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Tell us why you chose to study BSc Agriculture in brief

2. What is a synoptic chart and what is it used for? Tell us in brief
3. What are the different types of clouds? Tell us in brief
4. In brief, tell us about stubble mulch farming
5. What is intercropping and how is it useful? Tell us in brief
6. In brief, tell us what is seed dormancy?
7. Talk in short about sustainable agriculture
8. In brief, talk about remote sensing
9. Talk in brief about any 2-3 key advantages of crop rotation
10. What is integrated weed management? Explain in brief
11. In brief, talk about Rotovator formulations
12. Discuss, in brief, the key methods of sowing
13. In brief, tell us about bio-pesticides
14. In brief, explain to us the criterion of essentiality
15. In brief, tell us what is balanced fertilization
16. What is sub-surface drainage? Tell us in brief
17. Talk, in brief, about water harvesting
18. In brief, talk about the key advantages of drip irrigation
19. In brief, talk about two key types of potassic fertilizers
20. In brief, talk about two key types of nitrogenous fertilizers
21. Tell us, in brief, about the objectives of watershed management
22. Explain in brief Cation exchange capacity
23. What is fixed capital? Tell us in brief
24. In brief, talk about crop insurance
25. In brief, explain the classification of credit
26. Talk in brief about the concept of Rytu bazaar
27. In brief talk about the symptoms of zinc deficiency and its correction in paddy
28. In brief, tell us about rhizobium seed treatment in legume crops
29. Talk in short about the reasons for male flower dominance in castor
30. Talk in brief about desuckering in tobacco
31. What is propping for sugarcane? Tell us in brief
32. In brief, tell us what is pomology?
33. What do you mean by sexual propagation? Tell us in short
34. Talk about any two key types of nursery beds
35. Tell us, in short, why is pruning important in rose
36. In brief, discuss plant protection for mango
37. In brief, discuss seed drying
38. Discuss seed processing in brief
39. In brief, explain isolation distance
40. Describe hand pollination in brief
41. What is sundrying? Tell us in brief
42. In short, tell us about the use of blue green algae in agriculture
43. Talk in brief about mycoplasma and a plant disease caused by them
44. In short, talk about any one key method of breeding self-pollinated crops
45. In brief, tell us about the effect of weather on coffee cultivation
46. In brief, talk about the key principles of lawn management
47. Discuss in short the key characteristics of a formal garden
48. In short, tells us what is drainage water management
49. Tell us in brief what kinds of fields are most suitable for drainage water management
50. In brief, tell us how drainage water management affects soil quality
51. In brief, talk about the differences between photoinduction and photoperception
52. Distinguish between photoperiodism and vernalization in brief
53. Differentiate in brief between climacteric and non-climacteric fruits
54. In brief talk about formulation of herbicides
55. Talk in short about seed vigor
56. In brief tell us about white rust of Crucifers
57. Explain parthenocarpy in brief
58. What is a growth retardant? Tell us in brief
59. What is bolting? Tell us in brief
60. In brief, tell us what is apical dominance
61. In short, tell us the relation between phytochrome and flowering
62. Talk in short about minimum short price
63. Talk in brief about buffer stock operations
64. What are the objectives of price policy? Tell us in brief
65. What is blue revolution? Tell us in brief
66. What is collective farming? Tell us in brief
67. What are marginal farms? Tell us in brief
68. In brief, talk about PDS
69. Explain in brief the role of NABARD
70. Discuss in short about capitalistic farming
71. Discuss in brief the key sources of agricultural credit in India
72. In short, distinguish between Rockery and Topiary
73. Differentiate in brief between irrigation and fertigation
74. In short, tell us why orchids are not propagated by seeds
75. Tell us, in brief, about drip irrigation
76. In brief, talk about the method of potting orchid plants
77. What, in brief, are the measures to be adopted for raising a roof garden?
78. In brief, tell us about Bonsai
79. Talk, in brief, about the advantages of vermin compost
80. In short, talk about the key types of a conservatory
81. In brief, talk about the role of informatics in agricultural development
82. In short, talk about parasitic plans with example
83. Explain, in short, why are seeded plants more widespread than seedless plants
84. Explain why there are no fruit in gymnosperms in short
85. In brief, tell us about biofertilizers and their uses in agriculture
86. Discuss in short how is tissue culture important in the improvement of plants
87. What are Gibberellins? Tell us in short with a practical application
88. In brief, tell us about the pulsation theory of ascent of sap
89. In brief, tell us about approach grafting
90. Talk in short about key micronutrients
91. What is somatic hybridization? Tell us in short
92. In short, explain what is emasculation
93. In short, distinguish between mass selection and pure line selection
94. Differentiate in brief between immunity and resistance
95. Tell us how white grub is a damaging pest
96. In short, talk about the differences between acaricide and nematicide
97. In brief, discuss carbamate insecticides

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