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EDUC515 Azusa

Cours Ds!r"#$"o%
This class looks at the evolution of educational technologies in their present and historical con- texts. The
Azusa Pacific University Page 2
EDUC515 Azusa
class will explore how and why some technologies endure while others do not. Attention is given to current
technologies, and how they can be successfully implemented into the classrooms in order to enhance both
teaching and learning strategies.
Cr&"$ Hour Po'"!(
Following the APU Credit Hour policy, to meet the identified student learning outcomes of this course, the
expectations are that this one unit course, delivered over a nine-week term will approximate
! hours"week classroom or direct faculty instruction
# hours"week la$oratory work
# hours"week internship
% hours"week practica
# hours"week studio work
& hours"week online work
' hours"week research
& hours"week guided study
# hours"week study a$road
# hours"week other academic work
(n addition, other out of class student work will approximate a minimum of & hours each week)
F)!u'$( I%*or+)$"o%
Dr. Jeffrey ee
#$#-%&'-#((( )'&#*
+ffice ocation, -uilding &, .oom &&/
+ffice 0ours 1onday 2+range 3ampus *,(( 4 /,/'5 6ednesday 27,*( 4 /,((5
U%",rs"$( I%*or+)$"o%
A*usa Pacific University is an evangelical Christian community of disciples and scholars who
seek to advance the work of +od in the world through academic excellence in li$eral arts and
professional programs of higher education that encourage students to develop a Christian perspective on
truth and life)
S!-oo' o* E&u!)$"o% L)r%r Go)'s
') ,thical professionals who are a$le to understand and articulate the integration of a Christian worldview
with their discipline in their communities of practice)
&) -esponsive professionals who practice reflective critical thinking in their engagements with
diverse communities of learners)
%) (nformed scholarly professionals who are dedicated to colla$oration and lifelong learning)

D"."$)' T)!-"%. )%& L)r%"%. Pro.r)+ M"ss"o% S$)$+%$
.he /aster of Arts in ,ducation 0igital .eaching and 1earning program prepares teacher candidates to
effectively design and implement technology-em$edded curriculum to meet the needs of all 2-&# digital
Pro.r)+ Go)'s
Azusa Pacific University Page 3
EDUC515 Azusa
+raduates of the /aster of Arts in ,ducation 0igital .eaching and 1earning Program are more fully
competent users of technology in their own instructional practices as well as $ecoming leaders and
models for the use of technology impacting their school sites for effective uses of technology throughout
the school community)

Pro.r)+ O/0!$",s
3tudents will have the opportunity to
0emonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts)
,xamine, explore, and articulate their role as a Christian educator)
Plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported $y technology to
maximi*e student learning)
Apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies)
Understand the social, ethical, legal and human issues surrounding the use of technology in Pre2-
'4 schools and apply that understanding in practice)
Use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students)
0esign and develop digital-age learning experiences and assessments)

