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Step 1: Professional Self Reflection

This first step in creating your Professional Development Portfolio begins with reflection on
your professional interests. It is designed to assist you in developing professional goals and
evaluating learning needs regardless of your area of practice. At the conclusion of the
reflection process, you will identify several short-term and long-term goals.
What are my current practice area(s) and/or professional interests? (e.g., pediatric
nutrition, public health, management, salesmar!eting, performance improvement, wellness"
At this point, I am very interested in public health and helping increase the nutrition literacy
of different populations in the United States and it is something that I definitely want to focus
on during my masters program. I am similarly interested in wellness, more so in the
counseling aspect of it and learning different ways of transmitting information to clients.
Within my area(s) of practice and/or professional interests, what roles or responsibilities
do perform now? (e.g., consult, negotiate contracts, develop educational materials,
conduct training sessions, write care plans, con-duct research, develop budgets, !eep current
on issues, volunteer"
Within my areas of interest, I have been able to design educational materials that transmit
nutritional information in an efficient way. Throughout the internship, I have gotten to work
with so many distinct populations in ! and have had to adapt educational materials to meet
their needs and educational level. This has been very rewarding because I know that with our
"ob, we make information more accessible to people.

What e!ternal factors or trends (professional, societal, en"ironmental) are affectin# or
will affect my professional practice? (e.g., changes ta!ing place in health care, community
outreach efforts, payor demands for documented outcomes, lifestyle changes, family
At this point, I can definitely say that the ongoing political turmoil revolving around health
insurance is something that will affect my professional practice, particularly in the area of
public health in which I want to focus. Similarly, immigration influ# and other issues
regarding minorities can affect what I focus on or how I get to practice.
What areas of my profession do en$oy? (e.g., personal interests related to professional
growth, public spea!ing, writing, wor!ing with people"
I really en"oy working with people and getting to know and interact with my audience. I like
being able to build a professional relationship with patients or clients and that is why I en"oy
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Step 1: Professional Self Reflection
counseling so much. &n a different note, I also really en"oy creating electronic materials like
power point slides, videos and handouts.
What are my current leadership responsibilities? (e.g., planning a continuing professional
education seminar, chairing #ational #utrition $onth activities, leading a hospital team,
managing a statewide public relations pro-gram, communicating current nutrition
developments as a media spo!esperson, serving as an elected oficer or appointed committee
At this point, I do not believe I have any leadership responsibilities and it is something I need
to work on.
What do want my future practice area to be? (e.g., pediatric nutrition, public health,
management, salesmar!eting, performance improvement"
I want my future practice area to focus on public health and counseling.
What are my professional stren#ths? (may be based on feedbac! from peers, results of peer
review, performance evaluation, customer feedbac!"
I believe I have the ability to make clients comfortable around me in a way that allows for a
more honest, less nervous learning or counseling. I think I am also very creative when it
comes to designing materials, which helps when trying to adapt information for different
populations. I have been able to work with different people and adapt well to the different
rotations so I think my fle#ibility is also one of my strengths.
What are my professional areas for impro"ement? (may be based on feedbac! from peers,
results of peer review, performance evaluation, customer feedbac!"
I believe I need to become better at networking and building long lasting relationships with
other professionals in the field. I have always en"oyed working on my own, and this
sometimes stops me from getting other's input or information I may not know. I do en"oy
working in teams, but often isolate myself professionally. I also need to work on being able to
establish myself as an e#pert in nutrition in front of an audience because in hopes of
appearing empathetic, I often look less professional.
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Step 1: Professional Self Reflection
When determining your goals, review the information about yourself and your practice that
you recorded on previous pages
What are my professional #oals) (e.g., stay abreast of current developments in nutrition,
maintain e%pertise in nutrition support, consult for long term care, write for consumer
publications, establish &uality Improvement poli'cies and programs, obtain $asters in
Public (ealth Degree"
Short %erm: (1 & ' years)
(btain )asters in Public *ealth +e#ree,
+e"elop research on the topic of health literacy,
Wor- as an out&patient dietitian for a hospital, or healthcare facility,
.on# %erm: (' & / years)
Wor- in public health campai#n de"elopment in the field of nutrition,
0ollaborate with #o"ernmental a#encies to increase the health literacy of different
populations and ma-e healthcare in #eneral more accessible,
+e"elop own pri"ate practice model,
.ist numbers and description for learnin# needs from Step 1:
12/2 3 4thics
1252 3 0ultural Sensiti"ity
5212 3 0ommunity nter"ention, )onitorin# and 4"aluation
5212 3 Pro#ram +e"elopment
6212 3 7eha"ior 0han#e %heories and %echni8ues
6212 3 0ounselin#, therapy and facilitation s-ills
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