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The $100 Startup: Reinvent the way you make a living, do what you love, and create a

new future
y !hri" #uilleeau
$t%" po""ile to "tart a u"ine"" with $100 or le""& $n fact, it%" advi"ale& 'eteran entrepreneur" "ay
that "pending a" little money a" po""ile for the launch of your microu"ine"", a one(per"on
operation, i" ideal& )ll you really need are three key element": a product or "ervice, a we"ite
announcing your offer and a method of payment&
The $100 Startup i" the re"ult of a "omewhat philo"ophical movement marked y a de"ire for
freedom and the attainment of financial freedom& $t" follower", microu"ine"" entrepreneur",
flock to #uilleeau%" work"hop" and *00,000 people vi"it hi" we"ite each month& +e i" a
philanthropi"t and work" on ehalf of "everal charitale organi,ation"& +i" previou" ook wa"
The )rt of -onconformity&
$n hi" ook, #uilleeau re"earched every a"pect of microu"ine"" "tartup" including launching,
marketing, pricing, revenue generation, we"ite creation and franchi"ing& +e prove" that the
follow(your(pa""ion model can e achieved y choo"ing a marketale pa""ion and helping
other"& +e give" you a lueprint to "tart a "mall u"ine"" for $100 or le"" from anywhere in the
.)RT $
/-01.0!T02 0-TR0.R0-0/RS
Chapter 1: Renaissance You Already Have The Skills You Need You Just Have to Kno
!here to "ook#
0ntrepreneur" are compri"ed of ordinary people originating from around the world& The fir"t
chapter give" numerou" e3ample" of entrepreneur" who had not planned to "tart a u"ine"" ut
were operating "ucce""ful companie"& ) common theme emerge" of people not finding what they
wanted in the marketplace and creating it& #uilleeau encourage" future u"ine"" leader" to
create the future now&
The concept of micro(entrepreneur"hip, a profitale u"ine"" typically operated y one per"on on
a limited udget, i" introduced& The hi"tory of entrepreneuri"m date" ack to ancient )then" and
Rome with merchant" "elling their ware" in the "treet"&
+e di"tingui"he" the $100 "tartup from two kind" of conventional u"ine""e" that gain media
attention& The fir"t model entail" an inventor that get" ank funding and or a company "pinoff
4companie" that trade on the "tock market5& The "econd model i" the inve"tment(driven "tartup
a"ed on venture capital, adverti"ing and market "hare& $t i" "tarted y a founder or a group of
partner" with the goal of going pulic&
.age 6
The marketing plan for a $100 "tartup con"i"t" of giving thing" away& 0mpowering other" i" a
predominant le""on& +e empha"i,e" that unconventional marketing ha" al"o een a long(time
activity of creative thinker"& $n 1789, The #rateful 2ead communicated directly with their loyal
Through hi" career a" a writer and entrepreneur, #uilleeau had heard "torie" aout micro(
entrepreneur"hip& $n 6010, he produce" work"hop" and reali,e" that hi" "old(out "erie" are
indicative of attendee" wanting to know more aout low(udget u"ine"" idea"& +e conducted
interview" with entrepreneur" and developed an online cour"e called the Empire Building Kit&
Thi" cla"" wa" the in"piration for the ook&
:a"ed on ca"e "tudie", #uilleeau introduce" the $100 Startup ;odel& <ut of 1,=00 re"pondent",
they had to meet four out of the "i3 criteria:
> ?ollow(your(pa""ion model& Turning your hoy i" the mo"t popular u"ine"" model&
Sometime" it work" and "ometime" it doe"n%t&
> @ow "tartup co"t& #ill focu"ed on u"ine""e" that reAuired le"" than $1,000 to "tart& +e wa"
e"pecially intere"ted in "tartup" that reAuired $100&
> )t lea"t $=0,000 annual income& The new venture had to generate at lea"t $=0,000 a year 4the
average "alary in -orth )merica5&
> -o "pecial "kill"& $t wa" important that the u"ine"" did not reAuire a particular ackground or
> ?ull financial di"clo"ure& .articipant" had to e willing to di"clo"e the previou" two year%"
income and proBection a the ne3t year&
> ?ewer than five employee"& 0ntrepreneur" who wi"hed to remain "mall& !a"e "tudie" of one(
per"on operation" reflect the de"ire for freedom
The u"ine""e" that were e3cluded were adult or Aua"i(legal market"& The omi""ion of
