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Sorry my bad bad baaad engIIsh. X0

Photoshop 7ector TutorIal v1.0 by Celso JunIor - http://celsojunIor.devIantart.com 2

Photoshop Vector TutorIaI v1.0


Conhecendo a Pen TooI e suas funes:
Pen TooI and your functIons:

Introduo prtIca da Pen TooI:
IntroductIon to Pen TooI practIce:

SelecIone a ferramenta Pen tooI e certIfIquese que Shape Layers esteja marcado conforme mostra a Imagem abaIxo:

8egIn selectIng the Pen tool and certIfIed It that Shape Layers Is marked accordIng to dIsplay the Image below:

|arque o prImeIro ponto, em seguIda o segundo e o terceIro. Feche o seu shape clIcando no prImeIro ponto. Se seu shape
fIcou parecIdo com a Imagem acIma quer dIzer que voc est no camInho certo.

|ark the fIrst poInt, later the second and the thIrd poInt. Close your shape clIckIng on fIrst poInt. Check the Image above.

Photoshop 7ector TutorIal v1.0 by Celso JunIor - http://celsojunIor.devIantart.com 3

7amos agora aprender a fazer curvas com a Pen Tool conforme na Imagem abaIxo:

We wIll learn how to do curves wIth Pen TooI now. See the Image below:

UtIlIzando o mesmo shape do prImeIro exercicIo, selecIone a ferramenta Add Anchor PoInt TooI e selecIone o ponto A
conforme Imagem acIma. Note que Iro aparecer duas guIas, uma em cada extremIdade do ponto que voc acabou de crIar.
Quando estas guIas esto aparecendo, voc pode arrastlas (uma de cada vez). Faa o teste arrastando o ponto X at o
ponto Y e veja o resultado.
UsIng the same shape of the fIrst exercIse, select the Add Anchor PoInt TooI and select the poInt A accordIng to Image
above. NotIce that they wIll appear two guIdes, one In each extremIty of the poInt that you has just created. When these
guIdes are appearIng, you can drag them (one of every tIme). |akes the test draggIng the poInt X untIl the poInt Y and see
the result above.
Agora, para voc Ir treInando, crIe outros pontos com a ferramenta Add Anchor PoInt TooI e v fazendo as modIfIcaes do
jeIto que voc quIser.
Now, create other poInts wIth the Add Anchor PoInt TooI and go makIng some modIfIcatIons.

Photoshop 7ector TutorIal v1.0 by Celso JunIor - http://celsojunIor.devIantart.com 4

Comeando a vetorIzar
The begInnIng
Se voc est aprendendo a vetorIzar agora, ento recomendo a voc escolher Imagens sImples. Nunca troque os ps pelas
mos. FoI exatamente por Isso que escolhI a Imagem abaIxo para montar este tutorIal.
f you are learnIng now, then recommend you to choose sImple Images. Therefore chose the Image below to do thIs

SelecIone a Pen Tool e contorne toda a Imagem conforme mostrado abaIxo:
WIth Pen TooI selected, make the contour In the Image as shown below:

Photoshop 7ector TutorIal v1.0 by Celso JunIor - http://celsojunIor.devIantart.com 5

CrIe um novo shape e contorne o rosto da menIna com a Pen TooI e, usando a ferramenta Pen TooI >> Subtract from shape
area (-), contorne os olhos, sobrancelhas, narIz, orelha e contorno do queIxo.
Create a new shape and outlIne the gIrl's face wIth Pen TooI and, usIng the Pen TooI >> Subtract from shape area (-),
outlIne the eyes, brows, nose, ear and contour of the chIn.

Note que a parte superIor do rosto est maIs escura que a parte debaIxo. ClIcando com o boto dIreIto do mouse na layer,
selecIone IendIng DptIons e selecIone a opo CradIent DverIay conforme mostrado na fIgura abaIxo:
We wIll apply a gradIent effect In the Image. ClIckIng wIth the rIght button of the mouse In the layer, select IendIng
DptIons and select the optIon CradIent DverIay as shown below In the IllustratIon:

