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Moodie a Witenberg: Moodle How-so Guides bupncododew witenborgelmedhnetpublishvew phpideS49tsartian-0 ott iflenhiea Moodie at Wittenberg > Netpubllsher > Moodle How-to Guide pate is ep Yow or Tossed nos tyke Cooney (Logout) ange ssetons__Mdenow atcle Paring alee Sections Articles in this section Welcome Welcome Beginner By: Myke Cooney Student (after Beginner) Published: Wednesday, 8 May 2007, 04:55 PM Cures Teaching") To our students and faculty, Welcome to Moodle 1.71 You'l notice # few changes, a new theme, and you've located the guides we've placed here to ease your Moodie path. (We do ike ta use the term moodle every so offen in @ humorous ‘way.) "The word Maodle was orginally an seronym for Modular (pject-Onented Dynamic Learning Environment, which is mostly useful to programmers and education theorists 1's also 4 vero that describes the process of fally meandering through something, doing things as fe accurs {> you to do them, an enjoyable tekenng that efen leads to insight and creativity.” http/idoes.moosle-org/en/About Moodie ‘Ths particular module is an example ofthe Netpublish function available inthis version of Moodle, You can find out more abaut lem each of the ‘uldes Isted on the left-"To use t, choose a section on the lef, then an Bice on the right. The article you select appears in the middle, ‘The guides appearing on the left are fr two purpases. The fists to ead you trom a first-time Moodler through becoming 8 oroticient student or Instructor using Moodle as a tool. The second purpose ws a reference. It ‘av be that you don't see or use 2 particular function or resouree In ‘Moodle for awhile; using the guides as a reference can refresh your ‘memory ond aid you in using the function tothe fullest. ‘The guides primarily come from a university in Finland ~ the Kemi-Tornie LUniversty of Applied Setances, Their eLearning Centre posts articles ana manuals In the hope that they ere-e help C0 others. In our case, they were ‘fe/2007 10.04 ae Mooi st Witenberg: Mone Howto Guides npsnoodtedev witenbergedunadnetpblisuview phpid=S4eesecione0 a tremendous boost in better documenting Moodle for you. We thank them ‘ery much for sharing their insights a well ae the pages themselves, Various pages were added or deletes, altered, or otherwise edited to better sult the way Moodle Is set up ond'used at Wittenberg, Should you have any questions, run nto problem, ori you's ike to discuss Moocle for any other reason, please contact the Solution Center at any time, Feedback about this courseware package is both welcome and encourages Solution Center, Wittenberg Computing (Created: Wednesday, 8 May 2007, 04:55 PM Modified: Wednesday, 9 May 2007, 04:56 FM) devant ty endear ‘You ate logged in 35 Myke Cooney (Logout) Moodle a Witenterg: Moodle How-to Guides imoodledev steer edumodlnepublsivew ppt 1 of jnillenherg UNIVERSITY: Moodle at Wittenberg » Netpublishes » Moodle How-to Guldes Ua ts Watt fou or looped i a Myke Cooney (Logeut Student (ater Beginner) Instructor (after Beginner) Course Teeching axe Acticles in this section what is Moodie? What is Moodle? By: Myke Coaney Logging Published: Friday, 27 April 2007, 11:27 PM biocke ‘The myMoodle page Introduction to Hoole Eating your user profle Boas ‘What is Moodie? Boas couse Noodle is open source software developed in Australia by Martin Entenng @ course - the course Dougiames ©. This means thatthe prograris fee avaiable to anyone PATS from the web site htp://moodie.org, The Moodle dowosa contains’ THe Activity fools ~ Overview Stendard set of tools. In addtion, there are many contrib Moodle tools The Moodle Editor (er not part of the standard distribution) and Nacks developed by ‘The Act tools ~ Forums Siterontecueators around the world. We use number af tose conta) The Messenger tool fools in our Moose, «9. Mal and Netpublish gore Moodle a virtual learning environment (VLE), a web-based environment laivch can suppor teaching and learning via computers with access to the Internet. So, to study via Mooele you need a personal computer (PC) with an Internet connection, Nowadays, many students have sueh PCS at home, But, for those who do act, schools and libranes provide Internet accass vis thelr computer networks, ‘Students recewe accaunts on Maodle when