, race/ethnicity, gender, educational attainment, region, annual household income,
home ownership status and marital status. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of plus or
minus two percentage points.
1: Would you favor or oppose a cap and trade system that would set limits on the amount of greenhouse gases that companies
could produce in their factories or power plants?
Registered Voters 23 45 20 12 1754
Male 24 39 20 16 818
Female 22 51 20 8 936
Age: 18-29 29 46 19 6 304
Age: 30-44 21 45 19 14 414
Age: 45-64 23 42 21 13 662
Age: 65+ 19 50 20 11 374
Ethnicity - White 22 46 20 11 1324
Ethnicity - Hispanic 34 41 15 10 156
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 17 44 21 17 201
Ethnicity - Other 31 39 24 5 73
Urban 26 48 13 13 421
Suburban 24 45 21 10 876
Rural 18 44 25 13 457
Democrats (no lean) 36 45 13 5 631
Independents (no lean) 20 47 19 14 561
Republicans (no lean) 11 43 29 17 561
Liberal (1-3) 41 44 9 6 477
Moderate (4) 20 55 18 6 512
Conservative (5-7) 14 40 27 20 695
Income: Under 50k 24 45 19 11 761
Income: 50k-100k 23 46 20 11 577
Income: 100k+ 21 44 22 13 417
Educ: < College 23 46 21 10 1153
Educ: Bachelors degree 21 46 21 12 390
Educ: Post-grad 28 41 12 19 212
Northeast 27 47 19 7 320
Midwest 19 51 17 12 414
South 22 43 22 13 652
West 25 40 22 13 368
Cap and Trade: Favor 34 66 0 0 1198
Cap and Trade: Oppose 0 0 63 37 556
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 42 49 5 4 510
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 7 30 38 24 647
Cap/trade: no job eect 25 58 13 4 598
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 49 43 4 4 617
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 4 27 38 32 446
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 12 59 23 6 691
Cell Only/Mostly 25 44 20 11 796
Dual Use 18 50 20 12 602
LL Only/Mostly 27 42 19 12 322
2010 Vote: Democrat 36 45 12 7 643
2010 Vote: Republican 10 44 27 20 640
2012 Vote: Democrat 35 46 14 5 808
2012 Vote: Republican 10 43 28 19 734
2014 Vote: Democrat 38 42 13 7 680
2014 Vote: Undecided 17 56 19 8 417
2014 Vote: Republican 11 42 28 19 657
2: Would you favor or oppose a cap and trade system that would set limits on the amount of greenhouse gases that companies
could produce in their factories or power plants?
Favor Oppose N
Registered Voters 68 32 1754
Male 64 36 818
Female 72 28 936
Age: 18-29 75 25 304
Age: 30-44 67 33 414
Age: 45-64 66 34 662
Age: 65+ 69 31 374
Ethnicity - White 68 32 1324
Ethnicity - Hispanic 75 25 156
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 61 39 201
Ethnicity - Other 70 30 73
Urban 74 26 421
Suburban 69 31 876
Rural 61 39 457
Democrats (no lean) 82 18 631
Independents (no lean) 68 32 561
Republicans (no lean) 54 46 561
Liberal (1-3) 85 15 477
Moderate (4) 76 24 512
Conservative (5-7) 54 46 695
Income: Under 50k 70 30 761
Income: 50k-100k 69 31 577
Income: 100k+ 65 35 417
Educ: < College 68 32 1153
Educ: Bachelors degree 67 33 390
Educ: Post-grad 69 31 212
Northeast 74 26 320
Midwest 71 29 414
South 65 35 652
West 66 34 368
Cap and Trade: Favor 100 0 1198
Cap and Trade: Oppose 0 100 556
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 90 10 510
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 37 63 647
Cap/trade: no job eect 83 17 598
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 92 8 617
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 30 70 446
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 72 28 691
Cell Only/Mostly 69 31 796
Dual Use 68 32 602
LL Only/Mostly 69 31 322
2010 Vote: Democrat 81 19 643
2010 Vote: Republican 53 47 640
2012 Vote: Democrat 81 19 808
2012 Vote: Republican 53 47 734
2014 Vote: Democrat 80 20 680
2014 Vote: Undecided 73 27 417
2014 Vote: Republican 53 47 657
3: A cap and trade system might lead to job losses, for example in coal mining, but it also might lead to job creation, for
example in wind and solar power. Do you think a cap and trade system will create more jobs than are lost, will lose more jobs
than are created, or will create and lose an equal number of jobs?
Create more
jobs than are
Lose more jobs
than are created
Create and lose
an equal
number of jobs
Registered Voters 29 37 34 1754
Male 33 42 25 818
Female 26 32 42 936
Age: 18-29 38 33 28 304
Age: 30-44 33 33 34 414
Age: 45-64 25 40 35 662
Age: 65+ 24 39 37 374
Ethnicity - White 26 37 36 1324
Ethnicity - Hispanic 42 35 23 156
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 37 34 28 201
Ethnicity - Other 30 39 31 73
Urban 35 31 34 421
Suburban 28 37 35 876
Rural 26 41 33 457
Democrats (no lean) 39 22 39 631
Independents (no lean) 28 40 32 561
Republicans (no lean) 19 51 30 561
Liberal (1-3) 38 21 41 477
Moderate (4) 33 32 36 512
Conservative (5-7) 20 52 27 695
Income: Under 50k 31 33 36 761
Income: 50k-100k 27 38 34 577
Income: 100k+ 28 41 31 417
Educ: < College 30 36 34 1153
Educ: Bachelors degree 25 40 36 390
Educ: Post-grad 32 36 32 212
Northeast 30 33 37 320
Midwest 26 34 39 414
South 29 41 31 652
West 32 36 32 368
Cap and Trade: Favor 38 20 42 1198
Cap and Trade: Oppose 9 73 18 556
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 100 0 0 510
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 0 100 0 647
Cap/trade: no job eect 0 0 100 598
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 55 14 31 617
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 11 81 8 446
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 17 29 54 691
Cell Only/Mostly 33 35 32 796
Dual Use 24 39 37 602
LL Only/Mostly 30 37 33 322
2010 Vote: Democrat 38 24 38 643
2010 Vote: Republican 20 53 27 640
2012 Vote: Democrat 38 23 39 808
2012 Vote: Republican 19 52 29 734
2014 Vote: Democrat 41 21 38 680
2014 Vote: Undecided 27 35 38 417
2014 Vote: Republican 19 54 27 657
4: If your Member of Congress supported a cap and trade system that would set limits on the amount of greenhouse gases that
companies could produce in their factories or power plants, would that make you
More likely to
vote for this
Member of
Congress in the
next election
Less likely to
vote for this
Member of
Congress in the
next election
It would make
no dierence in
my voting
Registered Voters 35 25 39 1754
Male 36 32 32 818
Female 34 20 46 936
Age: 18-29 43 26 31 304
Age: 30-44 44 21 35 414
Age: 45-64 31 27 42 662
Age: 65+ 26 27 47 374
Ethnicity - White 33 26 40 1324
Ethnicity - Hispanic 45 25 31 156
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 38 20 41 201
Ethnicity - Other 40 22 38 73
Urban 44 20 36 421
Suburban 34 25 41 876
Rural 29 31 40 457
Democrats (no lean) 49 13 39 631
Independents (no lean) 35 23 41 561
Republicans (no lean) 20 42 38 561
Liberal (1-3) 58 13 29 477
Moderate (4) 33 18 49 512
Conservative (5-7) 23 40 37 695
Income: Under 50k 33 22 45 761
Income: 50k-100k 34 26 39 577
Income: 100k+ 39 31 29 417
Educ: < College 33 25 43 1153
Educ: Bachelors degree 36 27 38 390
Educ: Post-grad 48 27 25 212
Northeast 38 24 38 320
Midwest 35 21 44 414
South 32 28 40 652
West 38 27 35 368
Cap and Trade: Favor 47 11 41 1198
Cap and Trade: Oppose 9 56 35 556
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 67 10 23 510
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 13 56 31 647
Cap/trade: no job eect 32 6 62 598
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 100 0 0 617
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 0 100 0 446
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 0 0 100 691
Cell Only/Mostly 40 23 37 796
Dual Use 31 29 40 602
LL Only/Mostly 31 25 43 322
2010 Vote: Democrat 52 13 35 643
2010 Vote: Republican 19 42 39 640
2012 Vote: Democrat 51 12 36 808
2012 Vote: Republican 18 42 40 734
2014 Vote: Democrat 53 11 36 680
2014 Vote: Undecided 32 19 49 417
2014 Vote: Republican 18 45 37 657
5: Would each of the following make you more likely to support cap and trade, less likely to support cap and trade, or make
no dierence on whether you support cap and trade ?