ClIque em CradIent para selecIonar as cores desejadas. No caso deste vector eu escolhI as cores #FCF6EA e #FE5E. Ajuste
o ngulo para 146.
ClIck In CradIent and choose the colors #FCF6EA and #FE5E. Now, adjusts the angle for 146.
Photoshop 7ector TutorIal v1.0 by Celso JunIor - http://celsojunIor.devIantart.com 6

7amos agora fazer o contorno dos lbIos.
|ake the lIps contour, now:

Em IendIng DptIons aplIque o CradIent DverIay com as cores #F1 e #FC0400 e ajuste o ngulo para 150:
WIth IendIng DptIons, applIes CradIent DverIay wIth the colors #F1 and #FC0400 and adjust the angle for 150:

Photoshop 7ector TutorIal v1.0 by Celso JunIor - http://celsojunIor.devIantart.com 7

AInda em IendIng DptIons, selecIone agora Stroke ajustando SIze para 1 pIxeI e selecIonando a cor #0C33:
StIll In IendIng DptIons, select Stroke adjustIng SIze for 1 pIxeI and selectIng the color #0C33:

Faa agora o contorno do fundo da boca como na fIgura abaIxo:
|ake the Internal contour of the mouth as In the IllustratIon below:

Photoshop 7ector TutorIal v1.0 by Celso JunIor - http://celsojunIor.devIantart.com 8

Contorne agora a lingua:
ContInue outlInIng the InterIor mouth:

SelecIone IendIng DptIons novamente e aplIque CradIent DverIay com as cores #F08A2 e #FF66:
Select IendIng DptIons agaIn and apply CradIent DverIay wIth the colors #F08A2 and #FF66:

Photoshop 7ector TutorIal v1.0 by Celso JunIor - http://celsojunIor.devIantart.com

7amos fazer agora os olhos e os dentes:
We wIll make the eyes and the teeth now:

Em seguIda os olhos:
Soon after the eyes:

Photoshop 7ector TutorIal v1.0 by Celso JunIor - http://celsojunIor.devIantart.com 10

E a irIs:
And the IrIs:

Contorne agora o cabelo prIncIpal:
DutlIne the maIn haIr now:

Photoshop 7ector TutorIal v1.0 by Celso JunIor - http://celsojunIor.devIantart.com 11

E novamente em IendIng DptIons, selecIone CradIent DverIay e use as cores #FFCC00 e #FF3300:
WIth IendIng DptIons, select CradIent DverIay and use the colors #FFCC00 and #FF3300:

Chegou a vez de contornar a cabelo secundrIo:
DutlIne the secondary haIr:

Photoshop 7ector TutorIal v1.0 by Celso JunIor - http://celsojunIor.devIantart.com 12

AplIque IendIng DptIons e CradIent DverIay com as cores #00FF00 e #2472A:
Apply IendIng DptIons and CradIent DverIay wIth the colors #00FF00 and #2472A:

E para fInalIzar a parte do cabelo, vamos selecIonar os trechos que aInda no foram preenchIdos:
ConcludIng the part of the haIr, we wIll select the spaces that were not stIll fIlled out:

Photoshop 7ector TutorIal v1.0 by Celso JunIor - http://celsojunIor.devIantart.com 13

E, novamente, aplIque IendIng DptIons e CradIent DverIay com as cores #66CCFF e #0033 com ngulo em 146:
And, agaIn, apply IendIng DptIons and CradIent DverIay wIth the colors #66CCFF and #0033 wIth angle In 146:

EnfIm, estamos chegando ao fInal deste tutorIal. Espero que ele esteja sendo de grande valIa para voc. 7amos agora crIar
um fundo para o seu vector. Eu, partIcularmente, prefIro cores maIs fortes e/ou vIbrantes:
FInally, we are arrIvIng at the end of thIs tutorIal. hope you understand It perfectly. We wIll create a background now for
your vector. , partIcularly, prefer wIth vIbrant colors.