their Windows (campus ‘etwork) and e-mail accounts are created. To find a username and/or set ‘S password for use on Noodle or other carpus systems: ‘wiv. ntttenbergcedurws Note: The pictures in thase manuals were sometimes talcen using rer browser and sometimes with Mozilla Firefox, ‘sometimes with an old colour theme and sometimes with ‘another, 20 the view may differ slightly if you use another Browser onms/2007 10:04 AN ‘Moodle st Witenberg Moodle How-to Guides itp:noodtsey witenbergedumodnetpablehiew phpideS#B.sec00"1 fr theme than the Information should 1 that was used for the picture.Mowever, the the same. © Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Science, eLearning Centre Contact: ‘Shared via http://does.modle.org/en/Moodle_manuais CChanges/alteations inthis guide: Wittenberg Computing Center 2007 (Created: Friday, 27 April 2007, 11:27 PM Modified: Fray, 27 Apri! 2007, 3:27 PM) Dene Oy HosseTaes Faoodlle) You are logge in a5 Myke Cooney (Logout) Moodle Wittenberg: Moodle Howto Guides ‘upsnoodledev sitenbereeduimodnetpblisvew pp Tid>s49tsechon=| Baile? Tuillonberg of UNIVERSITY: Moodle st Wittenberg > Netpublishes » Moodle How-to Guides ‘pais ie Reipubiah ou ae logged m as Hy Cooney (Logout) axe ‘Sections Articles in this section Logaing in Welcome seinen hats Moose? Beginner y: Myke Cooney Logging In Student (ofter Beginner) Published: Friday, 27 Apri 2007, 11:40 PM Blower Instructor (ater Beginner) Course Teaching ‘The myMoodle page Logging into Moodle, locating Moodle Editing Your user profie he Blogs Logging n to Mooste ce ‘An increasing number of courses is supported by on-line learning Ec pene ‘Sctuities, When 2 course nclugea the vee of on-line study material 388 ‘ssignments sng/or communication, this should be mentioned in the THE Activity tools « Overview. ‘escrption of the course. Normally, the teacher(s) nthe course will ‘The Moodle Editor Introduce the course environment during one ofthe nrst meetings. They Te Activity tools» Forums ‘il tll the stucents: ‘he Hessenger tot 1 The Internet address of the Moodle server (UAL), for most courses GToUps: ‘this wil be http:/moodle.wittenberg.edu When you have switched on your PC and apened your browser program (the Internet Explorer and Molla Firefox browsers work best with Mooale), you wil fil in the addross ofthe Moodle tcrver given to you by Your teacher. You will ten see something like the following page \ “The login page i shaped lke 9 standard Moodle page with three columns In the fet column you wil finda list of manuals and communteation tools, “The mide column cantain the lst of courses for you. Clek the name of the course to enter. ‘The column tothe right contains 2 calendar which displays entries from all ‘oins2007 10-05 0m Mocale at Witenber: Moodle How-to Guides eegned By Moscone: npsincoddevvitenbergedunodnctpublishview phpideS498seeton= article courses you have access to along with other time-oriented information \ 1f you have forgotten your usemame and/or password you Can cick the forgotten password button, which returns YoU to the WittLini Portal. Yeu ean find out your username, set © password forthe fist time, or reset your password ther. {Uf you have ile inthe correct 1D, you wil be logged In ta Moodle, You retum to the front page, where you naw read: You are logged mas: Your ‘Name (logout). When it is time to log out you can click that (lagout) fink oF you can simply close your browser, a5 thet wil leo log yau out When you have logged in forthe fist time, you should fst check your user profile, as this Important information wil follow mith you wherever you gon Moodle, (Created: Friday, 27 april 2007, 11:40 PM Mesdfied: Tuesday, 1 May 2007, (02:07 PM) You are logge in 25 Myke Caoney (Logout) soe Wiener: Moodle How-so Guides nipsincodiaev witenbergeduinadtcipblshiiew popid-S49Qsechon=Iarici=1 ‘uilienberg “UNIVERSITY: Moodle ot Wittenberg > Netpublishes » Moodle How-to Guldes Update is Neigh ou ee looaed n s yke Cooney (Logout) axe Sections Articles in this section Blocks Wielcome What ls Moodle? Beginner By: Myke Cooney Uoaging Student (after Beginner) Published: Tuesday, 1 May 2007, 02:25 PM Blocks Instructor (after Beginner) “The myMooste pase Course Texesing Blocks Ealtng Your user profile Blogs Entering a course Entering 8 course - the course page. ‘The