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Global Populations in Maternal Child Health

Group Presentation

Purpose: Analyze research evidence and compare health practices in global populations with
US practices in maternal child health.

I Presentation Content
Students will work in groups of 4 to research a topic of interest and develop a
presentation for the class. Topic must be approved by instructor.

1. Define the population and health issue.
Describe the country/culture and relevant demographic data such as infant
mortality rate, education, income, access to health care

2. Describe the cultural practice or health concern of interest and prevalence.
Beliefs and expected outcomes
Negative health outcomes from the practice; include morbidity/mortality

3. Present evidence based research that describes risks/ benefits of the practice
Compare to US practices and include morbidity/mortality data as indicated

4. Propose 2 strategies to reduce risks in this population that are culturally sensitive.
Or, suggest how the cultural practice can be accommodated in our health care system.

II Presentation format options
Power Point, Poster, Handouts, Video

III Time and Participation
Each student must present one component ( 5-7 minutes).
Total Time 30 minutes plus 5-10 minutes for discussion

Peds and maternity topics to consider:
Childbirth, Fistulas
Infant/ Child Nutrition
Childhood vaccines
Female Genital Cutting (childhood or childbirth)

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