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Page 2 The Mystery of Effortless Success

By Alan Tutt
Author of:
Choose to Believe: A Practical Guide to Living Your Dreams
Prosperity From the Inside ut!
"reasure #ap to nline $iches!
Pu%lished %y:
PowerKeys Publishing
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The Mystery of Effortless Success Page "
Copyright 2011 by Alan Tutt & PowerKeys Publishing
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Page 1 The Mystery of Effortless Success
About the Author
Ala) Tutt starte* out !) l!fe as a) 2A3 stu*e)t- but
soo) fell !)to fa!lure *ue to a) o+erabu)*a)ce of l!m!t!)g
bel!efs. After years of struggle a)* har*sh!p- Ala) came
upo) a message of fa!th- a)* pursue* a l!)e of sc!e)t!f!c
research u)t!l !t pa!* off !) a lo)g ser!es of perso)al
(ow w!th o+er 24 years of e5per!e)ce- Ala) spe)*s h!s
t!me prese)t!)g wor.shops a)* coach!)g !)*!+!*uals a)* bus!)esses to help
them f!)* the u)*erly!)g bel!efs respo)s!ble for har*sh!ps a)* l!m!tat!o)s-
a)* help!)g them cha)ge those bel!efs to ma)!fest greater success a)*
Ala) co)t!)ues to ref!)e h!s tech)!,ues to get better a)* better results.
6e also ma!)ta!)s a u)!,ue membersh!p s!te at www.PowerKeysPub.com
where he ass!sts h!s members to atta!) h!gh le+els of success a)* happ!)ess.
Other Books by Alan Tutt
hoose To 7el!e+e: A Pract!cal $u!*e to #!+!)g 8our %reams
Prosper!ty /rom the &)s!*e 0ut
Treasure Map to 0)l!)e '!ches
Keys To Power Persuas!o)
Keys To Power 9 Step by Step course
Audio Programs
Em7'AES 7el!ef E)tra!)me)t System
hoose To 7el!e+e Au*!o :or.shop
Keys To Power: The Power of &)te)t!o)
Awa.e) 8our Power ;gu!*e* me*!tat!o)<
Sharpe) 8our /ocus ;gu!*e* me*!tat!o)<
All of the abo+e ;a)* M=6 more< may be fou)* o) the PowerKeys
Publ!sh!)g webs!te- at www.PowerKeysPub.com.
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The Mystery of Effortless Success Page 4
The Mystery of
Effortless Success
&t was a *ar. a)* stormy )!ght- >... (o- wa!t? :ro)g story. Th!s story
!s *!ffere)t- as you3ll soo) see for yourself. &t3s also a true story- a)* o)e &
.)ow well- because !t happe)e* to me.
Th!s !s a story about how & *!sco+ere* the secrets to establ!sh!)g a
co)*!t!o) & call Effortless Success- !) wh!ch success @ust happe)s as a
matter of course as you s!mply follow your !))er *es!res a)* !mpulses. &t3s
a co)*!t!o) that a)yo)e ca) establ!sh for themsel+es- a)* by the t!me you3+e
f!)!she* rea*!)g th!s report- you3ll .)ow e5actly how to repro*uce the
co)*!t!o) !) your l!fe as well.
Most of us ha+e hear* stor!es about people l!.e '!char* 7ra)so)- Par!s
6!lto)- a)* others who seem to e)@oy great success- e+e) though the!r ma!)
focus !s o) *o!)g what they e)@oy *o!)g a)* ha+!)g fu). Th!s !s Effortless
Success as & ha+e *ef!)e* !t.
A)* yes- Par!s ca) har*ly be calle* a typ!cal success role mo*el.
6owe+er- she !s certa!)ly a master of gett!)g a)* .eep!)g me*!a atte)t!o)-
wh!ch !s why she gets pa!* ha)*somely @ust to show up at part!es.
7efore & beg!)- you shoul* .)ow that what &3m about to re+eal ca) wor.
for a)yo)e. &t *oes)3t matter what le+el of success you curre)tly ha+e. &f
you3re the E0 of a mult!Ab!ll!o) *ollar compa)y loo.!)g to re*uce the
)umber of hours you ha+e to wor.- or a blueAcollar wor.er struggl!)g to put
foo* o) the table- what &3m about to share w!th you ca) help you reach
h!gher le+els of success- w!th pract!cally )o effort- a)* w!thout gett!)g !) the
way of *o!)g other th!)gs. ;Bery !mporta)t whe) your sche*ule !s so t!ght
there !s)3t a)y room for typ!cal perso)al *e+elopme)t.<
&t also *oes)3t matter !f you see. mo)etary success- soc!al/relat!o)sh!p
success- or sp!r!tual success- such as greater peace of m!)*. The pr!)c!ples
wor. !) all areas of l!fe.
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Page C The Mystery of Effortless Success
My Background
#!.e ma)y others- & grew up !) a) a+erage home. My pare)ts were )ot
ultraAsuccessful- )or were they able to g!+e me e+ery a*+a)tage )ecessary
for me to succee* o) my ow). 7y the t!me & reache* h!ghAschool- & was a)
ho)orAroll stu*e)t- but & ha* )o real .)owle*ge about the real worl*.
0)ce & left home for %eBry =)!+ers!ty- & ,u!c.ly *!sco+ere* & *!*)3t
.)ow how to ma)age my t!me- a)* coul* )ot @uggle wor. a)* school.
/eel!)g a) obl!gat!o) to wor. whe)e+er my boss as.e* me to- & soo) fou)*
myself wor.!)g 1D hours a wee.- a)* m!ss!)g school *ue to o+ersleep!)g.
0b+!ously- !t *!*)3t ta.e lo)g for my gra*e po!)t a+erage to *rop l!.e a
:!th!) EF mo)ths- & *roppe* out of school 9 w!thout a *!ploma- w!thout
a goo* @ob- a)* w!thout a)y !*ea about what to *o )e5t.
:hat happe)e* to the ol* a*age: %o well !) school a)* your future
success !s assure*GG &t certa!)ly *!*)3t wor. that way for me.
To ma.e a lo)g story short- the *ow)h!ll sl!*e co)t!)ue* u)t!l & fell as far
as a)yo)e coul* poss!bly fall 9 roc. bottom- wh!ch ca) be *escr!be* as )o
home- )o car- )o @ob- )o mo)ey- )o fr!e)*s- a)* )o selfAesteem. At o)e
po!)t- as & was h!tchAh!.!)g out of &)*!a)apol!s- & fou)* a pe))y o) the
s!*ewal.- a)* that was the 0(#8 mo)ey & ha* at that t!me.
Th!s !s where my story starts. Th!s !s what my l!fe was l!.e whe) &
starte* search!)g for clues to sol+e the most !mporta)t mystery of my l!fe 9
how to tur) my l!fe arou)*- a)* tra)sform fa!lure !)to success. A)* the
,u!c.er- the better?
Although !t woul* be +ery easy to assume that my total lac. of success
woul* be e)ough mot!+at!o) to get me mo+!)g- !t was)3t. /ar too ma)y
people get complace)t a)* s!mply accept fa!lure as the!r lot !) l!fe a)*
)e+er ta.e steps to !mpro+e th!)gs. &t3s sa*.
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The Mystery of Effortless Success Page H
(o- my mot!+at!o) came as a result of ma)y people wo)*er!)g why &
was)3t more successful tha) & was- a)* e5press!)g shoc. a)* surpr!se at the
appare)t co)tra*!ct!o) betwee) my ab!l!t!es a)* the co)*!t!o)s of my l!fe.
&) ge)eral- & hear* ma)y stateme)ts l!.e- 8ou3re a smart guy- 8ou
ha+e !)cre*!ble pote)t!al- Amer!ca !s the la)* of opportu)!ty. A)yo)e
ca) become a success !f they choose to- a)* The o)ly true fa!lure !s the
fa!lure to try.
0+er t!me- & hear* these a)* s!m!lar stateme)ts so ofte)- they e+e)tually
seepe* !)to my m!)* a)* cha)ge* the way & thought about myself- my l!fe-
a)* what & coul* accompl!sh.
A)* w!th the me*!a focus!)g so much o) celebr!t!es- who l!+e* !) mult!A
m!ll!o) *ollar ma)s!o)s- *ro+e lu5ury cars- we)t off o) e5c!t!)g a*+e)tures-
a)* e+eryth!)g else )ormally assoc!ate* w!th success- & fou)* myself
wa)t!)g to l!+e a more successful l!fe.
0f course- :A(T&($ someth!)g !s o)e th!)g- gett!)g !t !s a)other.