The cap and trade proposal will reduce greenhouse gases by 20 percent, but increase your monthly electrical bill by 20 dollars
More likely to
support cap
and trade
Less likely to
support cap
and trade
Make no
Registered Voters 18 59 23 1754
Male 20 55 24 818
Female 16 63 22 936
Age: 18-29 27 42 31 304
Age: 30-44 26 52 22 414
Age: 45-64 13 63 24 662
Age: 65+ 11 75 14 374
Ethnicity - White 18 61 21 1324
Ethnicity - Hispanic 14 51 34 156
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 18 57 25 201
Ethnicity - Other 22 58 21 73
Urban 18 58 25 421
Suburban 19 60 21 876
Rural 17 59 24 457
Democrats (no lean) 24 51 25 631
Independents (no lean) 19 56 25 561
Republicans (no lean) 10 72 18 561
Liberal (1-3) 31 44 25 477
Moderate (4) 15 60 26 512
Conservative (5-7) 12 70 18 695
Income: Under 50k 15 63 22 761
Income: 50k-100k 17 59 24 577
Income: 100k+ 24 53 23 417
Educ: < College 17 59 24 1153
Educ: Bachelors degree 18 62 20 390
Educ: Post-grad 23 54 23 212
Northeast 17 58 24 320
Midwest 18 61 20 414
South 18 60 22 652
West 19 56 25 368
Cap and Trade: Favor 24 54 22 1198
Cap and Trade: Oppose 5 70 25 556
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 34 42 25 510
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 6 74 20 647
Cap/trade: no job eect 17 59 24 598
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 36 42 22 617
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 6 76 18 446
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 10 64 27 691
Cell Only/Mostly 19 56 25 796
Dual Use 17 59 24 602
LL Only/Mostly 15 68 18 322
2010 Vote: Democrat 26 52 22 643
2010 Vote: Republican 11 72 17 640
2012 Vote: Democrat 25 52 23 808
2012 Vote: Republican 10 71 19 734
2014 Vote: Democrat 26 50 25 680
2014 Vote: Undecided 17 58 25 417
2014 Vote: Republican 10 70 20 657
6: Would each of the following make you more likely to support cap and trade, less likely to support cap and trade, or make
no dierence on whether you support cap and trade ?
The cap and trade proposal will reduce greenhouse gases by 5 percent, but increase your monthly electrical bill by 20 dollars
More likely to
support cap
and trade
Less likely to
support cap
and trade
Make no
Registered Voters 13 67 20 1754
Male 18 62 20 818
Female 8 72 20 936
Age: 18-29 24 52 24 304
Age: 30-44 21 60 18 414
Age: 45-64 7 71 21 662
Age: 65+ 4 80 16 374
Ethnicity - White 10 70 20 1324
Ethnicity - Hispanic 22 62 16 156
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 26 54 20 201
Ethnicity - Other 11 71 18 73
Urban 16 64 20 421
Suburban 12 68 20 876
Rural 12 69 19 457
Democrats (no lean) 15 64 22 631
Independents (no lean) 15 64 21 561
Republicans (no lean) 9 74 17 561
Liberal (1-3) 22 58 21 477
Moderate (4) 8 67 25 512
Conservative (5-7) 11 75 14 695
Income: Under 50k 12 68 20 761
Income: 50k-100k 14 67 19 577
Income: 100k+ 13 66 21 417
Educ: < College 14 66 20 1153
Educ: Bachelors degree 10 69 21 390
Educ: Post-grad 13 70 17 212
Northeast 11 69 21 320
Midwest 10 70 21 414
South 17 66 16 652
West 11 64 25 368
Cap and Trade: Favor 15 67 18 1198
Cap and Trade: Oppose 8 68 25 556
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 25 54 21 510
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 9 73 18 647
Cap/trade: no job eect 6 72 21 598
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 24 58 19 617
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 10 74 16 446
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 5 71 24 691
Cell Only/Mostly 15 66 19 796
Dual Use 12 67 21 602
LL Only/Mostly 7 71 22 322
2010 Vote: Democrat 17 62 21 643
2010 Vote: Republican 8 76 15 640
2012 Vote: Democrat 17 63 21 808
2012 Vote: Republican 7 76 17 734
2014 Vote: Democrat 18 61 20 680
2014 Vote: Undecided 9 67 24 417
2014 Vote: Republican 10 74 16 657
7: Would each of the following make you more likely to support cap and trade, less likely to support cap and trade, or make
no dierence on whether you support cap and trade ?
The cap and trade proposal will reduce greenhouse gases by 20 percent, but increase your monthly electrical bill by 5 dollars
More likely to
support cap
and trade
Less likely to
support cap
and trade
Make no
Registered Voters 48 31 21 1754
Male 46 35 20 818
Female 50 28 22 936
Age: 18-29 52 30 18 304
Age: 30-44 50 32 18 414
Age: 45-64 47 29 24 662
Age: 65+ 44 34 22 374
Ethnicity - White 48 29 22 1324
Ethnicity - Hispanic 54 33 14 156
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 36 45 20 201
Ethnicity - Other 63 16 21 73
Urban 46 35 19 421
Suburban 53 26 20 876
Rural 40 36 24 457
Democrats (no lean) 57 23 20 631
Independents (no lean) 49 30 21 561
Republicans (no lean) 36 41 23 561
Liberal (1-3) 63 20 17 477
Moderate (4) 50 27 23 512
Conservative (5-7) 39 41 20 695
Income: Under 50k 45 33 21 761
Income: 50k-100k 48 30 21 577
Income: 100k+ 52 27 21 417
Educ: < College 46 33 22 1153
Educ: Bachelors degree 49 28 22 390
Educ: Post-grad 57 26 17 212
Northeast 48 29 23 320
Midwest 50 26 24 414
South 46 36 18 652
West 49 28 23 368
Cap and Trade: Favor 62 22 16 1198
Cap and Trade: Oppose 18 51 32 556
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 66 17 17 510
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 26 52 21 647
Cap/trade: no job eect 55 20 25 598
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 73 14 13 617
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 19 64 17 446
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 44 25 32 691
Cell Only/Mostly 51 29 21 796
Dual Use 46 33 21 602
LL Only/Mostly 43 32 25 322
2010 Vote: Democrat 57 24 19 643
2010 Vote: Republican 37 41 22 640
2012 Vote: Democrat 57 23 20 808
2012 Vote: Republican 36 41 23 734
2014 Vote: Democrat 58 22 20 680
2014 Vote: Undecided 48 28 24 417
2014 Vote: Republican 37 42 21 657
8: What is your age?
Age: 18-29 Age: 30-44 Age: 45-64 Age: 65+ N
Registered Voters 17 24 38 21 1754
Male 22 26 31 20 818
Female 13 22 43 22 936
Age: 18-29 100 0 0 0 304
Age: 30-44 0 100 0 0 414
Age: 45-64 0 0 100 0 662
Age: 65+ 0 0 0 100 374
Ethnicity - White 12 21 41 26 1324
Ethnicity - Hispanic 42 31 20 7 156
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 31 30 30 9 201
Ethnicity - Other 32 29 34 5 73
Urban 24 25 29 22 421
Suburban 15 23 41 21 876
Rural 16 24 40 21 457
Democrats (no lean) 18 24 39 18 631
Independents (no lean) 20 28 33 18 561
Republicans (no lean) 13 18 41 28 561
Liberal (1-3) 24 28 32 17 477
Moderate (4) 17 24 38 21 512
Conservative (5-7) 12 20 42 26 695
Income: Under 50k 21 23 31 24 761
Income: 50k-100k 18 24 41 18 577
Income: 100k+ 9 24 46 21 417
Educ: < College 20 24 37 20 1153
Educ: Bachelors degree 16 25 39 20 390
Educ: Post-grad 5 21 41 33 212
Northeast 17 26 37 20 320
Midwest 14 22 44 20 414
South 19 26 35 20 652
West 18 18 36 27 368
Cap and Trade: Favor 19 23 36 22 1198
Cap and Trade: Oppose 14 25 41 21 556
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 23 27 33 18 510
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 16 21 41 22 647
Cap/trade: no job eect 14 23 39 23 598
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 21 30 34 16 617
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 18 19 40 23 446
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 14 21 40 25 691
Cell Only/Mostly 25 32 33 9 796
Dual Use 13 17 47 23 602
LL Only/Mostly 5 13 33 48 322
2010 Vote: Democrat 12 27 39 22 643
2010 Vote: Republican 8 18 44 30 640
2012 Vote: Democrat 19 26 37 18 808
2012 Vote: Republican 8 20 42 29 734
2014 Vote: Democrat 20 26 35 18 680
2014 Vote: Undecided 13 26 41 19 417
2014 Vote: Republican 17 19 38 26 657
9: What is your gender?
Male Female N
Registered Voters 47 53 1754
Male 100 0 818
Female 0 100 936
Age: 18-29 61 39 304
Age: 30-44 51 49 414
Age: 45-64 39 61 662
Age: 65+ 44 56 374
Ethnicity - White 43 57 1324
Ethnicity - Hispanic 62 38 156
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 55 45 201
Ethnicity - Other 61 39 73
Urban 55 45 421
Suburban 44 56 876
Rural 43 57 457
Democrats (no lean) 42 58 631
Independents (no lean) 51 49 561
Republicans (no lean) 47 53 561
Liberal (1-3) 47 53 477
Moderate (4) 41 59 512
Conservative (5-7) 51 49 695
Income: Under 50k 45 55 761
Income: 50k-100k 48 52 577
Income: 100k+ 48 52 417
Educ: < College 48 52 1153
Educ: Bachelors degree 42 58 390
Educ: Post-grad 49 51 212
Northeast 47 53 320
Midwest 41 59 414
South 46 54 652
West 53 47 368
Cap and Trade: Favor 43 57 1198
Cap and Trade: Oppose 53 47 556
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 52 48 510
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 53 47 647
Cap/trade: no job eect 35 65 598
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 48 52 617
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 58 42 446
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 38 62 691
Cell Only/Mostly 47 53 796
Dual Use 44 56 602
LL Only/Mostly 47 53 322
2010 Vote: Democrat 47 53 643
2010 Vote: Republican 48 52 640
2012 Vote: Democrat 45 55 808
2012 Vote: Republican 48 52 734
2014 Vote: Democrat 48 52 680
2014 Vote: Undecided 38 62 417
2014 Vote: Republican 51 49 657
10: What is the last grade or class you completed in school?
