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Grade 4 Lesson 2: Don’t Do That

Lesson 2-1
Supplies: Lesson 2(A) cards
1. Book (Pg. 16) – Look & Listen
2. Practice – Student need a set of lesson 2 cards (A). They will need to place the
cards in the right order as the teacher says. (2 plays)
3. Card Bingo – Students need to place the card in any order they want. The
teacher says the phrases and the students who get a match win. (2 plays)
4. Snap It Game
a. Students should listen to the phrase that goes with the picture and
touch the matching picture with the teacher says.
b. Ties – Rock, paper, scissors
c. False starts – card goes to the other player

Lesson 2-2
1. Book (Pg. 18) – Listen, Repeat, Chant)
2. PPT – Guess What & Match it Game
a. Students need to match the right picture with the right saying.
b. Teams will all get a chance to pick.
3. Alphabet Cards [Go Fish Cards]– Students will get alphabet cards that they
need to match and place in order. Teamwork – Students will need to do it
together. First team to finish need to put their heads down.

Lesson 2-3
Supplies: Magnets for board game markers (35), Dice (18), Lesson 2 Cards
1. Book (Pg. 21) – Sing, Read
2. Board Game (Pg. 22) – Rock paper scissors to see who gets to ask and answer.
[student who gets the most is the winner]
a. Write: Watch out!, Don’t do that!, Wow. Beautiful!, Help me,
please. on the board.
b. Students will work in pairs to play a board game. They need to say the
right phrase in order to place their markers there. If not, they need to
go back to the previous place.
c. Student to reach the end first is the winner.
3. Card Match
a. Students will work in pairs. They will mix the cards and place them face
down. They need to do rock, paper, scissors to see who goes first.
Students need to flip 2 cards and say the matching phrases. If it
matches, they keep the cards. If not, they don’t they need to flip the
cards over again. Play continues until there is a winner.

Lesson 2-4
1. Book (Pg. 23) – Role Play, Review

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