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It was a cool night, the kind that makes you want to feel the breeze

forever. Maybe feel love. Make love.

The tall, young King nestled against the natural chair of the ancient
tree. Touching at the shoulder, his shorter stockier Vizier reclined close by,
stretched the opposite direction. The physical connection seemed like an anchor,
holding them both quietly at peace. Their eyes scanned the heavens, its majesty
holding their faces.
"There is Oenfeul The Undying," the King pointed, high above. His voice
was tenor and velvet, a confident cadence that made you want for more. "And
there, his sister, Oedful the Unsmiling. They watch over our harvests, make
them plentiful. Or scarce." He jostled the Vizier slightly. "Assuming we don't
anger them," he said with a big smile in his voice.
The Vizier ever so slightly tilted his head, but seemed to be deep in
thought. There was a long moment. The King was happy to let it be as long as
it wanted. He enjoyed The Vizier's company, even in silence.
"They are so massive, they have caught on fire. They are really just other
suns, but so very far away it's almost impossible to describe." The Vizier's voice
had settled into nearly a trance, as if he were channeling thoughts barely heard
across a vast ocean. "They have planets too, just like the one we're on, like the
other ones with us orbiting our sun." His voice was a steady thrum, just above a
whisper by only the strength of pure conviction. "We actually are on a giant
globe. We have been here for untold years, an unbroken line of life all the way
back to....back to....", he seemed to struggle for the words.
The King sat rapt in the story, his breathe held, waiting for the Vizier to
regain his footing.
"...back to the beginning, of all life," the Vizier continued, "We come from
apes, and other mammals, and them from other forms still. Our atoms are made
from the heart of the stars, where carbon, and all the complex elements are
formed. The stars explode, in supernovae, then cool, and eventually form us."
The King had turned in his seat to stare, scarcely breathing, afraid to
break the stream.
The Vizier looked down from the skies and at his beloved King. There
was the entire majesty of the sky in his eyes. He held out his hand.
The King moved off the branch and knelt before his ever-entrancing Vizier,
took his hand, and held it as if to be the one thing connecting his Vizier to this
The Vizier smiled so big and happy, his whole face was alive with
it. "Energy equal mass times the speed of light squared. Which means we are
merely frozen energy. Space and time are but one, and within it, you cannot go
faster than the speed of light, which acts as both a wave and a particle."
The King laughed with a great bellow, his eyes glittering. He waited for
another moment, until he was sure the Vizier was done. The Vizier merely
smiled more broadly, and the King scooped him up out of the branch chair in one
motion into a great bear hug. The Vizier returned in kind, and they stood there
embracing for as long as the breeze would caress them.
Separating, the Vizier looked into the King's eyes with a deep
affection. "You know that we can never tell anyone what I know. These secrets
are for your ears only. Forever. You must be the only one on earth to ever know
what I say."
The King kissed him both delicately and passionately on the lips. "There
is no greater gift that a Vizier can give his King than that of the secret truths that
rule the universe. I am a blessed man in many ways, and almost all of them are
you. These secrets I will take to my grave. But I will know them all, if it takes all
my life."
The Vizier smiled as he went up for another kiss, "And it probably will".

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