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Growth Assessment

Megan Ramos
EDUC 526 Capstone Experience in Digital Teaching and Learning
Jennifer Courduff
Azusa Pacific University
LiveBinder URL
May 2014

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Enrolling in the Digital Teaching and Learning Program was an important decision for
me to become an influential 21
century educator. Prior to beginning the program, 'tech savvy'
was not my forte. In fact, several technologies scared me to the point where I avoided them. I
wanted to be eager to use these tools effectively in the classroom. Teaching today coincides with
education, so I knew this was something I needed to embrace.
When I began the Master classes, I was working as a Program Manager at a tutoring
company and an AVID Tutor. These jobs enriched me with fruitful experiences teaching me
adaptability and variability, especially since I was working with students from TK-tenth grade.
Although they were both tutoring jobs, the roles I played were entirely different. As a Program
Manager at Heart for Education, LLC, I supervised the entire classroom, including 8 tutors and
over 40 students. I was in charge of everything, from payments to daily chats with parents about
each students progress. Besides being able to perform multiple tasks under pressure, it taught
me a great deal of responsibility, patience, problem solving, social and professional skills.
At the AVID job at Glendora Unified School District, I was able to relax more and focus
on tutoring. The AVID teacher was in charge of all the other details, which made it a much more
relaxing experience for me. I gained a lot of knowledge working with sophomores and learning
AVIDs instrumental methodologies. My collective experience has equipped me with the
necessary skills to survive and thrive in the real world education system.
My goals for DTL were to become a better educator with modern technology and digital
skills. I wanted to have the confidence and ability to utilize tech tools. Being able to use practical

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and innovative tools was important to me. Now that the program is almost over, I have learned
how to utilize technology in the classroom and the tools to learning more.

Personal Growth
Working under pressure with deadlines pushes me to produce efficiently. If I manage my
time well I can produce my vision. A couple times throughout the courses, I overestimated my
abilities, and was left unsatisfied with my results. In my head, I knew exactly what I needed and
wanted to do. Unfortunately, I found myself in this angst predicament because I did not leave
enough time to edit my work to what I envisioned. I learned that I can be a perfectionist with
visuals and audios, and that does not always help when you have to meet a deadline. Sometimes
you have to let it go and make sure your overall product is better than the minor detail that has
you less than amazed.
This program has given me the opportunity to connect with inspirational educators, both
face-face and virtual. I have been able to meet people who are passionate about education, all
who are so unique in their educational talents. These range from my professors, cohort, and my
networks on Google+, Twitter, and blogs. These connections will continue to help me become a
better educator by constantly updating me with the latest and greatest.
Being able to balance so many things on my plate this year has truly surprised me. I have
definitely been through tribulations, but life has never landed so many punches in the same year.
I never anticipated so much illness, death, and pain to affect my family in less than a year. I
sometimes thought I could not handle it, did not know how I could. However, I did. I think this
saying is true for me this year: your darkest times make you stronger, if you can make it out.

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My spirituality, even though I do not put a label on it, undoubtedly flourished. I made
sure I was there for my family and loved ones. More importantly, I made sure to take care of
myself, even if it meant taking time to mourn and/or be alone to reflect. I think working with
students really helped me strive to be my best. In hard times, I saved my energy to be the best I
could for my students and my family. It forced me to make sure I revived from these hardships.
After mourning unfortunate events, I feel healthy and stronger. I feel nearly unstoppable for
being able to smile after this years many hardships, and I am much more than smiling. I am
striving and thriving spiritually, physically, and mentally more than ever.
Getting a Masters was a goal that seemed untouchable when I was younger, and now I
am so close to reaching it! Besides being something that will help me tremendously in the
professional world, I primarily wanted to do this for myself. It was always something I wanted to
do, and I did not want to go through life regretting my choices concerning education. There are
many other reasons why I want to complete this journey. I want to help as many individuals the
best I can. I want to be a successful lesbian despite the people who said, Gays do not have a
career or future. I want to be the person who stands up for all students in need, particularly the
minority LGBTQ community. Several of these will never be complete since there will always be
more to strive for and people who need help.

