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First Grading Week 3

I. Objectives: (DMR)
1. Show enjoyment and appreciation to a story listened to.

II. Subject Matter:
A. Story: Mangosparos and the Monkeys
Reference: New Dynamics in English 6, pp120-121
B. Comprehension: Asking and answering questions
Demonstrating knowledge of story grammar/map
Using a story map/ grammar in identifying setting, characters and main events
of the story.
C. Reading: Decode meaning of unfamiliar words using context clues.
D. Writing: Writing a specific direction on given situations on how to go to a certain place
E. Phonics: Sound of /v/
F. Strategies: Reading and thinking aloud
Using a graphic organizer
Asking and answering questions
Role Playing
Cooperative learning
G. Skills: Identifying the Characters in the Story
Noting Details
Retelling the Story
Giving Accurate Announcements
Following Series of directions on prescriptions
Writing on how to go to a certain place
Producing the /v/ sound

Across the Curriculum Links:
Science: Adoption to ones environment
Developing English Language Proficiency: Giving Accurate Announcements
Values: Awareness, love and concern for family, cooperation, honesty

III. Materials:
Chart of words to be unlocked, pictures, activity sheets, copy of the story

IV. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Spelling: Pre-test (Teachers prerogative)
2. Phonics (Day 1)
- Motivation: Children, do you know the consonant sound of v?
- Sounding the /v/
- Showing the position of the lips for the consonant sound of /v/

POSITION: Let the upper teeth rest lightly on the lower lip
PRODUCTION: Blow between the upper teeth and the lower lip
At the same time, make the vocal cords vibrate by imitating the buzzing sound of a
3. Imitating by the pupils

A.1. Recognition (Ear training)
1. Listen carefully as the teacher pronounces the following words:
Initial v
vie vivid visage varnish
veal valve violate vigorous
veto virus venison vertical
visa valid varsity villager
vale voter verdant volunteer
vague virgin vibrant vulcanize
Venus vault ventral vegetarian

Medial v
Ivy novelty relevant reservoir
haven proverb whenever scavenger
govern rivalry leftover gingivitis
invalid shrivel walkover prevailing
invent maverick God-given omnivorous
jovial navigate interview mischievous

Final v
sieve forgive secretive progressive
calve relieve effective inexpensive
grave revolve initiative imaginative
revive deserve legislative conservative
starve conserve affirmative representative
survive incentive cooperative overprotective

3. Checking of assignment
1. Pre-reading
1.1 Motivation
Ask: What do you think will happen if you get things from others without asking permission?

1.2 Unlocking of Difficulties (using context clues)
Read each group of words carefully. Two words in each group have similar meaning.
Cross out the word that does not belong. Then choose a word from the list that means the same as the
other and write it on the blank.

1.3 Previewing
Say: What do you know about the story? What do you want to know?
1.4 Raising of Motive Question
Ask: From the title of the story, what do you like to find out?
(Publish pupils question on the board)
1.5 Setting of Standards in Reading

C. Constructing Meaning
1. Active Reading
1.1 First Reading/Storytelling by the teacher
1.2 Second Reading/Storytelling interacting with the text.




