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English I Syllabus

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places youll go. Dr. Suess

Teacher: Ms. Turschman Office Hours: Monday 2:55-3:40 and by appointment
Grade Access: PlusPortals (More Info TBA) Email: aturschman@hps.holyoke.ma.us
Class Website: http://msturschman.weebly.com

Course Description
: This course introduces necessary English skills and familiarizes students with different types
of non-fiction as well as American and World Literature. This course also emphasizes MCAS preparation:
vocabulary, short answer and open response answers and test taking strategies.

Material to be covered

Quarter Focus Reading Materials/Homework
Literary Elements
Unit 1: Plot, Conflict, Sequence,
Characterization, Point of View
Unit 2: Setting, Mood, Imagery
Research Mini- Parenthetical Citations,
MLA format, Works Cited page

Common Novel: To Kill a Mockingbird

Short Stories, poems and non-fiction

The Authors Craft:, authors
style & voice, history, culture

Language of Poetry
Unit 1: History Culture and the Author
Unit 2: Poetry
Mini-Research- Synthesizing historical
nonfiction source with literary text.
Common Short Story: Angelas Ashes

Novel: Of Mice and Men

Literature Circles

Relevant short stories, non-fiction, poetry

A World of Ideas
Unit 1: Theme and Symbol
Unit 2: Argument and Persuasion
Research Mini: Taking a stance using a
single source for support with correct
MLA format
Common short story: The Scarlet Ibis

Play: A Raisin in the Sun

advertisements, speeches, current events,
podcasts, short stories, poetry

Epic Poetry and Shakespearean
Unit 1: Epic Poetry
Unit 2: Shakespearean Drama

Common Epic: The Odyssey

Common Play: Romeo and Juliet William

Relevant short stories, non-fiction, poetry
Assessments: (This is how you are graded) - Each term or quarter will consist of dialectical journals for homework, at least 2
open response questions (likely in-class and timed), at least 2 long compositions (may be in-class and timed), tests, quizzes,
and multiple creative projects and short formative assessments. All assignments, calendars, relevant materials per unit will be
handed out in class and posted on the class website http://msturschman.weebly.com. Your GPA, missing work and grades can
be accessed using your _______ account.

Weight This Category includes:
Homework 15% At home reading, dialectical journals, unfinished class work, practice assignments.
Quizzes 20% Quizzes on grammar and readings. Open response questions when given separate
from multiple choice are also weighted as a quiz.
Class work 30% Participation in discussions, group work, exit slips, note-taking, Do Now, and any in-
class assignments for which you are given extended class time.
Tests 35% Benchmark tests, long compositions, large projects and any research project
incorporating MLA format are weighted as tests.

Syllabus subject to change at teacher discretion.
Within a quarter, units may be flipped depending on availability of texts, but all skills will be completed by the end of the quarter.
You will always be informed what weight a particular assignment will have. If for some reason you are not or are unsure, please ask.
Rituals, Routines, Expectations

1) Use Kind Language- Exhibit courtesy and respect towards each other and me at all times. One person speaks at a
time by raising your hand. Swearing and hateful comments about race, gender, sexuality, religion, ability, appearance
or any other type will not be tolerated; this applies to serious as well as joking comments.
2) Cleanliness- bag on back of chair, desk cleared, no food or drinks, no writing on desk or books, feet on floor.
3) Be on Time and Prepared- Instruction begins at the bell-be here by then. You will need your notebook, folder,
pen/pencil, book and need to start the Do Now.
4) Passes and movement during independent work only- bathroom and pencil sharpening can be done during
independent work only (not during teacher talks, read alouds or group work). You may raise your hand to ask to use
the bathroom if we are in the middle of work, or if silent work is being done, you may get up and signal to me that you
are signing out.
5) Technologies You are responsible for using the websites and tools provided through the web-based services we
will use in this class. To start, visit the class website, and PlusPortals for grade access ASAP. However, new
technologies may be added and it is your responsibility to use those new sites and tools as well.
6) You are Responsible for Late and Make Up Work- Late work will be accepted at TEACHER DISCRETION ONLY and
will result in a reduction of grade. If you are ABSENT when an assignment is due, you must turn it in on the first day
you return to school to avoid losing points. Tests and quizzes can be made up either during class or office hours (my
choice) and must be made up two weeks from the date of the absence unless there are extenuating circumstances. You
should see me if you believe you need and deserve more time.
7) Rewrites You may rewrite any paper which you turned in at the time it was originally due for a new grade. Before
doing so, however, you must meet with me during office hours to go over the original draft.
8) Academic Integrity Any paper which is plagiarized will receive a zero. Students will receive a Form 2 to the VP.
Parents/Guardians will be called. The assignment will not be allowed to be re-done. If you are under stress and feel
like resorting to plagiarism, DONT. See me in office hours instead to resolve your worry and work on your paper.

