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Taking Control of School

Getting Organized and Impressing Teachers

Course: AVID Excel (Elective Class for Long-Term English Language Learners)
Objective: Students will use Cornell Notes, Binder Organization, A Planner, and SLANT in all
classes to learn content, to self-advocate, and to demonstrate their seriousness as students.
Age Group: 7
EL Level: Intermediate
Essential Questions:
How do I show my teachers that Im serious and smart?
What strategies can I use to get organized?
Language Practice:
Oral Language Skills: Today students will practice oral language skills by brainstorming ways to
show they are smart and serious and questions to ask their teachers. Also by engaging in a role
play of teacher-student interactions
Written Language Practice: Today students will practice written language skills by taking
beginning Cornell Notes and by Listing teacher questions and needed supplies.
Technology Practice: This week students will create a video presentation using their phone on
one of the topics discussed today. Video will be due on Friday.
Prior Knowledge:
Students attended a two week summer bridge program and were introduced to the vocabulary
word of perceptions, to using Cornell- Notes, and Binder Set Up. Below is a lesson for the
first day of class to help them recall that information and put it into practice. I role playing part
of the lesson I converted into a technology piece so that they learn how to do both.
Advance Preparation:
Put agenda, daily quote, and essential question on the board.
Create a Power Point Slide with the Quote and writing prompt
Distribute a blank piece of Cornell Note Paper onto every desk top (or teach how to set
up their own)
Make copies of the Binder Check off Sheet (one per students)
Have the Binder Organization Video Clip URL ready to go on your desktop
(www.youtube.com) AVID Organization by Scott Long
SLANT PDF Ready on Computer Desk Top
Phones or Video Taping Equipment (one device for 4 students)
Lesson/Minutes: 60
1. Bell Work: Daily Quote- Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that
when you do it, it is not all mixed up. A.A. Milne, English author best known for
Students write down quote, discuss quote with elbow partner about its meaning, and
then write a three sentence response to what they think the quote means and giving an
example to illustrate it. Use Projector/Power Point -10 Minutes
2. Class Discussion: Use Lady Lamp (Technology) and write down answers of students for
Essential question: How do I show my teachers that Im serious and smart? What
Strategies Can I use to get organized? 5 Minutes
(Answers- coming prepared, how I speak in class, going my homework, studying for
tests, how I dress, how I act in class and outside of class. Strategies- Cornell Note-taking
Strategies, Binder Organization, Using Complete Sentences and writing in complete
sentences, using SLANT
3. Cornell Notes- have students set up paper for Cornell notes and have them take notes
on class discussion and what is written on the board. 10 minutes
4. SLANT- Teach SLANT and then play Simon Says with them with the actions that go with
each letter: S = Sit up Straight, L = Lean Forward and Listen Carefully, A = Ask Questions,
N = Nod your head and take Notes, T = Talk & Track with the Teacher 10 Minutes
5. Role Playing- Have students get in groups of 4 (students with Cell Phones/Video
capability with those who do not. Have them Roll Play SLANT
1. One plays the role of teacher & the others students (SLANT) an example & non
example of SLANT. One will video tape. They will be prepare and record tomorrow
and show their presentations. Presentation must be under 5 minutes. Give them 5
Minutes to choose roles and know how they are going to dress or what to bring
6. BINDER- Distribute the Binder Contents Check-Off List. Read through the list and have
students check off what they already have and what they need for their Binder Check on
Friday. This will be a grade. 5 Minutes
7. Show The Binder Organizational Video -12 minutes www.youtube.com AVID
Organization by Scott Long
8. Wrap Up- Students line up at the door and share one thing they will put into practice in
there next class. 3 minutes

One Page Analysis
How useful is the technology in the lesson plan/context?
The technology helps students use their phone as a learning tool. It is useful in that almost
every student has one so I wont have to track down any equipment. We dont have a bunch of
video cameras. Also, young people love to video tape so why not tap into what they like to do
already and then build upon that skill. I can have them do many more technology lessons with
this video/concept of SLANT and Organization. I could add a feature I want all of them to do
with it such as: Video chat with a friend about how organized they were this week. Skype with
a classmate about where they like to sit and if this is wise and strategic. I just need to think
ahead and make the assignments fun and not too long so that they do get completed.
Is it essential to the plan itself or is t just slapping technology on top of a lesson plan?
It started off as slapping it on, but I began to see how I can build upon it and make it into
something I am trying to create. I will have them continue on with a technology skill each week
and develop a technology plan to embed into the curriculum (purposeful and meaningful).
Are there other resources you could incorporate?
Yes, lots of resources. I think I want to carefully think this through and begin to teach my
students how to use many of the tools out there. I really dont have to change my lesson plans,
but just change the way they learn and interact with them. I can add many technological
learning objectives to get them ready for the future. Basically, what you did in this class I can
take and do a kid version of them. I learn along with my students! Practice makes perfect!

The Habit of Excellence in the
Strategic Sitting: Position
yourself in the action. Provide
access for all of your Senses.
Listen / Lean Forward
Look like youre ready for
good things to happen
Activate your brain
Ask Questions
Anticipate - Participate
Notes In Cornell Format
Note key ideas and definitions
Track the speaker
Maintain eye contact
The Habit of Excellence
You have figured out that a great
education and a professional career are
important in achieving the goals you have
set for yourself.
Make the most of your
class time by using
strategies that work:
Successful Classroom Interaction
Sit In the Front
L ean Forward
Ask Questions
Nod Your Head
Talk to the Teacher Teacher Tips
Students sitting in the front of the classroom pay better attention to lessons. They
interact more in classroom discussions and activities.
Lean forward in your desk. The teacher and fellow students will think that you
are very interested in the lesson. As you act more interested in the lesson, you
really will be more interested.
Ask meaningful questions about class activities, discussions and lectures. The
teacher will know how well the lesson is going for all of the students. One
students question will help many more students understand the teachers lesson.
Nod your head when the teacher looks at you during a lesson to show interest or
in agreement. The teacher will subconsciously interact with you more often in
the classroom and think you are a positive class influence.
Teachers really enjoy talking to their students on an informal basis. Take the
time to give your teachers friendly feedback on class lectures or activities. Give
a friendly Hello or Good-bye, or whatever you feel comfortable with.
READY! Notebook open and ready for notes.
SET! Listen, nod, take notes, and discuss.
GO! Get your As
Read SLANT steps together, and after each step ask students to share relevant quickwrites to
Review SLANT steps with a partner after discussion.
SLANT used with permission from Rob Dunton, Quantum Learning, Oceanside, California
84 Implementing and Managing the AVID Program for Middle Level
Student Handout
Successful Classroom Interaction Log
Sit In the Front

L ean Forward

Ask Questions

Nod Your Head

Talk to the Teacher

Section 2: Classroom Applications 85
Student Handout 1.1
Date: ____________________________________________ Period:
AVID Binder CheckWeeks 1 and 2

2Materials or 3 3-ring
binder 5

2 or more pens 5
2 or more pencils 5
1 or more erasers 5
1 zipper pouch 5
1 or more highlighters 5
Zipper pouch in


Daily planner/calendar 5
Subject dividers for each
(labeled), handouts and
Subject dividers for
(optional) with extra
Divider with
binder grade
sheet followedby tutorials
request form
AVI D Section


Divider for with notes and
extra paperAVID notes

Points Possible Points Earned Comments


Calculator 5
6 ruler
Total for
(plus 15

4 Organizing the AVID Student Binder

Cornell Notes

Topic/Objective: Name:
Essential Question:

Questions: Notes:


Questions: Notes:


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