First Steps
#!.e most people who *!* well !) school- & starte* by rea*!)g boo.s o)
success a)* perso)al *e+elopme)t- a)* soo) fou)* that the typ!cal path
!)+ol+e* lots of har* wor.- sacr!f!ce- a)* *elaye* grat!f!cat!o). Most boo.s
offer!)g pla)s to tur) fa!lure !)to success suggeste* that !t woul* ta.e
8EA'S of co)sta)t effort- start!)g small a)* bu!l*!)g !) stages- before a)y
real success coul* be e)@oye*.
& certa!)ly *!*)3t wa)t a)y part of T6AT?
So & starte* loo.!)g for a shortcut. & respo)*e* to a*s prom!s!)g the
secrets to get r!ch ,u!c. !) real estate- ma!l or*er- a)* other bus!)ess
Although & felt that ma)y of the co)cepts a)* pla)s offere* !) these
pac.ages were wor.able- & @ust coul*)3t see myself as a salesperso)- a)* !t
seeme* that all of them !)+ol+e* sell!)g to o)e *egree or a)other.
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Page F The Mystery of Effortless Success
They also re,u!re* substa)t!al !)+estme)ts to get starte*- a)* & @ust *!*)3t
ha+e the mo)ey to !)+est.
Th!s was before the &)ter)et. &f the &)ter)et ha* e5!ste* bac. the) the
way !t *oes )ow- & probably woul* ha+e pursue* a) o)l!)e bus!)ess- wh!ch
*oes)3t re,u!re a large !)+estme)t )or a)y faceAtoAface sell!)g. E+e) so- my
selfAesteem was so low- a)* my .)owle*ge of bus!)ess was so poor- &
probably woul* ha+e fa!le* at that too.
There has to be a) eas!er way- & thought.
6a+!)g ha* ma)y people tell me that & was a smart guy- & loo.e* !)to the
poss!b!l!ty of subm!tt!)g !)+e)t!o) !*eas to !)*ustry- wh!ch- as & was tol*-
coul* result !) be!)g pa!* m!ll!o)s of *ollars for *o!)g )oth!)g more tha)
subm!tt!)g a goo* !*ea to the r!ght people.
7oy- was that a rac.et?
After spe)*!)g years loo.!)g !)to a w!*e +ar!ety of get r!ch ,u!c.
bus!)ess pla)s- & was )o better off tha) whe) & starte*. 6a* & go)e the
tra*!t!o)al route to success- at least & woul* ha+e gotte) a sol!* start- a)*
woul* ha+e bee) that much closer to my goal.
7ut by th!s po!)t- & was more co)+!)ce* tha) e+er that there 6A% to be
a) eas!er way to success- a)* & was go!)g to f!)* !t.
The Embarrassing Phase
The )e5t steps & too. to f!)* Effortless Success !)+ol+e th!)gs &3m
embarrasse* to share w!th you. 6owe+er- to rema!) truthful w!th you- &
ha+e to share e+eryth!)g- !)clu*!)g those th!)gs &3m )ot prou* of.
At f!rst- !t was)3t so ba*. & starte* play!)g the lottery- buy!)g t!c.ets for
a)y game wh!ch ha* a pote)t!al payout of at least a m!ll!o) *ollars. The
lure of spe)* IE- get m!ll!o)s was @ust too much to pass up. After all-
there was a w!))er e+ery wee.- so why shoul*)3t & be o)e of themG
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The Mystery of Effortless Success Page J
The problem was that e+ery t!me & fa!le* to w!)- & got that much more
frustrate*- as & focuse* o) what & ha* 2lost3. & starte* feel!)g the worl*
owe* me someth!)g.
A)* the whole get someth!)g for )oth!)g me)tal!ty too. me *ow)
se+eral *ar. alleys & shoul* ha+e a+o!*e*.
&t starte* whe) & hoo.e* up w!th a) attor)ey from St. #ou!s. 6e saw
that & .)ew someth!)g about computers- a)* 2h!re*3 me as a perso)al
ass!sta)t. & put 2h!re*3 !) ,uotes because there was)3t a formal agreeme)t-
)or *!* he ha+e a) off!ce- a)* h!s offer was to pay me mo)thly- so &3* ha+e
to wor. a full mo)th before & got pa!*. Actually- at th!s po!)t &3m )ot e+e)
sure !f he was a) attor)ey.
%ur!)g the f!rst wee. & .)ew h!m- & saw h!m br!)g se+eral wome) home-
a)* throw them out as soo) as he ha* gotte) what he wa)te* from them. &
remember help!)g o)e call a cab as she sat cry!)g !) fro)t of me. & felt s!c.
to my stomach at what he ha* *o)e to her. &t *!*)3t ta.e lo)g before &
real!Ke* th!s guy *!*)3t ha+e a stro)g se)se of moral!ty or eth!cs.
A)yways- whe) !t was t!me for me to rece!+e my f!rst mo)thly paychec.
from h!m ;wh!ch was to be I2DDD<- he ha* bee) away o) bus!)ess for more
tha) a wee.. :he) he calle* to ha+e me loo. someth!)g up for h!m- &
as.e* about th!s- a)* he respo)*e* by tell!)g me & shoul* get h!s
chec.boo.- ma.e a chec. out to myself- a)* s!g) h!s )ame. 6e assure* me
that s!)ce he was g!+!)g me h!s perm!ss!o) to *o th!s- !t woul* be o.ay.
So- & wrote the chec. as he !)structe*- ope)e* a )ew ba). accou)t-
wa!te* a couple of *ays for the fu)*s to be a+a!lable- a)* the) w!th*rew
what & felt & )ee*e* at that t!me- a couple of hu)*re*. A few *ays later- &
rece!+e* a )ot!ce say!)g the chec. ha* bou)ce*- a)* that & )ee*e* to retur)
the mo)ey & ha* w!th*raw).
& was !) a *!lemma- s!)ce & ha* alrea*y spe)t most of the mo)ey.
Th!s !s where th!)gs got ugly. & .)ew & coul*)3t g!+e the ba). the!r
mo)ey bac.. & ha* alrea*y lear)e* th!s attor)ey was )ot to be truste*. A)*
& also )ot!ce* that & ha* gotte) cash for a ba* chec..
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Page ED The Mystery of Effortless Success
Th!s )ew !)format!o)- comb!)e* w!th what & ha* lear)e* before about
the get r!ch ,u!c. pla)s for ma.!)g mo)ey- le* me to co)clu*e that !f &
wrote a much larger chec.- pulle* more mo)ey from the ba).s- a)*
!)+este* !t !) o)e of these pla)s- & coul* pote)t!ally ma.e e)ough to pay the
ba).s bac. a)* wal. away w!th e)ough mo)ey to *o !t aga!) 2legally3.
&t was a b!g r!s.. 7ut & felt my bac. was aga!)st the wall a)* & *!*)3t
ha+e a)y other cho!ce- other tha) to become a fug!t!+e o) the ru).
So- & wrote out " chec.s for a couple of thousa)* each- ope)e* "
accou)ts w!th *!ffere)t ba).s- a)* wa!te* for the fu)*s to become a+a!lable.
A couple of *ays later- & we)t bac. to each ba). to w!th*raw IEDDD from
each accou)t. E+e) though my heart was pou)*!)g har*- a)* & e5pecte* to
be arreste* at a)y mome)t- & got through !t all w!thout !)c!*e)t. :he) &
retur)e* home- & sprea* the I"DDD out o) the table a)* @ust loo.e* at !t. &t
was the most mo)ey & ha* see) !) my e)t!re l!fe.
The f!rst th!)g & *!* was stop at a computer store to buy my ow)
computer a)* software. The computer ha* to be or*ere*- w!th a substa)t!al
*epos!t. & *o)3t recall the actual amou)t- but !t was close to I2DDD. ;Th!s
was !) EJFC.<
The )e5t th!)g & *!* was to buy some )ew clothes. &f & was go!)g to be !)
bus!)ess- & )ee*e* to loo. the part.
:!th!) the f!rst wee.- & ha* spe)t the full I"DDD- a)* was)3t e+e) close
to be!)g rea*y for bus!)ess. The computer ha*)3t come !) yet- a)* & was
too scare* to wr!te a)y more ba* chec.s. & ha* fa!le*- a)* fa!le* b!g.
&t was)3t lo)g before the law caught up w!th me. & spe)t a l!ttle t!me !)
@a!l- a)* was e+e)tually release* o) probat!o) w!th the u)*ersta)*!)g that &
woul* pay the mo)ey bac. to the ba).s.
#!+!)g w!th th!s type of obl!gat!o) !s a lot har*er tha) you may real!Ke.
