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global warming
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<font face="arial" color="#aadd11"><a href="blah.html">Welcome</a>
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<td width="666.6666666666666" align="center" valign="middle" COLSPAN="1"
<font color="#007700" face="arial"><h1>global warming</h1></font>
<td width="1332" align="center" valign="middle">
<font color="#55bb00" face="arial"><h2><p align="left">my views</p></h2></font>
<font color="#99aa55" face="arial">
<p align="left"><img src="img6.png" align="top">Welcome to the blog, where you can
find the latest articles that reflect my views as well as some ideas thrown
forward by out guest writers which we specially invite to share their views with
you. So sit back, click and read :)</p>
<font color="#55bb00" face="arial"><h2><p align="left">some more you would like to
<font color="#99aa55" face="arial">
<p align="left">This website started as a computer project for my class but soon
developed into a website for creating awareness about an old threat: Global

<p align="left">I�m Jvalin Tejpal currently in grade 10 and very passionate about
saving my home: my planet, our planet. We all need to do our bit in saving the
planet and I am doing it in my own way: by consuming less electricity and
polluting less.</p>
<font color="#55bb00" face="arial"><h2><p align="left">other
<font color="#99aa55" face="arial">
<p align="left">The other major projects that I am involved in and have
contributed to are:</p>

<p align="left"><ul align="left">

<li><a href="http://www.versatile1.wordpress.com">The Underground 1</a>
<li><a href="http://tug.cjb.net"> The Underground 2</a>
<li><a href="http://clubpenguingang.com"> Mimo Gang</a>
<li><a href="http://www.extremescience.com/"> Extreme Science</a>
<li><font color="red">RuneCrypt</font>

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