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Birth Order / Position in the Family 1

Personality Traits of Firstborn

Birth order or position in the family shows great relationship in the way that firstborns
are brought up. They will be possessing good personality traits and quality behaviour. It is
true that the role in the family of the firstborn is due to their birth order or position in the
family. owever! it does not mean that su"h personality traits are present in all firstborns
a"ross different "ultures or nations and it is depending on the environment that the firstborn
will be e#perien"ing! whi"h is based on the family role that the firstborn will be playing. The
purpose of the essay is to identify and to analy$e the role in the family that influen"ed due to
birth order. The essay will dis"uss and "over various personality traits developed due to vital
role played in the position of the family along with diffi"ulties and "hallenges fa"ed.
%y birth order in the family is as the oldest "hild and the only daughter. &s firstborn
"hild in the family! the role varied from one age to another and this enabled a"quiring
'nowledge! s'ills and abilities providing an opportunity to be perfe"tionist for "areer
planning and growth.
(ell)organi$ed s'ills in firstborn affe"ted being fle#ible! whi"h preferred in all the
ways of the life *+eman! ,.! -../0. Therefore! su"h trait developed due to e#pe"tation from
family and younger ones in the family for doing everything in an organi$ed form that is
sti"'ing to de"isions made. &n e#ample is that while having family gathering during every
Friday then everything should be in an organi$ed form. It is from food to guest rooms that led
to applying the same in s"hool and university performan"e throughout different s"enarios.
Birth Order / Position in the Family -
Firstborns are ambitious be"ause their family e#pe"ts them to be"ome do"tor!
engineer or lawyer while they pursue their own dream than of the family and they will be
going through great pressure *+eman! ,.! -../0. 1u"h e#pe"tation sets my role under
diffi"ulty be"ause of being ambitious in business area rather than s"ien"e! law or information
te"hnology. It was gearing and learning time for heading towards su""essful "hoi"e.
Problem solving is one of the important roles that firstborns apply in every aspe"t of
their life *+eman! ,.! -../0. Therefore! while handling and solving finan"ial to personal
problems role playing leads to developing ways to solve su"h problems in a way that
solutions are very effe"tive benefitting everyone involved not 2ust myself. owever! I used to
thin' too mu"h and I was always serious while handling problems rather than being easy
going but now there is no room for thin'ing too mu"h be"ause everything seems "lear after a
great deal of e#perien"es.
&ggressiveness and a"hiever with e#"ellen"e stated to be rooted in the firstborns
*+eman! ,.! -../0. 1u"h trait developed when heading in life for hunger to a"hieve whatever
planned and "omes in the way where everyone is loo'ing up to me and wat"hing me all the
Firstborns are independent be"ause family members motivate them to ta'e and to
ma'e de"isions on their behalf all the time. %oreover! elders in the family "onsult and dis"uss
important family matters or involve firstborns always. This role helped me to be"ome
independent and "riti"al thin'er for ma'ing effe"tive de"isions.
Birth Order / Position in the Family 3
There is high level of "onfiden"e and parti"ularly for things that I am sure about or
seemed to mat"h with something in the past. owever! this does not mean I am not "onfident
for new things but being firstborn ma'es me to be happy for "hallenges too.
The other roles played in the family that developed various "apabilities are thin'ing
from other4s point of view! worrying before fa"ing anything negative! daydreaming about the
future that is out of e#"itement! disagreeing with others in indire"t way that will not hurt or
offend them! impressing with all will and abilities! obtaining approval or suggestion from
elders and respe"ted one4s! predi"ting several alternatives for people4s behaviour for fa"ing
"ompli"ated situations! and worrying or feeling for not getting what is wanted *Isaa"son! 5.!
and 6adish! ,.! -..-0.
1tress issues are natural in the firstborn be"ause there is always too mu"h e#pe"tation
from everyone and e#"eeding their satisfa"tion always "omes ahead. Therefore! as the years
passed! I have learned to handle stress by playing games or involving myself in something I
love to do! whi"h is ta'ing brea' for a while before wild and aggressive start.
In "on"lusion! birth order or positions in the family have great influen"e in the role
that the "hild will play! whi"h will be affe"ting their personal and professional life. Therefore!
every "hild should get the opportunity for getting the treatment and development as the
firstborn. %y birth order as the firstborn allowed me to play vital role in the family that
allowed for a"quiring 'nowledge! s'ills and abilities due to early handling of responsibilities.
Birth Order / Position in the Family 7
(or'4s 5ited
+eman! ,. *-../0. The Firstborn Advantage: Making Your Birth Order Work for You. 8ew
9or': Ba'er Boo's.
Isaa"son! 5.! and 6adish! ,. *-..-0. The Birth Order Effect: How To Better Understand
Yoursef And Others! 8ew 9or': &dams %edia.
Birth Order / Position in the Family ;

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