E+eryth!)g !s tw!ce as har*. 6ar*er to get a @ob. 6ar*er to sa+e up a)y
mo)ey. A)* har*er to get ahea*.
&t3s @ust )ot worth !t.
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The Mystery of Effortless Success Page EE
A Magical Transformation
& always ha* a) !)terest !) m!)* stuff- a)* !) part!cular- stor!es about
how people coul* use the power of the!r m!)*s to accompl!sh great th!)gs.
(ow- wh!le mag!c. a)* what !s )ow .)ow) as the #aw of Attract!o) are a
part of th!s- th!s also !)clu*es people who are able to perform comple5
calculat!o)s !) the!r hea*- or memor!Ke lo)g l!sts of facts.
After the !)c!*e)t w!th the attor)ey- a)* the ba* *ec!s!o)s & ma*e there- &
.)ew & ha* to loo. for a)other way to !mpro+e my s!tuat!o).
Arou)* th!s t!me- & became homeless- wa)*er!)g the streets of
&)*!a)apol!s- wo)*er!)g what & woul* *o )e5t. As you ca) !mag!)e- & felt
l!.e & truly )ee*e* a m!racle !) my l!fe. That3s whe) & starte* rea*!)g e+ery
boo. & coul* f!)* o) m!)* power- loo.!)g for the secrets to perform!)g
mag!c. a)* m!racles. & e+e) praye*- barga!)!)g w!th $o* that !f 6e woul*
help me- & woul* teach others the truth beh!)* m!racles.
%ur!)g th!s t!me- & we)t bac. to the store where & ha* or*ere* the
computer- to as. !f & coul* ca)cel the or*er a)* get bac. the mo)ey &
*epos!te* o) !t. They *!*)3t .)ow a)yth!)g about how & got the mo)ey- so
there was)3t a)y problem there.
6owe+er- the salesperso) & *ealt w!th !)forme* me that the!r pol!cy was
that they coul* o)ly release a *epos!t whe) the computer !tself was sol*. So
& ha* to wa!t u)t!l someo)e bought the computer & ha* or*ere*.
0)e mor)!)g- after wal.!)g the streets all )!ght- & we)t !)to a boo.store
to get out of the col*- a)* to co)t!)ue my research !)to the mag!cal powers
of the m!)*.
That3s whe) & fou)* "he #iracle o& #ind Dynamics by Loseph
Murphy- who !)sta)tly became my fa+or!te author. As & rea* that boo.- &
lear)e* that mag!c. a)* m!racles happe) as a result of our bel!efs- a)*
whate+er we bel!e+e to be true- becomes true !) our l!+es- whether the bel!ef
!tself !s log!cal or )ot. 8ou @ust ha+e to accept !t as curre)tly true- feel!)g as
you woul* feel !f the th!)g you wa)t to happe) were happe)!)g r!ght )ow.
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Page E2 The Mystery of Effortless Success
Sta)*!)g there !) the boo.store- & !mag!)e* go!)g bac. to the computer
store- hear!)g the salesperso) tell me that someo)e ha* bought the
computer- a)* be!)g ha)*e* the *epos!t mo)ey. & felt a) !)cre*!ble
se)sat!o) of rel!ef a)* grat!tu*e well up w!th!) me- a)* the wor*s- Tha).
you- tha). you- tha). you echoe* w!th!) my m!)* as my bo*y phys!cally
Th!s happe)e* arou)* ED:"D !) the mor)!)g. A few hours later- & we)t
bac. to the computer store to see !f a)yth!)g ha* happe)e*- a)* the
salesperso) tol* me that someo)e came !) about ED:"D that mor)!)g a)*
*ec!*e* to buy the computer & ha* or*ere*. The o)ly gl!tch was that they
woul* come bac. a)other *ay to ma.e the actual purchase.
(ot o)ly *!* & get the results & wa)te*- !t happe)e* at the EMAT
mome)t & was *o!)g the m!)* stuff !) the boo.store. :0:??
7ecause the customer *!*)3t actually buy the computer- the salesperso)
coul*)3t refu)* my *epos!t- but at that mome)t- !t *!*)3t matter. & .)ew
that the m!)* stuff wor.e*- a)* the mo)ey woul* come to me.
:hat3s !)terest!)g !s that a couple of hours later- about 1:"Dpm- & fou)*
IHD o) the s!*ewal.. Although & spe)t close to E4 m!)utes loo.!)g arou)*
to see who may ha+e *roppe* !t- there was )o o)e arou)* to cla!m !t.
E+e)tually- & accepte* !t as a g!ft from 6ea+e).
That was e)ough to re)t a small room for the wee. a)* go bac. to the
boo.store the )e5t *ay to buy se+eral of Loseph Murphy3s boo.s.
& ha* *!sco+ere* the f!rst a)* most !mporta)t .ey to Effortless Success
!) those boo.s- a)* & was *eterm!)e* to master !t.
The Mad Scientist
After buy!)g se+eral Loseph Murphy boo.s- & spe)* a few *ays rea*!)g
them- absorb!)g e+eryth!)g & coul*- a)* test!)g the !*eas for myself.
The f!rst th!)g & teste* was to pro*uce a)other w!)*fall of cash. After
all- sc!e)ce !s all about *upl!cat!)g results through repeate* e5per!me)ts-
a)* & wa)te* more mo)ey. So- & repeate* the e5per!e)ce !) the boo.store
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The Mystery of Effortless Success Page E"
by !mag!)!)g what & wa)te*- feel!)g as & woul* feel !f !t happe)e* r!ght
the)- a)* e5press!)g grat!tu*e for the results.
&t *!*)3t wor.. & must ha+e *o)e someth!)g *!ffere)t that t!me.
E+e)tually- & real!Ke* that the f!rst t!me- & was !) a sem!Atra)ce state from
go!)g w!thout sleep a)* foo* for so lo)g. :he) & repeate* the e5per!me)t-
my phys!cal bo*y was reste*- a)* my co)sc!ous m!)* was pay!)g more
atte)t!o) to what & was *o!)g- e5press!)g *oubt that !t woul* really wor..
The *oubts .!lle* !t.
At that t!me- howe+er- & thought !t was someth!)g else 9 a co))ect!o) to
a Source of Power- wh!ch must ha+e bee) stro)ger whe) & was !) the tra)ce
state. My bel!ef system was such that & coul* )ot fully accept that bel!ef
was the o)ly th!)g respo)s!ble for m!racles- a)* & bel!e+e* there 6A% to be
a source of power to tur) bel!efs !)to real!ty.
That bel!ef le* me alo)g a w!)*!)g path wh!ch e+e)tually pro*uce*
results- but wh!ch also *elaye* my ult!mate success for ma)y years.
0+er the )e5t ED years- & rea* EDDs of other boo.s- too. a lot a classes-
a)* performe* ma)y thousa)*s of e5per!me)ts- test!)g a w!*e +ar!ety of
+ar!ables- a)* co)clu*!)g that there were 1 th!)gs wh!ch wor.e* together to
create mag!c. a)* m!racles 9 bel!ef- a co))ect!o) to the Source of all
Power- a) ab!l!ty to focus clearly o) what you wa)t to happe)- a)* a pos!t!+e
emot!o)al !)+ol+eme)t !) the process.
My *ata bac.e* !t up.
#!ttle *!* & .)ow that my e5per!e)ces were shape* by earl!er bel!efs
forme* whe) & lear)e* that we- as huma)s- were ma*e up of phys!cal-
me)tal- emot!o)al- a)* sp!r!tual bo*!es. &t o)ly ma*e se)se that to perform
m!racles- all of these woul* ha+e to be !)+ol+e*.
Significant esults
E+e) though & was operat!)g u)*er a m!sta.e) prem!se- & was st!ll able to
get s!g)!f!ca)t results. As & )ow u)*ersta)* !t- th!s !s because whe)e+er &
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Page E1 The Mystery of Effortless Success
followe* a process & bel!e+e* woul* wor.- the process pro*uce* results
accor*!)g to my bel!ef !) the process !tself.
Th!s !s why some fol.s are able to get pos!t!+e results whe) *o!)g the
stra)gest th!)gs- l!.e cha)t!)g- bur)!)g ca)*les a)* !)ce)se- wa+!)g arou)*
crystal ro*s- s!tt!)g !) pyram!*s- or tapp!)g spec!al po!)ts o) the!r bo*!es.
'Note: I en(oy doing many o& the strange things! a%ove) although I
no* understand they are not strictly necessary &or results+,
&t3s also why some people are able to get a)swers to the!r prayers a)*
others *o)3t. The o)es who get results from prayers are the o)es who
bel!e+e that prayers get results.