Registered Voters 1 7 27 4 20 7 22 3 9 1754
Male 0 10 30 4 19 5 20 3 10 818
Female 1 4 25 4 21 9 24 2 9 936
Age: 18-29 0 12 38 1 20 5 20 1 3 304
Age: 30-44 2 7 27 5 18 7 24 2 8 414
Age: 45-64 0 5 24 5 21 9 23 2 11 662
Age: 65+ 0 5 24 4 22 6 21 4 14 374
Ethnicity - White 1 4 26 4 20 7 24 3 11 1324
Ethnicity - Hispanic 0 16 30 6 26 4 15 1 3 156
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 0 16 31 5 16 7 18 3 3 201
Ethnicity - Other 0 5 23 1 17 11 25 4 14 73
Urban 0 11 26 4 18 10 18 3 11 421
Suburban 1 4 23 3 22 6 27 3 11 876
Rural 0 8 37 5 19 7 18 2 6 457
Democrats (no lean) 0 6 27 3 20 8 23 3 9 631
Independents (no lean) 1 8 25 4 20 7 21 2 11 561
Republicans (no lean) 0 5 29 4 21 7 22 2 8 561
Liberal (1-3) 0 9 19 4 19 6 27 3 13 477
Moderate (4) 2 8 28 4 18 10 23 2 6 512
Conservative (5-7) 0 4 31 4 22 6 20 3 11 695
Income: Under 50k 1 11 39 4 20 7 13 1 3 761
Income: 50k-100k 0 5 23 4 22 10 25 3 7 577
Income: 100k+ 0 1 10 3 17 4 34 5 25 417
Educ: < College 1 10 41 6 31 11 0 0 0 1153
Educ: Bachelors degree 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 390
Educ: Post-grad 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 79 212
Northeast 0 6 26 4 17 8 26 3 10 320
Midwest 1 5 32 3 20 6 20 5 9 414
South 1 10 28 5 20 7 20 2 8 652
West 0 3 21 4 24 9 26 2 12 368
Cap and Trade: Favor 1 5 27 4 20 9 22 3 9 1198
Cap and Trade: Oppose 0 10 27 4 20 4 23 2 10 556
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 1 7 30 3 20 6 19 3 10 510
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 0 9 25 4 20 6 24 2 10 647
Cap/trade: no job eect 0 3 27 5 20 9 23 3 9 598
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 0 7 23 4 20 8 22 4 12 617
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 0 10 25 3 22 5 24 3 10 446
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 1 4 33 5 20 8 21 1 7 691
Cell Only/Mostly 1 8 27 4 20 7 22 2 9 796
Dual Use 0 4 28 4 19 8 24 3 10 602
LL Only/Mostly 1 9 25 4 23 6 20 3 9 322
2010 Vote: Democrat 0 6 23 4 18 8 25 3 12 643
2010 Vote: Republican 1 4 26 4 21 7 23 3 11 640
2012 Vote: Democrat 0 6 25 4 20 8 24 4 10 808
2012 Vote: Republican 1 3 27 5 21 7 23 2 11 734
2014 Vote: Democrat 0 8 25 3 19 7 24 3 10 680
2014 Vote: Undecided 0 5 28 6 21 10 20 2 9 417
2014 Vote: Republican 1 6 29 3 21 6 22 2 10 657
11: Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as..
Republican Democrat Independent Something
Registered Voters 32 36 29 3 1754
Male 32 32 33 2 818
Female 32 39 25 4 936
Age: 18-29 24 38 32 5 304
Age: 30-44 25 37 35 3 414
Age: 45-64 35 37 25 3 662
Age: 65+ 42 31 26 2 374
Ethnicity - White 38 29 30 3 1324
Ethnicity - Hispanic 21 47 30 2 156
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 6 68 21 5 201
Ethnicity - Other 26 44 27 4 73
Urban 22 43 30 4 421
Suburban 34 36 28 3 876
Rural 38 30 30 3 457
Democrats (no lean) 0 100 0 0 631
Independents (no lean) 0 0 90 10 561
Republicans (no lean) 100 0 0 0 561
Liberal (1-3) 7 64 25 4 477
Moderate (4) 19 37 40 4 512
Conservative (5-7) 59 16 24 2 695
Income: Under 50k 29 39 28 4 761
Income: 50k-100k 34 34 29 2 577
Income: 100k+ 35 33 29 3 417
Educ: < College 33 35 28 4 1153
Educ: Bachelors degree 32 37 28 3 390
Educ: Post-grad 28 37 33 3 212
Northeast 27 39 30 3 320
Midwest 33 33 31 3 414
South 33 35 28 3 652
West 33 39 26 3 368
Cap and Trade: Favor 25 43 28 3 1198
Cap and Trade: Oppose 47 21 30 3 556
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 21 48 27 3 510
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 44 21 32 3 647
Cap/trade: no job eect 28 42 27 4 598
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 18 50 29 3 617
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 53 18 26 3 446
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 31 35 30 3 691
Cell Only/Mostly 30 36 30 4 796
Dual Use 34 35 28 3 602
LL Only/Mostly 33 37 27 2 322
2010 Vote: Democrat 3 72 23 3 643
2010 Vote: Republican 69 3 26 2 640
2012 Vote: Democrat 6 66 26 2 808
2012 Vote: Republican 65 6 28 2 734
2014 Vote: Democrat 2 81 15 2 680
2014 Vote: Undecided 14 15 62 9 417
2014 Vote: Republican 75 3 22 1 657
12: Do you consider yourself to be a supporter of the Tea Party Movement, or are you not a supporter of the Tea Party
Supporter Not a supporter N
Registered Voters 29 71 1747
Male 31 69 815
Female 28 72 932
Age: 18-29 32 68 304
Age: 30-44 30 70 414
Age: 45-64 28 72 657
Age: 65+ 27 73 372
Ethnicity - White 32 68 1319
Ethnicity - Hispanic 25 75 156
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 17 83 199
Ethnicity - Other 24 76 73
Urban 25 75 418
Suburban 27 73 872
Rural 37 63 457
Democrats (no lean) 15 85 629
Independents (no lean) 22 78 558
Republicans (no lean) 51 49 560
Liberal (1-3) 10 90 476
Moderate (4) 20 80 511
Conservative (5-7) 50 50 694
Income: Under 50k 31 69 758
Income: 50k-100k 30 70 572
Income: 100k+ 24 76 417
Educ: < College 32 68 1146
Educ: Bachelors degree 21 79 390
Educ: Post-grad 27 73 211
Northeast 28 72 319
Midwest 28 72 413
South 33 67 649
West 24 76 366
Cap and Trade: Favor 22 78 1194
Cap and Trade: Oppose 44 56 553
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 26 74 510
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 40 60 644
Cap/trade: no job eect 19 81 594
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 20 80 615
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 49 51 444
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 24 76 688
Cell Only/Mostly 31 69 796
Dual Use 27 73 597
LL Only/Mostly 29 71 319
2010 Vote: Democrat 13 87 643
2010 Vote: Republican 48 52 637
2012 Vote: Democrat 13 87 805
2012 Vote: Republican 49 51 731
2014 Vote: Democrat 13 87 678
2014 Vote: Undecided 16 84 416
2014 Vote: Republican 54 46 653
13: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal Slightly
Moderate Slightly
Conservative Very
Registered Voters 6 12 9 29 12 15 13 4 1751
Male 6 14 8 26 13 16 15 3 815
Female 7 11 9 32 11 15 11 4 936
Age: 18-29 10 16 12 29 9 8 11 6 304
Age: 30-44 6 16 10 30 10 14 10 4 414
Age: 45-64 5 10 7 29 13 18 13 4 660
Age: 65+ 5 9 8 29 13 18 18 2 373
Ethnicity - White 6 10 8 29 12 17 15 4 1320
Ethnicity - Hispanic 8 20 12 33 9 9 6 2 156
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 8 19 14 29 8 7 9 7 201
Ethnicity - Other 3 19 6 31 19 15 5 2 73
Urban 10 14 7 33 11 12 10 3 419
Suburban 6 12 11 28 11 16 13 2 875
Rural 3 12 6 28 14 17 14 7 457
Democrats (no lean) 13 23 13 30 8 5 4 4 630
Independents (no lean) 4 12 9 40 13 12 8 4 560
Republicans (no lean) 1 1 4 17 15 30 28 4 561
Liberal (1-3) 23 45 32 0 0 0 0 0 477
Moderate (4) 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 512
Conservative (5-7) 0 0 0 0 29 39 32 0 695
Income: Under 50k 8 12 6 31 11 14 13 6 760
Income: 50k-100k 5 12 9 32 11 13 15 3 575
Income: 100k+ 6 13 14 22 14 21 9 1 417
Educ: < College 7 11 7 31 12 15 14 5 1150
Educ: Bachelors degree 6 15 11 31 11 14 10 1 390
Educ: Post-grad 4 16 16 20 12 20 12 0 212
Northeast 8 10 10 33 12 13 10 4 319
Midwest 6 11 8 34 12 16 11 2 414
South 5 12 8 24 13 17 15 5 652
West 7 15 9 31 9 13 13 3 367
Cap and Trade: Favor 8 15 11 32 12 12 7 3 1196
Cap and Trade: Oppose 2 6 5 22 11 23 25 6 554
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 9 16 11 33 9 10 9 4 510
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 2 9 5 25 13 21 23 3 645
Cap/trade: no job eect 9 13 11 31 12 14 6 5 595
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 10 21 14 27 10 9 7 2 615