Once, there was a man named Mangosparos. He and his wife lived near a forest. Mangasparos
grew bananas. You may find many kinds of bananas in his yard - such as yellow bananas, green
bananas and even red bananas.
His banana plantation attracted the monkeys living in the forest. They trooped in
Mangosparos yard, climbed up the banana trees, and ate all the ripe fruits.
At first, Mangosparos and his wife were not affected by the monkeys. They could still keep
some fruits for themselves. But somehow, more monkeys came and feasted upon the bananas. Soon
enough, the couple could hardly have bananas for themselves.
One morning, while the monkeys were eating bananas, Mangosparos approached them and
politely requested them to leave some bananas for himself and his wife. But the animals laughed at
him. They ignored his request by saying, you may have planted the banana trees, but that does not
mean that you should also eat their fruit.
Mangosparos continued to plead the monkeys to spare some bananas for him and his wife, but
his plea was ignored all the time.
In his anger, Mangosparos started setting traps for the animals. He threw stones at them and
shot them with bows and arrows. But still, the monkeys came and stole bananas. Out of desperation,
the couple thought of a plan on how to save the bananas and get rid of the monkeys.
One early morning, the monkeys were awakened from their sleep by the loud wailing of
Mangosparos wife. Ai! Mangosparos is dead! Poor Mangasparos is dead! Gone is the planter of
bananas! Neighbors, come and see his body, for you will never see him again Hu! Hu! Hu!
The monkeys talked among themselves. Listen, the old woman says that Mangosparos is
dead- His wife is crying over him! Another hush of noise starts within them. Come, lets go and see
for ourselves. If he is dead, no one will ever bother us again.
They all rushed to Mangasparos place and found the windows shut and bolted. They climbed
up the ladder and entered through the narrow door. They saw the woman crying over the husband,
who lay stiff and still on a straw mat. The monkeys were overjoyed at this, We will never be
bothered by that cruel man again. We know all have the bananas for ourselves!
Little did they know that Mangosparos was still alive and breathing. He and his wife were just
acting as if he was really dead.
As soon as all the monkeys gathered inside their house, Mangosparos wife quickly bolted the
door. At this instant, Mangosparos rose and took a bolo which he hid at his side. His wife brought out
another bolo and in a few moments, all the monkeys trapped inside their house were dead.
Mangosparos and his wife finally got rid of the abusive monkeys.

2. Post Reading
2.1. Answering the motive question


I. Objectives (CM)
1. Enhance pupils reading interest through different engagement activities using the story map,
basic story frame and dramatization.

II. Subject Matter
Story: Mangosparos and the Monkeys
Reference: New Dynamics in English 6, pp. 120-121

III. Materials:
Chart of exercises/activities, manila paper, pens

IV. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Spelling (Teach)
2. Phonics
Combined Recognition Production Drill
Box the word that does not belong to the group.

1. investigate novena bolt
2. brilliant sovereignty starvation
3. survey interview breathtaking
4. initiative misbehave valid
5. lavish observer bishop

3. Checking of assignment

B. Lesson Proper
1. Retelling of the story
2. Comprehension Check-Up
Direction: Write the letter on the blank to the following questions:
1. What did Mangasparos grow in his yard?
a. apple tree b. banana tree c. mango tree
2. What did Mangasparos ask the monkeys to do?
a. He requested the monkeys to leave some bananas for himself and his wife.
b. He asked the monkeys to help him grow the bananas
c. He asked the monkeys to bring all the bananas to the market and sell it
3. What was the reaction of the monkeys?
a. surprised b. sad c. mad
4. How did Mangasparos initially deal with the monkeys?
a. Mangosparos approached them and politely requested them to leave some bananas
for himself and his wife.
b. Mangosparos brought the monkeys to the nearest farm.
c. Mangosparos
5. How did Mangasparos and his wife finally get rid of the monkeys?
a. They threw stones at the monkeys.
b. Mangosparos the monkeys with bows and arrows.
c. Mangosparos and his wife decided to pretend that he is dead.

3. Engagement Activities

Complete the story map with the necessary information to
prove that you understand the story you heard.

Secondary Characters Settings
Beginning Climax Ending
GROUP II ( Dramatization)
Act out the part when:
Mangosparos approached and plead the monkeys to leave
some bananas for them.
The couple thought of a plan on how to save the bananas
and get rid of the monkeys.
Sequence the following events according to the story heard using
a graphic organizer.
1. Mangosparos and his wife finally got rid of the abusive monkeys.
2. Once there was a man named Mangosparos. He and his wife lived
near a forest. His banana plantation attracted the monkeys living in the
3. In his anger, Mangosparos started setting traps for the animals. He
threw stones at them and shot them with bows and arrows.