& coul* probably f!ll a whole report w!th what & co)s!*er the more
s!g)!f!ca)t results & pro*uce* us!)g the power of bel!ef. Although th!s !s)3t
the t!me or place to co+er them all- & th!). !t3s !mporta)t to share w!th you
some of what &3+e bee) able to accompl!sh w!th what &3+e lear)e*.
So here3s a short l!st- h!ghly abbre+!ate*:
E. %!spers!)g a tor)a*o w!th!) 4 m!)utes.
2. Stopp!)g ra!) o) )umerous occas!o)s. All w!th!) m!)utes.
". Programm!)g ra!) to happe) a few m!)utes e+ery *ay for a)
e)t!re summer- a)* the) cha)g!)g the patter) aga!).
1. #uc. !) car* games.
4. Psych!c +!s!o)s lea*!)g to accurate *escr!pt!o)s of se+eral fol.s
completely u).)ow) to me.
C. $ett!)g o)e perso) to apolog!Ke to a)other- from a *!sta)ce-
whe) th!s perso) (EBE' apolog!Ke* to a)yo)e.
H. Spec!fy!)g the )umber of hours wor.e* each wee. for mo)ths
o) a @ob for wh!ch & was o)ly a temporary laborer.
F. Attract!)g my !*eal l!fe part)er- w!th whom &3+e e5per!e)ce*
ma)y spec!f!c *eta!ls outl!)e* !) my or!g!)al !)te)t!o).
J. $ett!)g photography @obs worth at least IEDDD per hour.
ED. Attract!)g 2 pract!cally )ew cars as g!fts.
'emember- all of th!s was the result of us!)g a flawe* system.
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The Mystery of Effortless Success Page E4
Further !nsights
&) La)uary 2DD"- & starte* teach!)g my flawe* system o)l!)e as the
-eys "o Po*er system. E+e) though & u)*ersta)* th!)gs better )ow- that
system !s st!ll a+a!lable- because there !s a place for !t- espec!ally s!)ce there
are ma)y people to*ay who bel!e+e as & *!*. The system co)t!)ues to
pro*uce pos!t!+e results for those who bel!e+e that a source of Power !s
)ecessary to pro*uce mag!c. a)* m!racles. ;www.KeysToPower.com<
/or " years- & taught the )ecess!ty of *e+elop!)g focus a)* emot!o)al
co)trol as a mea)s to w!el*!)g =)!+ersal Power- w!th a part!cular focus o)
the !mporta)ce of your bel!ef system.
&) September 2DDC- & was !)+!te* to spea. at a "A*ay sem!)ar !)
al!for)!a that (o+ember. S!)ce & ha* spe)t so much t!me the pre+!ous few
years focus!)g o) bu!l*!)g my bus!)ess a)* help!)g others- & *e+ote* a
whole wee.e)* to me*!tat!)g a)* restor!)g my sp!r!tual co))ect!o). Th!s
wee.e)* woul* start out w!th a 1Ahour me*!tat!o).
A)yo)e who has me*!tate* w!ll u)*ersta)* that the f!rst hour was a)
e5per!e)ce !) clear!)g out a lot of @u).. My m!)* swarme* w!th !*eas of
th!)gs & ha* forgotte) to *o- th!)gs & wa)te* to *o- a)* reaso)s why & shoul*
get bac. to wor..
7y the t!me & got to the 2
hour of me*!tat!o)- my m!)* became clear-
a)* & felt a calm ce)tere*)ess w!th!).
Somewhere arou)* the "
hour- my !))er m!)* starte* prese)t!)g more
!)format!o) to my co)sc!ous self. Th!s co)s!ste* mostly of memor!es of
e5per!me)ts wh!ch !)*!cate* that bel!ef !tself was e)ough to pro*uce
s!g)!f!ca)t results- a)* that e+ery result & pro*uce* *ur!)g those years of
e5per!me)tat!o) came whe) & bel!e+e* !) the process & use* at the t!me.
& ha* ma*e a)other brea.through.
The rest of the wee.e)* was spe)t !) re+!ew!)g my boo.s a)* )otes to
co)f!rm th!s- a)* e+eryth!)g chec.e* out.
Soo) after the 2DDC sem!)ar !) al!for)!a- & starte* wor.!)g o) a )ew
boo.- wh!ch later became Choose "o Believe: A Practical Guide to Living
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Page EC The Mystery of Effortless Success
Your Dreams. :hat was or!g!)ally go!)g to be a ,u!c. l!ttle pro@ect grew
a)* became the cor)ersto)e of my l!fe3s wor.. The more & got !)to wr!t!)g
!t- the more brea.throughs & ha*- a)* the more !)s!ghtful the boo. became.
Enter "ypnosis
Choose "o Believe woul*)3t ha+e bee) as grou)*Abrea.!)g as !t was !f
& ha* )ot spe)t more tha) a year pre+!ously stu*y!)g (#P ;(euroA#!)gu!st!c
Programm!)g< a)* co)+ersat!o)al hyp)os!s. That stu*y we)t so far as to
become the fou)*at!o) for a persuas!o) course calle* -eys "o Po*er
Persuasion. Although th!s was somewhat u)relate* to my ma!) top!c- !t
tur)e* out that th!s ta)ge)t woul* put me o) a path of !mme)se +alue.
Ma)y of the tech)!,ues taught !) Choose "o Believe were base* o) (#P
pr!)c!ples *escr!b!)g how the m!)* wor.s- a)* how to cha)ge bel!efs w!th
+ery l!ttle effort.
Those who .)ow (#P u)*ersta)* that the mater!al o) co)+ersat!o)al
hyp)os!s or!g!)ally came from a hyp)otherap!st )ame* M!lto) Er!c.so).
Er!c.so) was a master hyp)ot!st who coul* help people cha)ge the way
they thought s!mply by tal.!)g to them. :o+e) w!th!) h!s stor!es were
embe**e* comma)*s- presuppos!t!o)s- amb!gu!ty- pac!)g a)* lea*!)g
stateme)ts- a)* other la)guage patter)s !)te)*e* to get h!s pat!e)ts to accept
)ew !*eas w!thout res!sta)ce.
Through my stu*y of (#P a)* co)+ersat!o)al hyp)os!s- !t became clear
to me that ma)y of our bel!efs are base* o) casual comme)ts ma*e by
people we meet throughout our l!+es. A s!mple th!)g- sa!* w!thout a)y
!)te)t!o) of cha)g!)g us- coul* form the bas!s for a perso)3s e)t!re l!fe.
&t all *epe)*s o) 60: !t3s prese)te*.
:!th Choose "o Believe beh!)* me- the )e5t step was to *e+elop tools to
help fol.s cha)ge what they bel!e+e w!thout !)+est!)g a lot of t!me or
e)ergy. 0r!g!)ally- th!s too. the form of tra*!t!o)al hyp)os!s recor*!)gs
w!th some eleme)ts of (#P m!5e* !). 7ut that was to cha)ge ra*!cally.
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The Mystery of Effortless Success Page EH
A #e$ %irection
&) Apr!l 2DED- & too. a sur+ey of my au*!e)ce to f!)* out what they felt
they )ee*e* help w!th- a)* the respo)ses surpr!se* me.
:h!le a large perce)tage of them sa!* they )ee*e* help pro*uc!)g
greater f!)a)c!al prosper!ty- attract!)g harmo)!ous relat!o)sh!ps- a)*
!mpro+!)g the!r health- there were e+e) more people say!)g they )ee*e*
help w!th tra*!t!o)al perso)al *e+elopme)t stuff- l!.e mot!+at!o)-
co)f!*e)ce- selfAesteem- focus- orga)!Kat!o)- pro*uct!+!ty- a)* so o).
&) short- my au*!e)ce tol* me they ha* a real )ee* for someth!)g that
woul* help them feel better about themsel+es a)* be more successful at
gett!)g th!)gs *o)e.
7ecause & ha* alrea*y lear)e* that e+eryth!)g we e5per!e)ce !) l!fe !s a
result of what we bel!e+e- & .)ew th!s 2tra*!t!o)al3 perso)al *e+elopme)t
wor. coul* be accompl!she* the same way. &t was @ust a matter of sh!ft!)g a
perso)3s bel!ef system to focus o) the r!ght set of bel!efs.
'For a complete description o& *hy this is true) see my %oo.) hoose
To 7el!e+e!+ "he short story is that even i& you discount any po*er o&
%elie&! magic.) our %elie&s guide our decisions) *hich guide our actions)
*hich produce our results+ Change your %elie&s and your results change
So & set up a test group to play w!th some !*eas. (early 2DD people
arou)* the worl* from all wal.s of l!fe part!c!pate* !) th!s test group.
