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Dante Alighieri meets the Emperor Justinian in the Sphere of Mercury, in Canto 5 of the Paradiso.
The first astrological oo! pulished in Europe "as the #ier Planetis et Mundi Climatius $%&oo!
of the Planets and 'egions of the (orld%) "hich appeared et"een *+*+ and *+,- AD, and may
ha.e een authored y /erert of Aurillac.0123 Ptolemy4s second century AD Tetrailos "as
translated into #atin y Plato of Ti.oli in **25.0123 The Dominican theologian Thomas A6uinas
follo"ed Aristotle in proposing that the stars ruled the imperfect 4sulunary4 ody, "hile attempting
to reconcile astrology "ith Christianity y stating that /od ruled the soul.0113 The thirteenth
century mathematician Campanus of 7o.ara is said to ha.e de.ised a system of astrological
houses "hich di.ides the prime .ertical into 4houses4 of e6ual 2+8 arcs,0153 though the system
"as used earlier in the East.0193 The thirteenth century astronomer /uido &onatti "rote a
te:too!, the #ier Astronomicus, a copy of "hich "as o"ned at the end of the fifteenth century
y !ing ;enry <== of England.0153
=n Paradiso, the final part of the Di.ine Comedy, the =talian poet Dante Alighieri referred %in
countless details%01-3 to the astrological planets, though he adapted traditional astrology to suit
his Christian .ie"point,01-3 for e:ample using astrological thin!ing in his prophecies of the reform
of Christendom.0153

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