If You Choose to Break a Rule
1. Verbal warning 2. Call or email home 3. Classroom Detention-writing reflection 4. Form 2 to VP

Note: For severe behavior infractions (physical violence, extreme disrespect, etc.), I have the option of issuing a Form 2 without a
formal warning or detention

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Id like to welcome you and your HHS student to English I. I am excited to begin my first year teaching high school English
Language Arts. I am an energetic and motivated teacher who believes that communicating and building relationships with
students and families is very important for academic success. My hope for this year is to communicate with you often through
the internet and by phone. I will work with each student to help build awareness of the helpful websites we will be using this
year such as our class website, http://msturschman.weebly.com and PlusPortals (more information TBA) to access grades.
Please contact me if you need your own login for grade access. Once you have registered, it will be easier to contact you.

My ultimate academic goal is to encourage your student to grow as a reader, writer, and critical, independent thinker. I will
work vigorously to prepare them to earn full credit in English I. Working collaboratively with you will be the most important
tool I have for helping your child be successful. For further information on this years unit plans and course work, please read
the syllabus attached to this newsletter.

Contact Information: Please feel free to contact me throughout the year to discuss your students performance in English I.

Email: aturschman@hps.holyoke.ma.us School Phone: 413-534-2020

What you can do to support your student in English I:
Visit the class website and PlusPortals regularly for information.
Monitor your childs homework each night (help your student set aside a specific time each day for doing homework)
Send in current events, speaker contacts, community contacts relevant to our unit (look at our website for more
information on our units!).
Donate supplies: old pens, pencils, computer paper, lined paper, used novels, books, newspapers, magazines, Kleenex
Contact me immediately if you have questions or concerns.
Encourage your child to attend English office hours.

I look forward to working with you and your student this year. I have attached a parent questionnaire to this letter. Please
complete the survey, sign it with your child, and have your child return it by the next school day.


Alyssa M. Turschman M.Ed.

*I recognize that all families do not have computer access and or email addresses. Fortunately, the Holyoke Public Library offers
free computer use and email accounts can be free and easy to set up (hotmail.com, yahoo.com, etc).

Padre o tutor,

Me gustara que usted y su estudiante HHS bienvenida a Ingls I. Estoy muy emocionado de empezar mis 1 ao de enseanza
escolar Lengua y literatura de ingls de alta. Soy profesora enrgica y motivada que cree que la comunicacin y la construccin
de relaciones con los estudiantes y las familias es muy importante para el xito acadmico. Mi esperanza para este ao es para
comunicarnos con usted a menudo a travs de Internet y por telfono. Voy a trabajar con cada estudiante para ayudar a crear
conciencia de los sitios web tiles que vamos a utilizar este ao como el nuestro sitio web de clase,
http://msturschman.weebly.com y PlusPortals (ms informacin que se anunciar) a los grados de acceso. Por favor, pngase en
contacto conmigo si usted necesita su propio nombre de usuario para el acceso de grado. Una vez registrado, ser ms fcil ponerse en
contacto con usted.