Together- we teste* +ar!ous formats- a)* a w!*e +ar!ety of eleme)ts to
pro*uce the most effect!+e au*!o recor*!)gs we coul*.
These recor*!)gs woul* focus o) bel!ef stateme)ts gar)ere* from the
best perso)al *e+elopme)t resources e+er pro*uce*- as well as my ow)
perso)al )otes from wor.!)g w!th my ow) bel!efs a)* those of my coach!)g
&) the process of wor.!)g w!th th!s test group- & lear)e* a great *eal.
/!rst- e+eryo)e seeme* to ha+e *!ffere)t prefere)ces- such as for a male
+o!ce or a female +o!ce- for a s!)gle +o!ce or for mult!ple +o!ces spea.!)g at
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Page EF The Mystery of Effortless Success
o)ce- a)* for bac.grou)* mus!c or )o bac.grou)* mus!c. Th!s much was to
be e5pecte*- although the *!ffere)t prefere)ces seeme* to be spl!t fa!rly
There were also le)gthy *!scuss!o)s about the way +ar!ous stateme)ts
shoul* be phrase*- a)* whether !t was appropr!ate to use sp!r!tual refere)ces
such as $o*- guar*!a) a)gels- a)* so o). '#ost o& these re&erences *ere
eventually removed in &avor o& terms such as the Creator!) the /ource o&
all things!) Divine Intelligence!) and 0topia!+,
As we wor.e* through these !ssues- & also fou)* that the ma@or!ty of test
group members woul* l!ste) to all recor*!)gs as bac.grou)* mater!al-
!)clu*!)g those !)te)*e* as +ery *eep selfAhyp)os!s sess!o)s- or recor*!)gs
to gu!*e a co)sc!ous l!)e of thought.
S!)ce the ma@or!ty of fol.s chose to use the recor*!)gs as bac.grou)*
mater!al- a)* early results !)*!cate* that th!s format seeme* to be @ust as
effect!+e as a)y other- we soo) settle* o) th!s format for the rema!)*er of
our test!)g.
:hat really surpr!se* me- a)* seems to be a )ew *!sco+ery- !s that those
who l!ste)e* to a w!*er +ar!ety of styles ;male +o!ce / female +o!ce- s!)gle
+o!ce / mult!ple +o!ces- etc.< co)s!ste)tly reporte* better results tha) those
who l!ste)e* to the!r preferre* style o)ly.
Through my !)+est!gat!o)s !)to :68 th!s woul* be so- & real!Ke* that
the +ar!ety !tself !mpro+e* results.
The reaso) for th!s seems to be base* o) a co)cept wh!ch re+eale* !tself
!) the !*eal phras!)g of stateme)ts 9 that the more 2)atural3 the stateme)ts
sou)*- the more the l!ste)er3s !))er m!)* w!ll accept them.
:e are use* to hear!)g the same !*ea e5presse* !) *!ffere)t ways- by
*!ffere)t people- !) *!ffere)t e)+!ro)me)ts. Each +ar!at!o) seems to create a
separate memory w!th!) the m!)*- a)* ha+!)g ma)y of them creates a larger
resource for the m!)* to *raw upo). Thus- the bel!efs represe)te* by the
stateme)ts grow e+e) stro)ger- a)* ha+e a much greater !)flue)ce o) our
*ec!s!o)Ama.!)g process.
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The Mystery of Effortless Success Page EJ
0)ce we real!Ke* @ust how powerful +ar!ety !tself coul* be- our focus for
th!s )ew system of recor*!)gs tur)e* away from s!mply what wor.s best
to how ma)y +ar!at!o)s ca) we !)clu*eG
Thus was bor) what !s to*ay .)ow) as the Em7'AES 7el!ef
E)tra!)me)t System. '1mB$AC1/ stands &or 1m2po*ering Belie&
$ein&orcement 3 Alignment &or Con&idence) 14cellence) 3 /uccess!+,
&hat ! 'earned
Throughout my ma)y e5per!e)ces- & lear)e* a lot. & lear)e* that all
perso)al *e+elopme)t !s base* o) m!)* stuff whether or )ot your
!)te)t!o) !s to perform m!racles a)* mag!c.. E+eryth!)g we wa)t !) l!fe
comes as the result of what we bel!e+e- a)* to cha)ge the co)*!t!o)s of our
l!+es- we must cha)ge what we bel!e+e.
& also lear)e* that shortcuts *o)3t wor.. &f you really wa)t to be
successful- you )ee* to be prepare* to *o e+eryth!)g !t ta.es- or else you3ll
@ust be wast!)g your t!me. &t3s l!.e push!)g a car uph!ll. &f you stop halfA
way- you3ll @ust ha+e to start all o+er aga!). '"his is *hy many personal
development system don5t *or. 6 they don5t go the distance+,
6owe+er- & also lear)e* that the process *oes)3t ha+e to !)+ol+e a lot of
t!me or effort- a)* ca) !) fact be automate* to a large *egree. A)* what3s
e+e) more surpr!s!)g- !s that o)ce your bel!ef system supports you !) your
success- ,u!c. results are )ot o)ly poss!ble- but become the )atural course
of e+e)ts.
Most of us collect our bel!efs from casual comme)ts ma*e by others !)
our l!+es. People who say th!)gs l!.e- you3re a smart perso)- you shoul*
ha+e a) easy t!me w!th that- or e+eryth!)g seems to wor. out well for you
are co)tr!but!)g to a successAbase* bel!ef system that w!ll gu!*e you to
ma.!)g better *ec!s!o)s- ta.!)g better act!o)s- a)* gett!)g better results.
The problem !s- most of us are surrou)*e* by )egat!+e people who are
co)sta)tly e5press!)g fa!lureAbase* messages. As they say- !t3s har* to soar
l!.e a) eagle whe) you3re surrou)*e* by tur.eys.
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Page 2D The Mystery of Effortless Success
Th!s !s why the best perso)al *e+elopme)t systems always !)clu*e some
compo)e)t of re!)forc!)g pos!t!+e bel!ef stateme)ts- such as "54 car*s tape*
to your bathroom m!rror- treasure maps wh!ch !llustrate the accompl!shA
me)ts you wa)t to ach!e+e- or recor*!)gs wh!ch repeat pos!t!+e stateme)ts
for you to hear o) a regular bas!s. &t3s a way of *row)!)g out the fa!lure
messages w!th successAbase* o)es.
There are se+eral ways to cha)ge what you bel!e+e to the po!)t where
Effortless Success becomes a )ormal e5per!e)ce for you. &) th!s )e5t
sect!o)- &3ll co+er the ma!) o)es- wh!le *escr!b!)g what ma.es them wor.-
a)* what to watch out for.
"abit (ontrol ) *oal Setting
Th!s !s where most perso)al *e+elopme)t stu*e)ts start. &t3s where &
starte* !) my ,uest for Effortless Success. Ta.!)g co)sc!ous co)trol o+er
your hab!ts a)* sett!)g goals !s the most *!rect way of ta.!)g charge o+er
your l!fe.
E5amples of th!s type of perso)al *e+elopme)t !)clu*e %ale ar)eg!e3s
7o* to 8in Friends and In&luence People- (apoleo) 6!ll3s "hin. and
Gro* $ich- a)* #es 7row)3s Live Your Dreams.
&f your ob@ect!+e !s a relat!+ely s!mple cha)ge- th!s !s the best way to go.
The problem w!th th!s approach !s that whe) you )ee* to ma.e s!g)!f!ca)t
cha)ges- you w!ll most l!.ely ru) !)to the ol* w!ll +ersus !mag!)at!o)
8hen the imagination and *ill po*er are in con&lict)
are antagonistic) it is al*ays the imagination *hich
*ins) *ithout any e4ception+
6 1mile Cou9
As you may .)ow- Em!le ouN helpe* establ!sh hyp)os!s as a leg!t!mate
treatme)t !) EJ2D through h!s boo.- /el& #astery "hrough Conscious
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The Mystery of Effortless Success Page 2E
Autosuggestion !) wh!ch he offere* the famous aff!rmat!o)- E+ery *ay- !)
e+ery way- &Om gett!)g better a)* better.
The po!)t of all th!s !s that whe) you try to force yourself to *o
someth!)g aga!)st your hab!tual )ature- your !))er/subco)sc!ous m!)* w!ll
te)* to o+erpower your co)sc!ous efforts to cha)ge.
