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Shannon E.

108 Hemenway Street #6 coveney.s@husky.neu.edu 6 Lee Ann Circe
!oston "A 0#11$ $08%&'(%''&' )est*orou+h, "A 01$81
-./0HEAS0E/- 1-23E/S204 !oston "A
5ourth year nursin+ student in $ year *accaaureate 6ro+ram #010%#01$
Activities7 Honors 8ro+ram, Counci 9or 1niversity 8ro+rammin+
:8A7 '.;
)ES0!./.1:H H2:H SCH..L )est*orou+h "A <une #010
!.S0.- CH2L=/E->S H.S802AL
Clinical Assistant, Emergency Department <uy #01'%=ecem*er #01' full time
<anuary #01&%6resent per diem
Contri*ute to e99ective 6atient care in a eve 1 6ediatric emer+ency de6artment? coa*orate and communicate
6ro9essionay with nurses and 6hysicians? res6ond to 6atient and heathcare team re@uests in a timey manner? o*tain
vita si+ns and 1#%ead EA:s? assist with and hod 9or 6rocedures? 6er9orm 6oint o9 care testin+? im6ement crutch
teachin+ demonstrations and return demonstrations.
"ASSACH1SE00S :E-E/AL H.S820AL !oston, "A
Patient Care Associate, White 9, General Medical Unit <uy #01#%=ecem*er #01# full time
<anuary #01'%6resent per diem
)ork as an e99ective, inte+rated mem*er o9 the heathcare team? communicate e99icienty with nursin+ sta99? 6rovide
thera6eutic care to 6atients o9 di99erin+ ethnic *ack+rounds on *usy #$%*ed unit? 6er9orm 6he*otomy? o*tain 1#%ead
EA:s, assist 6atients with daiy care, mo*iity, re6ositionin+, and nutrition? o*tain and document vita si+ns and
intake and out6ut.
A1".- 010./2-: CE-0E/ )est*orou+h, "A
Tutor, uper!isor .cto*er #008%<anuary #01#

0utored in *oth math and readin+, su6ervised em6oyees, and acted as a iaison *etween 6arents and the owner.
CH/2S02-A>S CA5B )est*orou+h, "A
Waitress"#ostess "ay #00;%Au+ust #010
.6ened the restaurant, worked on a team in a 9ast%6aced environment, and 6rovided service to 6atrons.
)ES0!./1:H 4.10H S.CCE/ )est*orou+h, "A
$eferee "arch #006%.cto*er #00(
.99iciated youth soccer +ames and controed interactions *etween 6ayers, 6arents, and coaches.
!.S0.- "A/A0H.- !oston, "A
%inish &ine 'olunteer A6ri #01#%A6ri #01'
8rovided 6artici6ants with *ankets and assisted runners in o*tainin+ medas
"A/L!./.1:H H.S820AL "ar*orou+h, "A Summers #008%#00(
Escorted 6atients, or+aniCed records, tria+ed 6atients in the emer+ency de6artment, and 6re6ared *ed and stretchers
!EA1".-0 -1/S2-: H."E )est*orou+h, "A -ovem*er #008% "ay #010
0rans6orted, visited with, and or+aniCed events 9or the residents.

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