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Then Jaka Tingkir came, he was late:

Hello Everyody! Are You happy?
(Nobody answer it)
2. Then Wira Sableng came :
Whatzzap bro!
( Nobody answer it)
3. Cat Woman:
Woy... woy...!
4. Harry Potter
Everybody smile, ting!
5. Hulk
theres new girl isnt it? Arya wiguna is really playboy.
(open ipad)
6. Naruto
he is worst than sasuke
7. Cat Woman
theres new girl, isnt it?
8. Naruto
thats right if he is a playboy. Cause he is cute....
9. Wira sableng
10. Jaka tingkir

All of them were laughing teks for narrator
Nurul out
11. Hulk
and you know what? Playboy is one of factor that increasing the price of gasoline
12. Naruto
thats true, we know that
Nurul out

13. Jaka tingkir
just forget about it. Lets have night sport.
14. Together
up and down.. and shake3
The thiefes show up

15. Naruto
wonderful, excellent, amazing, fantastic.
Suddenly.... text for narrator

16. Bandar poker
there are thiefes , thiefes! Thiefes!
They were shocked narrators

17. Wira sableng
whazzap? Whazaap? Aha!
All of them were chasing the thiefes text for narrators
By slow motion. Nuruls out

18. Cat woman
what did you take from her house?
19. Thiefes
i just want to take this.
(showing an AS card)

Nurul out
The end
And they lived happily ever after text for narrators

Cat woman: yana
Harry potter: dewi
Hulk: marcelia (logat seperti Mr. Amir)
Jaka tingkir: ayuk
Wira sableng: nuril
Naruto: tisa
Pencuri: elline, ning, bila (bawa sarung ya)
Bandaar poker: titi

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