Professional Growth
Being full of new ideas and innovative strategies to teach has changed my educational
vision entirely. Before beginning the Master's classes, I could not even imagine the possibilities
that digital and technology bring to education. Every professor I had for the Master's classes

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introduced and trained me with vital tech tools. These include iMovie, Google+, Google
Hangouts, Twitter, Pages, Word, Numbers/Excel, Keynote, Prezi, blogs, websites, coding
websites, numerous apps, etc. Prior to the program, I knew very little about these things; some of
them were entirely new to me.
My first class was with Bill Selak. His enthusiasm really sparked learning and made class
fun. Originally, several classmates and I were nervous about doing these techy assignments.
After seeing how helpful, involved, and hands-on he was, we were at ease about completing our
projects. It was a great introduction to the program and set the tone for the entire program.
I am now substitute teaching in three different districts. I began the Master's program
working for a tutoring company and newly tutoring for AVID at Glendora USD. Getting a
subbing job, or any district job, seemed like a daunting process, with lots of paperwork, sets of
interviews, and repeat it all again. Luckily, I attended the APU Teaching Job Fair, which opened
many doors for me. Alvord USD hired me to sub the following week. Then La Puente/Hacienda
USD and Walnut USD hired me to sub in the same day. Balancing the tutoring job, subbing, and
school have been a lot to handle. The experience is great, and the students are fun to work with,
which made it workable.
I have learned that taking care of me is extremely important for me to be a good educator,
especially having consistent fitness. I have not been as consistent with working out as I should.
This is why my research question is if working out with a partner or group of people will
increase fitness consistency. I have learned that working out is important for my day-to-day well-
being, both physical and mental health. I do everything better when I work out. Now how to I
become more consistent? Working out with a partner or group increases your chances of being

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more consistent with your fitness, so I took this route. It has helped with motivation, enjoyment,
accomplishment, and getting the task done. More than anything, planning to workout with a
partner or group makes me more accountable and less likely to skip a workout. Focusing on
quantitative data, I looked at the number of times I work out in the three-week period when
involving a partner or group. The results were supportive, showing that working out with others
does improve being consistent with fitness.

Life Long Learning Plan
This Master's program has given me the resources to be a life long learner. Professors
encouraged and presented sources like Twitter, Google+, various educational blogs, educational
websites, and conferences that are ongoing educational collaboration. I plan to continue
following these websites, tweeting and retweeting, and attending conferences. Networking with
others via social media has given me many innovative approaches to teaching, along with several
good deals for educational resources. This includes staying abreast of new developments in the
educational world. I always hear things first via the Twitter or e-mail updates from educational
sites. This is how I will continue to learn, and be updated with the latest and greatest.
During this program, I have learned that professionalism is vital for success.
Professionalism is not only wearing your best suit to an interview, it includes a teachers daily
persona and decisions. I have learned to speak more professionally when it comes to student
needs. I have also seen the importance of a PLN. Using Twitter, Weebly, and Google+ has
shown me how to be professional on social media. These sites can make or break your teaching
career or hiring process.

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I was introduced and intrigued by new techniques, like problem-based learning, game
based learning, and flipped classroom. In the past year, I have been able to dabble into each of
these, but not as much as I would like. Not having a classroom is a big part of why I have not
been able to implement these frequently. I use Twitter and educational websites to help me stay
informed with the newest gadgets to help assist in these areas so that when I do get a classroom I
will still be ready with innovation.
My future will consist of family, education, and fun. In five years, I envision myself
teaching a math class at a junior high or high school. I would like to be the "techy" teacher, who
uses it to help educate students and help other educators. Although I have not yet decided, I may
pursue a doctorate in education. Frist, I want to be settled in a classroom in the next five years.
Once that is under my belt, I would use the experience to decide whether to get a doctorate, and
if it is a yes, then decide what specific educational doctorate. Therefore, in ten years I may have
a doctorate! On a personal level, I want to have a family in 10 years. I hope to be married, have
adopted, or be in the process of adopting. In addition, I hope to give a home to a dog or two.
Without a doubt, I foresee education being a major part in the rest of my life.

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History of Coursework and Course Evaluation

Megan Ramos

Spring 2014

LiveBinder URL:
LiveBinder URL
Course Title &
Key Skills Acquired Comments/Suggestions

Foundations in
Teaching and


All the tools to complete
Masters Program
o Google+
o LiveBinder
o Google Hangouts
o Cyber Safety
o Advisement: course
planning and goals
This class was the foundation of our other
classes. It was very helpful when it came
to future classes.