microu"ine""e" with field" that were highly "pecified or technical wa" "ignificant& Re"pondent"
came from around the world& ?inally, he focu"ed on u"ine""e" that were intere"ting and creative&
+e noted a dog(care u"ine"" gro""ing $CC,000 per year with proBection" for "i3 figure"& The goal
wa" to find common theme" among a diver"e group&
;o"t entrepreneur" were prompted to "tart their u"ine""e" a"ed on hard"hip" 4illne""5 or Bo
lo""& They did not have a formal u"ine"" plan& $n"tead, they launched their u"ine""e" Auickly
with two "imple Aue"tion": )re cu"tomer" uying the productD $f not, what need" to changeD
Two method" for hiring employee" con"i"ted of getting a virtual a""i"tant or forming a
partner"hip with "omeone that had the nece""ary "kill"& Still, mo"t entrepreneur" wanted the
freedom of autonomy and decided to remain a one(per"on operation&
The maBority of entrepreneur" did not have a ackground in u"ine""& Several people dropped out
of college and other" never attended college& <ne engineer commented that he never u"ed hi"
engineering degree in hi" career a" a lingui"t&
.age *
@e""on 1: !onvergence
!onvergence i" the coincidence of two primary element": your hoy and the uyer%" need"& $t i"
a meeting of what intere"t" you and what other people are willing to pay for& )l"o, not every
idea or hoy i" marketale or "olve" a prolem& The goal i" to find the overlap etween the"e
two concept" E pa""ion and u"efulne"" E while providing value and retaining freedom&
@e""on 6: Skill Tran"formation
.eople u"ed relatale "kill" not nece""arily a direct talent& ;o"t people are good at more than one
thing& Thi" fact deunk" the idea that entrepreneur" are the e"t at one particular activity&
@e""on *: The ;agic ?ormula
The "ucce""ful element" of uilding a microu"ine"" are a product or "ervice, uying cu"tomer"
and a method for getting paid&
Chapter $: %ive The& the 'ish
#uilleeau cite" a time(honored "aying for a common entrepreneurial mi"conception& #ive a
man a fi"h and he%ll eat for a day& Teach a man to fi"h and he%ll eat for a lifetime& +e u"e" the
e3ample of cu"tomer" dining at a re"taurant and the chef e3pecting them to help him prepare the
meal& #uilleeau "ay" that under"tanding the difference etween giving people what they "ay
they want and what they actually want i" the key to "ucce""&
$n"piration can "trike at anytime from anywhere& :e mindful of the thing" around you like "tore
"ignage and product or "ervice inefficiency& )lway" con"ider the true me""age that a company i"
trying to convey&
<ther "ource" of in"piration are:
1& Technology E !on"ider the demographic "egment that "till u"e" old("chool method" (( i.od
ver"u" pen and paper&
6& !hanging "pace E Think out of the o3 and re(imagine a different placement or location&
*& Spin(off or "ide proBect E Think aout complementary item" for your primary product or
0Auate concept" with ca"h& Fualify each idea with Aue"tion" that relate to making money
preferaly more than once for the "ame item&
#uilleeau u"e" the term value differently& +e define" it a" "omething de"irale and of worth,
created through e3change or effort& The e"t definition of value i" helping people& 'alue relate"
to emotional need" and enefit"& The "ati"faction of a need i" worth paying for&
:enefit" are different from feature"& ) feature i" de"criptive "uch a" yoga cla""e" for women&
The enefit would e the emotional payoff E rela3ation, Auiet and peace&
Strategy 1: 2ig 2eeper to /ncover +idden -eed"
The difference etween what people "ay they want and what they actually want i" pivotal& Search
for hidden meaning" to really uncover the true de"ire&
.age G
Strategy 6: ;ake Hour !u"tomer a +ero
#uilleeau mention" an 03cel e3pert, .urna 2uggirala, who had an impre""ive numer of
fan"&IhyD +e gave them "pecial power" 4via downloadale guide"5 and they ecame 03cel
Strategy *: Sell Ihat .eople :uy
#ive people what they want not what you think they need&
Si3 Step" to #etting Started Right -ow
To "tart now, con"ider the following checkli"t&
1& !hoo"e a product or "ervice&
