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Animal Farm

Reading control chapters 1-2-3

1- What is the setting for the story?
2- What does Old Major say is the reason the animals have such
miserable lives?
3- What decision is made concerning the status of wild creatures
such as rats and rabbits?
4- What is the name of the song Old Major teaches the animals?
5- What are the main ideas expressed in Majors speech?
6- What indicators does Orwell give that indicate the pigs may be
superior to the other animals?
7. What happens to Old Major?
8-Who are Napoleon, Snowball, and Squealer?
9- What qualities does each pig possess?
10- What are some of the problems the pigs have to face in
organizing the other farm animals?
11- Who is Moses and what role does he play on the farm?
12- What is Sugar-candy Mountain?
13- What is the immediate cause of the rebellion?
14- What are the seven commandments?
15- What early indicators does Orwell give to show that not all of
the animals are treated equally?

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