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Honors English 9: Independent Investigation Project

OVERVIEW: This assignment outlines the first semester final.


Read at least three books outside of class throughout the first semester.
Discover a theme or topic that connects these books.
Pursue more research on this theme or topic.

Complete each book by assigned due dates.
o Book 1 read by Friday, October 10th
o Book 2 read by Monday November 24

o Book 3 read by Friday, December 19

Complete in-class essays and book cards from every book on the due dates listed above.

Investigate your theme or topic through at least three other sources (news articles, interviews, non-fiction
books) all of which must be included in your bibliography.

Turn in a typed bibliography of the three books read and all outside resources that includes:
o Title, author, publisher, publication date, city, and number of pages (i.e., complete and proper
MLA citation information for each book).

Present a final project to the rest of the class that incorporates all of the books and shows what you
learned about the theme or topic.

NAME ______________________________________________

TITLE OF BOOK ______________________________________________________________________

AUTHOR ___________________________________________________________________________


Directions: The purpose of this sheet to explore what you found interesting in the book you just completed,
and then use this information to help you discover a book that will be related to this one.

1. First, just take a moment to list the main characters and main events of the book. This will help you
when you give your presentation in January to remember some details about the book. You can draw
or list or web or use any method that will help you to remember these main events and main

Main Events

Main Characters (or People) and Their Characteristics

2. Next, list at least three quotations from the book that you would like to remember for any reason.
Remember, a quotation from a book simply means that you wrote it word for word; it does NOT mean
that it appeared within quotation marks in the book. Include the page number where this line appears.

Quotation Page Number

3. Most books, even nonfiction, usually relate to life in some way. Circle any of these topics or themes
that are a part of the book you just finished reading.

Beauty of simplicity
Capitalism effect on the
Change of power - necessity
Change versus tradition
Chaos and order
Character destruction,
building up
Circle of life
Coming of age
Communication verbal and
Companionship as salvation
Convention and rebellion
Dangers of ignorance
Darkness and light
Death inevitable or tragedy
Desire to escape
Destruction of beauty
Disillusionment and dreams
Emptiness of attaining false
Everlasting love
Evils of racism
Facing darkness
Facing reality
Fading beauty
Faith versus doubt
Family blessing or curse
Fate and free will
Fear of failure
Female roles
Good versus bad
Greed as downfall
Growing up pain or
Hazards of passing judgment
Heartbreak of betrayal
Heroism real and perceived
Hierarchy in nature
Identity crisis
Illusion of power
Individual versus society
Inner versus outer strength
Isolationism - hazards
Knowledge versus ignorance
Loneliness as destructive
Losing hope
Loss of innocence
Lost honor
Lost love
Love and sacrifice
Man against nature
Materialism as downfall
Names power and
Nationalism complications
Nature as beauty
Necessity of work
Oppression of women
Optimism power or folly
Overcoming fear,
weakness, vice
Patriotism positive side or
Power and corruption
Power of silence
Power of tradition
Power of wealth
Power of words
Pride and downfall
Progress real or illusion
Quest for discovery
Quest for power
Role of men
Role of Religion virtue or
Role of women
Self inner and outer
Social mobility
Technology in society good
or bad
Temporary nature of physical
Temptation and destruction
Vanity as downfall
Vulnerability of the meek
Vulnerability of the strong
War glory, necessity, pain,
Will to survive
Wisdom of experience
Working class struggles
Youth and beauty

4. Take another look at what youve circled and now narrow it down. What themes or topics are
interesting to you? Star those themes or topics.

NAME ______________________________________________

TITLE OF BOOK ______________________________________________________________________

AUTHOR ___________________________________________________________________________

Directions: The purpose of the second Book Card is to relate the themes of the first book to this second book
that youve read. You will do some of the same activities that you did with the first Book Card. This is just so
that you remember the details that you will need to remember for your presentation in January.

1. First, just take a moment to list the main characters and main events of the book. You can draw or list
or web or use any method that will help you to remember these main events and main characters.

Main Events

Main Characters (or People) and Their Characteristics

2. Next, list at least three quotations from the book that you would like to remember for any reason.
Remember, a quotation from a book simply means that you wrote it word for word; it does NOT mean
that it appeared within quotation marks in the book. Include the page number where this line appears.

Quotation Page Number

3. Take a look back at the themes that you circled on Book Card 1. Write down at least three themes or
topics that your second book shared with your first book.

4. Before selecting a third book to read, you will need to start thinking more seriously about one theme
that you will discuss for your presentation. Which theme or topic would you like to explore more in

5. Be purposeful in selecting your third and (if applicable) next books from this point on. Select books that
fit with this theme or topic.

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