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Comprehensive Rhetoric 406

Ms. Lindsay Green greenli@champaignschools.org 217.552.3246


A word
after a word
after a word
is power.
Margaret Atwood

Major Projects:
College / Narrative essay
Research-based essays
Argumentative essays
Research-based websites
Multi-media presentations
Impromptu speeches

All major assignments will be saved and submitted in your Google Drive folder that I shared with you.
If your assignment is not in this folder on the due date, it will be considered late.

Needed Materials: A notebook set aside solely for this class (my gift to you)
Suggested Materials: A binder or section of a binder for this class

Grading: This class follows a traditional grading system. The grading scale is as follows:
70% Major grades (essays, performance projects, speeches, websites, etc.)
20% Minor grades (quizzes, writers notebook, homework, daily tasks)
10% Final (online, research-based portfolio)

90-100 = A 80-89= B 70-79 = C 60-69 = D 59 and below = F

Late Work: Assignments submitted after their due dates will be subjected to a grade penalty.
1 day late - 10% from overall score
2 days late - 30% from overall grade
3+ days late - 50% from overall grade

Absences: You have two days to make up your work for every one day you are absent.

Essay Revisions: If you are not satisfied with an essay grade, you may revise once to raise your score. In
order to receive credit for your revision, you must:
save a new copy of the essay and rename it as Revised _____ Essay.
send me an email to inform me of your revision no later than a week after the essay was returned.

Plagiarism and cheating will result in zero credit with no opportunity to make up the assignments.

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