V"s"o% S$)$+%$
.o develop highly effective, innovative, visionary educators and scholarly practitioners of high moral and
ethical character $ased upon Christian values and principles) 5ur vision is grounded in the four
cornerstones that define the mission of A*usa Pacific University Christ, 3cholarship, Community, and
S$u&%$ Ou$!o+s )%& E1#!$& Co+#$%!"s
.o meet the goals and re6uirements of the course, students will have the opportunity to
7 1earn and explain the history of technology and its impact on our current world view
7 ,xplore the evolution of educational technology and its impact on teaching and learning practices
7 (nvestigate and reflect upon the ethical issues involving student and teacher use of technologies in classroom
and professional activities
7 (nvestigate appropriate integration of emerging technologies and their potential uses in addressing multiple
7 0emonstrate the a$ility to apply emerging technologies in a variety of ways than enrich lesson plans and
enhance effective teaching and learning experiences for all types of learners
Azusa Pacific University Page 4
EDUC515 Azusa
IDEA O/0!$",s
The essential 8D9A ob!ectives for this course are,
:$, Developing specific skills, competencies, and points of view needed by professionals in the field most closely
related to this course.
8mportant 8D9A ob!ectives for this course are,
:&, earning to apply course material to improve thinking,
problem solving, and decisions.
:&&, earning how to find and use
Cours $1$/oo2s
.ichardson, 6. 2$((%5. -logs, 6ikis, ;odcasts, and +ther ;owerful 6eb Tools for 3lassrooms -
<econd 9dition. Thousand +aks, 3A, 3orwin ;ress. 8<-=, &/&$7'7>$&
3/ Rsour!s
&. http,??educational.blogs.com?
Disruptive Technology .esource for 9ducators
using 6eblogs, -logware, 3ollaborative tools, .<<
@ ;odcasting, web services and digital tools at
home, school, university and community.
$. http,??www.google.com?Top?.eference?9ducation?8nstructionalATechnology?6eblogs?
This is a page of links provided by google. 8t is a
good starting point for learning about and creating
educational blogs.
*. Alan evineBs blog site on 6ikis
8 http,??webCuest.org?bdodge?$((/?(%?insearch-of-educational-wiki-killer.htm
/. ;odcast directory for 9ducators
8 http,??www.podcastingnews.com?forum?linkA#.htm
'. ;odcast development site by Apple
8 http,??www.apple.com?education?solutions?podcasting?
#. 9ducation ;odcast =etwork
8 http,??www.epnweb.org?
>. 9ducational .esearch ;odcasts by David 6arlick
8 http,??davidwarlick.com?connectlearning?
%. Technorati.com 4 a leader in indexing weblog
content 2text p. %*5
8 http,??www.technorati.com?
7. 6hat is .<<D The history of .<<, and how to get
started using it
8 http,??www.xml.com?pub?a?$(($?&$?&%?diveinto-xml.html
Co#(r".-$ Rs#o%s"/"'"$"s
3tudents and faculty are $oth authors and users of copyrighted materials) As a student you must know
the rights of $oth authors and users with respect to copyrighted works to ensure compliance) (t is e6ually
important to $e knowledgea$le a$out legally permitted uses of copyrighted materials) (nformation a$out
copyright compliance, fair use and we$sites for downloading information legally can $e found at
C')ss #)r$"!"#)$"o%
3tudents are expected to attend synchronous sessions each week either on campus or online) =hile we
recogni*e that emergencies come up, students must contact the instructor prior to missing a synchronous
meeting in order to $e excused) 3tudents should attempt to attend class on another night if at all possi$le)
Unexcused a$sences can lead to failure in the course)
Azusa Pacific University Page 5
EDUC515 Azusa
=eekly participation in course assignments and threaded discussions will ena$le all students to $enefit
from knowledge, experiences, and creative thought processes of each other) .ogether, we will create a
truly meaningful learning experience for all mem$ers of the class) (t is expected that all students read,
reflect upon, and respond to online articles and threaded discussion posts of other students) 5nline posts
are expected to $e thoughtful, academically and spiritually sound, and constructive) (t is also expected
that students complete all pro>ects and other assignments $efore each class meeting)
.his course focuses on the following (3., ?ational
,ducational .echnology 3tandards for .eachers &@, %@, 4@, 4C, A@, and AC) +o to http""www)iste)org
for a detailed listing of these standards)
Cours Pro0!$s )%& Ass".%+%$s
.hese assignments are designed to $e em$edded in real, purposeful activities that can $e applied to
professional work or goals) @y sharing pro>ects and ideas together, we $enefit from the uni6ue
perspectives and strengths of each other) 3haring our work in a professional environment $enefits
our professional practice as well as personal insight and knowledge $ase)
i;ad app E 3urent 9vents /( points +ngoing
3lassroom 6ebsite $' points 3lass /
<creencast ;resentation $' points 3lass '
Digital 3itiFenship -log &(( points +ngoing
$ Audio ;odcasts #( points 3lass #
$ Gideo ;odcast &(( points 3lass %
Haith 8ntegration ;resentation '( points 3lass >
3ase <tudy ;resentation &(( points 3lass 7
Total ;oints '(( points
Ds!r"#$"o% o* Pro0!$s
iPad app + Current Events
Iou will sign up for $ i;ad app presentations and $ current event presentations. These presentations should
reflect the latest developments in the field of technology in education. 9ach presentation should range from
*-' minutes and is a time to share with your classmates what exciting new technologies you have
Classroom Website
<et up a website using Joogle <ites that includes an introduction page, a student expectation page, parent
resources page and a minimum of five other pages. The website should be age and content appropriate.
Think of material that you would like to have for students and parents to have.
Screencast Presentation
3reate a screencast tutorial by using screen capture software like Jing, 3amtasia or i<uowK. This can be a
computer or web-based tutorial, or you can use this technology as a way to capture and distribute
presentations with narration.
Digital Citizenship Blog Activity
To better understand the power and fun of using blogs in the classroom, you will be asked to create a blog
that looks into the topic of digital citiFenship. The reCuirements are to spend approximately *( minutes to
one hour looking for evidence of both appropriate and inappropriate citiFenship online. Iou can use a
blogging site such as blogger.com to set up your blog. 2<ee 8<T9 =9T< <tandards5
Azusa Pacific University Page 6
EDUC515 Azusa
Iou will also work in a small group to give peer feedback on their blog.
2 Audio Podcasts
Iou are responsible for creating and posting $ audio podcasts. 9ach audio podcast should be *-' minutes in
;odcast :&, 8ntroduction to your classroom.
;odcast :$, A differentiated activity for a learner with special needs. This can be an 9nglish language
learner, a gifted student, an at-risk student or a student with an 89;.
2 ideo Podcast
Gideo is such a powerful tool in the classroom. Ksing a video camera, and a video editing program you will
create and edit a video podcast for you classroom. ook in the iTunes music store for examples of
educational video pod- casts. The video podcasts are tied to the topic of your case study.
Gideo ;odcast :&, 3reate a &-$ minute ;<A 2;ublic <ervice Announcement5 about your case study topic.
This short video should engage your audience and develop a sense of urgency and challenge the listener to
become more active.
Gideo ;odcast :$, 3reate a more detailed video on the same topic. +nce your audience has listened to your
;<A, this video will A5 Jive them further insight and background on the topic, -5 Jive them relevant real-
life examples and 35 Jive them a plan for next steps, in terms of being an advocate for your concerns.
!aith "ntegration Presentation
The purpose of the assignment is to reflect on how church or missionary organiFations reach out to the
community. Take a look at a website of a local organiFation. AnalyFe how information is being distributed,
who the target audience is 2youth, adults, edlers5, who is updating the information and how often is the
information being updated. Additionally, analyFe the ease of use of the website. 2<teven LrugBs book DonBt
1ake 1e Think offers good insight on website usability5
3reate a '-> minute ;reFi presentation. 9xplain in your findings the faith component of the organiFation and
whether that component is abundant and present through the website. Jive specific examples of your
findings 2or lack of findings5. Also, offer recommendations on any additional technologies that might help
the organiFation. Hor example, would a blog from a key person of the organiFation have a big followingD
6ould an organiFation facebook page capture a larger audienceD
Case Study Presentation
;lease select a topic related to educational technology. This could be an approach to using technology or
even a specific technology. 8nvestigate the trends related to your topic and investigate peer reviewed
publications. Iou should get to know the experts who are researching your topic and understand their
positions. Iour case study will include a written component 2a *-/ page summary and analysis5 and a visual
component covering the following areas,
&. 8mplications in the classroom environment.
$. 9thics of using the technology in the classroom.
*. 9volution of the technology.
The final night you will present you finding to the class. Iour presentation should focus on the technology
you chose to research, addressing each of the focus points listed about. Iour presentation should use
multimedia and should be no more than &o minutes in length.
I%*or+)$"o% L"$r)!( )%& $- Us o* $- L"/r)r(
Use of APU li$raries is not re6uired for this course)
Azusa Pacific University Page 7
EDUC515 Azusa
(nformation literacy is defined as Ba set of a$ilities re6uiring individuals to recogni*e when
information is needed and have the a$ility to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed
informationC DAmerican 1i$rary Association, 'EFEG) (n this course, teaching and learning processes
will employ the following information literacy standards, as endorsed $y the American Association
for Higher ,ducation D'EEEG, the Association of College and -esearch 1i$raries D&###G, and the
Council of (ndependent Colleges D&##4G) .he students in this course will
0etermine the nature and extent of the information needed)
Access needed information effectively and efficiently)
,valuate information and its sources critically and incorporates selected information into his
or her knowledge $ase and value system)
(ndividually or as a mem$er of a group, use information effectively to accomplish a specific
Understand many of the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of
information and accesses and uses information ethically and legally)
Gr)& E,)'u)$"o%
.he activities " tasks are designed to assist students in moving to a level of proficiency necessary to
complete the remainder of the /aster of Arts in 0igital .eaching and 1earning coursework) All work must
$e completed $y the due dates specified in the course sylla$us)
L)$ 5or2 .here will $e a '#H deduction for work that is su$mitted up to one week late from the due
date) All work su$mitted later than one week will receive a &#H point deduction)
Iour final grade will $e $ased on the following point ranges
'FF-&## : A
'F#-'FJ : A-
'JA-'JE : @K
'AA-'J! : @
'A#-'AJ : @-
'4#-'!E : C
@elow '%E : F
A!)&+"! I%$.r"$(
.he practice of academic integrity to ensure the 6uality of education is the responsi$ility of each mem$er
of the educational community at A*usa Pacific University) (t is the policy of the university that academic
work should represent the independent thought and activity of the individual student, and work that is
$orrowed from another source without attri$ution or used in an unauthori*ed way in an academic
exercise is considered to $e academic dishonesty that defrauds the work of others and the educational
system) ,ngaging in academic dishonesty in serious offense for which a student may $e disciplined or
dismissed from a program) .he full academic integrity policy is availa$le in the graduate catalog)