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 1 6 6 21 11 24 27 3 445
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 5 9 6 37 14 16 8 6 690
Cell Only/Mostly 6 12 8 32 11 14 12 5 796
Dual Use 6 12 11 24 14 18 11 3 600
LL Only/Mostly 8 10 7 33 9 14 18 2 320
2010 Vote: Democrat 12 22 15 31 9 5 4 2 643
2010 Vote: Republican 1 2 2 22 15 30 26 3 638
2012 Vote: Democrat 12 21 14 32 9 4 3 4 808
2012 Vote: Republican 0 2 2 24 15 29 25 3 732
2014 Vote: Democrat 14 26 15 27 7 3 4 4 680
2014 Vote: Undecided 2 4 8 51 16 10 3 5 417
2014 Vote: Republican 1 4 3 17 14 31 28 3 654
14: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-3) Moderate (4) Conservative
Registered Voters 28 30 41 1684
Male 28 27 45 788
Female 28 34 38 897
Age: 18-29 40 31 29 285
Age: 30-44 34 31 36 398
Age: 45-64 24 30 46 634
Age: 65+ 22 29 49 367
Ethnicity - White 24 30 46 1273
Ethnicity - Hispanic 42 33 25 153
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 44 31 25 187
Ethnicity - Other 29 32 39 71
Urban 32 34 34 404
Suburban 30 29 41 853
Rural 22 29 48 427
Democrats (no lean) 51 32 18 607
Independents (no lean) 25 42 33 539
Republicans (no lean) 6 18 76 539
Liberal (1-3) 100 0 0 477
Moderate (4) 0 100 0 512
Conservative (5-7) 0 0 100 695
Income: Under 50k 27 33 40 714
Income: 50k-100k 26 33 41 559
Income: 100k+ 33 23 45 411
Educ: < College 25 32 43 1088
Educ: Bachelors degree 33 31 36 385
Educ: Post-grad 36 20 44 211
Northeast 29 34 36 305
Midwest 26 34 40 404
South 27 25 48 618
West 32 32 36 357
Cap and Trade: Favor 35 33 32 1166
Cap and Trade: Oppose 14 24 62 518
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 37 34 29 490
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 16 26 58 627
Cap/trade: no job eect 34 32 33 567
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 46 28 26 602
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 14 22 64 431
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 21 39 40 652
Cell Only/Mostly 28 33 39 755
Dual Use 30 25 45 583
LL Only/Mostly 25 34 41 315
2010 Vote: Democrat 51 31 18 632
2010 Vote: Republican 5 22 73 617
2012 Vote: Democrat 49 33 17 774
2012 Vote: Republican 5 25 71 712
2014 Vote: Democrat 57 29 15 652
2014 Vote: Undecided 16 54 31 396
2014 Vote: Republican 7 18 75 637
15: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-2) Moderate (3-5) Conservative
Registered Voters 19 52 29 1684
Male 20 49 32 788
Female 19 54 27 897
Age: 18-29 27 53 20 285
Age: 30-44 23 52 25 398
Age: 45-64 16 52 32 634
Age: 65+ 14 50 36 367
Ethnicity - White 16 51 33 1273
Ethnicity - Hispanic 29 55 16 153
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 29 55 16 187
Ethnicity - Other 23 57 20 71
Urban 25 52 23 404
Suburban 18 52 30 853
Rural 16 51 34 427
Democrats (no lean) 37 53 10 607
Independents (no lean) 16 64 20 539
Republicans (no lean) 2 37 60 539
Liberal (1-3) 68 32 0 477
Moderate (4) 0 100 0 512
Conservative (5-7) 0 29 71 695
Income: Under 50k 21 50 28 714
Income: 50k-100k 17 54 29 559
Income: 100k+ 19 51 30 411
Educ: < College 18 52 30 1088
Educ: Bachelors degree 22 54 24 385
Educ: Post-grad 20 47 33 211
Northeast 19 57 24 305
Midwest 18 54 27 404
South 18 48 34 618
West 23 51 27 357
Cap and Trade: Favor 24 57 20 1166
Cap and Trade: Oppose 9 41 50 518
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 26 55 19 490
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 11 44 45 627
Cap/trade: no job eect 23 57 20 567
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 32 52 16 602
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 8 39 53 431
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 15 60 25 652
Cell Only/Mostly 19 53 28 755
Dual Use 19 50 31 583
LL Only/Mostly 18 49 33 315
2010 Vote: Democrat 35 56 9 632
2010 Vote: Republican 2 40 58 617
2012 Vote: Democrat 35 58 8 774
2012 Vote: Republican 2 42 55 712
2014 Vote: Democrat 41 51 8 652
2014 Vote: Undecided 7 80 14 396
2014 Vote: Republican 5 35 61 637
16: Are you, yourself, of Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or some other Spanish background?
Yes No N
Registered Voters 9 91 1754
Male 12 88 818
Female 6 94 936
Age: 18-29 22 78 304
Age: 30-44 12 88 414
Age: 45-64 5 95 662
Age: 65+ 3 97 374
Ethnicity - White 0 100 1324
Ethnicity - Hispanic 100 0 156
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 0 100 201
Ethnicity - Other 0 100 73
Urban 12 88 421
Suburban 9 91 876
Rural 6 94 457
Democrats (no lean) 12 88 631
Independents (no lean) 9 91 561
Republicans (no lean) 6 94 561
Liberal (1-3) 13 87 477
Moderate (4) 10 90 512
Conservative (5-7) 5 95 695
Income: Under 50k 10 90 761
Income: 50k-100k 10 90 577
Income: 100k+ 5 95 417
Educ: < College 11 89 1153
Educ: Bachelors degree 6 94 390
Educ: Post-grad 2 98 212
Northeast 8 92 320
Midwest 2 98 414
South 10 90 652
West 16 84 368
Cap and Trade: Favor 10 90 1198
Cap and Trade: Oppose 7 93 556
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 13 87 510
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 9 91 647
Cap/trade: no job eect 6 94 598
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 11 89 617
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 9 91 446
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 7 93 691
Cell Only/Mostly 11 89 796
Dual Use 8 92 602
LL Only/Mostly 7 93 322
2010 Vote: Democrat 9 91 643
2010 Vote: Republican 4 96 640
2012 Vote: Democrat 10 90 808
2012 Vote: Republican 5 95 734
2014 Vote: Democrat 11 89 680
2014 Vote: Undecided 6 94 417
2014 Vote: Republican 9 91 657
17: Which term below best describes your race or background?
Black White Other N
Registered Voters 1 3 13 81 2 1754
Male 1 4 16 77 2 818
Female 1 2 10 86 1 936
Age: 18-29 2 7 26 61 4 304
Age: 30-44 0 4 16 77 2 414
Age: 45-64 1 2 10 86 1 662
Age: 65+ 0 1 5 94 0 374
Ethnicity - White 0 0 0 100 0 1324
Ethnicity - Hispanic 4 2 16 67 12 156
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 0 0 100 0 0 201
Ethnicity - Other 12 76 0 0 13 73
Urban 1 4 21 73 2 421
Suburban 1 4 11 82 2 876
Rural 1 1 9 88 1 457
Democrats (no lean) 1 5 23 70 2 631
Independents (no lean) 1 3 12 83 1 561
Republicans (no lean) 1 2 2 93 2 561
Liberal (1-3) 1 4 21 72 1 477
Moderate (4) 0 4 12 83 1 512
Conservative (5-7) 1 3 7 88 2 695
Income: Under 50k 1 2 18 77 2 761
Income: 50k-100k 1 4 11 83 1 577
Income: 100k+ 0 5 6 86 2 417
Educ: < College 1 3 15 79 2 1153
Educ: Bachelors degree 1 4 11 84 1 390
Educ: Post-grad 1 6 6 87 0 212
Northeast 1 4 8 86 1 320
Midwest 1 2 8 88 1 414
South 0 2 23 74 1 652
West 1 7 5 84 3 368
Cap and Trade: Favor 1 4 12 82 1 1198
Cap and Trade: Oppose 1 2 14 81 2 556
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 2 3 16 78 1 510
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 0 4 13 81 2 647
Cap/trade: no job eect 1 3 10 85 1 598
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 1 4 13 80 2 617
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 1 2 13 83 1 446
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 0 3 13 82 1 691
Cell Only/Mostly 1 4 14 79 3 796
Dual Use 1 3 14 81 1 602
LL Only/Mostly 1 1 7 91 1 322
2010 Vote: Democrat 1 4 21 72 2 643
2010 Vote: Republican 1 1 1 96 1 640
2012 Vote: Democrat 1 4 22 72 1 808
2012 Vote: Republican 1 1 1 95 1 734
2014 Vote: Democrat 0 4 26 68 2 680
2014 Vote: Undecided 1 3 6 90 1 417
2014 Vote: Republican 1 2 4 90 2 657
18: Are you a member of a labor union?
