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Grade English
Ms. Westenskow
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Course Description:
Welcome to Eighth Grade English! In this class, we will have the opportunity to explore a wide
range of novels and other literature and see how these works influence and improve our lives.
We will also improve our ability to express thoughts, feelings, and ideas through cohesive
writing, including the ability to understand and handle grammar. Throughout the course, we will
improve our ability to think critically about reading and writing.

Reading List:
In addition to the following novels, well study essays, poetry, non-fiction, and multimedia
works. This book list is subject to change throughout the year, but if something does change I
will make you aware of it ahead of time.

Stargirl, by Jerry Spinelli
Tangerine, by Edward Bloor
Al Capone Does My Shirts, by Gennifer Choldenko

Materials Needed:
Books and other reading material will be provided for you each day, but you will be expected to
bring any materials we are currently working on. Additionally, you will need:
Pens or pencils, your choice (please have at least one colored pen of any color besides
blue or black for peer editing)
A binder or folder to keep handouts and past projects
A notebook or loose leaf paper


Writing Assignments: Each unit, we will complete a writing assignment. This assignment will
vary each unit, and may be a group project, an essay, a presentation, or some other project. At
the start of each unit, you will be given a few choices of possible projects to consider and will
work on your project throughout the term.

Quizzes: A quiz will be administered every two weeks. Youll have plenty of notice and we will
prepare in class ahead of time, so theres no need to worry.

Monthly Reading: At the beginning of the year we will do STAR testing to help you find your
reading level. In addition to the reading we do in class, you will be required to complete a
monthly reading log. These books will be your choice and can be completed during SSR in
school. For each book you read, you will do a short report on it.

Daily Journals: Each day well have a writing prompt at the beginning of the class period. Well
use these entries throughout the year, so it is important that you keep up with each entry. If you
miss a day, check the class website for information on the prompt for the day. Youll turn this in
at the end of the year.

Grading Scale:
A+ 97-100% B+ 87-89% C+ 77-79% D+ 67-69% F 0-59%
A 93-96% B 83-86% C 73-76% D 63-66%
A- 90-92% B 80-82% C- 70-72% D- 60-62%

Classroom Policies:

Attendance: Attendance will be very important in this class. I give very little homework because
I expect you to accomplish most of your necessary tasks in class. However, I post each days
instruction and assignments on our class website, so there should be no reason that you cannot
make up the work.

Tardies: Youll be marked tardy if you are not in your seat when the bell rings. If you arrive
after the bell rings, you will need to sign in at the clipboard.

Late Work: I allow students to hand in late work until the end of the unit. Assignments turned in
after the due date will receive a 10% deduction for each day its late, with a maximum of 50%
deduction. I also understand that sometimes life gets busy, and so at the beginning of each term
students will receive one Oops Pass. This pass allows them to turn in any single assignment up
to two days late with no penalty. However, this pass does not apply to large end-of-term writing

Make-up Work: If you miss class or an assignment for any reason, I expect you to make it up.
If you miss one day of class, you can find the work you need to make up on the class website and
will be given one day to get it done for each day that you have missed. For extenuating
circumstances, please come and talk to me individually.

Signature Page:

I have read and understand this disclosure document.

Print Student Name: ____________________________________________

Student Signature:_______________________________________________

Print Parent Name: ______________________________________________

Parent Signature: _______________________________________________

Does the student have access to a computer with internet at home? ____Y ____N

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