Activity tools - Overview ‘The Moodle Esitor Certain tots on the Moadle front page as well as the Course pages can ‘Secur nthe form of blocks. These are located inthe sige bars to the page {Gee the ilustration an the manual page about the Course page). The fhumber of Blocks available fs considerabie, but no course wil have all ot ‘hem active. The following blocks are the rhost key to occur ina course: ‘The Activity tools Forums ‘Standard Blocks ‘The Messenger too! Calender People aaa “This block oives an overview ofall the users ina course with some oftheir particulars. You can see mare Ifyou click on someenes name or user Messages “The Messenger block allows users to gena each other messages in Mood e's not necessary Tor users to be In the same course (there Is also 3 Messenger block an the frent/yMoodle page), There are detalied Instructions in the use of the messenger elsewhere inthis manual Online Users ‘Thus block shows other active users in the course (usefU if you wan to ‘ena them a message or chat). of ‘rre32007 1005 aM Moodie Witenberg: Moodle How-to Guides 20 ipsncodiedev witenberg.edanadnepublishiow piptides49esection-l rice} Activities ‘This block gives an overview of the diferent resources and activity ‘modules used inthe course with their descriptions. Far example ick “assignments wil ist all (visible) assignment inthe eourse, with thelr deadlines and grades (any). Search {In courses with many forum discussions the Search biack can help you locate messages thet contain certain words or phrases. In| ‘courses without much forum discussion this | block is often hidden, ‘Advanced search @) ‘Admin ‘The admin block contalns for students 2 link to their grades page, which lists te grades obtained for dfterent activities and options to edt ter profile and and their password My Courses, ‘Ts block ists the courses to which you have access and links tothe ‘overview of course categories and courses in which you may en (provided you have the envoiment key). Latest News: ‘The Latest News block its the most recent mestagas pasted by the teecher(s) of a course In the News forum. This block i often hacen, Upcoming Events “The upcoming events block calls attention to entries in the course eslendar, Ike upcoming assignment deadlines, calendar ‘The Calendar shows activites and deadlines related tothe course, It explained in more cetll here. Recent Activity “The recent activity block gwves an overview of what users have done inthe course since your last login, for exame who wrote forum messages or oot Wiendorg: Moodle How-to Gus |pmoodtedv.witenberg edummodlnepubish ew pipitS49aseton™dearicle“tT no edited wils pages and when. Other Blocks - See Instructor How-to Guide for more others ‘There are few more blocks that are very rarely used. Note that ess Uepesdt on me (enecveerims ———=#-[ This con allows you course snd ne | collapse restore, a eeieeaner (C ecennner acl aang iaeeon a couse page eaually Slsplayed ina course. Even standard blocks can be hidden from view and Sometimes the order ofthe blocks difers from course to course. Depending on the theme used, course users can collapse blocks on thelr course page, <0.asto save space (but do nor collapse blocks that you need {2 keep informed abaut te goings on inthe course!) (Created: Tuesday, 1 May 2007, 02:13 PM Modified: Tuesdey, 1 May 2007, 02:13 PM) uaa! Hetero You are logged in as Myke Cooney (Logout) aoc con/ex2007 10:05 AM signe a Witenborg: Moodle How-to Odes sptncodledoreitenborgedlmodhepudishview ppideS49asecton=l arte uillenherg UNIVERSITY’ janes » Moodle Howto Guides ‘Update Wap YYou or tooged in as Myke Cooney (Logout) Manage ceone dine arte Pea arcs axe suctions tices tha section ‘any Modte pose taco vinatis Hoole? Sonnner 2: nyea Cooney oe Sea aes gine) Pao Nanly, 30 an 2007, 03:18 94 yan See eae See yoodte pose Insaco er eOTEM) eer ogging to Henle, you wl be redacted 0 your Hyon page,» emiionde eae, page whch ists the courses to which you have access and displays blogs ‘eignment deaslines and unread forum message: a Entering @ course Entenng 2 course ~ the course COnce you jog in, you wil be esiracted to your MyMoodle page whenever sca pose You cle "Meade" in te breaderumb te 8808 vty tole Overview Use the Eat button atthe top ofthe MyMoosle page to add Blocks, ‘The Moodle Eator