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Jennifer Johnson P a g e | 1

ELCC Standards
Internship Activities

Internship Activities
1.1 For the 2012-2013 our district was rated as met standard. 13 campuses were moved into school
improvement at the state level or the federal level. We were stage 3 for SPED and ELL for
PBMAS and we were stage 4 for CTE for PBMAS. Based on these ratings, schools were assigned
campus support personnel for the academic areas that caused them to move into school
improvement. The support personnel met to plan with them, create assessments with them, lead
their PLC time, and to provide third party feedback to their evaluators based on observations.
1.2 Every campus has an Instructional Data Team and a Non-Instructional Data Team. The
Instructional Data Team Meets twice per six or nine weeks to review benchmark testing data and
make plans for interventions and curriculum decisions. Teachers had to track their student data in
their classrooms and met with the leads on the instructional data team for individual data
conferences. The non-instructional data team meets weekly to review data for new students to
make sure they have been appropriately assigned to the right classes and are receiving the correct
support services. Attendance data was tracked to make sure that the campus was not falling below
the allowable threshold. In addition, student discipline data was reviewed to make decisions about
classroom management as well as school-wide student management procedures.
1.3 Unfortunately, there was not a district improvement plan for me to review. I reviewed several
campus improvement plans, the plans were developed with one or two committee members.
Audits showed that campuses were not using the plans and that after the creation, plans were
typically abandoned. Staff members are not aware of the campus improvement plans and the
strategies and purchases are not evaluated for effectiveness at the close of the school year or at the
end of the event or program.
1.4 Lesson Plans, Scope and Sequences, Intervention Plans, as well as a correlation between campus
assessments and state assessments are the types of data that a campus could use to drive decisions
about curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Feedbacks from classroom walkthroughs, student
discipline data, as well as qualitative notes from teachers are examples of the types of data that
can be used to drive decisions about Professional Development. Surveys can reveal information
about supervision, organizational management, communication, and community relations. Master
schedules and bell schedules can provide information about organizational management.
1.5 Goals: Student goals are not established. Most teachers and campuses dont use student data to
drive decisions.
Objectives: Objectives are determined blindly, if at all. Most are not measurable so we dont we
have met the target, or missed the target until a letter is received letting us know we missed the
Activities: Activities are based on the individual agendas in charge of the budgets. We go to
conferences see it, like it, come back and say lets buy it.
Resources: Very limited, we just purchased an online textbook however, we bought or gave
campuses no more money to purchase technology. How are the students supposed to access the
online textbook if 78% of the district is Economically Disadvantaged and over 50% of the district
has outdated technology.
Assessment strategies: Campuses use Common Formative Assessments based on what they have
been teaching. Districts write District Formative Assessments that assess the districts scope, we
dont have a sequence.
Jennifer Johnson P a g e | 2
ELCC Standards
Internship Activities

Internship Activities
1.6 Pre-observation: Met with principal and the principal told me what weaknesses and strengths the
teacher had. Met with teacher and discussed what strengths and weaknesses she had. Suggestions
were offered and she was informed of what I would be looking during the walk-through.
Observe/Collect Data: When I walked in the room the students were supposed to be working on
their warm-up. As they played and some I worked I looked around the room and very little student
was up on the walls. I walked around asked students, What are you supposed to be doing?, The
warm-up Why arent you doing it Miss, she never taught us this. The warm-up went on for
about 20 minutes before the co-teacher said lets go over this.
Analyze Data: Teacher needs support in time keeping, classroom management, organization, and
lesson cycle.
Conduct Feedback: Went over walk-through the teacher pointed the things went wrong and
asked for suggestions. Specific suggestions were offered and time for implementation was given
as well as the time that the second walkthrough would occur.
Develop Growth Plan Ideas (if appropriate) N/A
2.1 Year One: Become an assistant/associate principal of any grade span. Network with building
principals to begin learning what is required of an AP so that when a position comes available, I
am already on their mind.
Year Two: Develop as an assistant/associate principal making sure that our campus is successful
academically and that a positive campus culture and climate exist with a vigorous parental
involvement system is in place. Begin work on Superintends Certificate.
Year Three: Become a building a principal and complete coursework for superintendents
Year Four: Master craft of leading a building and maintaining success academically while
growing teachers and leaders instructionally with a focused effort of maintaining and establishing
relationships with the community and business partners. Begin networking with superintendents
of large and small school districts in rural urban areas. Begin work on doctorate.
Year Five: Become a superintendent of a very small school district and begin learning how to
lead a district. Continue work on doctorate.
2.2 SPED student representation for district ISS placements is less than 1%. On average 62% of
exiting employees enjoyed working with students and staff. Spring ISD Advisory Committee on
Education is comprised of 37 teachers from each of the 37 campuses in the district that have voice
about district educational issues.

