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Arise people from your slumber! Wake up!

And see the things that are happening in our

country. The Philippines is slowly being destroyed, being trifled in its roots. And if there
is nothing done about all of these problems the Philippines will sink, sink in destruction
and with it would bring its people to the grave.
Yes the Philippines, before a very beautiful, peaceful and wonderful country. A
country that is well known for its peoples hospitality and honesty. Those times make us
proud to be a !ilipino! "ut now! #ook at was happening to the !ilipinos$ %ur country is
becoming corrupt. The people have change a lot. We are in a very bad situation. Yes our
country has remained most of its beautiful resources and spots. "ut pollution is slowly
destroying these precious things. Pollution a ma&or problem and it is getting bigger and
bigger on the other hand politicians promising the people that they can restore our corrupt
system, that they can stop this economic degradation. Promises, promises but nothing has
happen! All they think about is their lives. Terrorists are another ma&or menace in our
country! !or so long now that problem has not been resolved, the government has wasted
time, money and effort all for nothing. %ur economy is going down and if this continues
the people will be in crisis!
%ver all, we should not give up on our country. We must have hope because '
know that there is still hope if we work together in unity. 'f the people would ask their
selves( )What have we done$* then ' believe that we can bring back our precious country.
+o now ' call upon you all to help our country. ', anyway you can. 'n your own little
way you can make a difference. 'f all of us will work together then we can make a
difference. +o let us unit hold hand in hand and unite and together we can bring back the
proud days of becoming a !ilipino.

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