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"#$%& '()*"+%*,

8:30-9:30 Coal seLLlng, LLA ln advlsorles

9:30-10:30 Lncore (gym, muslc, llbrary, guldance, arL) and lndependenL work
10:33-11:43 MaLh
11:30-12:40 Lunch and 8ecess
12:43-1:30 LLA ln !usL 8lghL" Learnlng Croups
1:30-2:43 ro[ecL Llme
2:43-3:00 Closlng Clrcle ln advlsorles
%-(.*/', SLudenLs wlll be uslng lockers Lo sLore Lhelr ouLslde cloLhes and backpacks. Some sLudenLs
wlll be requlred Lo share a locker wlLh a parLner.
#"0$'-/& 1/-+2', Lach sLudenL wlll be asslgned Lo a mulLlage advlsory wlLh one Leacher. 1hls
Leacher/advlsor wlll sLay wlLh Lhe sLudenL LhroughouL Lhelr Llme ln Lhe school. Advlsors wlll meeL wlLh
sLudenLs, one on one, aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe week for goal seLLlng and aL Lhe end of Lhe week for
reflecLlon. 1eacher /Advlsors wlll be responslble, wlLh sLudenLs, for communlcaLlon goals, achlevemenLs
and assessmenLs Lo parenLs.
Whlle advlsors provlde a speclal relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe sLudenL, all Leachers aL ALCS wlll be lnLeracLlng
wlLh sLudenLs fluldly LhroughouL Lhe day based on sLudenL grouplngs durlng pro[ecLs and core
'3#(.: SLudenLs wlll brlng Lhelr own dally snack Lo eaL when Lhey are hungry. All sLudenLs wlll have Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo have mllk as well.
4 &*#/ /-5#5$-3, 8ecause ALCS ls a mulLlage learnlng communlLy, pro[ecLs wlll be on a 3-year
roLaLlon wlLh a predomlnanL Lheme each year (ecologlcal, culLural, and hlsLorlcal). 1hls year's Lheme
focuses on local and sLaLe hlsLory.
5/$6*'5*/', 1he school year wlll be dlvlded lnLo Lhree segmenLs raLher Lhan four quarLers. SLudenLs
wlll brlng home a progress reporL from Lhelr ALCS Leachers Lhree Llmes durlng Lhe year. 1hey wlll brlng
home reporLs from Lhelr encore Leachers four Llmes a year.
2#/*3575*#()*/ (-38*/*3(*', arenLs wlll have a LradlLlonal parenL/Leacher conference wlLh Lhelr
chlld's advlsor. Conference daLes are november 13 and november 18.
'5+"*359 %*" (-38*/*3(*', SLudenLs wlll have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo lead a conference and wlll explaln
whaL he/she has been dolng ln school. 1he purpose of Lhe sLudenL-led conference ls Lo provlde sLudenLs
wlLh Lhe opporLunlLy Lo evaluaLe Lhelr own work and Lo Lake responslblllLy for Lhelr learnlng. 1he role of
Lhe parenL durlng Lhe conference ls Lo be an acLlve llsLener, provlde poslLlve feedback, and Lo ldenLlfy
ways Lo supporL your chlld Lo achleve goals. 1he role of Lhe advlsor ls Lo encourage sLudenLs Lo accepL
responslblllLy for Lhelr learnlng, Lo help sLudenLs organlze and prepare maLerlals for Lhe conference, Lo
Leach sLudenLs Lo evaluaLe hls/her academlc performance, and Lo schedule and organlze Lhe
conferences Lo ensure successful communlcaLlon. SLudenL-led conferences are scheduled Lo Lake place
on March 18 and March 19.
(+%5+/* :+$%"$31, CeLLlng Lo know ourselves and each oLher wlll be a focus LhroughouL Lhe school
year. Speclal focus wlll be glven durlng our flrsL monLh Lo developlng Lhls culLure, our responslble clLlzen
expecLaLlons, and rouLlnes. We wlll be uslng Lhe PablLs of Mlnd" Lo help gulde our communlLy.
6#5), 1he ALCS Leachers wlll be uslng Lhe Lveryday MaLh serles as a resource Lo Leach Lhe maLh
currlculum Lhls year. MaLh wlll be LaughL ln grade level groups wlLh Lhe excepLlon of sLudenLs who are
worklng above grade level sLandards or Lhose who are worklng below grade level sLandards. A gulded
maLh approach wlll be used Lo ensure LhaL sLudenLs can work Lhrough Lhe currlculum aL a pace LhaL
meeLs hls/her learnlng needs. A gulded approach means LhaL Leachers wlll be worklng ln small groups
on speclflc skllls wlLh sLudenLs whlle Lhe oLhers work wlLh parLners or lndependenLly on maLh games,
pro[ecL boards, Lveryday !ournal pages, and compuLer programs Lo enhance skllls. SLudenLs wlll have
Lhe opporLunlLy aL Lhe end of each unlL Lo show masLery of l Cans" ln varlous ways such as a LesL,
creaLlon of a pro[ecL, demonsLraLlons, eLc.
*%#: Mlnl-lessons wlll be glven each mornlng ln advlsory groups Lo cover l Can SLaLemenLs" LhaL need
Lo be addressed for grammar, spelllng, and wrlLlng skllls. Lach sLudenL wlll have a noLebook for keeplng
Lrack of new vocabulary words, spelllng, and [ournal wrlLlng.
Lach sLudenL wlll be assessed uslng a runnlng record Lo deLermlne Lhe chlld's readlng level. 1eachers
