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Validation Controls


Validation Controls

 Required Field Validator

 Compare Validator
 Range Validator
 Regular Expression Validator
 Custom Validator
 Validation Summary
Setting Display Property
 Display property determines how the validation error message is rendered.
This property accepts any of the following possible values:-
 Static
- Screen space is reserved for the error message even if no validation occurs.
 Dynamic

- No initial space is reserved for the error message. If an error occurs, the
succeeding from fields are pushed to make the space for the error messages.
 None
- No error message is displayed.
 To determine if all input validation controls on a page are
lblMessage.Text=”Page.Is Valid!”;
Required Field Validator
 Ensures that the user does not skip from entry field.
ControlToValidate -
Specifies the ID of the control to be validated.

Display -
Sets how the error message contained in the Text Property is displayed.
Possible Values are Static, Dynamic, None
Compare Validator
 Allows for comparisons between the user's input and another
item using a comparison operator(equals, greater than, less
than,and so on)
Range Validator
 Checks the user's input based upon a lower-and-upper level
range of numbers ors characters
Regular Expression Validator

 Checks that the user entry matches a pattern defined by a

regular expression. This is a good control to use to check e-
mail addresses and phone numbers.
Custom Validator

 Checks the user entry using custom coded validation logic.

Validation Summary
 Displays all the error messages from the validators in one
specific spot on the page.
Session Ends

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