2012-2013 TAP Reports indicates that Spring ISDs average teacher (and professional support
salaries are below the state average. SPED students represent 55% of the districts OSS
placements. (3,707:6,705). Teacher Turnover Rate is 8% pts. Higher than the state average
(Spring=23% & State= 15%). The number of employees completing the exit survey has been
declining since 2011 from 465 employees to 79 employees. On average 63% of exiting employees
have specific issues with a certain aspect of working conditions (63%). Work-related issues
include: lack of support from administration (both school and district level), student discipline &
handling of employee transfers. No survey results available from current staff members about the
culture and climate of the district and or their campus. No available data about teacher and parent
perception about student safety in Spring ISD schools.
2.3 Campuses base their decisions on what professional development to offer based off of qualitative
notes. Some campuses use survey results. The district plans professional development based on
the agendas of each individual department. Continuity between departments doesnt exist so
departments may offer the same professional development. In addition if the district is staged for
PBMAS then we offer professional development to prepare the district for the audit that TEA will
Jennifer Johnson P a g e | 3
ELCC Standards
Internship Activities

Internship Activities
2.4 The principals have a leadership team that includes Instructional Specialist who are considered
experts in their field. The IS create materials or they employ materials that are research based,
based on professional development and research. After the best resources are pulled or created
they spend the bulk of their time modeling the lessons and the most effective strategies for
employment for new teachers and teacher that are new to their building. When students are
unsuccessful the IS develop intervention plans to help each learner experience success.
2.5 Teachers pull resources from outdated materials and pass them out to each other. No one
disaggregates the student data and makes a decision based on the verbage of the TEKS to
determine if the resources that they are pulling are the best resources available. They determine
who will make the copies and which resources will be used the following year. No one models
lessons for new teachers or talks about the vocabulary words or strategies for SPED or ELL
students. Lessons and resources are not differentiated to meet the needs of each individual student.
2.6 Demographics changed from majority African American to majority Hispanic which has posed
the issue of language acquisition and how long that takes. The principal has investigated different
ELL strategies, attend PD, adapt intervention strategies to address ELLs that are also Eco. Dis. to
better serve their population. In addition highly qualified interventionist were hired to provide
professional development to teachers as well as other leaders in the building.
2.7 This does not take place at the district level. District curriculum documents focus on the All
student group. Questions are not differentiated based on the groups that could be in a classroom.
There are ELL suggestions, however, teachers dont use ELPS. CTE instructors are not included
in the planning meetings of regular teachers, CTE teachers are left the make connection between
their content and the regular content on their own.
2.8 My current district does not have a grading policy, we dont evaluate transcripts, and we place
students in classes according to if we fill they will pass the state assessment. For instance, if
building principals think they will fail, they un-enroll them from the End of Course class and
place them in a remediation class. If Critique the procedures being used in student placement
(grouping, promotion, and retention) at the campus.
3.1 See the resume submit with the packet.
3.2 This process is not aligned to job descriptions for assistant principals or principals. The same form
that is used for teachers is used for district administrators.
3.3 The Elementary school secretary is responsible for assisting with the management of the general,
special revenue, and activity accounts. She manages substitutes and teacher absences. She is
usually the lead paraprofessional for office staff. Manages the principals calendar, coordinates
facilities, air, furniture, maintenance, and payroll. Enters time for the entire campus into Kronos.
Coordinate campus meetings for faculty and staff, coordinates ordering of supplies and materials.
She handles all of this while listening to concerns and complaints from faculty and staff members.
She filters parent phone calls to the principal, assistant principal, or counselor based on the parent
concern. She helps teachers to follow chain of command instead of running to the building
principal for every concern. She is crucial to the building operating like its supposed to.
Jennifer Johnson P a g e | 4
ELCC Standards
Internship Activities

