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1. Complete the sentences using the verb to be and the greeting/introducing expressions.

a) Hi! I am Lenny. What is your name?

Hello! My name is Sandra.
Nice to meet you, Sandra. How are you?
I am fine, and you?
b) J ohn and Sam are/are not/arent teachers. They are/are not/arent students.
c) Is Margareth your teacher?
No, she isnt. My teacher is Daisy.
d) Sarah and Mary are/are not/arent my classmates.

2. Mark the objects you can find in your pencil case and in your backpack.
Resposta do aluno.

( ) pencil
( ) paper clips
( ) scissors
( ) binder
( ) ruler
( ) eraser
( ) pen drive
( ) notebook
( ) pencil sharpener
( ) Scotch tape
( ) pen
Prova do professor
6 ano
Turma: N:
1 bimestre
Data: ___/___/___ Nota: Valor: N de questes: 6
3. Complete the sentences using the verb there to be observing the objects in your classroom.

a) There is/isnt/is not a computer in the classroom.
b) There are/are not/arent sixteen students in the classroom.
c) There are/are not/arent two maps in the classroom.
d) There is/isnt/is not a chalkboard in the classroom.

4. Draw the hours and write down.

Its four oclock. Its twenty to one.

Its nine thirty / Its a half past nine. Its ten fifty / Its a fifteen past ten.

5. Describe the objects in the room using colors and prepositions.


Sugestes de resposta:
The orange ball is on the shelf.
The red book is beside the blue book.
The bed is beside the table.
The bed is in front of the window.
The pink piggy is on the shelf.
The pink pig is beside the red book.
The ruler is on the table.
The red book is between the pink piggy and the blue book.
The green book is between the gray and the red book.

6. Fill in the blanks using the correct family member.
a) My mothers sister is my aunt.
b) My daughters brother is my son.
c) My fathers daughter is my sister.
d) My mum and dad are my parents.
e) My father's brother is my uncle.
f) My mothers father is my grandfather.
g) My daughter's son is my grandson.

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