Public Sector
Private Sector
Not in Labor
Registered Voters 4 4 93 1753
Male 4 6 91 818
Female 4 2 94 935
Age: 18-29 1 8 91 304
Age: 30-44 4 4 92 414
Age: 45-64 6 2 92 661
Age: 65+ 3 3 95 374
Ethnicity - White 3 2 94 1323
Ethnicity - Hispanic 6 13 81 156
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 5 4 90 201
Ethnicity - Other 1 6 94 73
Urban 3 5 92 421
Suburban 5 3 93 875
Rural 3 4 93 457
Democrats (no lean) 5 5 90 631
Independents (no lean) 3 3 94 561
Republicans (no lean) 3 3 94 560
Liberal (1-3) 4 9 87 477
Moderate (4) 5 2 93 512
Conservative (5-7) 3 2 95 694
Income: Under 50k 3 3 94 761
Income: 50k-100k 4 7 89 576
Income: 100k+ 4 1 94 417
Educ: < College 3 5 92 1152
Educ: Bachelors degree 3 2 95 390
Educ: Post-grad 8 1 91 212
Northeast 7 5 88 320
Midwest 4 3 93 414
South 2 4 94 651
West 4 2 94 368
Cap and Trade: Favor 4 5 92 1198
Cap and Trade: Oppose 4 1 95 555
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 3 4 93 510
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 4 4 92 646
Cap/trade: no job eect 4 3 93 598
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 3 4 93 617
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 5 4 91 446
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 4 3 93 690
Cell Only/Mostly 4 3 93 796
Dual Use 4 5 91 601
LL Only/Mostly 4 3 93 322
2010 Vote: Democrat 6 6 88 643
2010 Vote: Republican 3 2 95 639
2012 Vote: Democrat 4 5 91 808
2012 Vote: Republican 4 1 95 733
2014 Vote: Democrat 5 4 91 680
2014 Vote: Undecided 4 2 94 417
2014 Vote: Republican 3 4 93 656
19: What is your annual household income?
Under 20
20 to
under 35
35 to
under 50
50 to
under 75
75 to
or more
Registered Voters 14 16 13 20 13 24 1754
Male 14 15 12 20 14 24 818
Female 14 17 13 20 12 23 936
Age: 18-29 24 16 13 22 11 13 304
Age: 30-44 11 15 16 23 10 24 414
Age: 45-64 12 13 11 18 17 29 662
Age: 65+ 13 25 12 17 11 23 374
Ethnicity - White 12 16 12 20 14 26 1324
Ethnicity - Hispanic 18 18 14 26 10 14 156
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 30 18 17 16 7 12 201
Ethnicity - Other 8 14 6 21 17 33 73
Urban 26 21 12 15 10 15 421
Suburban 6 14 12 21 16 32 876
Rural 18 17 16 23 11 16 457
Democrats (no lean) 15 18 14 20 11 22 631
Independents (no lean) 17 15 12 20 13 24 561
Republicans (no lean) 11 16 13 20 15 26 561
Liberal (1-3) 15 14 12 19 12 28 477
Moderate (4) 13 19 13 22 14 18 512
Conservative (5-7) 13 15 13 19 14 26 695
Income: Under 50k 32 38 30 0 0 0 761
Income: 50k-100k 0 0 0 61 39 0 577
Income: 100k+ 0 0 0 0 0 100 417
Educ: < College 19 21 14 21 11 13 1153
Educ: Bachelors degree 6 8 12 21 17 37 390
Educ: Post-grad 2 5 6 13 15 59 212
Northeast 13 14 8 23 15 26 320
Midwest 14 18 14 17 13 24 414
South 17 17 15 20 11 20 652
West 11 16 11 19 14 29 368
Cap and Trade: Favor 13 18 13 20 13 23 1198
Cap and Trade: Oppose 16 13 12 20 13 26 556
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 15 19 12 18 13 23 510
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 14 12 13 21 13 27 647
Cap/trade: no job eect 13 20 13 20 13 21 598
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 16 13 13 18 14 27 617
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 11 13 13 22 12 29 446
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 14 22 13 20 13 18 691
Cell Only/Mostly 15 16 13 18 14 24 796
Dual Use 10 13 12 21 15 29 602
LL Only/Mostly 19 24 13 23 7 14 322
2010 Vote: Democrat 15 15 13 18 14 25 643
2010 Vote: Republican 9 16 11 20 15 29 640
2012 Vote: Democrat 15 16 14 20 13 23 808
2012 Vote: Republican 10 16 12 19 15 28 734
2014 Vote: Democrat 16 17 14 20 11 23 680
2014 Vote: Undecided 15 17 13 21 13 21 417
2014 Vote: Republican 12 16 11 19 15 27 657
20: What do you think is the current net worth of your household? This is the total value of what you have - physical property,
investments, checking, and savings accounts - minus what you owe - all mortgages, home equity loans, car loans, and credit card
$0 or
$1 to
Registered Voters 9 11 6 7 8 14 16 12 17 1747
Male 10 8 7 7 9 14 15 13 18 816
Female 8 13 5 7 7 14 16 12 17 932
Age: 18-29 14 13 8 11 10 19 12 6 7 304
Age: 30-44 10 13 9 10 9 15 16 11 6 414
Age: 45-64 8 10 4 5 7 10 15 15 24 658
Age: 65+ 7 7 2 3 7 14 19 15 26 372
Ethnicity - White 9 10 5 6 9 12 16 14 20 1317
Ethnicity - Hispanic 8 5 7 11 7 26 17 11 7 156
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 15 20 10 10 8 15 14 5 4 201
Ethnicity - Other 3 5 7 16 4 13 15 14 23 73
Urban 13 15 10 8 7 11 14 10 13 418
Suburban 6 7 5 7 8 13 18 14 22 874
Rural 11 14 4 7 9 18 12 12 13 456
Democrats (no lean) 10 12 6 6 9 14 16 11 15 631
Independents (no lean) 10 13 6 9 8 14 13 12 16 558
Republicans (no lean) 7 7 5 6 8 14 18 14 21 559
Liberal (1-3) 9 8 8 9 7 15 13 13 19 476
Moderate (4) 8 16 5 7 7 14 16 13 14 511
Conservative (5-7) 9 9 5 6 9 12 18 12 20 691
Income: Under 50k 15 20 11 11 10 14 12 5 2 760
Income: 50k-100k 6 7 3 5 7 17 22 18 15 576
Income: 100k+ 3 0 0 3 6 8 13 18 49 411
Educ: < College 10 14 7 9 9 16 16 11 9 1149
Educ: Bachelors degree 8 6 4 4 6 11 15 16 30 388
Educ: Post-grad 5 2 2 4 5 8 13 17 43 210
Northeast 16 10 4 6 8 10 15 14 17 320
Midwest 10 12 3 6 8 13 17 13 17 414
South 7 13 7 8 10 16 16 9 14 651
West 6 6 7 7 5 14 15 16 24 363
Cap and Trade: Favor 8 12 6 7 9 14 15 13 16 1194
Cap and Trade: Oppose 11 9 6 7 7 12 18 11 21 554
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 8 10 7 8 9 12 18 15 12 508
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 10 9 5 6 8 14 16 12 20 644
Cap/trade: no job eect 9 13 5 7 7 15 13 10 19 596
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 7 11 8 7 7 13 14 14 18 614
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 8 7 3 7 10 16 18 11 20 446
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 11 13 5 7 9 13 16 12 15 688
Cell Only/Mostly 12 12 7 9 9 15 13 10 14 795
Dual Use 5 8 5 5 8 15 15 15 24 598
LL Only/Mostly 9 13 3 6 8 9 23 13 16 320
2010 Vote: Democrat 9 11 7 5 8 14 17 13 17 641
2010 Vote: Republican 7 8 3 6 9 13 16 15 24 638
2012 Vote: Democrat 9 11 6 7 8 14 16 13 16 803
2012 Vote: Republican 8 9 5 5 9 13 16 13 22 732
2014 Vote: Democrat 10 11 8 7 9 14 15 11 15 677
2014 Vote: Undecided 10 15 3 7 8 12 16 13 15 417
2014 Vote: Republican 8 8 5 7 8 14 16 13 21 654
21: Is your house / apartment?
Owned or being
Rented Other
Registered Voters 75 23 1 1754
Male 75 24 2 818
Female 76 23 1 936
Age: 18-29 62 35 3 304
Age: 30-44 66 33 1 414
Age: 45-64 82 18 1 662
Age: 65+ 86 14 0 374
Ethnicity - White 79 20 1 1324
Ethnicity - Hispanic 67 30 2 156
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 55 43 2 201
Ethnicity - Other 85 13 2 73
Urban 59 40 1 421
Suburban 81 18 1 876
Rural 79 19 2 457
Democrats (no lean) 72 27 1 631
Independents (no lean) 72 26 1 561
Republicans (no lean) 83 17 1 561
Liberal (1-3) 71 27 2 477
Moderate (4) 72 27 1 512
Conservative (5-7) 81 17 1 695
Income: Under 50k 58 40 2 761
Income: 50k-100k 85 14 1 577
Income: 100k+ 94 6 0 417
Educ: < College 71 27 1 1153
Educ: Bachelors degree 80 20 1 390
Educ: Post-grad 89 10 1 212
Northeast 74 25 1 320
Midwest 80 19 1 414
South 74 24 2 652
West 74 25 1 368
Cap and Trade: Favor 75 24 1 1198
Cap and Trade: Oppose 77 22 2 556
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 72 27 1 510
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 80 19 1 647
Cap/trade: no job eect 74 24 1 598
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 74 25 1 617
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 84 15 1 446
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 71 28 1 691
Cell Only/Mostly 65 34 1 796
Dual Use 86 13 1 602
LL Only/Mostly 82 17 1 322
2010 Vote: Democrat 73 26 1 643
2010 Vote: Republican 85 14 1 640
2012 Vote: Democrat 71 28 1 808
2012 Vote: Republican 83 16 1 734
2014 Vote: Democrat 71 28 1 680
2014 Vote: Undecided 74 25 1 417
2014 Vote: Republican 81 18 1 657
22: How would you describe your present employment situation?