tustomiing vout view to place the Information yu need ina convenient THe Activity tes Forums seston Calendar (Created: Monday, 30 Apr 2007, 03:17 FM Modified: Monday, 30 April Groups 2007, 03:17 PM) ‘eres y Heaclethames "Yu ore logged in as Myke Cooney (Logout) ott T/0s2007 1005 AM ‘Moodle Wiener: Moodle How-1o Guides vata ‘witienberg UNIVERSITY! ‘sections Beginner Stucent (after Beginner) Instructor aner Beginner) Course Seaching axe iting your user profile bby: Myke Cooney Published: Tuesday, t Mey 2007, 02:24 #M ‘You can access your user profile at any time by clicking on your name (Alice Wonderland In the example) or ‘Your user picture, Moodle wil then show your profile such as the other users wll seek. For exemple Profile Gull profile Forum posts Blogs nh, Click here wo edit [| An overview of your ty your prafile. forum posts in Moodle tp } | Olen haamuopiskeli ie a - seems crx ese | ies ra w | a om moron : it athe Moodle wsers. Last access: maananta, 8 tammnikuu oar eee ees) Change your password here. |"—* (Change password || Messages ‘To change your password, use the Change password button. Change password sends you to the WietLink Portal lag in and use the Change Passward linkin the left column, ‘You con change the information in your profile by cilcking the Edt profile tab in your profile or the Ealt profile lnk in the Adminstration box in any course. When you nave clicked the Edt Proll button, all Profle options wil open as shown below: ipsncoddev water eduhnodnspublisview popideS498secon-lSacesies Lipa tis Nesp fou ar longed i 8 Myke Cooney (Lone) Articles in this section Whet is Moodie? togging a Blocks ‘The myMoodle page Eating your user profile Blogs Entering & Entering @ ‘course = the ourse poge She Aetuty tos = Overview ‘The moodle Esitor ‘The Retivty fools = Forums ‘The Messenger toot Colenear Groups 732007 10:06 AM Moodte a Witenberg: Moodle How-to Guides nplmoodiedev.witedbergcauimodietpblshvew pnp iSOsecion= Bartle Check these earefuly and comet then if necessary! Show your ema a other users inthe course. [eer ie meee 258] “Corpo” ox *Suhjects™ are sod setangs if yon have ‘many courses it generate a loc ofmossages and yo donot ,| ant to rece dozons of | separate message a day. No", strongly ave seting? eshighightnew pows ferme SF] =e, bast pon Glow forum ports show) Choose your language, but note ‘hat oly English and Finish cover all tools in Moodle! i! ‘Fectual info, mo "Story of my life” 20rd ‘Mona Wander: Moodle How: Guides ipsnaodedev witebereeduinadetpblsview ph ¢9Asecuonldariclend “Several fields are completed for you. E-mail addrass is required, because Moodle sends you updates from assignments and other Items. With the E-mail digest type you con set whether you want to receive separate copies of every dlscussion message posted in vour course(s) (setting No digest, or whether you want to receive one message per doy that lists all te messages (setings Complete and Subjects) For the tem Forum auto-subscribe choose: No (Its better to choose later from which forums you wish to recewe mall If you select Yes or Forum tracking, every forum in every course can lst and highlight unread forum posts (ifthe teacher enabled ths seting) Continue with your personal information (town an country} ane set the preferred language cf your cholee. Ths wi be th interface language that wil be autarratiealy selected wien you fog In. Note, though, that you ean override this automatic language selection by using the language selector on the Mooale front page. tn addon, Itshould be noted thatthe fanguage selection only changes the interface, (does not affect tne language of course metersls edded to an environment. Language courses often have fhe interface language fied to the target language. In thore courses, your preferred languoge ealection has to effect, Film a short description of yourset, so that your fellow students know 2 litle bit who you are, but Femember that all users of Moodle can read your profile, so do not get too personel ‘The optional tems are not needed to create your orofle, but they can be useful If you upload a picture of ‘yourself, oF an avatar, to ave a face to your profile, you will come across more as 2 person to the other ‘To add a pieture to your profile, cick the Browse button. Look up the picture you want to use and