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Syllabus for Spanish I 2014-2015 Georgina Herrera cellular# 580-484-0013

gherrera@enidk12.org Room 116 and phone number: 580-366-8408

I hope everyone had a great summer! I am glad to have you as part of my class.
Materials needed:
Binder with 5 dividers or 5 subject notebook or a notebook with at least 100 pages and you can add sticky notes to
divide your notebook into 5 sections. This will be your interactive notebook and you will turn it in for a grade.
Pencils, pens, markers (these, you can keep with you)
2 dry erase markers, 2 glue sticks (these, I will keep in the classroom for projects/activities that well do in class)
Spanish/English Dictionary (optional) I have a few in the classroom for class use.
Description of Course:
This introductory course is designed for students with little or no previous study of Spanish. Some students in class
might have studied Spanish in middle school, but have not grasped some of the important structures of the language. This
course teaches basic language patterns and vocabulary. Repetition and comprehensible input are important components of this
course. Focus is on all four language skills listening, speaking, reading and writing. Culture is an integral part of the course and is
introduced through the use of media, games, adapted readings and class discussions.
Students may have homework depending on how effectively they use their time in class. Completion of homework
assignments is a must. Active participation is required. Solid first language (English or other) working grammar knowledge is an
advantage to students. (This course may lead to meeting college entrance requirements.) Activities will often be in total
physical response format with a mix of fiction and nonfiction stories that students will engage in and create. I will be
incorporating technology as I learn how to navigate all the websites that we are required to use. Just to name a few,
mybigcampus, socrative, safari montage, and many, many more.
Our goals are communication, collaboration and enjoyment of the language and each other and learning in general as
we progress. I strive to incorporate Common Core threads into the lessons and to promote daily gains and to instill a passion for
the language and compassion for others. I would like to see students develop the language skills needed to eventually take an
AP Spanish course in the new university center!
Grades: Students will be assessed by completion of daily bell work, assignments, projects, oral or written tests and quizzes.
Students will create an interactive notebook that will be for a grade. Parents will have the opportunity to help their student get
extra credit points by signing the interactive notebook after looking at their students work in their interactive notebook. They
will take a summative comprehension semester test. I encourage students and parents to refer to PowerSchool often to review
grades and see what assignments might be missing.
Attendance: Attendance is crucial. Daily active participation and repetition is essential to learn a second language.
Missing work and late work: If you are absent, the daily agenda will be written on the white board. If there is an assignment,
please get your make up work that will be in the make-up folder. You only have one day per day missed to turn in work. Late
work will be not be accepted after 5 class days. Work will be counted late if it is not in the folder when the teacher picks it up to
grade. Late work will be deducted 20%.Bellwork must be done. No excuses! Refer to student handbook for more information
on school absence.
1. They will learn our class contract and follow the class contract. Please ask your student what its
about. They should be able to tell you. We will discuss this thoroughly and they will memorize
for a grade.
2. We will try to speak Spanish 75% of the time. Lets challenge ourselves!
3. Technological devices will be collected at the beginning of the hour by the teacher or if students
feel responsible enough, they can keep them out of sight and turned off. Learning a second
language requires active thinking, repetition, and daily practice. Technological devices distract
students. I do not want students to use any translating website or apps except their own brain.
We will go to computer labs when learning activities require the internet. First time student is
caught with device (weather they are using it or not; weather its turned on or not), teacher
will take it and return it at the end of class. Second time student is caught with their phone out,
teacher will take it and student will come get it and the end of 7
hour and student will have
morning detention from 7:30am to 8:00am on the next school day. 3
time student is caught
with their phone out, teacher will take it and student can pick it up with a principal and be
assigned a Saturday School. If student refuses to give the teacher the technological device, the
student will be written up in PowerSchool and will be seen at a later time by a principal at the
principals convenience. The student will be assigned a Saturday school. Students are
responsible for their devices.
4. 6 hall passes per student per semester. Unused hall passes can be cashed in for 10 points each
hall pass at the end of the semester. They are nontransferable and will NOT be replaced if
student loses it. If you lose hall pass or run out of hall passes, you will be allowed to leave if its
an emergency, but you have to make up the time that you by staying those minutes after the
bell rings.
5. Roll will be taken when tardy bell rings. Students will be counted absent if they are not in class.
Therefore, when a student comes in tardy, the student must make sure that teacher changes
the attendance from absent to tardy or the student could be counted truant. Students over 10
minutes late will be counted absent for that class period. See tardy policy in student handbook.
6 tardies equals 1 absence.
I do not expect to have any problems in our classroom. I love teaching and I enjoy working with students and getting to know
them. I respect who they are and will give them the opportunity to be the best that they can be. I am willing to learn from them
as I hope they are willing to learn from me. So, just in case students give themselves, others, or me a hard time; this is what to
1. Verbal warning
2. Student and teacher conference
3. Parent contact and detention with teacher.
4. Student will be written up in PowerSchool and seen by the principal. Fighting and other severe infractions will be sent
immediately to the principal.
Since students will have their phone turned off during my class, parents and guardians: you are welcome to call my classroom
and speak with your student if you need to get ahold of them. You may also call the office and they will take a message and
make sure your student gets it. Their number is 366-8302, 366-8303 or 366-8304.
I will be using remind.com this year to remind students and parents of upcoming test and projects and assignments that they
need to be working on or studying for. It is a website that sends a text message to parents and students cell phones who have
signed up to receive them from me. It is free and I will provide your student with sign up information. Please ask them about it.

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