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iPad & computer apps and
software skill
o Google docs
o Keynote
o Numbers
o Paper
o Search Engines
o Tabs
o Rubrics
Practical and effective tools. Especially
appreciated her clear instructions and
Google Docs updates.

Digital Video in
the Classroom

Bill Selak

o Rules of Composition
o Advanced Editing
o Special Effects
o Shooting
o Lighting
o Mobile Video
o Foley sounds and
Sound Effects
Learned great video tools and editing

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o Graphics
o Custom Titles
o YouTube Editor


Jason Seliskar

Blogging & Collaboration
Building Website
Flipped Classroom
iOS Apps
Classroom workflows
History and future of DTL in
Provided awesome networking and PLN

Learning in the
21st Century

Cognitive research & apply it
to educational technology
Multiple Intelligences and its
relation with learning
Enhance student learning
Applying effective technology
with MIs
Technology rich lesson plans
Influential class with enthusiastic and
supportive instructor. This class really
impacted daily teaching methods for the
positive. Also trained us to select the best
technology tools for students and lesson

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& activities

Teaching and


Curricular Portfolio
Build capstone website
Action Research Study
Curricula Vita
Technology rich unit plans
Final presentation video
Plans to continue innovative
digital and technology teaching
and learning
This class tied together the entire program
to create a portfolio, website, and detailed
r technology rich unit plan. It also allowed
reflection on my journey through the
program, and what I plan to do in the
future. All of things will help me in the
future to get jobs and reach my goals.

Evaluation of the impact of the Digital Teaching and Learning Program
To name one example of implementing instructional strategies to my role has been game
based learning. Finding fun math enrichment for older students used to be difficult, but with the
sources I have now, I am ready with various websites, activities, and apps to assist my students
and me. With my students, we have created math games out of various supplies.
My older students particularly enjoy math games on mathiscool.com and
mangahigh.com. At MangaHigh, they can practice their math skills by choosing and playing

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games that involves specific math concepts. Students have answered these math questions
throughout each step of the game. At the end of each game, students get a score of their results.
Here they can review the questions that they faced during the game. Most games have a quick
tutorial to review the math concepts. My students really enjoy these games. They get excited and
eager to practice their math skills, which is a great exciting for them and me. More importantly,
students gained math concept skills, from vocabulary and application to revisions.

Program Evaluation
My experiences of the credential and Master's program were different. The credential
program felt "old school," especially now compared to the Master's program. I was put-off by
one teachers open distaste for students of LGBT. (This made me have a hard time to take
anything he said as valid.) In all but one of my credential classes, a handful of students lashed
out bigotry and hate comments. One young man even said that he wished he could "wipe out" all
the gay people. It is the worst discrimination I have endured. It nearly resulted in me quitting the
I took Spring semester off to reflect on my experiences, and determine whether to
continue at APU. I made the choice to complete the program. Upon returning to classes, a
teacher stuck up to these individuals speaking hateful words. This was a pivotal point in my
experience, and I greatly appreciate her addressing the issue. Soon after this, other students in the
class openly disapproved of the discrimination and promoted love, not hate. Unfortunately, this
issue was the number one thing that stood out in the credentials program.

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My Master's experience has been the polar opposite of the credential program. From the
beginning to end, it was full of innovative activities and concepts. It was exciting and applicable
to today's education system. My favorite change from the credential program to the Masters is
that there was not one time where I heard a teacher or student discriminate or blurt out hateful
comments. It was truly a wonderful change, and made me feel like I made the right choice about
not quitting APU.
After my experiences, I have only one recommendation for the program. Credential
teachers should definitely have a course on civil rights and discrimination. Sure, people are
entitled to their own opinion, but discriminatory views need to stay OUT of the classroom. If
anything, they should be teaching us how to support our LGBT students.
These past two years have been quite the roller coaster. I am very glad that the Master's
classes were so enjoyable. With all the hardships my family has been through this year, it was
the fact the Master's teachers were so understanding and inspiring that I have been able to finish
the classes and enjoy them. I greatly appreciate their passion for education and kind hearts!

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