Photoshop 7ector TutorIal v1.0 by Celso JunIor - http://celsojunIor.devIantart.com 14

Se voc conseguIu fazer todos os passos, o seu vector deve estar parecIdo com o da fIgura abaIxo:
f you got to do all the steps, then your vector wIll be lIke thIs:

Lembrese, para o resultado fInal fIcar realmente bom, voc precIsa InsIstIr no acabamento do seu vector. Nada de fIcar com
preguIa. |os obra e, se sua Imagem no fIcou parecIda com esta acIma, volte e tente consertar o trecho onde voc acha
que no fIcou bom.
Femember, for the fInal result to be really good, you need to InsIst on the fInIsh of your vector. 0on't have lazIness. Hands to
the work! n case your Image was not above sImIlar to thIs, try agaIn.
DrganIze agora os seus shapes dentro de Sets:
DrganIze your shapes InsIde of Sets:

Photoshop 7ector TutorIal v1.0 by Celso JunIor - http://celsojunIor.devIantart.com 15

Arraste todos os shapes do seu vector para dentro de um Set e com este Set selecIonado, apIIque Free Transform (CtrI + T)
e clIque com o boto dIreIto do mouse e selecIone FIIp HorIzontaI. Sua Imagem dever fIcar assIm:
Adjust all the shapes InsIde of a Set and wIth thIs selected Set, apply Free Transform (CtrI + T) and clIck wIth the rIght
button of the mouse and select FIIp HorIzontaI. Your Image should be lIke thIs:

7amos agora aplIcar os detalhes que daro maIs vIda ao seu vector:
We wIll apply the detaIls that wIll gIve more lIfe to your vector:

Photoshop 7ector TutorIal v1.0 by Celso JunIor - http://celsojunIor.devIantart.com 16

CrIe agora as sombras utIlIzando a cor #CFA e opacIdade 50X:
Create the shades usIng the color #CFA and opacIty 50X:

Chegamos aos detalhes dos olhos. Com a ferramenta EIIpse TooI e com o boto ShIft pressIonado, crIe um novo shape de cor
branca conforme da fIgura abaIxo. Ah! Lembre de ajustar a opacIdade para 40X.
We arrIved to the eyes detaIls. WIth the EIIpse TooI and wIth the ShIft button pressed, create a new shape of whIte coIor
accordIngly below of the IllustratIon. Femember to adjust the opacIty for 40X:

Photoshop 7ector TutorIal v1.0 by Celso JunIor - http://celsojunIor.devIantart.com 17

Estamos quase no fIm! 7amos crIar um shape com as estrelas agora:
We are almost at the end! We wIll create a shape wIth the stars now:

AplIque IendIng DptIons e eveI and Emboss ajustando o Soften para 16 pIxeIs:
Apply IendIng DptIons and eveI and Emboss adjustIng Soften for 16 pIxeIs:

Photoshop 7ector TutorIal v1.0 by Celso JunIor - http://celsojunIor.devIantart.com 18

ContInue em IendIng DptIons e aplIque agora CradIent DverIay com as cores #FF00 e #FFFF00 e ngulo de 146:
ContInue In IendIng DptIons and apply CradIent DverIay wIth the colors #FF00 and #FFFF00 and angle of 146:

AplIcando os acabamentos fInaIs como bordas entre outros detalhes, o nosso vector estar pronto! Se voc chegou at aquI
com sucesso, deIxo os meus parabns! Caso contrrIo, no desIsta, contInue tentando. Eu fIz este tutorIal em -J dIas e crIeI
este vector em -1 hora.
Apply the borders and our vector wIll be ready! f you arrIved here wIth success, congratulatIons! 8ut otherwIse, don't gIve
up, try agaIn. Well, made thIs tutorIal In -J days and created thIs vector In -1 hour.

Photoshop 7ector TutorIal v1.0 by Celso JunIor - http://celsojunIor.devIantart.com 1

hore vector tutorIaIs:
Vector-P (8razIlIan CommunIty of 7ectors) http://vectorbr.devIantart.com
VU (7ector 8rothers and sIsters UnIte) - http://vbu.devIantart.com

Vector cIubs:
Vector-P (8razIlIan CommunIty of 7ectors) http://vectorbr.devIantart.com
Vector-LatIno (LatIn AmerIcan CommunIty of 7ectors) http://vectorlatIno.devIantart.com
VU (7ector 8rothers and sIsters UnIte) - http://vbu.devIantart.com

Em especIaI mInha noIva, que eu amo tanto, e que sempre me apoIou IncondIcIonaImente.
hy gIrIfrIend! Thanks a Iot for your support. I Iove you!!!

CeIso JnIor Is a hIcrosoft eta Tester
Founder: Vector-P | AdmIn: Vector-LatIno

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