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Types of Measurements

Measurement Figure Type Description Example

Length 1D Measures the distance between 2
points on a line in linear units. It is a
1D measurement on 1D, 2D, or 3D

Perimeter 2D Measures the distance around the
outside of a 2D figure. It is a 1D
measurement of a 2D figure. It
involves adding line segments. It is a
sum of lengths, so it is also measured
in linear units.

Area 2D Measures the flat space contained
within a 2D figures perimeter in
square units. It is a 2D measurement
of a 2D figure. It is calculated by
multiplying 2 dimensions that are
perpendicular to each other.

Volume 3D Measures the space contained within
a 3D solid in cubic units. It is a 3D
measurement of a 3D figure. It is
calculated by multiplying 3
perpendicular dimensions.

Surface Area 3D Measures the areas of all the faces on
the outside of a solid figure. It is a
2D measurement of a 3D figure. It is
a sum of areas, so it is also measured
in square units.

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