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7/24/14 2:36 PM RE: Tele practice change - Heinke, Pamela S

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!"# %&'& ()*+,-+& +.*/0&
Pl am,

l'm noL sure lf Lhe CnA/ACs have Lhe funcLlonallLy Lo charL Lhls ln LlC. l know Lhe 8ns can sLarL slgnaled
verlfled, baLLery replaced, eLc. lf Lhey wanL Lo wrlLe Lhe daLe on Lhe whlLe board LhaL ls flne. My only concern
ls LhaL lf Lhe daLes aren'L noLed somewhere Lhen a pL's sLlckers mlghL be overdue for changlng. A llLLle Lld blL l
heard from 8arb Lhe oLher day ls LhaL Lhe llLhlum baLLerles are qulLe a blL more expenslve Lhan Lhe oLher
ones. l Lhlnk Lhe cheaper ones should work [usL flne lf you wanL Lo pass Lhls on. 1hanks!

Annsley J Buffington RN, BSN, OCN
Clinical Nurse Educator
Oncology, Bone Marrow Transplant, Gyn-Onc

The Department of Professional Resources improves lives by empowering healthcare professionals to
influence quality care through education, discovery and navigation of change.

!"#$% Pelnke, amela S
&'()% 1hursday, Aprll 17, 2014 1:19 M
*#% 8ufflngLon, Annsley !
+,% Pammond, kyle 8
&-./',)% 8L: 1ele pracLlce change

Pl Annsley,
l've been educaLlng Lhem on Lhls, buL have been geLLlng some quesLlons.
1) ls Lhere a way Lo charL lL ln LlC?
2) 1hey don'L really llke Lhe ldea of daLlng sLlckers. Can Lhey wrlLe lL up on Lhe whlLe board lnsLead? Popefully
Lhere ls a way Lo charL lL ln LlC lnsLead so LhaL Lhey can [usL pass lL on ln reporL LhaL lL needs Lo be done.
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7/24/14 2:36 PM RE: Tele practice change - Heinke, Pamela S
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!"#$% 8ufflngLon, Annsley !
&'()% Monday, March 31, 2014 3:40 M
*#% Pelnke, amela S
+,% Pammond, kyle 8
&-./',)% 1ele pracLlce change

Pl am,

ALLached ls a Lele pollcy Llp sheeL LhaL we wlll be uslng Lo educaLe Lhe 8ns. 1he mosL perLlnenL polnLs Lo educaLe Lhe
CnAs/ACs ls relaLed Lo Lhe new expecLaLlon LhaL Lhe elecLrode pads, baLLerles, and pulse ox sLlckers are changed
once every 24h. 1he recommendaLlon ls LhaL be done on nlghL shlfL, maybe wlLh 2000 vlLals? 1he CnAs/ACs are Lo
Llme and daLe Lhe sLlckers.

1hls recommendaLlon has come from mulLlple Sl reporLs LhaL lndlcaLe LhaL paLlenLs are noL conslsLenLly monlLored
because of faulLy sLlckers and/or dead baLLerles. Cne example ls when a paLlenL was Laken off Lele because Lhey
wenL Lo a procedure. 1he Lele Lech [usL assumed LhaL Lhey weren'L seelng a rhyLhm LhroughouL Lhe resL of Lhe day
because Lhe paLlenL was sLlll aL a procedure. 1he reallLy ls LhaL Lhe paLlenL had been back for 6 hours wlLh Lele puL
back on, buL Lhe baLLery was dead!! 1hls ls [usL one example LhaL mlghL help Lo make an lmpacL Lo Lhe CnAs/ACs
regardlng Lhe lmporLance of maklng a hablL of changlng Lhe sLlckers, baLLerles, eLc every 24h.

LasLly, kyle and l wlll educaLe Lhe 8ns regardlng Lhls pracLlce change slnce Lhls lsn'L solely a CnA/AC duLy. Powever,
ulLlmaLely, l do Lhlnk lL wlll be easler lf Lhe CnA/ACs Lake prlmary responslblllLy of Lhls ln Lhelr workflow slnce Lhere
are speclflc Lele relaLed Lasks/monlLorlng LhaL only Lhe 8ns can do.

LeL me know lf you have quesLlons/concerns. 1hanks!

Annsley J Buffington RN, BSN, OCN
Clinical Nurse Educator

We Improve Lives by Empowering Healthcare Professionals to Influence Quality Care
Through Education, Discovery and Navigation of Change

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