D. DELC (Developing English Language Competencies)

I. Objectives:
1. Give accurate report in participating in club meetings. (PELC 2.1)

II. Subject Matter:
Give accurate report in participating in club meetings
Reference: English for All Times (Language 6), p. 155
Embrace Power Through Language 6, pp 10-12
III. Materials:
Chart of exercises

IV. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities
a. Spelling: Follow-up Test
b. Phonics: Production Drill
I. Read after the teacher.
Initial v
vie vivid visage varnish
veal valve violate vigorous
veto virus venison vertical
visa valid varsity villager
vale voter verdant volunteer


The most important character in the story is ________________________
The supporting characters are ___________________________________
The story takes place __________________________________________
The major problem in the story is_________________________________
Some of the most events in the story are_____________________________
The problem is solved when _______________________________________
The author wanted me to believe that_______________________________
I like (didnt like) this story because _________________________________

4. Little did they know that Mangosparos was still alive and breathing. He
and his wife were just acting as if he was really dead.
5. One morning, while the monkeys were eating bananas, Mangosparos
approached them and politely requested them to leave some bananas for
himself and his wife.
Medial v
Ivy novelty relevant reservoir
haven proverb whenever scavenger
govern rivalry leftover gingivitis
invalid shrivel walkover prevailing
invent maverick God-given omnivorous
Final v
sieve forgive secretive progressive
calve relieve effective inexpensive
grave revolve initiative imaginative
revive deserve legislative conservative
starve conserve affirmative representative

II. The pupils will produce the sound after the teacher in this manner:
a. in pair b. at random

c. Checking of assignment

B. Lesson Proper
1. Review
2. Motivation
Ask the pupils about some announcement of activities, reminders and other reminders that
they have heard/read lately. Why are announcement important? Give situations.
3. Presentation
Suppose you are asked to listen to a two-minute announcement to your
classmates or to your schoolmates about an important activity. Can you readily get the
important details of the message? Listen as your teacher reads an announcement.

4. Analysis and Discussion
What is going to happen?
Where will the meeting be held?
When will it be held?
To whom is the announcement addressed?
Does it contain all the important facts and information about the meeting?

5. Oral Practice of the Skills (OPS)
A. Controlled Activity
Fill in the blanks with the necessary information to make the following report accurate.

On monthly meeting of the _____________ was held in the ______ on ________ at
eight oclock in the morning. The __________ presided the meeting in the absence of the president.
The ________________ of the previous were _________ as read. Angelo Bautista, chairman of the
committee talked about the activities the club will undertake for the coming contest.

B. Semi-controlled
Answer the following questions based on the announcement.
1. Who are invited to the meeting?
2. What will be organized? Where will the meeting be held?
3. When will the meeting be held?
4. Who called for a meeting?

Who: Grades 5 and 6 pupils
What: Meeting to organize the CD-Roam Club
Where: Main Building Mactan Room
When: July 16, 2011, Friday 3:00 pm

C. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)
Work in a small group. Improve the following announcements. Observe the proper sequence
of place and time expressions.

1. The Joint Service and Young Scouts Investiture Ceremonies will be on September 7, Friday
at 2:00 in the afternoon at Scout Limbaga Multi-purpose Hall.
2. This coming Monday, at 1:00 in the afternoon, the meeting of organizers of the Father
and Son activity will take place in the schools main library. Pupils studying in the library will have
to return to their respective classrooms.

6. Generalization
Giving an accurate report in conducting and participating in club meeting is always important.
An accurate report should be complete with necessary information, brief and direct to the point.

7. Application
Give an accurate report using the procedure learned:

The Drama Club had its regular meeting to plan projects and activities for the coming
English Festival. Present were Lorraine, the president, Laila de Vega, the secretary, Angelica
Sabater, the chairperson of one of the committees.

8. Evaluation
Make your own accurate report in conducting club meeting.

9. Assignment
Pretend that you had participated in a club meeting and were assigned to give a report about
the conduct of your meeting.