(ow- wh!le Em!le may )ot ha+e bee) EDDP accurate ;after all- !t3s
certa!)ly poss!ble to co)sc!ously cha)ge your hab!ts o+er t!me<- *o!)g so
w!th co)sc!ous w!llpower !s certa!)ly the most *!ff!cult way to go about !t.
&) or*er to reach a le+el of success w!th th!s metho* ofte) re,u!res
co)sta)t re)ewal of mot!+at!o)- usually w!th the help of outs!*e st!mulus-
such as a coach or tra!)!)g part)er.
&t3s far eas!er to ma.e s!g)!f!ca)t cha)ges whe) you e)l!st the
cooperat!o) of your !))er m!)*.
Positive Thinking
7rought to publ!c aware)ess !) EJ42 by (orma) B!)ce)t Peale !) h!s
boo.- "he Po*er o& Positive "hin.ing- the bas!c prem!se of pos!t!+e
th!).!)g !s that !t3s a lot eas!er to be co)f!*e)t !) what you3re *o!)g whe)
you3re th!).!)g alo)g pos!t!+e l!)es- a)* selfAco)f!*e)ce !s a s!g)!f!ca)t
factor !) pro*uc!)g success.
Although th!s starts to a**ress the roots of our *ec!s!o)Ama.!)g process
a)* hab!ts- !t st!ll has a) eleme)t of the w!ll +ersus !mag!)at!o) co)fl!ct
!)+ol+e*. /or !)sta)ce- !f your !mag!)at!o) tells you that all hope !s lost- !t3s
)ot easy to th!). pos!t!+e.
:hat ma.es th!s approach e+e) more *!ff!cult !s that !t3s !llA*ef!)e*.
The co)cepts of 2pos!t!+e3 or 2)egat!+e3 are too broa* for most people to
*eal w!th effect!+ely- a)* the whole th!)g e)*s up be!)g too )ebulous.
(o- there are better ways to pro*uce Effortless Success.
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Page 22 The Mystery of Effortless Success
Em!le ouN pro+!*e* what may be co)s!*ere* the f!rst aff!rmat!o) w!th
the phrase- E+ery *ay- !) e+ery way- &Om gett!)g better a)* better.
The !*ea beh!)* aff!rmat!o)s !s that our m!)*s te)* to focus o) o)e
thought at a t!me- a)* whe) you repeat pos!t!+e bel!ef stateme)ts- your !))er
m!)* e+e)tually accepts them as truth- at wh!ch po!)t you start to see
pos!t!+e cha)ges ta.e place !) your l!fe.
The bas!c co)cept !s sou)*- wh!ch !s why the tech)!,ue has bee) arou)*
for ages. The whole (ew Thought mo+eme)t has bee) bu!lt o) the
fou)*at!o) of aff!rmat!o)s a)* *e)!al stateme)ts- although few people to*ay
are aware that *e)!al stateme)ts were e+er use*.
A)* whe) you th!). of !t- most of us lear) by repeat!)g facts a)* f!gures
u)t!l they become f!rmly e)tre)che* w!th!) our memory- wh!ch !s a)other
form of us!)g aff!rmat!o)s.
&) or*er to ma.e aff!rmat!o)s effect!+e- the 2tr!c.3 !s to say them w!th as
much co)f!*e)ce as you ca)- wh!ch w!ll f!rmly embe* the !*eas !)to your
!))er m!)*. Th!s !s )ot to say you /0'E your !))er m!)* to accept the
stateme)ts. &) fact- a)y form of me)tal coerc!o) or struggle w!ll )egate the
effects- as th!s !mpl!es a #AK of co)f!*e)ce.
'ather- you w!ll get better results !f you ca) say your aff!rmat!o)s as !f
they ha+e always bee) true- a)* coul* )ot be a)yth!)g 7=T true.
A metho* & teach !) my Choose "o Believe mater!al that ma.es th!s easy
!s to start by 2aff!rm!)g3 th!)gs wh!ch you alrea*y bel!e+e to be absolutely
true- such as 2Q2R1- & am )ow l!+!)g o) pla)et Earth- or The s.y !s
blue. Th!s !s a tech)!,ue from (#P ;(euroA#!)gu!st!c Programm!)g<
calle* pac!)g a)* lea*!)g.
7y 2pac!)g3 your curre)t bel!efs- you ca) the) 2lea*3 that feel!)g of bel!ef
to a )ew !*ea. Also- )ot!ce how you sou)* as you state th!)gs wh!ch you
co)s!*er to be absolute facts. &s there a)y h!)t of me)tal coerc!o) or e+e)
!)te)se focusG Probably )ot.
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The Mystery of Effortless Success Page 2"
:h!le the use of aff!rmat!o)s !s a goo* way to pro*uce cha)ges w!th!)
your bel!ef system- wh!ch w!ll !) tur) lea* to cha)ges w!th!) your l!fe- !t3s
)ot w!thout !t3s problems.
/!rst of all- the )ee* for co)f!*e)ce !s a barr!er wh!ch stops ma)y people.
Although the use of pac!)g a)* lea*!)g ca) el!m!)ate th!s barr!er- few
people are aware that the tech)!,ue e5!sts.
The other ma@or problem w!th the use of aff!rmat!o)s !s that !) ma)y
cases- a perso) may )ee* to cha)ge *oKe)s- or e+e) 6=(%'E%S- of bel!efs
before they see a)y s!g)!f!ca)t progress.
&t3s )ot e)ough to aff!rm- E+ery *ay- !) e+ery way- &3m gett!)g r!cher
a)* r!cher- although th!s woul* be a) e5celle)t aff!rmat!o) to use.
To f!rmly establ!sh a bel!ef system wh!ch supports true prosper!ty- you
)ee* to bel!e+e that you are worthy of ha+!)g f!)a)c!al abu)*a)ce- that a
sol!* a)* wor.able system !s !) place to pro*uce the !)come you *es!re- that
a)y cooperat!o) you )ee* from others w!ll be forthcom!)g- as well as ma)y
other factors wh!ch ca) be eas!ly m!sse*. 'In &act) my research uncovered a
list o& :;< core %elie&s re=uired &or truly unlimited prosperity+,
=s!)g aff!rmat!o)s to ma.e th!s ma)y cha)ges to your bel!ef system ca)
ta.e a BE'8 lo)g t!me. #oo. at !t th!s way- !f !t ta.es a) a+erage of @ust E4
m!)utes to cha)ge a bel!ef- cha)g!)g EDD bel!efs woul* ta.e E4DD m!)utes-
or a full 24 60='S? A)* that3s w!thout ta.!)g a)y brea.s.
&) actual pract!ce- a lot more t!me !s !)+ol+e*- for a +ar!ety of reaso)s.
A)other +ery commo) tech)!,ue use* to cha)ge bel!efs- hab!ts- a)* more
!s +!sual!Kat!o)- wh!ch !s esse)t!ally a co)sc!ouslyA*!recte* *ay*ream.
Although the process !s calle* +!sual!Kat!o)- !t *oes)3t re,u!re the use of
+!sual !magery. People who ha+e *!ff!culty 2see!)g3 !mages w!th!) the!r
m!)*s ca) st!ll use +!sual!Kat!o) effect!+ely as they focus o) the mo*al!t!es
wh!ch come )atural to them- such as sou)*s- tact!le se)sat!o)s- or emot!o)s.
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Page 21 The Mystery of Effortless Success
Esse)t!ally- the process !s o)e of creat!)g )ew memor!es- a)* the goal !s
to !mag!)e these )ew memor!es !) the same way your m!)* stores other
The pr!)c!ple here !s the same as w!th aff!rmat!o)s 9 the more you fee*
your m!)* pos!t!+e thoughts- the more l!.ely you are to ma.e goo* *ec!s!o)s
lea*!)g to the pos!t!+e outcomes you *es!re. ;A)* those who bel!e+e !)
mag!c. a)* m!racles cla!m that e+e)ts outs!*e of your co)trol w!ll be
2attracte*3 to your )ew bel!efs.<
The ma@or *!ffere)ce !s that wor*s *o )ot )ee* to be !)+ol+e*- a)* a
co)structe* memory may !)+ol+e ma)y bel!efs at o)ce. :h!le th!s ca) be
a) a*+a)tage- !t ca) also be a *!sa*+a)tage- as !t ca) be more *!ff!cult to
ma)age all of the *eta!ls.
6ere aga!)- the effect!+e)ess of +!sual!Kat!o) !s also *epe)*e)t o) your
bel!efs !) the process. &f you *oubt that +!sual!Kat!o) w!ll pro*uce a)y
results- the process wo)3t be as effect!+e for you as someo)e who !s
completely co)+!)ce* that !t w!ll lea* to pos!t!+e cha)ges.