Internship Activities
3.4 Step I Verbal Warning/Conference with the teacher
Step II - T.A.B. IN--TAKE A BREAK in class (reflective piece)
Step III T.A.B. OUTTAKE A BREAK out of class (in buddy room)
Step IV - Parent Contact and Discipline notice (short form)
Step V - Parent Contact and Detention Hall
Consequences for Cumulative
Loss of privilege served and Counselor Intervention
Loss of privilege served and parent conference scheduled
with counselor and assistant principal present
Office Referral written
Rewards for acceptable behavior are at the teachers discretion. Some examples are praise, center
time, computer time, stickers, happy visits and calls home. Individual as well as whole class
rewards are a great way to promote good behavior and a community atmosphere.
3.5 This is a principals number one priority. The campus safety is audited annually and revised based
on the results of the audit. Lock down is practiced once each month as well as fire drills modes.
Teachers windows are covered so that no one can see into their classrooms. Each teacher has a
phone in their classroom to call the front office if needed. Children are taught to not answer doors
for people he/she may not know and to alert a teacher or faculty member if such a case occurs.
3.6 The priority is meeting with the bus drivers before school starts and helping them understand the
culture of the school. Give them t-shirts, make them apart of the campus advisory committee,
etc Then when a discipline referral occurs, he/she is more likely to work with the administration
on the best case scenario for the student/s involved. Most issues are minor and when a major
offense occurs it is usually automatic bus suspension for a period of time. In our district, we do
have the authority to suspend a student from the bus permanently. This is worse case scenario, but
has happened. Parents are always involved when there is an incident and most are supportive. But
ultimately, if the child is endangering other riders of the bus, he/she is suspended for the
remainder of the year!
Describe the procedures for working with bus drivers and parents in handling bus discipline.
3.7 Students must sign an expenditure sheet that states what activity fund the money will be deposited
into as well as the amount that they are giving, who is collecting the money, the date that the
money was turned in. The student signs the form and the person that is collecting the money signs
next to the student. At the end of every day the money must go into the safe, when the amount
collected is greater than $1,000 then the campus bookkeeper makes a deposit into the activity
account. When the money is taken to the bookkeeper the bookkeeper has you to sign a deposit
ledger and issues you a receipt for the amount that was turned in.
3.8 When a school wants to hire an employee they submit a status form that must be signed by the
building principal, the principals supervisor, the fund source, as well as the human resources
department. Before the human resources department signs the form they do a search on the SBEC
website using the employees SSN to make sure they have the appropriate certification for the
subject that they will be teaching. If the person does not HR denies the form and sends it back to
the campus. This process is completed for hiring and moving teachers into different positions on
the campus or district manning tables.
3.9 In my district we dont hire based on the population of students that we serve. Typically principals
hire the best candidate for the position with no regard to the race and or special populations that
will be served. Our district needs assessment indicates that there is a disparity between the
population that we serve and the certified teachers and or ethnicities of teachers.
Jennifer Johnson P a g e | 5
ELCC Standards
Internship Activities

Internship Activities
3.10 Each new teacher or teacher new to our district is assigned a campus mentor as well as a district
induction support specialist. The new employees attend a camp that is three days long prior to the
rest of the teachers returning to work. Courses are offered through blackboard by the district
induction specialist, campuses should meet with their new teachers at least once a month to
discuss different topics that might be affecting job performance. Walk-through and follow up
feedback are offered to each of the new teachers as well.
3.11 1. Clean out student desk.
2. Wipe board clean
3. Stack desk and chairs
4. Put all materials in closed and locked cabinets
5. Remove all instructional materials from counter top and walls and bulletin boards.
6. Return any checkout materials to the appropriate individuals.
7. Return district laptop to the librarian with the document and all cords that go with these items.
8. Return textbooks to AP
9. Return IEP documents to the SPED department chair
10. Return Keys to campus secretary
11. Final conference with principal
12. Enjoy your summer

This process works great. Teachers comply because they think it will affect their evaluation the
following year in reference to professional responsibilities. In addition, if they resign the materials
have already been collected.
3.12 Coordinate lunch, recess, and specials so that they dont overlap. A good block between each item
is imperative. If the campus is implementing professional learning communities, the intervention
block of time must coordinate with all of the other activities and there still must be good blocks of
instructional time in between each non-academic activity that must occur each school day so that
no instructional time is lost.
Discuss the procedures for preparing a master schedule of classes in the elementary/secondary
3.13 1. The building principal receives a planning amount for each fund.
2. The building principal and his Site Based Decision Making Team conduct a Comprehensive
Needs Assessment.
3. The building principal facilitates the process while the Site Based Decision Committee creates a
Campus Improvement Plan that addresses the priorities from the Needs Assessment.
4. Funding Sources and estimated cost are attached the items that require funding and the ones
that dont are indicated as no funding needed.
The plan is revised based on input received from other stakeholders and faculty and staff
3.14 We have a building and facilities department that oversees all maintenance of buildings to ensure
everything is up to date and that everything is appealing to the individuals eye. If an incident
occurs there is a process in place for a work order to be submitted so that any issue can be
resolved by the building and facilities department. The work order process consist of an online
requisition with specific details, room number, and is usually resolved within four to eight
working days. Specifically a lock was broken on the playground gate to the apartments. A work
order submitted through School Dude and the lock was repaired within twenty four hours.
Jennifer Johnson P a g e | 6
ELCC Standards
Internship Activities

Internship Activities
3.15 The proper purchase is as follows:

1. Identified and prioritized need in Comprehensive Needs Assessment
2. Action step in Campus/District Improvement Plan to address the identified/prioritized need
3. Secure an executable contract
4. Create a purchase requisition for the cost
5. Allow time for the purchase requisition to convert to a purchase order
6. Receive services
7. Receive Invoice
8. Pay Invoice
3.16 At one of our elementary schools the building has more intervention rooms than it does
classrooms so the classes are overloaded with students and the student, teacher ratio exceeds that
of the district. This is a turnaround campus so the scores are being affected drastically due to the
large class sizes.
4.1 The board meeting agenda is posted at least 24 hours before the board meeting. The board begins
by opening with the date and time that it was called to order. The board president introduces
themselves and then introduces each of the other members of the board. The president then
discusses how the meeting may go into closed session to collaborate with the district attorney at
any time during the meeting. They then proceed with each of the agenda items. At any time the
board president needs someone to present a motion to approve or deny she ask the other board
members for it, she then ask for a second. The board president is the facilitator, and questions are
directed at the superintendent if needed, whenever closed session progresses, the superintendent
goes with the board.

4.2 The 2014-2015 school year will be the first year that my district uses the Site Based Decision
Making model. Campuses are required to meet with their teams monthly to discuss decisions and
potential decisions that need to be made, the principal is to act as a facilitator guiding the decision
making process, they should not be dictating the decisions that are made. Decisions also cant be
made until all members have had an opportunity to take part in the decision making process, all
members must be present to proceed with a vote.
4.3 A public hearing at the district level is held to discuss the results with parents from a district
standpoint. Each campus that receives Title I funding or State Compensatory Education funding is
responsible for holding a meeting to discuss the scores with parents as well as individual meetings
to discuss Accelerated Instruction plans for students who were unsuccessful on the state
5.1 When there is an accusation administration is required to investigate, questioning all parties
involved. If there is any validity to the accusation, human resources is immediately involved to
make the appropriate decisions about leave, resignation, and or termination. Due process is
employed following Texas law as well as board policy.
Jennifer Johnson P a g e | 7
ELCC Standards
Internship Activities

Internship Activities
6.1 Child Abuse: Very structured. Goes to counselor, counselor coaches the person that the
incident was reported to about calling CPS. Cops are called if necessary.
Search and Seizure: At the elementary level, principals have the right to search if they
feel that there is just cause.
Confidential Records: Kept in a central location. Faculty and staff are allowed to review
the records in that central location, they are not allowed to check them out for review
later. All documentation for the central records is done in the central location. If a parent
or another school wants them they copy them in alignment with the open records request
policy for ten cents a copy.
Drug Abuse: Not an issue with students. When an issue is reported its investigated by
administration, human resources is called, and they make the decision for drug testing if
necessary or for administrative leave. Human resources works with administration about
consequences or reinstatement.
Bomb Threats: The building is evacuated immediately, the district calls in the appropriate
authorities, and the building is searched. If threats are valid students are transported to
the local evacuation facility.
Unauthorized Personnel: If this happens administration is called and confronts them
escorting them to the front office. A discussion is had about why they are they and what
the credentials are to be there. All schools now have a vestibule so this has not been an
option in years.
6.2 All ARDs for our district are conducted at the Central Administration building we have an
individual who facilitates our ARD process. The campus principal, general education teacher,
diagnostician, parents, and counselor are present for the ARD. We start by reading the agenda,
defining roles. We go through each goal on the students IEP and discuss changes for the IEP, we
close by stating if everyone agrees and the facilitator makes notes of those that were present
having each member to sign indicating whether they agree or disagree. Changes that are being
requested must have supporting documentation; during the discussion of changes all supporting
documentation is reviewed. This process comes straight from the Texas Education Agency,
because we have been in non-compliance before for participants that should be there not being
6.3 In the last three years, our district has had a student killed at school, the trial for that case is
scheduled to begin in August. We have had parents of SPED students to sue because we have
failed to meet all of the expectations indicated in their students IEP. In addition, we have had
teachers that were spending activity account funds and charges were brought against them.
7.1 In the past, as we have a new superintendent, decisions were made at the top level and pushed
down. Buildings have been told that they would implement certain programs based on the
campuses tier. However, the new superintendent is all about empowering the principals to make
program and curricular decisions based on the needs of the building and providing the resources
needed when asked.
Meetings are called to order by discussing good news and birthdays/celebrations. Principals
then discuss minutes from the board meetings, then usually they go into an inspirational moment,
or speech about something that the past superintendent learned or read to motivate principals.
Each department is given ten to fifteen minutes to share updates from their department, and then it
goes into an instruction meeting. Principals feel that in the past it has been a faculty meeting.

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