I. Objectives:
1.Decode meaning of unfamiliar words using context clues. (PELC 1.4)
II. Subject Matter:
Decoding meaning of unfamiliar words using context clues
References: Journeys 6, pp. 334-336, 378-379
Reading for Meaning, pp. 165-172
III. Materials:
Chart of exercises

IV. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Spelling supervised study
2. Phonics: Enrichment Drill

a. Read the following phrases with /v/ sound:
1. invoke nonviolence 6. Overprotective volunteer
2. legislative initiative 7. Voters from the village
3. divine intervention 8. Verdant, not impoverished
4. inexpensive lavatory 9. Conservative puppy love
5. overcome an upheaval 10. Vigorous, vibrant and vivid

b. Sentence drill
1. The imaginative volunteer had misgivings / about the legislative initiative on divorce.//
2. Environmentalists resolved to observe/ a vigorous surveillance movement against vandals.//
Mr. Santos will call a meeting for the purpose of organizing the CD-Roam
Club (Cleanliness and Discipline Roamers Club). The meeting will be held in Mactan
Room of the main building on Friday, July 16, 2011 at 3:00 pm. All grades five and six
students are invited to join.
3. I have a puppy love which I cannot reveal/ because my conservative mother will surely
4. Whenever Venus overspends on lavish novelty items,/ Dad gives her a severe warning.
5. The vegetarian villager starved / because he refused veal and venison for dinner.

3. Checking of assignment

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation
Who among you love flowers? Why?
2. Unlocking of Difficulties
Through the use of dictionary
Garden (n) a plot of ground where, herbs, fruits, vegetable or typically flowers are cultivated
Our garden is full of flowers.
Bloom (v) to produce or yield flowers
Soon flowers will bloom to the fullest.
Thrive (v) to grow vigorously
Wildflowers thrive in drought conditions.

3. Presentation
Read the story:

Ask: Where can we find the meaning of a word?
You do not have to use the dictionary every time you come across an unfamiliar word in
whatever you are reading. Sometimes, you can get the meaning of an unfamiliar word from other
words in the sentence or paragraph.
When you figure out the meaning of an unknown word from other words, you are finding
word meaning in context. The words and phrases around an unknown word often provide clues to the
words meaning. These clues are called context clues.

Let us now find the meaning of the word scant in context. First, let us narrow down the rules.
The chart below shows three sentences:
The one that comes before the word scant;
The one that contains the word scant, and
The one that comes after the word scant

Look carefully at the sentences that come before and after the word scant.


Now, focus on what the clues in the sentences tell you.
Wildflowers grow well, even if there is drought or poor soil. They are good for gardeners who
live in areas dependent on deep well water.

So, the word scant must mean ___________.
This is how to find word meaning in context.
Sometimes, you can get the meaning of an unfamiliar word from other words in the sentence
or paragraph.
Words in a sentence or a paragraph that help you find the meaning of a new word.

She is haughty unlike her brother who is humble.
Many gardeners collect seeds for their gardens from their favorite wild
flowers. They collect seeds from dying blooms, put them in plastic bags, and later,
sow the seeds in their garden. Wildflowers are popular because they thrive in
drought conditions and in areas where soil is poor. Since water is in scant supply in
many communities, you may want to consider wildflowers for your garden.
Wildflowers are popular
because they thrive in
drought conditions and in
areas where soil is poor.
Since water is in scant supply
in many communities, you
may want to consider
wildflowers for your garden
Many gardeners who live in
a city or town using deep
well water have thriving
wildflowers garden
The words unlike and humble are clues to the meaning of haughty. (The meaning of
haughty is boastful)

Allesandra used her pin number to have an access to her savings account. The word pin number
and to her savings account are the clues to the meaning of access. ( The meaning of access is
entry or entrance)

Punctuation marks such as comma, dash, parenthesis are all signals that a context clue may be
given. Words and phrases such as who is, or, in, other words, that is are also signals to look for.

The queue the line of people waiting for application forms- made us change our minds and
decide to return earlier the following day.
(The line of people waiting for application forms is the context clue for the meaning the word

The principal asked the boys to explain precisely or exactly, what they intended to do with the
(The word or is the context clue for the meaning of the word precisely,)

4. Guided Practice
Directions: Get the meaning of the underlined word from the given choices. Write the letter of
the correct answer.