The ma!) stumbl!)g bloc. for most fol.s !s to co)struct +!sual!Kat!o)s
wh!ch m!m!c real memor!es. 0)e of the eas!est ways arou)* th!s !s to *o
your +!sual!Kat!o)s w!th your eyes ope)- 2see!)g3 the worl* arou)* you w!th
the few cha)ges you3* l!.e to see. Th!s way- the !mag!)ary parts are
!)e5orably l!).e* to the real worl*- a)* the )ew memor!es w!ll be more
effect!+e !) cha)g!)g your bel!ef system.
As you may guess- my Choose "o Believe mater!al goes !)to great *epth
*escr!b!)g how to use +!sual!Kat!o) effect!+ely- !)clu*!)g the use of
mo*al!t!es a)* submo*al!t!es as taught !) (#P.
Ma)y of us ha+e see) stage shows where a hyp)ot!st tells a perso) to
forget the )umber 1- a)* the au*!e)ce laughs as the sub@ect cou)ts C f!)gers
o) each ha)*. E..... 2...... "...... 4....... C......??
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The Mystery of Effortless Success Page 24
Profess!o)al hyp)ot!sts *ebate amo)g themsel+es about the true )ature of
hyp)os!s- so g!+!)g you a clearcut *ef!)!t!o) of what hyp)os!s !s a)* how !t
wor.s may be outs!*e the scope of th!s short report. Suff!ce !t to say that
hyp)os!s as a tech)!,ue for cha)g!)g bel!efs has a +ery lo)g h!story- a)*
some rather startl!)g poss!b!l!t!es.
The ge)eral theory of hyp)os!s !s that whe) you rela5 the co)sc!ous
m!)* e)ough- suggest!o)s may be g!+e) *!rectly to your !))er m!)*- usually
calle* the subco)sc!ous- a)* your !))er m!)* accepts ;a)* acts upo)< these
suggest!o)s w!thout hes!tat!o).
As a perso)al *e+elopme)t tech)!,ue- the ma!) *rawbac. to hyp)os!s !s
that !t3s almost !mposs!ble to hyp)ot!Ke yourself to a)y great *egree. 0)ce
you mo+e your co)sc!ous m!)* completely out of the way- there3s )oth!)g
left to *!rect the sess!o).
Th!s *rawbac. !s sol+e* !) E of 2 ways. E!ther h!re a profess!o)al
hyp)ot!st to *!rect the sess!o)- or use a recor*e* sess!o). A recor*e*
sess!o) may be pro*uce* by yourself- or purchase* from a profess!o)al.
&) most cases- you3re much better off h!r!)g a profess!o)al- because they
ca) get !)format!o) from your !))er m!)* *ur!)g the sess!o) wh!ch may be
helpful to *!rect the rest of the sess!o). As w!th all profess!o)al ser+!ces-
there are goo* hyp)ot!sts a)* )otAsoAgoo* o)es. Thoroughly !)+est!gate a)y
hyp)ot!st you co)s!*er us!)g.
The same !s *oubly true for a)y hyp)os!s recor*!)gs you may w!sh to
purchase. E+e) profess!o)al hyp)ot!sts who get fa)tast!c results !) the!r
pr!+ate sess!o)s may completely sw!tch character whe) they get !) fro)t of a
m!cropho)e- a)* the result !s less tha) !*eal.
E+e) so- u)less you .)ow what you3re *o!)g- !t3s ge)erally better to
purchase preArecor*e* hyp)os!s sess!o)s- as lo)g as they a**ress the bel!efs
you wa)t to cha)ge.
A comprom!se betwee) these 2 opt!o)s !s to h!re a profess!o)al hyp)ot!st
to pro*uce a custom recor*e* sess!o) for you.
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Page 2C The Mystery of Effortless Success
Subliminal ecordings
Ma)y years ago- people f!gure* out that o)e way to bypass the co)sc!ous
m!)* w!thout go!)g !)to a hyp)ot!c tra)ce was to prese)t suggest!o)s
subl!m!)ally. Th!s mea)s the suggest!o)s are percept!ble to your
subco)sc!ous m!)* w!thout be!)g )ot!ce* by your co)sc!ous m!)*.
There !s st!ll a lot of co)tro+ersy arou)* th!s top!c. Some people cla!m !t
*oes)3t wor.- wh!le others ma.e fa)tast!c cla!ms about what !s poss!ble.
Those of us who ha+e e5te)s!+e e5per!e)ce !) th!s area te)* to agree o) o)e
ma!) po!)t 9 !) or*er for subl!m!)al suggest!o)s to wor.- they must be
A#M0ST percept!ble to your co)sc!ous m!)*- but @ust barely out of ra)ge.
Th!s e5pla!)s why 2s!le)t3 subl!m!)als almost )e+er wor.. ;& say
2almost3 because there !s always the placebo effect- wh!ch ca) pro*uce
results a)y t!me you e5pect results.< The same !s true for bac.mas.!)g
;suggest!o)s playe* bac.war*s< a)* other art!f!c!al ma)!pulat!o)s- such as
suggest!o)s that ha+e bee) spe* up to the po!)t where they sou)* l!.e b!r*s
A)* wh!le the subco)sc!ous m!)* !s capable of process!)g a) !)cre*!ble
amou)t of !)format!o)- recor*!)gs wh!ch co)ta!) EDDDs of +o!ces tal.!)g at
o)ce also lose effect!+e)ess.
B!sual subl!m!)als- such as s!)gle frames w!th!) a f!lm- ha+e s!m!lar
l!m!tat!o)s. /or !)sta)ce- some +!*eo subl!m!)als try to flash a) !mage for
o)ly E/EDDD
of a seco)*- wh!ch !s far too short for e+e) your subco)sc!ous
m!)* to )ot!ce. There are st!ll *ebates about whether wr!tte) wor*s wor.
whe) use* subl!m!)ally- a)* th!s re,u!res more test!)g. Perso)ally- & feel
they *o- as th!s !s the bas!s for ma)y spee*Area*!)g courses.
&) my ow) research- &3+e fou)* that !) a**!t!o) to the abo+e- subl!m!)al
suggest!o)s shoul* sou)* l!.e )atural speech- spo.e) by someo)e who
clearly bel!e+es what they are say!)g. The more )atural the suggest!o)s- the
more your !))er m!)* w!ll accept the suggeste* bel!ef stateme)ts as truth.
As w!th all other metho*s of perso)al *e+elopme)t- a large )umber of
bel!efs )ee* to be a**resse* before s!g)!f!ca)t progress w!ll result. Th!s !s
a)other area where commo) subl!m!)al recor*!)gs fall short 9 they usually
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The Mystery of Effortless Success Page 2H
focus o) o)ly 4S2D bel!ef stateme)ts. To be truly effect!+e- *oKe)s of
bel!efs )ee* to be a**resse* for e+e) the s!mplest cha)ges to ma)!fest.
Summary of Personal %evelopment (hoices
6a+e you )ot!ce* what these metho*s ha+e !) commo)G They wor. to
create memor!es w!th!) your m!)* wh!ch support +ar!ous bel!efs. E!ther
memor!es of !mag!)e* e+e)ts- or memor!es of !*eas suggeste* to be true.
The core pr!)c!ple beh!)* all of them !s that the more you bel!e+e the
best way to get ahea* !s w!th the cooperat!o) of others- the more you w!ll be
apt to reach out for help to get th!)gs *o)e. Also- the more you remember
be!)g successful- the more you w!ll be co)f!*e)t of future success.
Th!s !s why those who grow up !) successful fam!l!es te)* to be
successful themsel+es 9 they ha+e lots of memor!es of th!)gs people ha+e
sa!*- wh!ch lea* them to bel!e+e !) certa!) pr!)c!ples- wh!ch gu!*e them to
success. &t3s also why those who grew up !) lessAtha)Asuccessful fam!l!es
ha+e such a har* t!me becom!)g successful themsel+es.
These bel!efs a)* memor!es wor. together to shape the *ec!s!o)s you
ma.e- the act!o)s you ta.e- a)* the results you pro*uce !) your l!fe.
Effortless Success !s where you )aturally ma.e *ec!s!o)s wh!ch lea* to
success- a)* you )e+er ha+e to f!ght w!th yourself to *o the r!ght th!)gs.