Job in
Job in
Student Retired Un -
Other N
Registered Voters 33 6 7 10 6 24 9 6 1754
Male 40 6 8 1 5 24 10 5 818
Female 28 6 5 18 6 23 8 6 936
Age: 18-29 26 9 7 7 28 0 18 5 304
Age: 30-44 53 5 8 16 2 0 8 8 414
Age: 45-64 38 9 7 11 1 18 9 7 662
Age: 65+ 8 2 3 4 0 78 3 2 374
Ethnicity - White 34 6 7 11 3 28 7 4 1324
Ethnicity - Hispanic 29 9 6 12 11 7 17 8 156
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 29 6 5 7 11 12 14 16 201
Ethnicity - Other 48 3 5 2 19 15 5 3 73
Urban 30 7 6 7 7 22 13 7 421
Suburban 37 5 7 9 6 24 7 4 876
Rural 29 7 7 14 4 23 8 8 457
Democrats (no lean) 31 8 5 10 6 22 11 8 631
Independents (no lean) 34 6 7 10 6 19 11 6 561
Republicans (no lean) 35 5 8 11 4 30 5 3 561
Liberal (1-3) 34 9 7 9 8 18 8 7 477
Moderate (4) 31 6 5 10 6 23 14 5 512
Conservative (5-7) 34 5 7 12 4 29 5 4 695
Income: Under 50k 24 3 6 10 7 26 17 8 761
Income: 50k-100k 41 9 6 10 4 22 4 5 577
Income: 100k+ 41 9 8 10 6 21 1 4 417
Educ: < College 28 5 7 12 7 22 12 7 1153
Educ: Bachelors degree 46 6 7 8 2 23 3 5 390
Educ: Post-grad 39 13 6 4 2 30 3 3 212
Northeast 41 6 5 7 6 20 8 7 320
Midwest 33 5 6 13 4 23 9 5 414
South 29 7 7 12 6 23 8 7 652
West 33 6 7 6 6 28 10 4 368
Cap and Trade: Favor 33 7 6 10 7 24 9 5 1198
Cap and Trade: Oppose 34 5 8 10 3 23 8 9 556
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 33 7 6 9 8 19 13 5 510
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 33 7 8 9 5 25 6 7 647
Cap/trade: no job eect 34 5 6 12 4 26 8 6 598
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 33 7 6 9 9 18 11 8 617
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 35 8 9 11 4 24 4 4 446
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 33 5 5 10 4 28 10 5 691
Cell Only/Mostly 42 7 6 10 7 11 10 7 796
Dual Use 32 8 7 10 5 26 8 5 602
LL Only/Mostly 14 3 6 11 2 50 9 6 322
2010 Vote: Democrat 34 6 5 8 4 25 9 8 643
2010 Vote: Republican 36 5 8 10 1 31 6 3 640
2012 Vote: Democrat 34 6 6 9 6 21 9 8 808
2012 Vote: Republican 35 5 6 11 2 30 7 4 734
2014 Vote: Democrat 31 7 6 9 7 20 11 9 680
2014 Vote: Undecided 36 4 5 11 6 22 8 7 417
2014 Vote: Republican 33 7 8 10 4 28 7 2 657
23: Thinking about yourself and the immediate family members in your household, would you say you belong to a white-collar
family, or a blue-collar family?
Dont Know N
Registered Voters 46 39 15 1747
Male 44 42 14 814
Female 48 36 16 933
Age: 18-29 31 40 30 304
Age: 30-44 44 42 14 409
Age: 45-64 53 37 11 660
Age: 65+ 51 38 11 374
Ethnicity - White 50 38 12 1322
Ethnicity - Hispanic 30 49 21 153
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 35 41 24 199
Ethnicity - Other 58 22 20 73
Urban 41 40 19 417
Suburban 56 33 11 875
Rural 33 49 18 455
Democrats (no lean) 47 37 16 629
Independents (no lean) 43 40 18 558
Republicans (no lean) 50 40 11 561
Liberal (1-3) 52 36 11 477
Moderate (4) 42 39 19 507
Conservative (5-7) 48 40 12 694
Income: Under 50k 24 51 25 760
Income: 50k-100k 52 39 9 572
Income: 100k+ 79 16 5 416
Educ: < College 30 51 19 1146
Educ: Bachelors degree 73 19 8 390
Educ: Post-grad 88 8 4 212
Northeast 46 38 16 319
Midwest 44 44 12 413
South 43 42 15 648
West 56 28 16 367
Cap and Trade: Favor 47 38 14 1192
Cap and Trade: Oppose 45 40 15 555
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 44 38 18 505
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 47 41 12 646
Cap/trade: no job eect 48 36 15 595
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 53 36 12 614
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 45 43 11 444
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 42 39 19 689
Cell Only/Mostly 45 39 16 794
Dual Use 51 38 11 601
LL Only/Mostly 44 39 17 317
2010 Vote: Democrat 51 37 11 643
2010 Vote: Republican 53 38 9 639
2012 Vote: Democrat 48 38 13 802
2012 Vote: Republican 51 37 12 732
2014 Vote: Democrat 48 38 14 674
2014 Vote: Undecided 42 39 19 416
2014 Vote: Republican 48 39 13 656
24: What is your current marital status?
Married Separated Divorced Widowed Living
with a
Registered Voters 19 58 2 11 7 4 1754
Male 24 57 2 9 3 4 818
Female 15 58 2 12 10 4 936
Age: 18-29 60 24 5 2 0 9 304
Age: 30-44 21 66 1 7 0 4 414
Age: 45-64 8 65 2 16 6 3 662
Age: 65+ 3 63 0 13 19 1 374
Ethnicity - White 13 64 1 11 7 4 1324
Ethnicity - Hispanic 35 39 10 8 3 5 156
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 43 34 1 12 5 7 201
Ethnicity - Other 33 55 0 6 3 3 73
Urban 29 44 2 15 4 6 421
Suburban 16 64 0 10 7 4 876
Rural 16 59 5 9 8 3 457
Democrats (no lean) 23 52 3 10 6 6 631
Independents (no lean) 22 53 3 14 6 3 561
Republicans (no lean) 12 69 0 8 8 2 561
Liberal (1-3) 25 51 4 11 4 6 477
Moderate (4) 19 56 2 11 8 5 512
Conservative (5-7) 15 64 1 10 8 2 695
Income: Under 50k 27 40 2 15 12 4 761
Income: 50k-100k 15 65 3 9 3 5 577
Income: 100k+ 10 79 0 5 2 3 417
Educ: < College 22 53 3 10 7 5 1153
Educ: Bachelors degree 17 65 0 10 5 3 390
Educ: Post-grad 8 68 0 16 5 3 212
Northeast 19 60 1 9 5 5 320
Midwest 17 63 1 8 5 5 414
South 19 56 3 12 7 3 652
West 21 54 1 12 9 3 368
Cap and Trade: Favor 20 56 2 12 7 4 1198
Cap and Trade: Oppose 18 62 2 9 6 4 556
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 25 53 1 11 5 5 510
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 15 61 3 11 7 3 647
Cap/trade: no job eect 19 58 2 11 7 4 598
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 24 58 1 9 4 4 617
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 16 64 4 8 5 3 446
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 17 53 2 14 10 5 691
Cell Only/Mostly 23 54 1 12 5 5 796
Dual Use 15 65 3 10 5 2 602
LL Only/Mostly 15 55 2 11 14 4 322
2010 Vote: Democrat 19 58 2 11 5 5 643
2010 Vote: Republican 8 71 0 10 8 2 640
2012 Vote: Democrat 22 54 2 11 6 6 808
2012 Vote: Republican 10 69 0 12 8 2 734
2014 Vote: Democrat 25 51 2 10 6 6 680
2014 Vote: Undecided 18 56 1 13 8 4 417
2014 Vote: Republican 13 66 2 10 7 2 657
25: Thinking about your religion, are you ..
