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: Entregar at quarta-feira (07 de maio)

Brazilian internet cafs to drive digital inclusion
By Hadley Richardson

The Brazilian government has approved a law project that will see internet cafs in Brazil
the so-called Lan (local area network) houses used as a key instrument to drive digital
The project has yet to pass the scrutiny of the Senate, but if it becomes law, it will see the
establishments becoming centers of digital inclusion (CIDs, in the Portuguese acronym)
which will get involved in educational and cultural schemes in partnership with the
government and become multi-purpose service providers.
It is estimated that there are about 108,000 lan houses in the whole of Brazil, with about
half the total internet users in the country accessing the web at these venues. According to
newspaper Dirio Indstria Comrcio e Servios, moving the establishments under the
CID umbrella could boost the lan house market from a current yearly value of R$ 311m to
about R$1bn.
Some of the details of the project include mandatory use of parental advisory software to
alert users under 18 years old to content that is age-restricted, such as certain games and
web sites containing pornography.
The law would also allow lan house owners to access credit lines for the purchase of
equipment, which would be provided by state-owned banks such as Banco do Brasil,
Caixa Econmica Federal and the National Bank for Social and Economic Development
The move to use the web cafs as an instrument for digital inclusion follows a public
consultation on the matter held last year, which had the input of the public through e-
Democracia, a portal designed to promote and incentivize the participation of citizens in
the process of law elaboration.

1. What does the pronoun it (paragraph 2) refer to?
2. Identify two sentences in the present perfect.
3. Answer these questions IN PORTUGUESE:
a) What do the details of the project include?
b) What are the advantages for lan house owners?
c) What is e-Democracia?

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