:h!le th!s !) !tself !s )ot a )ew *!sco+ery- what !s ofte) m!sse* !s the
sheer )umber of bel!efs wh!ch must be !) place to create the co)*!t!o) of
Effortless Success. As me)t!o)e* earl!er- my research has re+eale* that
there are 1J2 core bel!efs wh!ch )ee* to be !) place for truly u)l!m!te*
A)other th!)g all of these metho*s ha+e !) commo) !s that they are
base* o) a process of lear)!)g. The process of lear)!)g *epe)*s o) 2 .ey
factors 9 atte)t!o) a)* repet!t!o). The more you focus o) what you3re
lear)!)g- the more you w!ll remember !t. A)* the more ofte) you are
e5pose* to a) !*ea- the more you w!ll remember !t.
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Page 2F The Mystery of Effortless Success
#uc.!ly- !t3s )ot )ecessary to put a #0T of focus o) someth!)g- as lo)g
as !t3s repeate* ofte) e)ough to ma.e a) !mpress!o). As most a*+ert!sers
.)ow- the more ofte) they repeat a commerc!al- the more people w!ll buy
the!r pro*uct. The same th!)g wor.s !) perso)al *e+elopme)t as well. The
more ofte) you are e5pose* to a) !*ea- the more you buy !)to !t.
%esigning the Perfect System
:he) see.!)g to create the co)*!t!o) of Effortless Success- you ha+e
ma)y cho!ces a+a!lable. 8ou coul* *o !t the har* way- rea* hu)*re*s of
perso)al *e+elopme)t boo.s- o+er a)* o+er aga!)- atte)* wor.shops a)*
sem!)ars where you are l!.ely to be e5pose* to helpful messages- a)* spe)*
gobs of t!me co)sc!ously tra!)!)g yourself to th!). alo)g successful l!)es.
0f course- who really wa)ts to *o thatG
As you .)ow- my story was o)e of search!)g for shortcuts- a)* although
& e+e)tually real!Ke* that shortcuts *o)3t wor.- & *!* f!)* metho*s wh!ch
s!mpl!fy much of the wor. !)+ol+e*- a)* e+e) *elegate !t to your
subco)sc!ous m!)*- where the wor. ca) be *o)e for you wh!le you focus o)
other th!)gs.
The o)ly metho* wh!ch offers the opt!o) to *elegate the wor. to your
subco)sc!ous m!)* !s subl!m!)al suggest!o). As me)t!o)e* !) that sect!o)-
there are spec!f!c gu!*el!)es wh!ch *eterm!)e how well th!s metho* wor.s-
pr!mar!ly the *egree to wh!ch the suggest!o)s are percept!ble.
&*eally- you wa)t the suggest!o)s to be lou* e)ough so you hear the
+o!ces- but )ot so lou* that you ca) actually u)*ersta)* what they are
say!)g. &f you3+e e+er playe* the ra*!o or TB wh!le wor.!)g- you .)ow that
+o!ces wh!ch are completely w!th!) the ra)ge of co)sc!ous percept!o) may
become subl!m!)al !f you3re focus!)g o) other th!)gs.
&f you were to *es!g) the perfect system for creat!)g Effortless
Success- you woul* use th!s format.
The )e5t step !) *es!g)!)g the perfect system woul* be to *ec!*e what
suggest!o)s to !)clu*e !) the recor*!)g;s<. 8ou wa)t suggest!o)s wh!ch help
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The Mystery of Effortless Success Page 2J
you bel!e+e !) yourself- your worth as a perso)- your ab!l!ty to ma.e goo*
*ec!s!o)s- your ab!l!ty to get th!)gs *o)e- your ab!l!ty to wor. well w!th
other people- a)* a host of other factors. All of th!s coul* be labele* as
7eyo)* bas!c selfAesteem- you woul* wa)t to bu!l* your co)f!*e)ce-
mot!+at!o)- focus- orga)!Kat!o)- pers!ste)ce- pro*uct!+!ty- selfAmastery- a)*
bala)ce. 8ou woul* also wa)t to stre)gthe) your bel!efs !) harmo)!ous
relat!o)sh!ps- perso)al prosper!ty- a)* !f you3re !) bus!)ess- your ab!l!ty to
succee* !) that bus!)ess. To clar!fy- we3re tal.!)g about bel!efs wh!ch w!ll
gu!*e you !) ma.!)g goo* *ec!s!o)s !) these areas.
&) scr!pt!)g the stateme)ts to be !)clu*e* !) your recor*!)gs- you3* wa)t
to ma.e them as acceptable to your !))er m!)* as you coul*- us!)g )atural
phrases you m!ght hear !) e+ery*ay co)+ersat!o). 0f course- you3* also
wa)t to apply some co)+ersat!o)al hyp)os!s a)* other (#P tech)!,ues to
!)crease the persuas!+e)ess of the wor*s spo.e)- a)* ma5!m!Ke your results.
To further !)crease the bel!e+ab!l!ty factor- you woul* wa)t to prese)t
each stateme)t !) a +ar!ety of forms. 8ou3* wa)t to hear *!ffere)t spea.ers
say!)g your stateme)ts !) both E
perso) a)* 2
perso) ;2&3 a)* 28ou3
stateme)ts<- use alter)ate mea)s of e5press!)g s!m!lar !*eas- a)* e+e) ha+e
them spea.!)g the stateme)ts !) a +ar!ety of e)+!ro)me)ts.
As u)co+ere* !) my rece)t research- th!s +ar!ety e)ha)ces the
effect!+e)ess of the system for a couple of reaso)s. /!rst- !t sou)*s more
)atural to hear the same !*eas e5presse* !) *!ffere)t ways- by *!ffere)t
spea.ers- !) *!ffere)t sett!)gs. /urthermore- ha+!)g a w!*e +ar!ety of
recor*!)gs pre+e)ts a co)*!t!o) .)ow) as 2*ese)s!t!Kat!o)3- !) wh!ch your
!))er m!)* !*e)t!f!es a repeat!)g patter) a)* lear)s to !g)ore !t.
There are other ways you coul* e)ha)ce the f!)al recor*!)gs- such as
a**!)g a 7:E ;7ra!):a+e E)tra!)me)t< trac. to help you focus- rela5- or
sleep wh!le the recor*!)gs are play!)g. Th!s ma.es !t e+e) eas!er to use the
recor*!)gs wh!le you3re *o!)g other th!)gs- wh!le also pro+!*!)g a
seco)*ary be)ef!t.
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Page "D The Mystery of Effortless Success
&f you *!* all th!s- us!)g the same l!st of core bel!efs & fou)* to be
respo)s!ble for Effortless Success- you woul* pro*uce a close
appro5!mat!o) to my )ew 1mB$AC1/ Belie& 1ntrainment /ystem.
The Em7'AES system co)ta!)s "CD *!ffere)t recor*!)gs !) ED
mo*ules- co+er!)g all of the areas we3+e *!scusse* here a)* a few more.
(early ECD 60='S of mater!al- e)sur!)g that you ;or your !))er m!)*< w!ll
)e+er get bore*- or become *ese)s!t!Ke*.
Each recor*!)g has bee) e5te)s!+ely teste* by )early 2DD people !) my
pr!+atelyAfu)*e* test group. Ma)y fol.s reporte* see!)g results r!ght away-
from the +ery f!rst l!ste)- whereas others )ee*e* se+eral wee.s of l!ste)!)g
to some mo*ules before they saw the results they wa)te*. Th!s *epe)*e*
pr!mar!ly o) how much wor. they )ee*e* !) those areas.
A full *escr!pt!o) of th!s system may be fou)* at:
Free *ift
As a rea*er of th!s report- you ha+e a) opportu)!ty to testA*r!+e my )ew
Em7'AES system at )o charge.
S!mply cl!c. the l!). at the bottom of th!s page- a)* you3ll be ta.e) to
my webs!te- where you ca) reg!ster for a free sample of the Em7'AES
system. Th!s sample !s from the SelfAEsteem mo*ule- a)* co)ta!)s E2
recor*!)gs- g!+!)g you a full set of +ar!at!o)s w!th!) the /ocus set.
;&) case you ha+e)3t yet rea* the full *escr!pt!o) of the system- there are
" subsets 9 /ocus- 'ela5at!o)- a)* Sleep. As such- there are "C recor*!)gs
!) each mo*ule. Th!s g!ft represe)ts E/"D
of the full system.<
Th!s m!)!Amo*ule )ormally sells for I"J- howe+er- !t3s yours free !f
you reg!ster )ow. ;Th!s !s a mar.et!)g test- a)* & may or may )ot co)t!)ue
offer!)g !t beyo)* Luly 2DEE.<
As a) e5tra bo)us- you3ll get other g!fts as well.
Clai& your -ree gi-ts now at' PowerKeysPub.*o&/gi-ts
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