Protestant Roman
Ath./Agn./None Something
Registered Voters 31 22 24 23 1753
Male 27 23 28 22 818
Female 35 21 19 24 935
Age: 18-29 18 16 38 28 303
Age: 30-44 22 21 30 27 414
Age: 45-64 35 24 20 21 662
Age: 65+ 47 24 11 19 374
Ethnicity - White 35 22 21 21 1323
Ethnicity - Hispanic 8 34 39 19 156
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 28 6 27 39 201
Ethnicity - Other 26 26 22 26 73
Urban 28 19 33 20 420
Suburban 30 25 21 24 876
Rural 37 17 20 25 457
Democrats (no lean) 23 22 28 26 630
Independents (no lean) 25 20 31 24 561
Republicans (no lean) 47 23 12 18 561
Liberal (1-3) 20 20 35 25 476
Moderate (4) 26 23 25 26 512
Conservative (5-7) 45 23 14 19 695
Income: Under 50k 32 18 25 24 760
Income: 50k-100k 32 22 22 23 576
Income: 100k+ 30 27 23 21 417
Educ: < College 28 22 25 25 1152
Educ: Bachelors degree 36 23 19 22 389
Educ: Post-grad 41 19 24 16 212
Northeast 18 34 25 23 319
Midwest 35 26 22 17 413
South 40 15 20 26 652
West 24 19 32 25 368
Cap and Trade: Favor 30 22 24 23 1197
Cap and Trade: Oppose 34 20 23 23 556
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 23 22 29 26 509
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 36 22 21 21 646
Cap/trade: no job eect 33 21 22 23 598
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 25 21 32 23 617
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 36 22 16 25 446
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 34 22 21 22 690
Cell Only/Mostly 26 21 29 24 795
Dual Use 37 22 18 24 602
LL Only/Mostly 37 22 21 21 321
2010 Vote: Democrat 22 22 28 27 643
2010 Vote: Republican 47 23 12 18 640
2012 Vote: Democrat 22 20 32 26 807
2012 Vote: Republican 45 24 12 18 734
2014 Vote: Democrat 22 19 33 26 679
2014 Vote: Undecided 25 27 25 24 417
2014 Vote: Republican 45 22 13 20 657
26: Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian, or not? (Among Protestants)
Yes No N
Registered Voters 49 51 545
Male 44 56 219
Female 53 47 326
Age: 18-29 40 60 54
Age: 30-44 58 42 90
Age: 45-64 50 50 228
Age: 65+ 47 53 173
Ethnicity - White 48 52 462
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 56 44 53
Urban 52 48 117
Suburban 44 56 257
Rural 55 45 171
Democrats (no lean) 40 60 142
Independents (no lean) 38 62 139
Republicans (no lean) 61 39 264
Liberal (1-3) 40 60 93
Moderate (4) 34 66 133
Conservative (5-7) 60 40 308
Income: Under 50k 57 43 245
Income: 50k-100k 45 55 180
Income: 100k+ 40 60 120
Educ: < College 56 44 323
Educ: Bachelors degree 45 55 137
Educ: Post-grad 31 69 85
Northeast 45 55 58
Midwest 44 56 143
South 54 46 256
West 46 54 88
Cap and Trade: Favor 45 55 355
Cap and Trade: Oppose 57 43 190
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 50 50 116
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 56 44 231
Cap/trade: no job eect 42 58 199
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 38 62 148
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 57 43 162
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 52 48 235
Cell Only/Mostly 51 49 204
Dual Use 52 48 217
LL Only/Mostly 42 58 117
2010 Vote: Democrat 39 61 140
2010 Vote: Republican 54 46 297
2012 Vote: Democrat 39 61 171
2012 Vote: Republican 55 45 331
2014 Vote: Democrat 38 62 143
2014 Vote: Undecided 41 59 105
2014 Vote: Republican 58 42 297
27: Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious servicesmore than once a week, once a week, once or
twice a month, a few times a year, seldom, or never?
once a
Once a
Once or
twice a
A few
times a
Seldom Never N
Registered Voters 7 20 11 16 23 23 1754
Male 6 18 12 15 22 27 818
Female 8 22 10 16 24 20 936
Age: 18-29 5 19 18 13 15 30 304
Age: 30-44 2 17 13 16 22 31 414
Age: 45-64 7 19 10 16 28 21 662
Age: 65+ 13 28 6 16 23 14 374
Ethnicity - White 6 20 10 17 24 22 1324
Ethnicity - Hispanic 7 11 15 9 23 34 156
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 13 26 12 9 18 22 201
Ethnicity - Other 9 20 18 13 21 20 73
Urban 8 18 11 13 23 27 421
Suburban 6 20 10 19 22 23 876
Rural 8 22 14 11 25 20 457
Democrats (no lean) 5 19 11 15 25 25 631
Independents (no lean) 5 14 11 18 21 31 561
Republicans (no lean) 11 28 12 14 23 13 561
Liberal (1-3) 4 16 11 16 19 34 477
Moderate (4) 5 16 10 17 26 25 512
Conservative (5-7) 11 27 10 15 23 14 695
Income: Under 50k 9 21 9 14 22 24 761
Income: 50k-100k 5 19 14 16 24 22 577
Income: 100k+ 5 20 10 19 23 23 417
Educ: < College 8 19 11 14 23 26 1153
Educ: Bachelors degree 5 24 11 19 22 20 390
Educ: Post-grad 7 21 12 18 25 17 212
Northeast 4 18 10 19 24 26 320
Midwest 5 25 11 17 19 22 414
South 11 19 12 16 23 18 652
West 5 18 9 10 27 30 368
Cap and Trade: Favor 6 19 11 17 23 24 1198
Cap and Trade: Oppose 9 22 12 12 22 22 556
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 5 23 9 16 20 27 510
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 10 19 13 13 25 20 647
Cap/trade: no job eect 5 19 10 18 24 24 598
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 4 18 11 17 20 31 617
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 10 25 13 13 22 17 446
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 8 19 10 16 27 20 691
Cell Only/Mostly 6 17 11 17 22 26 796
Dual Use 8 23 14 16 22 17 602
LL Only/Mostly 6 22 7 12 25 28 322
2010 Vote: Democrat 5 19 10 16 24 27 643
2010 Vote: Republican 12 25 10 16 24 14 640
2012 Vote: Democrat 4 17 10 15 25 28 808
2012 Vote: Republican 10 26 11 17 22 15 734
2014 Vote: Democrat 4 17 10 15 24 30 680
2014 Vote: Undecided 7 18 10 15 23 27 417
2014 Vote: Republican 10 25 13 16 22 14 657
28: Are you the parent or guardian of any children under 18 now living in your household?
Yes No N
Registered Voters 27 73 1754
Male 27 73 818
Female 27 73 936
Age: 18-29 28 72 304
Age: 30-44 61 39 414
Age: 45-64 18 82 662
Age: 65+ 2 98 374
Ethnicity - White 24 76 1324
Ethnicity - Hispanic 36 64 156
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 34 66 201
Ethnicity - Other 31 69 73
Urban 22 78 421
Suburban 27 73 876
Rural 30 70 457
Democrats (no lean) 25 75 631
Independents (no lean) 27 73 561
Republicans (no lean) 28 72 561
Liberal (1-3) 24 76 477
Moderate (4) 29 71 512
Conservative (5-7) 26 74 695
Income: Under 50k 23 77 761
Income: 50k-100k 29 71 577
Income: 100k+ 30 70 417
Educ: < College 26 74 1153
Educ: Bachelors degree 32 68 390
Educ: Post-grad 23 77 212
Northeast 31 69 320
Midwest 27 73 414
South 28 72 652
West 20 80 368
Cap and Trade: Favor 26 74 1198
Cap and Trade: Oppose 29 71 556
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 27 73 510
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 29 71 647
Cap/trade: no job eect 24 76 598
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 29 71 617
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 27 73 446
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 24 76 691
Cell Only/Mostly 33 67 796
Dual Use 25 75 602
LL Only/Mostly 12 88 322
2010 Vote: Democrat 26 74 643
2010 Vote: Republican 27 73 640
2012 Vote: Democrat 28 72 808
2012 Vote: Republican 27 73 734
2014 Vote: Democrat 27 73 680
2014 Vote: Undecided 25 75 417
2014 Vote: Republican 28 72 657
29: Would you consider where you live
an urban area a suburban area a rural area N
Registered Voters 24 50 26 1754
Male 28 48 24 818
Female 20 52 28 936
Age: 18-29 33 44 24 304
Age: 30-44 26 48 26 414
Age: 45-64 18 54 27 662
Age: 65+ 25 50 25 374
Ethnicity - White 20 50 30 1324
Ethnicity - Hispanic 32 50 18 156
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 43 43 14 201
Ethnicity - Other 23 65 12 73
Urban 100 0 0 421
Suburban 0 100 0 876
Rural 0 0 100 457
Democrats (no lean) 29 50 21 631
Independents (no lean) 26 48 27 561
Republicans (no lean) 17 52 31 561
Liberal (1-3) 27 53 20 477
Moderate (4) 27 49 25 512
Conservative (5-7) 20 50 30 695
Income: Under 50k 33 36 31 761
Income: 50k-100k 18 55 27 577
Income: 100k+ 15 68 17 417
Educ: < College 25 45 30 1153
Educ: Bachelors degree 19 60 21 390
Educ: Post-grad 27 57 16 212
Northeast 24 50 26 320
Midwest 24 46 30 414
South 21 51 27 652
West 29 51 20 368
Cap and Trade: Favor 26 50 23 1198
Cap and Trade: Oppose 20 49 32 556
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 29 48 23 510
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 20 51 29 647
Cap/trade: no job eect 24 51 26 598
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 30 49 21 617
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 19 49 32 446
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 22 52 26 691
Cell Only/Mostly 25 51 24 796
Dual Use 20 52 28 602
LL Only/Mostly 30 44 26 322
2010 Vote: Democrat 30 50 20 643
2010 Vote: Republican 17 52 31 640
2012 Vote: Democrat 30 50 20 808
2012 Vote: Republican 17 52 31 734
2014 Vote: Democrat 32 48 20 680
2014 Vote: Undecided 23 51 26 417
2014 Vote: Republican 17 51 33 657
30: Many people werent able to vote in the election for President and other oces in 2012. How about you? Were you able to
vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2012 No, did not vote in
Registered Voters 92 8 1754
Male 92 8 818
Female 92 8 936
Age: 18-29 74 26 304
Age: 30-44 94 6 414
Age: 45-64 96 4 662
Age: 65+ 98 2 374
Ethnicity - White 94 6 1324
Ethnicity - Hispanic 82 18 156
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 91 9 201
Ethnicity - Other 84 16 73
Urban 93 7 421
Suburban 94 6 876
Rural 88 12 457
Democrats (no lean) 94 6 631
Independents (no lean) 88 12 561
Republicans (no lean) 95 5 561
Liberal (1-3) 90 10 477
Moderate (4) 92 8 512
Conservative (5-7) 94 6 695
Income: Under 50k 90 10 761
Income: 50k-100k 92 8 577
Income: 100k+ 95 5 417
Educ: < College 89 11 1153
Educ: Bachelors degree 97 3 390
Educ: Post-grad 98 2 212
Northeast 90 10 320
Midwest 94 6 414
South 91 9 652
West 94 6 368
Cap and Trade: Favor 91 9 1198
Cap and Trade: Oppose 95 5 556
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 92 8 510
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 93 7 647
Cap/trade: no job eect 92 8 598
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 92 8 617
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 94 6 446
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 91 9 691
Cell Only/Mostly 90 10 796
Dual Use 93 7 602
LL Only/Mostly 95 5 322
2010 Vote: Democrat 98 2 643
2010 Vote: Republican 99 1 640
2012 Vote: Democrat 100 0 808
2012 Vote: Republican 100 0 734
2014 Vote: Democrat 94 6 680
2014 Vote: Undecided 88 12 417
2014 Vote: Republican 93 7 657
31: In the 2012 election for President, did you vote for Democrat Barack Obama or Republican Mitt Romney?
