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FTF session - 27

June Main activities planned + timings (e)
(a) Activity description
appropriate to curriculum
Water Wars a series of outdoor
challenges & fun activities
involving water fights, co-
operative & competitive games
& group / individual challenges.
tart setting-up upon arrival,
can run for duration of the
session, until last ! hour to
allow pac"ing-up time.
#urriculum physical e$ercise,
improve coordination, team
%uilding, communication and
organisation s"ills.
#ollage cutting-up maga&ines,
then gluing onto paper to create
'oom%ands create %racelets &
rings from %ands.
(o run alongside Water Wars for
duration of session.
#urriculum fine motor s"ills
& coordination, creativity,
following instructions,
(%) )ustification of resources
Water Wars pac" as supplied
%y employer.
We have used it %efore and +,
have a lot of fun. -t has many
elements to ena%le a variety of
games to %e played in a safe,
interactive way and is
accessi%le for all.
,aper, non-to$ic glue, rounded-
end scissors, old maga&ines -
everyday items that are easy to
o%tain, so +, could follow up
with similar activity at home if
they wished. .un recycling use
of old maga&ines. /lue and
scissors safe for children to use.
'oom and various coloured
%ands designed and 01
approved for child use. ,opular
craft activity for +, currently,
provides opportunity for +,
who may not have had the
chance to learn how to ma"e
(c) 2ationale for curriculum ,rovide fun group %onding
games & challenges. ,romote
physical e$ercise. 3evelop
senior vols in leading an
activity. (a"e advantage of nice
,rovide alternative, less
physical indoor activity. .ully
inclusive to mem%ers attending.
,romote creativity. #onnect
with +, %y recognising trend.
3evelop vols in leading an
(d) 4ey personnel re*uired 5 taff to oversee activity 6 at
least 7 vols positioned at
various points, appropriate to
the needs of the specific games.
5 vols to run & assist mem%ers.
5 vols at end to clear and tidy
(f) 'in" to +, consultation 8ols and .(. mem%ers
specifically as"ed for more
Water War sessions after
success and fun of previous
#9+ told me that he feels the
WW doesn:t wor" as well as it
does in other sites, %ecause vols
don:t always listen to him or
8ols have suggested indoor
craft activities to run alongside
Water wars, for .(. mem%ers
to %e a%le to ta"e a %rea" and
dry out inside with something to
do. A9 specifically re*uested
o%taining 'oom%ands for the
sessions, as he said they were
fun and really popular.
#, and that we should try it
again with myself outside for
the duration, to help get the
other vols more up to speed
with what is e$pected from
(h) 8enue / location ;utside front of %uilding on
-n the activity room.
(i) .inances / costs All e*uipment needed supplied
%y A'.
<o additional costs to
#rew"erne site. 2esources from
cup%oard, maga&ines free.
'oom%ands re*uested from
central %udget for all sites (not
=ust #rew"erne)
(=) Appropriate resource format 'aminated A> card of Water
war games.
All game e*uipment, plastic,
lightweight and easy to use for
.(. mem%ers.
<on-to$ic glue, child-safe
scissors. 01 approved
loom%and set. #lear ver%al
(") Any additional needs 8ols '2, <8, 0W, (?, 2# can
get over-e$cita%le during water
wars and lose focus of their role
in supporting the .(. mem%ers
with the activity. (his in turn
can cause a stress to #9+ when
leading games. -t is important
that - try to "eep the vols
focused on what they are doing,
whilst they are having fun.
A4 usually prefers not to get
wet, so most li"ely will want to
help run the crafts. he is *uite
shy, %ut is very good at
'oom%ands, so may%e this will
give her an opportunity to ta"e
a more leading role.
(l) @onitoring & evaluation ;ngoing progress of +, will %e monitored & evaluated with use
of attendance register, ession chec"list/tas" record sheet,
8olunteer review forms and reflective diary

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