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Craft symbolic .

China has always attached importance probation craft ideas on the role of ethical creatures . It
emphasizes the sensual pleasure and aesthetic objects used to satisfy the emotional ties , but at the
same time meet the requirements of this association code of ethics . Subject to strong ethical sense
, Chinese traditional craft creations usually contain a specific meaning, often by means of shape ,
volume , scale , color or ornamentation to a symbolic metaphor for moral concepts . This symbolic
quest often mae the court or reduced to a purely literary arts and ethical concept of the show,
causing pretense of the state or with the effect of physical damage . In contrast, more utilitarian to
the producer !s own wishes symbolic connotations of fol arts and crafts would seem primitive
energetic and vibrant . for Craft" such as #mbrella barrel$%lant fosterage apparatus$&rticle
rac$'ewspaper baset$ (lower stand$)anging baset$(lower pot stand*
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