Mi meta acadmica fundamental es alentar a su hijo a crecer como lector, escritor y pensador crtico independiente. Voy a
trabajar con fuerza para prepararse para obtener crdito completo en Ingls I. Trabajando en colaboracin con ustedes ser la
herramienta ms importante que tengo para ayudar a su hijo a tener xito. Para ms informacin sobre este ao planes de
unidad y el trabajo del curso, por favor lea el programa adjunto a este boletn.

Informacin de Contacto: Por favor, no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo a travs del ao para analizar el rendimiento del
estudiante en Ingls I.

Email: aturschman@hps.holyoke.ma.us Telfono 413-534-2020

Lo que usted puede hacer para apoyar a su hijo en Ingls I:

Supervisar la tarea de su hijo todas las noches (Ayude a su hijo a un lado una hora especfica cada da para hacer la tarea)
Enviar en la actualidad, los contactos de los altavoces, los contactos pertinentes de la comunidad a nuestra unidad.
Suministros Donacin: plumas viejas, lpices, papel ordenador, papel rayado, novelas de segunda mano, libros, peridicos,
revistas, Kleenex
Visite el sitio Web de clase y PlusPortals
Pngase en contacto conmigo de inmediato si usted tiene preguntas o preocupaciones.
Anime a su hijo a asistir a las horas de oficina Ingls.

Espero con inters trabajar con usted y su hijo este ao. He adjuntado un cuestionario para los padres a esta carta. Por favor
complete la encuesta y que su hijo regrese por el da siguiente.


La Sra. Alyssa M. Turschman M.Ed

* Reconozco que todas las familias que no tienen acceso a una computadora y ni direcciones de correo electrnico.
Afortunadamente, la Biblioteca Pblica de Holyoke ofrece el uso libre de la computadora y cuentas de correo electrnico
puede ser libre y fcil de configurar (hotmail.com, yahoo.com, etc).

Please complete this questionnaire to help me get to know you and your student. Then, please sign and have your student sign
the bottom to show acknowledgement of the rules of my classroom.

Childs name _____________________________________________________________________

Your name/s_________________________________ Your relationship to child_________________________

1. What is your email address? ________________________________________________________________________________

2. What phone number is the best way to contact you? ____________________________________________________

3. What is the best way to get in touch with you (email, phone call, text, other..) _____________________

4. What should I know about your student as a learner? How can I help s/he be successful this year in English?

5. What is your childs biggest academic and/or social strength?

6. What is your childs biggest academic and/or social challenge?

7. What is one positive experience you/your student have had with HHS so far?

8. Do you have any questions, comments, concerns?

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

I have read this course syllabus and the rules that apply to this class

____________________________________________ ____________
Student signature date

____________________________________________ ____________
Parent signature date

Por favor complete este cuestionario para ayudarme a conocer a usted y su hijo. Entonces, por favor firme y que su estudiante
firme la parte inferior para mostrar el reconocimiento de las reglas de mi clase.

Nombre del nio _____________________________________________________________________

Su nombre / s_________________________________ Su relacin con child_________________________

1. Cul es su direccin de correo electrnico? ________________________________________________________________________________

2. A qu nmero de telfono es la mejor manera de ponerse en contacto con usted?

3. Cul es la mejor manera de ponerse en contacto con usted (correo electrnico, llamada telefnica, texto, otros ..)

4. Qu debo saber acerca de su hijo como estudiante? Cmo puedo ayudar a s / l tenga xito este ao en Ingls?

5. Cul es la fuerza ms grande de acadmicos y / o social de su hijo?

6. Cul es el mayor desafo acadmico y / o social de su hijo?

7. Cul es una experiencia positiva que usted / su hijo ha tenido con HHS hasta ahora?

9. Tiene preguntas, comentarios, preocupaciones?

He ledo este programa del curso y de las normas que se aplican a esta clase:

________________________________________________________ Date_________

Firma del estudiante

________________________________________________________ Date_________

Firma del Padre o Tutor

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