wlll also use MA daLa Lo help place sLudenLs ln groups for readlng. 1hese groups wlll meeL each
afLernoon for readlng and wrlLlng lnsLrucLlon. 8eadlng lnsLrucLlon wlll be based on a currlculum map
LhaL ls broken lnLo Lhemes and Lles lnLo our pro[ecLs for Lhe year.
Launch: SeLLlng Lhe SLage for Success
1he ower of lnformaLlon
ls lL a MyLh?
Who Can Change Lhe World?
8ulldlng 8locks of knowledge
PlsLory, PlsLory, Learn All AbouL lL!
oeLry oLpourrl
1haL's Amazlng
SLand 8y Me
1ake AcLlon!
Memorles 1haL MaLLer!
2/-;*(5', 1here wlll be a yearlong Choose ?our Cwn AdvenLure ro[ecL LhaL focuses on Wlsconsln
SLaLe PlsLory, culmlnaLlng ln a Lwo day overnlghL educaLlonal Lrlp. ro[ecLs wlll generally have broad
Loplcs, glvlng sLudenLs a chance Lo focus on an area wlLhln LhaL Loplc LhaL lnLeresLs Lhem. ro[ecLs are
deslgned Lo glve sLudenLs more volce and cholce, cover oLher conLenL sLandards such as sclence and
soclal sLudles, as well as relnforce skllls learned ln oLher academlc areas.
"<=>?@ABC "DC, 1hls ls an awesome opporLunlLy for sLudenLs Lo do real Lhlngs! 1he ALCS Leachers wlll
be worklng wlLh Mr. 8ruce renLlce, our fleld blologlsL, Lo plan and lmplemenL an ouLdoor learnlng
program for our sLudenLs. SLudenLs wlll be golng ouLslde each 1hursday Lo work ln our school foresL.
#''*''6*35', AssessmenLs wlll be used Lo flnd each sLudenL's [usL rlghL place" for learnlng.
AssessmenLs wlll lnclude: runnlng records Lo flnd readlng level, currlculum-based assessmenLs,
asslgnmenLs wlLh rubrlcs, demonsLraLlons/presenLaLlons, goal seLLlng, eLc. Lach sLudenL wlll creaLe a
Coogle slLe where Lhey wlll keep Lrack of Lhelr evldences of learnlng. ln addlLlon, sLudenLs wlll also
parLlclpaLe ln sLaLe LesLlng and MA LesLlng.
)-6*E-/.: Pomework wlll noL be asslgned on a regular basls. Class work wlll become homework lf
Llme glven durlng school day ls noL uLlllzed. SLudenLs are encouraged Lo go deeper lnLo Loplcs and/or
pro[ecLs LhaL lnLeresL Lhem aL home. SLudenLs are also encouraged Lo read aL home and Lo pracLlce
maLh facLs on a regular basls ouLslde of school.
2#/*35 *F2*(5#5$-3',
'AGG<HI >J<KLBAH MN O?B =M>>A==, ?ou can do Lhls by maklng sure your chlld geLs plenLy of sleep, has a
healLhy breakfasL before school, and dresses approprlaLely for Lhe weaLher. We go ouLslde a loL aL ALCS
for varlous learnlng opporLunlLles.
(?PPMH<>DG<?H, lrequenL communlcaLlon helps Lo bulld poslLlve relaLlonshlps beLween home and
school. lf you have quesLlons or concerns, please conLacL your chlld's advlsor. ?ou can sLay currenL wlLh
school news by checklng ouL lacebook, Lhe ALCS WebslLe, readlng school newsleLLers, and checklng
your sLudenL's Coogle accounL.
0?KMHGAAB<HI, An exLra seL of hands ls always helpful aL school! We would llke parenLs Lo help wlLh
prep work, LuLorlng, plannlng hollday parLles, chaperonlng fleld Lrlps, and helplng on ulscovery uay.
*H>?MBDIA =AKO9L<BA>GAL KADBH<HI DG J?PA, Pelplng chlldren Lo be self-dlrecLed learners ls an lnLegral
parL of ALCS. arenLs can help wlLh Lhls by encouraglng hls/her chlld Lo read ouLslde of school and
allowlng hls/her chlld Lo use webslLes and apps LhaL relnforce skllls learned aL school. 1alk wlLh your
chlld abouL school Loplcs and glve chlldren Lhe opporLunlLy Lo flnd answers Lo solvable problems on Lhelr
*1ransferrlng ln and ouL beLween ALCS, Marengo valley, and LSl wlll only occur durlng semesLer Llme.
CcLober 2: llrsL ulscovery uay
CcLober 6: lleld Lrlp Lo Madellne lsland
CcLober 17: CommunlLy Learnlng uay-SLudenLs do noL reporL Lo school on Lhls day. SLudenLs wlll
compleLe learnlng goals aL home or ln Lhe communlLy.
CcLober 20: no school for sLudenLs
CcLober 31: Pollday arLy
november 11: Lvldence of Learnlng nlghL
november 21: 1
1rlmesLer ends, 8eporL cards go home
november 24-28: no school
uecember 9: Pollday rogram 3
grade: 12:43, 4
grade: 1:30, 3
grade: 2:13
uecember 19: Pollday arLy
uecember 22-!anuary 2: Pollday 8reak
!anuary 30: SemesLer uay-no school for sLudenLs
lebruary 13: Pollday arLy
March 6: CommunlLy Learnlng uay
March 13: 2
1rlmesLer ends
March 16: 8eporL cards go home
March 18 and 19: SLudenL-led conferences
Aprll 24: CrandparenL's uay
May (18u): Choose ?our Cwn AdvenLure lleld Lrlp
!une 3: 3
Crade CraduaLlon 8reakfasL
!une 9: 8eporL cards go home
!une 10: LasL day of school

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