1. He could swank about in a glittering Rolls Royce, but he uses an old and secondhand car.
a. show b. boast c. buy
2. The editor examined his drawings, told him he didnt have any real talent, discouraged him and
sent him away with a broken heart.
a. dampened b. inspired c. urged
3. Jennifer amuses herself in her spare time by taking pictures of plants and children at play.
a. bores b. criticism c. entertains
4. With all this rain, it is apparent that our camping trip will be postponed.
a. obvious b. unclear c. imperative
5. It was just by coincidence that we ran Tina and Abegail at SM last Sunday.
a. chance b. plan c. mistake

5. Independent Practice
Directions: Read each paragraph. Choose the phrase that answers the questions. Write the
letter of the phrase.

1. ____ The young bear found itself in a predicament. After climbing the tree, it discovered that it did
not know how to get down.
What does predicament mean?
a. troubling situation b. pleasant situation c. normal situation
2. _____ Katrina will make her debut as a violinist. This will be her first time to appear in public as a
a. first public appearance b. first private appearance c. last public appearance
3. _____ Anita activated the antigravity device. However, when she pushed the button, she suddenly
began floating up toward the ceiling.
A,. turned on b. turned off c. disconnected
4. _____ The governors reelection brought elation to his supporters, but it brought sadness to his
a. victory b. regret c. happiness
5. _____ Roberto always shows compassion for animals. He treats them with kindness and takes
good care of them.
a. uncaring b. sympathy and desire to help c. mean and harmful

6. Generalization
What is finding word meaning in context?
Context clues are words that say, STOP, dont touch that dictionary! The definition of the
word you dont know is RIGHT THERE IN THE TEXT!
When you come to an unfamiliar word, look for clues to its meaning in the words around it.
These nearby words are called context clues and can help you figure out the new word.

7. Application
Directions: Circle the meaning of the underlined word or words.
1. Aling Pisay scrubbed the walls to remove the dirt.
Painted quickly rubbed hard wiped
2. Gloria kept an eye on her brother who was beginning to walk.
Watched carried fed
3. He works amidst the grease and gasoline smells of the garage.
Beside in among
4. He got a poorly paid job making drawing for churches.
Highly moderate lowly
5. He says the idea of merely making money doesnt appeal to him.
Losing producing earning

8. Evaluation
Directions: Read each situation below. Use the context of the sentence to figure out the
meaning of the underlined words. Then, encircle the correct definition of the word.

1. Because stagnant water slightly moves, mosquitoes often ____ breed in it.
a. flowing b. motionless
2. Edgar had a detected look on his face after losing the debate.
a. depressed b. confused
3. We waited patiently for the storm to abate before we continued our journey.
a. increase b. lessen
4. Majority of Carlas schoolmates thought that her trip was sheer folly and that she was foolish to try
to go through it.
a. fun b. craziness
5. The bank robbers coached the money in an abandoned building. They hid it there hoping to return
for it in a few weeks.
a. stashes b. recovered

9. Assignment:
Directions: Read each sentences below. Look for clues to the meaning of the faced words.
Use those clues to complete the meaning.

1. Many birds in the forest have brightly colored plumage.
Plumage means _________________.
2. So many relatives came to our reunion for dinner that we had to squeeze together around the table.
Squeeze means _________________.
3. Roman Cruz, the famous sleuth, was asked to solve the case of the mayors death.
Sleuth means _________________.
4. The chocolate I received is very sticky. It adheres to my gums and teeth.
Adheres means ________________.
5. The astronomy students stood on the roof of the school building. They gazed at the stars in the sky.
Gazed means ______________.



I. Objectives:
Write specific directions on given situations on how to go to a certain place

II. Subject Matter:
Writing a specific direction on given situations on how to go to a certain place
Reference: English for You and Me, Language 6, pp. 26-28

III. Materials:
Chart of exercises

IV. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Checking of assignment
2. Spelling: Mastery Test
3. Phonics
Read the verse drill with the correct pronunciation.

