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Myths usually include heroes and supernatural beings, including gods who control natural forces such as
the seasons and death.
The intent of myths was
- To offer imaginative interpretations of natural phenomena and other mysteries of life as acts or
influences of deities.
- Not all myths are suitable for children because there is some negative elements such as murder,
rape, incest
- Good rule to preview EVERYTHING before you read to children
Page 84
Anderson, N. A. (....). Elementary childrens literature- The basics for teachers and parents.

-everyday natural phenomena such as thunder and lightning
-human emotions and experiences such as love and death
-the main characters in myths may be animals, deities or humans
-the actions may take place in an earlier world or another world, such as underworld or the sky
Page 211
Norton, D.E. (2007). Through the eyes of a child: an introduction to children literature. (7
Pearson: New Jersey

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