S$u&%$ Su##or$ Sr,"!s
.here are many availa$le support services for graduate students including the +raduate Center, -egional
Centers, 1i$raries, Computer Center, /edia Center, =riting Center, Counseling Center, and
(nternational Center) 3ee the +raduate Catalog for more details)
(n addition to these there is the 1earning ,nrichment Center) 3tudents in this course who have a disa$ility
that might prevent them from fully demonstrating their a$ilities should meet with an advisor in the
1earning ,nrichment Center as soon as possi$le to initiate disa$ility verification and discuss
accommodations that may $e necessary to ensure full participation in the successful completion of course
Azusa Pacific University Page 8
EDUC515 Azusa
R)&"%. S!-&u'
Dates Readings
Sept 10 Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants
by Marc Prensky
ISTE NETS Standards Students
Sept 1" Ric!ards#n Te$t %!apters 1&'
Sept () Ric!ards#n Te$t %!apters * and +
,ct 1
,nline +-00 . /-'0 0skype1
Ric!ards#n Te$t %!apters ) and 2
,ct + P#sted ,nline
,ct 1*
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P#sted ,nline
,ct (( P#sted ,nline
,ct (/
,nline +-00 . /-'0 0skype1
P#sted ,nline
N#v * P#sted ,nline
Azusa Pacific University Page 9
EDUC515 Azusa

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