Voters from the village are nervous;/
Varsity volunteers are mischievous.//
Voters from the village are omnivorous./
Varsity volunteers are vigorous.//

B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Following directions: Name _______________

Please read the entire document first before completing any questions. You have five (5)
minutes to finish this paper and hand it in to your teacher. Your teacher will keep track of the time.
Remember to read the entire test through first. Do any rough work on the back of the paper. Do not
erase any answers. Work quickly.

1. After reading the following passage, please answer the following questions:
Canada is a country in North America. It has ten provinces and three territories. Ottawa,
Ontario, is the capital of the entire country. Canada has a temperate climate which means that it has
hot summers, cool springs and autumns and cold winters. The beaver is the countrys national
animal and the money includes the loonie worth one dollar, named after the loan duck. Canada geese
migrate south during the late autumn to stay warm for the winter.

Circle the best answer:
a. The loonie is a duck True - False
b. The capital of Canada is Montreal True - False
c. Canada is located to the North of the USA True - False
d. One of the provinces is named Oregon True - False
e. One of the provinces is named Ontario True - False
f. Canada has snow and ice all year round True - False
g. Butterflies and Canada geese migrate True - False
h. The loonie is worth one dollar True - False

Now that you have read all the directions and have read the entire test, you only need to write
your name on the spot provided at the top and leave the rest of the questions blank or dont do them,
hand in your paper to the teacher, and dont tell anyone else the secret of this test. Take out a novel to
read or your homework and work quietly. Do not make a noise or tell anyone. Good work!

2. Presentation
Oral reading of the dialogue.

Aling Mila, Martins mother, called up her son over the phone and requested him to do
something for her.

Aling Mila: Hello! Martin, where are you now?
Martin: Ma, Im still here in school. Why, Ma?
Aling Mila: Go to Quiapo later. Its just a ride away from your school. Kindly buy me a native bag
and hat for your aunt and uncle in the States.
Martin: Sorry ma. I dont know where the stores are.
Aling Mila: The stores are under the Quiapo bridge. The Quiapo bridge is just across the Quiapo
church. You wont get lost.
Martin: Ill try Ma. Ill ride a jeepney going to Quaipo then Ill go down exactly at the foot of
the bridge.
Aling Mila: Wait, I want you also to buy me some vegetables at the Quiapo market. Its just across
the foot of the bridge.
Martin: Yes, Ma. Ill do it.
Aling Mila: Ok, thanks. Be careful!

3. Analysis and Discussion:
A. Answer the following questions:
a. Where does Aling Mila want Martin to go?
b. Is Martin familiar with the place? Why?
c. Is Martins school near Quiapo church?
d. How will Martin go to the place?
e. What kind of a son is Martin? Why?

B. These words and phrases show directions:
near in the corner of
along in the middle of
through at the back of
outside in front of
beyond as far as
under a few blocks away
across a stones throw away
ahead to the extreme left/right

4. Practice Writing
a. Group Writing Activity
Look at the following route map.

Do the exercise following the instructions given.
You and your sister are in the church. After the mass, you will visit a relative in the
hospital. Tell us now you are going there.

b. Individual Writing Activity
Theres a big fiesta celebration at the plaza. You ask your brother to fetch you at the
plaza because its already 9:00 in the evening. How will you dir4ect him to go to the plaza? Hes on
Carballo Street with his friends.

Prepared by:

Ma. Genevieve R. Moral
Bayan Luma II Elementary School




City Hall
St. Bernard
Art Center &
Town Plaza Jabeelle
Mc Ronalds
Hospital Mall Bank Business Gas
Grocery Store Center Station





Decode meaning of unfamiliar words using context clues. (PELC 1.4)
Write specific directions on given situations on how to go to a certain place
Across the
II. Subject Matter:

Embrace Power Through Language 6, pp. 18-21

English for You and Me (Language 6), pp. 8-13, pp. 26-28
Fun in Language 6, pp. 289-290


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