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TeeZone - 12

June Main activity planned + timings (e)
(a) Activity description
appropriate to curriculum
Karaoke opportunity to enjoy music, sing, perform and entertain
each other.
Indoor sports possibly football, dodgeball type games, depending
on !hich "# come along to session.
$ree book givea!ay encourage "# to take a!ay % read literature
that perhaps they had not considered before.
Activities to run for duration of session.
&urriculum aims 'uild confidence in group setting, creativity,
communication through social interaction, physical e(ercise,
(b) )ustification of resources
Karaoke machine + &,s I have used this at other sessions !ith
great success, it is very easy to setup and use for all age groups,
safe, interactive and a lot of fun.
-arious balls.play e*uip suitable for indoor use as re*uired "#
(particularly the boys) enjoy playing physical games as a fun
sociable activity. /e have soft balls for inside use that are safer
both to the users and the building in a confined space.
'ooks obtained and approved as part of the !orld book day scheme
to encourage young people to read more.
(c) 0ationale for curriculum &onfidence building activity singing.performing !ith peer group
provides a safe environment to e(plore and demonstrate "#1s
creativity, personality % taste in music in a !ay that might not have
been available to them before, plus builds confidence.
2ome "# (particularly some of the boys) enjoy being competitive,
playing indoor sports provides a safe, fair % friendly medium for
this. 3hey also can have a lot of physical energy that can be
channelled into sports in a positive !ay.
#romoting reading can improve literacy skills and therefore
improve their life chances.!ork prospects for the future.
(d) Key personnel re*uired 4 2taff to monitor sports and ensure all participants safety.
5 staff to make themselves available to monitor the karaoke session
as re*uired, providing any guidance needed.
6yself to talk to "# about books at any convenient time during the
(f) 7ink to "# consultation 3he "# have told me at previous sessions ho! much they have
enjoyed having the karaoke machine and anything to do !ith music.
2ome of the "# (often K8 % &6) at most sessions, ask me to get a
ball out from our cupboard in order to play some kind of sport. I
thought they may like a more planned game for a change.
3he "# have not asked for books, but they have in the passed
e(pressed their concerns for future job prospects. 3he opportunity
to obtain free books for "# just happened to cross my path, so I
took it as a !ay to possibly broaden their hori9ons.
(h) -enue . location ,o!nstairs in the coffee bar area % upstairs hall for sports.
(i) $inances . costs All e*uip provided by A72 central resources at no additional cost to
specific 3een:one session. 'ooks freely donated.
(j) Appropriate resource
All e*uipment age appropriate, safe and easy to use.
&lear verbal instructions and monitoring.
'ooks approved by /orld book day scheme for teen audience.
(k) Any additional needs 2ome "# may find karaoke emotionally difficult to participate in, so
!ill need to find strategies on the night specific to individuals !ho
this may affect.
2ome "# may have reading difficulties.2;< so !ill need to be
sensitive to possible embarrassment.variations in reading ability.
(l) 6onitoring % evaluation =ngoing progress of "# !ill be monitored % evaluated !ith use of
attendance register and reflective diary

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