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To be completed by associate teacher
teachers are requested to tick beside each criterion achieved by the student, on the list of criteria
pages 9-11 of this booklet, and to write brief comments beside criteria where this is necessary. Following
a detailed report should be written on pages 6-8 of the booklet. These pages are also available on the
of Education's practicum website http://edlinked.soe..waikato.ac.nzl-primary practicum in the Year
#xn* Teaching Practicum folder.
n received an emoil from Chloe oheod of her procticum ond we orronged to meet
before shebeganher time of Omonu School. From this first meeting f knew thot
#rloe wos motivoted ond dedicated to become the best teacher she could be. Her
xiliingness to
questions to goin clarificotion ond further knowledge wqs evident
f,rcm the stort. Chloe demonstrotes initiqtive
flaxibility within the clossroom
m?ting. She is dble to self-reflect ond odopt future teoching to meet the needs of
?he students. Chloe octs on constructive feedbackqnd is willing to look of herself os
e teocher ond moke odjustments where necessqry. She is not ofroid to try new
**rirrgs or odjust exisitng ideos to odd her own personol touch. Chloe developed a
ccd ropport with the porents of the children in Room 20. She is opproachobla ond
kndles herself in o professionql rnonner of oll times.
Chloe leornt the children's nomes guickly ond they felt comfortqble and secur e inher
compony. She hos a guiet, genlle monner thot mokes her very approqchoble to
chiJdren. During the second week of her procticum,f
wos ob3ent with illness ond both
relievers in the classroom commented on the wonderful relotionship thot Chloe hod
formed with the children. She gives clear instructions ond is oble to breok down
tssks into monogeable pieces
f or Yeor One children to follow. She deols with issues
ond interruptions in a firm but foir ond consistent monner. She is oble to give direct
responses to children so thqt they know exoctly whot is reguired of them ond they
feel secureby the boundary creoted. T need to mention o clqss member who hqs
ASD. He con be difficult to hondle ot times but Chloe quickly built o ropport with him
ond wqs oble to divert his ottention when necessary to avoid his behoviour escoloting.
She wos oble to select oppropriote tosks to copture his ottention and ovoid
opportunity for negotive behoviour.
C*tlo" is olwoys prepored
of time
her folder is wetl orgonised.
She is oble
*s creote detqiled plcns with cleor leorning intentions
for the children. Her plonning
is f lexjble ond she is oble to reflect on prLr teoching ond odjust future lessons
.wcordingly. The timing of her lessons ore oppropriote
for the subject ond she is
**e to stick to time constroints in orde r to'giet ihrough the timetoUl".
of junior
stoges of leorning hos diveloped i lot during this procticum.
came in hoving completed on Intermediqte procticum lost
ond odmitted to
very little obout Yeor One teaching. She has guickly odjusted to this level
aimed her expectotions of obility o littl" too high at ihe beginning. She is able
the progress of children using formotive ossessment in order to creote
leorning opportunities.

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