Barack Obama
Republican Mitt
Someone else N
Registered Voters 50 46 4 1612
Male 48 47 5 749
Female 52 45 4 863
Age: 18-29 68 28 4 224
Age: 30-44 55 39 6 385
Age: 45-64 46 48 5 636
Age: 65+ 41 58 1 367
Ethnicity - White 42 54 4 1242
Ethnicity - Hispanic 66 26 8 127
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 91 6 4 182
Ethnicity - Other 63 34 3 60
Urban 62 33 5 390
Suburban 49 46 4 820
Rural 40 56 4 402
Democrats (no lean) 90 7 3 589
Independents (no lean) 47 44 9 490
Republicans (no lean) 9 90 1 532
Liberal (1-3) 89 8 3 428
Moderate (4) 55 38 7 470
Conservative (5-7) 20 77 3 652
Income: Under 50k 53 41 7 687
Income: 50k-100k 50 47 3 532
Income: 100k+ 46 52 2 393
Educ: < College 49 46 5 1028
Educ: Bachelors degree 52 45 3 377
Educ: Post-grad 51 46 3 207
Northeast 54 42 4 286
Midwest 46 50 4 390
South 49 46 5 590
West 53 42 5 345
Cap and Trade: Favor 60 36 4 1084
Cap and Trade: Oppose 29 66 5 528
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 66 29 5 467
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 31 64 5 598
Cap/trade: no job eect 58 39 3 546
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 73 23 4 568
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 23 73 3 418
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 47 47 6 626
Cell Only/Mostly 52 43 5 719
Dual Use 49 48 3 561
LL Only/Mostly 46 50 5 307
2010 Vote: Democrat 88 9 3 630
2010 Vote: Republican 11 87 2 635
2012 Vote: Democrat 100 0 0 808
2012 Vote: Republican 0 100 0 734
2014 Vote: Democrat 94 3 4 637
2014 Vote: Undecided 46 43 11 366
2014 Vote: Republican 7 92 1 609
32: Many people werent able to vote in the election for Congress and other oces in 2010. How about you? Were you able to
vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2010 No, did not vote in
Registered Voters 78 22 1754
Male 79 21 818
Female 77 23 936
Age: 18-29 45 55 304
Age: 30-44 76 24 414
Age: 45-64 86 14 662
Age: 65+ 94 6 374
Ethnicity - White 81 19 1324
Ethnicity - Hispanic 59 41 156
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 74 26 201
Ethnicity - Other 71 29 73
Urban 76 24 421
Suburban 79 21 876
Rural 78 22 457
Democrats (no lean) 78 22 631
Independents (no lean) 72 28 561
Republicans (no lean) 85 15 561
Liberal (1-3) 76 24 477
Moderate (4) 74 26 512
Conservative (5-7) 85 15 695
Income: Under 50k 74 26 761
Income: 50k-100k 77 23 577
Income: 100k+ 87 13 417
Educ: < College 74 26 1153
Educ: Bachelors degree 84 16 390
Educ: Post-grad 92 8 212
Northeast 80 20 320
Midwest 82 18 414
South 75 25 652
West 79 21 368
Cap and Trade: Favor 76 24 1198
Cap and Trade: Oppose 82 18 556
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 76 24 510
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 82 18 647
Cap/trade: no job eect 76 24 598
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 76 24 617
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 85 15 446
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 75 25 691
Cell Only/Mostly 73 27 796
Dual Use 81 19 602
LL Only/Mostly 88 12 322
2010 Vote: Democrat 100 0 643
2010 Vote: Republican 100 0 640
2012 Vote: Democrat 81 19 808
2012 Vote: Republican 87 13 734
2014 Vote: Democrat 78 22 680
2014 Vote: Undecided 73 27 417
2014 Vote: Republican 82 18 657
33: In the 2010 election for U.S. House, did you vote for the Democratic U.S. House candidate, the Republican U.S. House
candidate or someone else?
Democratic U.S.
House candidate
Republican U.S.
House candidate
Someone else N
Registered Voters 47 47 6 1365
Male 47 48 5 643
Female 48 46 7 721
Age: 18-29 55 39 6 137
Age: 30-44 56 38 6 313
Age: 45-64 44 49 7 566
Age: 65+ 41 55 5 349
Ethnicity - White 39 55 6 1073
Ethnicity - Hispanic 66 29 6 93
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 88 6 5 148
Ethnicity - Other 63 28 9 51
Urban 60 35 6 320
Suburban 47 48 5 691
Rural 36 56 8 354
Democrats (no lean) 94 4 2 493
Independents (no lean) 40 44 16 400
Republicans (no lean) 4 94 2 471
Liberal (1-3) 88 8 4 363
Moderate (4) 53 37 11 377
Conservative (5-7) 19 76 4 588
Income: Under 50k 49 42 9 559
Income: 50k-100k 47 50 3 443
Income: 100k+ 44 52 5 363
Educ: < College 45 48 7 846
Educ: Bachelors degree 50 46 4 324
Educ: Post-grad 51 45 4 195
Northeast 52 43 4 254
Midwest 43 50 7 338
South 45 48 7 483
West 51 44 5 289
Cap and Trade: Favor 57 38 5 911
Cap and Trade: Oppose 27 66 7 454
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 62 32 5 389
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 29 64 6 526
Cap/trade: no job eect 55 39 6 450
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 72 25 3 467
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 22 71 7 378
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 44 48 8 519
Cell Only/Mostly 49 43 7 575
Dual Use 45 50 5 486
LL Only/Mostly 44 50 6 283
2010 Vote: Democrat 100 0 0 643
2010 Vote: Republican 0 100 0 640
2012 Vote: Democrat 85 10 5 655
2012 Vote: Republican 9 88 4 634
2014 Vote: Democrat 94 4 3 528
2014 Vote: Undecided 38 43 19 302
2014 Vote: Republican 6 92 2 535
34: Cell / LL household
Dual Use LL Only/Mostly N
Registered Voters 46 35 19 1720
Male 47 34 19 788
Female 46 36 18 931
Age: 18-29 68 26 6 295
Age: 30-44 64 25 10 400
Age: 45-64 40 43 16 656
Age: 65+ 20 38 42 369
Ethnicity - White 43 36 21 1302
Ethnicity - Hispanic 56 30 14 153
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 53 36 11 197
Ethnicity - Other 61 29 9 67
Urban 48 29 23 416
Suburban 47 36 16 858
Rural 43 38 19 446
Democrats (no lean) 47 34 20 618
Independents (no lean) 49 34 17 550
Republicans (no lean) 43 37 20 552
Liberal (1-3) 45 38 17 461
Moderate (4) 50 29 21 503
Conservative (5-7) 43 38 19 688
Income: Under 50k 47 28 25 744
Income: 50k-100k 45 38 17 570
Income: 100k+ 47 43 11 405
Educ: < College 47 34 19 1128
Educ: Bachelors degree 46 37 17 382
Educ: Post-grad 43 38 18 210
Northeast 38 39 23 314
Midwest 44 34 22 404
South 50 36 14 648
West 50 30 21 354
Cap and Trade: Favor 46 35 19 1177
Cap and Trade: Oppose 46 36 18 542
Cap/Trade: create more jobs 52 29 19 502
Cap/Trade: lose more jobs 44 37 19 633
Cap/trade: no job eect 43 38 18 585
Cap/Trade: More likely vote MC 53 31 17 605
Cap/Trade: Less likely vote MC 41 40 19 439
Cap/Trade: No impact on vote MC 44 35 21 676
Cell Only/Mostly 100 0 0 796
Dual Use 0 100 0 602
LL Only/Mostly 0 0 100 322
2010 Vote: Democrat 45 35 20 628
2010 Vote: Republican 39 38 22 635
2012 Vote: Democrat 48 35 18 790
2012 Vote: Republican 42 37 21 728
2014 Vote: Democrat 49 32 19 658
2014 Vote: Undecided 47 35 18 414
2014 Vote: Republican 43 38 19 648

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