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Plainti66 all*)*s t$at D*6*ndant violat*d "/ U.S.C. 7 "34"8 9 :$i($ s%*(i6i*s t$* %*r+issi8l* r*asons a
CRA +ay 6urnis$ a (onsu+*r r*%ort 9 8y s$arin) $is (r*dit 6il* :it$ ot$*r o66i(*s o6 E;%*rian and :it$
E;%*rian<s (ouns*l.
. . .
T$* Nor+an (as* is stri=in)ly si+ilar to t$* instant (as* and instru(tiv*. Plainti66 su*d E;%*rian 6or
violatin) t$* FCRA 8y %rovidin) %lainti66<s (r*dit 6il* to its (ouns*l in t$* (ours* o6 t$* la: 6ir+
d*6*ndin) E;%*rian as %art o6 a r*lat*d FCRA (as* 6il*d 8y Plainti66. Plainti66 all*)*d t$at o8tainin) t$*
(r*dit r*%ort 6or t$*s* %ur%os*s :as not %*r+issi8l* und*r t$* FCRA. A6t*r notin) t$at >nu+*rous
(ourts $av* (on(lud*d t$at . . . a ?(onsu+*r r*%ort< +*ans a r*%ort dis(los*d to a t$ird %arty,> !"2 @L
3//!/4, at A, t$* (ourt 6ound t$at E;%*rian<s attorn*ys a(t as its a)*nts and, (ons*Bu*ntly, ar* not t$*
>t$ird %arti*s> (ont*+%lat*d 8y t$* FCRA. >Und*r C%lainti66<sD r*adin) o6 t$* FCRA, a (r*dit r*%ortin)
a)*n(y su*d ov*r ina((urat* in6or+ation in a (r*dit r*%ort :ould not 8* allo:*d to %rovid* t$*
dis%ut*d (r*dit r*%ort to its o:n attorn*ys :it$out violatin) t$* FCRA. T$* Court $as 6ound no su%%ort
6or C%lainti66<sD int*r%r*tation o6 t$* FCRA.> Id. at A2.
Cons*Bu*ntly, 8*(aus* an attorn*y r*%r*s*ntin) a CRA in d*6*ns* o6 liti)ation (on(*rnin) t$* (ont*nts
o6 a (r*dit r*%ort is not a >t$ird %arty,> a CRA s$arin) t$* (onsu+*r<s (r*dit 6il* :it$ t$at (ouns*l do*s
not turn t$* 6il* into a >(onsu+*r r*%ort> :it$in "/ U.S.C. 7 "34"8, and Plainti66 do*s not $av* a via8l*
C$risto%$*r Er**n
Attorn*y at La:
T:o Union SBuar* Suit* #4/
3!" Union Str**t
S*attl* @A 04"!"
F!3G 343H#//4
F!3G 343H//4 6a(si+il*

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