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From Pessimism to Optimism

Confucius philosophy of life stands strikingly in sharp contrast

with that of his co-oriental sage, Gautama Buddha.
To Confucius, life is not a delusion, a curse, and misery as
assumed earlier by Buddha, but a living reality, a blessing, a
natural priceless right and opportunity to be with your fellows
to work together for your common good and finally attain
your destiny: HAPPINESS
The life of the moral man is an exemplification of the
Universal moral order. The life of the vicious man is a
contradiction thereof.
Man, the Center of Harmony
Man is only infinitesimal atom compared with the seemingly
infinite cosmos of galaxies and supergalaxies, but to
Confucius, man transends insignificance the whole world
because of his moral being.
Inconstantly doing what is good as commanded by his nature,
man becomes one with the natural law attuned to the rhythm
of the universe and thus enjoys peace and happiness.

Confucius said:

To find the central clue to our moral being
that unites us with the universal order herein
lies mans greatest achievement.
The Golden Rule Springs from Justice
Reason and the natural law constantly enjoin
man to live righteously, to offend no one and to
give to each one his due. The last mentioned to
give to each one is due.

Treat each others as you wish them to
treat you.
The Moral Law Within and Without
The Moral Law Is Everywhere
Confucius said:
There is nothing more real than that
which the eyes cannot see. There is nothing
more audible than that which ears cannot
In consonance with his predilection for the moral qualities of
man, Confucius, like all the Oriental and Greek philosophers,
stressed the necessity of self-control, that inner restraint in
which man shows himself first as man, that interior brake
without which, man running with his uncontrolled passions,
would rush headlong into disaster or tragedy. Confucius says:
He who conquers others is strong
He who conquers himself is the greatest victor.
Thank You!!

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