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For a better operation of our company, the management has created the

following guidelines:

1 Our work's schedule will be from 7:00 am until the 5 pm.
If somebody needs to leave it earlier, he would need a special

2 During the lunch's hour (12:00 to 1:00 PM). People shouldn't stay
inside the plant, please turn off the machines during this period.

3 The feeding Area should remain clean. When you finished eating
Please pick up the garbage.

4 The tools and special teams should be requested among 7:00 and the
9:00 AM
And they should be returned at 4:45 pm

5 Keep organized your works area; pick up yours tools and materials
When concluding the afternoon.

6 Is important for all to conserve the cleaning of the bathrooms. Throw
the papers to the bin, and always leave closed the faucets.

7 If you will work one Sunday, you should request the teams, tools and
materials on Saturday. On Sunday not open up the warehouse


Please read the following tenant association guidelines.
1. Would you please let the animals out? Because the neighbors complain.
2. The garbage the pick up the tuesday and thurday. Please organize in their respective
3. Please don't turn off the elevator, because the top floor tenants in need.

The riverview apartaments

Pleace read teh followings tenant association guidelines.

1) Take out the trash at 7:00 am because the garbage truck pas at the 7:30 am
2) Please turn down the music at the1:00 am
3) The visits should talking whit the guard after entrer, for know where parking
4) The service of store is until 9:00 pm, because the seller goes to the home.
5) The people that live in the upstairs No turn off the lights because the guard walk in the nights in the hall.
6) No let the pets whitout the belt, because the pets will can escape.
7) Care the parck, halls and the stairs, because if this damaged every building shall to pay.
8) The suggestions are told the administrator and no say to the guard, please.

The Riverview Apartaments
Please read the following tenant association guidelines:
1) the people in de upstairs hear music loud at night, please tunr down de radio at nigh.
2) the garbage are on the yard, please pick up the garbage and put in the trash.
3) the lights are lit in the corridors at night, plese don't turn off because may have an accident.

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