double-ite t The link tothe picture wil appear in the browse box (note that the picture fle must not be too big, $0 Kb of less ie usual}, User pictures wil be automaticaly resized to ff the picture box For much ofthe varus other optional tems remember that ail Moodle users have access to them (except for the last four, whch can only be seea by your teachers), so refeet on whether you want to share that ‘formation with everyone. You can nov cick Update profite at the Yottom of the page ané you will ee your updated profile. Hote {hat you can slweys return to your profile and make changes in your selections and personal information when required. (Created: Tuesday, 1 May 2007, 10:39 AM Modified: Tuesday, 1 Nay 2007, 10:39 AM) ene MowcaTers [fnoodle ‘03/2007 10:06 AM ‘Mane st Witenberg: Moodle Howto Guides ipstmoadeaev witenereeduimodeipubli/ view pipideS4M.section= article ‘You are logged in 35 ke Cooney tLogeut) Moodle at Witeabere: Moodle Howo Guides Lora ‘wilignbaeg Moodle at Wittenberg > Netpubliches > Moodle How-to Guides| Sections Welcome Beginner ‘student (ener Beginner) Instructor (rer. Beginner) Course Teaching axa Blogs By: Myke Cooney Published: Tuesday, 1 May 2007, 02:24 PM fon the Internet st Wittenberg, the blog tool Is set to allow posts sitewide, but will not be published publicly Mooule 1.6.3 features a simple blog tol thet is ted tothe user profes. A blog (Web log) i lke an online Glary in which users publish thelr views on topical and other issues of Interest for ather Users to read, Teachers may use blogging es pert ofthe course activites. Every Moodle user can maintain a blog in our Mooele and can allow other users to peruse their blog messages (keeping a blog private goes against the Idea of blogging). Blogs can be made searchable by selecting taus that categorise the intent or content ofthe blog. To start a bog, go to your profile (Le, cick on your name or user picture anywhere in Moodle) and click the Blogs link above your profile. This opens the Blogs page which fo the right has the Slogs menu block and the Blogs tags block: psinandedev witeabergeduimadnetpablsh/vew phpig=StDAsecton=| Saricle=5 pat th eta Jv ee logged in as ke Cooney (Logout) Articles in thie seetion inet is Moodle? Logging m Blocks The myMoodle age Eating your user profile Blogs Entering 2 Entenng 2 course =the course page ‘The Aetwity tool = Overview ‘The Moodle Editor ‘The Activity fools Forums ‘The Messenger tool Calendar Groups ‘onmpa2007 10:96 06 Moodle st Witenber: Moodle How-to Guides pinaodldevwitenborg.edmodnepublsiew piid-S49 section arcs {see below. ‘Ada a new entry will epen the blog edit window Gives an averview of only your awn messages. ‘Shows only blogs from your course I ‘atl anew etry View my snines tog proareaces View course eines ‘ View site enna Sos Mot rom hein Mone ste |" oe Allows you to ad tags of your own ta your blog fog Tags. ‘This block lists the tags that are presently in use, : ‘so with these you can search the available blogs for innoMarathon: messages in a certain subject field eOK = ‘Aida now onty_[ Give a descriptive dda, |_| Who do you allow o read your En ae I Mot meng? Oy rome anyone in Moodle, or anyone on Punishio: [Youle STG {he entre Inmet? Taos: Official age User deine age eok =H Setece z nara appropriate tags MusitdeMusic that deseribe OpetaeyTeccter yourmerrage, Srttingten or ereate your ‘Tyaheroeluvan oe J Adetts ape ‘Molle x Witenber: Moodle How Guides sore | Slogenty (ies ——¥]ew S](_—_] wy 0 sis ae mMloe % SESS Ti SESR bal tove|/TDOSPRi ola g ‘meant to be public and that you copyrighted picturest camry fll responsibilty for what you ‘write in your blogs. Avoid content thats obscene, discriminatory, defamatory or otherwise illegal! ‘When you have vaitten your blog entry, elick Save changes helow. ‘Note that you can akvays edit your ‘own blog entries. Ties, mre ag ae Dona odie | lear Formatting: HTML forest @ Remember at all times that, although a blog s Intended tobe @ public diary of your personal views, that this ‘pect biog tool fs mace avalable to you by Wittenberg Univarsy. Therefore, be aay careful what you write m your bleg and who you allow to read It. Never post any material that Is af an obseane, Gisciminatory, defamatory, Illegal or otherwise unsuitable nature. Please see your handbook for éetlls and