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Dijkstra's algorithm

Dijkstra's algorithm is the fastest known algorithm for

finding all shortest paths from one node to all other nodes of
a graph, which does not contain edges of a negative length.
The algorithm was invented by dutch computer scientist
in 1959. Edsger Dijkstra
Dijkstra's algorithm can be described as a generalized
form of , in which the order of traversed breadth-first search
nodes is not determined by from the root, number of edges
but as a from the root (sum of weights of all edges distance
along the path from root to the given node). As a
consequence Dijkstra's algorithm process only those node,
for which the shortest path was already discovered.
The algorithm stores all nodes in a priority queue
ordered by distance of the node from the root in the first
iteration of the algorithm, only root has distance set to , 0
distance of all other nodes is equal to . Than in each infinity
step Dijkstra's algorithm picks from the queue a node with
the highest priority (least distance from the root) a processes it and reevaluates distances of all unprocessed descendants of
the node. This means that the algorithm checks for all descendants that the following condition holds:
If it does hold, the algorithm changes accordingly the distance of the descendant and sets the processed node as his
ancestor. When all descendants are checked, the algorithm picks again the node with the highest priority and repeats the
Dijkstra's algorithm terminates, when the queue is empty (all nodes are processed).
It is important to know that Dijkstra's algorithm requires that weights of all edges are non-negative. Otherwise the
procedure is not able to determine whether the shortest path for the node was already found or not.
The of Dijkstra's algorithm depends on the implementation of the priority queue. If it is asymptotic complexity
implemented using than the complexity is , where is number of nodes of the graph. sequential search
When is used, the complexity is ( denotes number of edges). binary heap
* Dijkstra's algorithm
Dijkstra's algorithm
* @param d matrix of legths, position [0 1] = 2 means that from node 0 leads an edge to node 1 of length 2
* @param from root node
* @return tree an ancestors (denotes path from the node to the root node)
procedure int[] doDijkstra(d, from) {
//insert all nodes to the priority queue, node from has a distance 0, all others infinity
Q = InsertAllNodesToTheQueue(d, from)
CLOSED = {} //closed nodes - empty set
predecessors = new array[d.nodeCount] //array of ancestors
while !Q.isEmpty() do
node = Q.extractMin()
CLOSED.add(node) //close the node

//contract distances
for a in Adj(node) do //for all descendants
if !CLOSED.contains(a) //if the descendatn was not closed yet
//and his distance has decreased
if Q[node].distance + d[node][a] < Q[a].distance
//zmen prioritu (vzdalenost) uzlu
Q[a].distance = Q[node].distance + d[node][a]
//change its ancestor
predecessors[a] = node
return predecessors
* Dijkstra's algorithm
* @param d matrix of lengths (Integer.MAX_VALUE if there is no edge between the nodes)
* @param from root node
* @return tree an ancestors (denotes path from the node to the root node)
public static int[] doDijkstra(int[][] d, int from) {
Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>();
boolean[] closed = new boolean[d.length];
int[] distances = new int[d.length];
for (int i = 0; i < d.length; i++) {
if (i != from) {
distances[i] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
distances[i] = 0;
int[] predecessors = new int[d.length];
predecessors[from] = -1;
while (!set.isEmpty()) {
//find the nearest node
int minDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int node = -1;
for(Integer i : set){
if(distances[i] < minDistance){
minDistance = distances[i];
node = i;
closed[node] = true;

//contract the distances
for (int i = 0; i < d.length; i++) {
//edge exists
if (d[node][i] != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
if (!closed[i]) {
//the path length decreased using the ancestor node
if (distances[node] + d[node][i] < distances[i]) {
distances[i] = distances[node] + d[node][i];
predecessors[i] = node;
return predecessors;
KOL, Josef. Teoretick informatika. 2. ed. Praha : esk informatick spolenost, 2004. 205 p. ISBN 80-900853-8-5.
Pavel Mika
Founder and administrator of web encyclopedia Algoritmy.net

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