guidelines ragarding sletronie communication and other policies. (Created: Tuesday, 1 May 2007, 10:53 AM Modified: Tuesday, 1 May 2007, 10:53 AM) 1703/2007 10.06 AN _Moodle at Witenberg: Moodle How-to Guides napsmoodledev.witenbeg edumodloetpulvew,ppth=5498secton~lBarticle=S Designed By Hosters (fnoodile ‘You ore fogged in as tyke Cooney (Logout) ican at Witenbsr: Moodle Now-o Gunes psimoodasr itenoergeduinodhepublsh/vew pipid-SABesecton=Idarisons he = witenberg > Neues Hoole How-to Gaiden i i Nee fou we ged fe Cooey ose axe sections Articles in thie section Entering course eco that ood? een By. yk Cooner tease seater segener) __PubthedTséy, Way 2007 02:2 > pea frau (oer agen) ‘he yoo page Chase esc courses Eby pour ser rte Your curses are sted donnie mle ot your Hyode pane. Ciekthe BORE, ‘name of the course to enter. entering @ course Eterna couse te couse ssi tare wa course meng, pas contact te Ragtrars once to Sa ‘verify your membership. All courses should appear for you by the next The etialy tosis ~ Overview Wola or utar the Reguars hee adds ou inno pease contac ane The Henle Edtor ‘Solution Center immediately. Led ecseetter es ani ater entering the course Shnsa ° Groups: Courses are different in set up depending on the way the teacher intends fo use tne environment. Nawever, all courees have a buletn board forum for general news and announcements, In wich the teacher will post Importsnt information, like changes Is the timetable or a recap ofthe ‘weelca study tasks, The messages posted inthis forum wil be sent by ‘mail to all participants In the course, sot should nat be used for ‘iscussion aseignments. This forum is therefore one oF the ist places to check. (Created: Tuesday, 1 May 2007, 10:55 AM Modified: Tuesday, 1 May 2007, 10:56 AM) ore ty nearer tora ‘oma/2007 10:07 AM [Moo st Winenbery Moodle How-to Guides nep:/inaodedev.witebergecuinadnepablihiew phpid-S49.secdon=léaricle’ ‘You are logged Ina tyke Cooney (Logout) 20a Moodle st Witenbrg: Moodle How-o Gudes psnoodsew witenbercduinodnepublshiew popigms494secuon=|aricl= tallenbery UNIVERSITY’ Moodle at Wittenberg > Netpublishes > Moodle How-to Guides Update this Neji OU ee loaed n es Myke Cooney (Logout) unapesecons _ Addnew arte Pending ares axe Sections ete Entering a course - the course pas me Welcome sect Beginner By: Myke Cooney Stavent Published: Tuesday, 1 May 2007, 02:25 PM on (aner Moo SSoinner) When you have entered a course, you wil see the course page te Instructor Bice (Goren The Beginner) mye Course page Teeching Eat your prot Bios Ente th ets fools Over the Moos tte The Dati tools os o7mesno07 10.07 AM, ‘Mole at Witeabers: Moodle How-to Guides ‘Navigation bar, note that clicking "Moodle™ Inpsincodiedev witeabereeduimadnetablshvew php a-S49section= Bartle“? vill retum you to your MyMoodle page, ‘Short mame for the course he deni gate viid’- Pe Msenger ol fneons al sepia Lists teachers and stadonts in the cours ists mossages from the ‘News forma | [eos bebop a) Ce eet Ccieun| Over Moodle, but the block is not ceases tye Tinked to every cours ‘ost mmuice) | *—— Shows you who else is active He drsereetion) Wandetiang Aco i ti ‘Upcoming Events are jaMibalterPau eae rere ee Toe liniced. Ifthe Calendar is au || can communicate in veal ine staat eee (e.g, to save space) you This bloc gives an overview can sll accers eva the fall activites inthe course, Upeoming Events lock, | items |. | wid heir deadlines and other [Boron speeife information, Sareea ‘Brews = === course since my last login? 8 avn } 2. Infomation Retrial This lists some of your [Thee atera peemeg ea | Geant aig aot 7 ea s activities and those of others, Overview af your grades _| and personal information rma "Note that chore can be ala dan P other blocks on te ease pase, eer Aepening on the course, bat the: dais ce are the mos common ones ‘Aci one Say 6 en y,ovst Pi / plluped atracen nt ng ase yor lin Most Moodle course pages are made up of thre columns (although sometimes teachers may modify the view to two ‘olumns). Th left column contains small boxes called blocks that sre mostly of adminstestive nature. The eight, thas blocks that are mostly of an informative nature, wh the middle column contains the course material and acsvty Foru the Mess tool Cale Grow

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