6& Set up a we"ite& ?ree "ite" availale from Iord.re""&org&
*& 2evelop an offer&
G& Set up a way to get paid& .ay.al i" Auick, ea"y and free&
=& )nnounce your offer to the world&
8& @earn from "tep" mentioned aove and repeat the proce""&
2o not wait for everything to e perfectJ it will never happen& $f you already have a u"ine"",
focu" on money(making activitie" E not admini"tration& !u"tomer" want more of "ome thing"
4love, money, acceptance and free time5 and le"" of other" 4"tre"", conflict, ha""le and
uncertainty5& Some idea" include contacting cu"tomer" with a "pecial offer, introducing a
complementary product or "ervice and developing new way" to attract cu"tomer"&
Chapter (: 'ollo Your )assion # # # *ay+e
The follow(your(pa""ion theme i" great when paired with practical "en"iility& Ihen con"idering
thi" type of u"ine"", make "ure that you are helping people& !hoo"e "omething "pecific& Hou are
not Bu"t a tutor& Hou are a teacher who "peciali,e" in "cience and guarantee" improvement in one
"eme"ter& )l"o, reali,e that it i" not nece""ary for you to have a degree or e certified in a
particular area& Hour "tellar track record of proven re"ult" Aualifie" you a" an e3pert&
Hour ideal u"ine"" and hoy are "eparate& Hou may not want to comine them& )lthough you
enBoy your hoy during your free time, are you willing to pur"ue it full timeD 2o you enBoy
teaching other" your hoyD +ave other people a"ked for your help regarding thi" hoyD )re
there other u"ine""e" already in the marketplace "imilar to your u"ine""D Ihat enefit" would
make your u"ine"" uniAueD
The varying u"ine"" model" to moneti,e your operation" are a" follow":
Sell a product with a fi3ed price from your we"ite
Sell a direct product with variale pricing
#ive "ome "ervice" for free to li"tener" or "u"crier" ut underwritten y adverti"ing
and "pon"or"hip
Hour we"ite "hould feature your core enefit, "torie" of how you have helped other" and how to
contact you immediately& .rice your "ervice" accordingly& ;ake a plan for attracting client"
through #oogle, ?aceook, word(of(mouth, etc& Set a completion date&
.age =
0very entrepreneur ha" a di"a"ter "tory& The mo"t "ucce""ful u"ine"" owner" accepted
re"pon"iility and did what they had to do to keep the cu"tomer happy& /"e the"e unfortunate
event" a" learning tool"&
) fal"e "tart i" really an opportunity& #uilleeau give" the e3ample of ;ignon ?ogarty and
Grammar Girl& )fter ho"ting a "cience podca"t for a year, "he reali,ed that i" wa" not going to
generate enough money& So "he "witched from "cience to grammar&
Chapter ,: The Rise o- the Roa&in. /ntrepreneur
;o"t entrepreneur" enBoy the freedom of operating their money(making u"ine"" from any venue
whenever they wi"h& +ere are "ome helpful tip"&
;ake "ure that your u"ine"" i" already "et up efore you travel&
) /&S& or !anadian pa""port allow" you to travel to different countrie" for 70 day"&
'i"it 'i"a+F&com or 'i"a+F&ca to learn aout vi"a reAuirement"&
/"e #oogle 2oc" or 2ropo3& !hange your pa""word freAuently&
/"e !oachSurfing&org or get low(co"t accommodation" from )ir:n:&com
@atin )merica and Southea"t )"ia are the friendlie"t, low(co"t place" to "tart your Bourney&
?ind out aout a country%" high(tech option" at :oot"n)ll&com or ;eet.lan#o&com
$nformation .uli"hing ha" revolutioni,ed the way we conduct u"ine""& Kack !overt, founder of
C00(!0<(R0)2, commented that the Auality of "elf(puli"hed work" i" eAual to the Auality of
ig puli"her"& )uthor" are choo"ing to e "elf(puli"hed writer"& )dditionally, digital puli"hing
allow" anyone to create cour"e" and "u"cription"& Thi" money("aving u"ine"" model allow"
puli"her" to reach their audience Auickly and directly&
$nformation puli"her" "hould do the following:
:ecome an e3pert aout a particular topic&
Irite the information or record it y video or audio& !omine the"e option" to make a
downloadale package& !reate an offer and puli"h it&
!hoo"e a fair price and "et up a way to get paid 4.ay.al5&
Chapter 0: The Ne 1e&o.raphics
Traditional demographic" including age, gender, income, education, etc& may or may not help
your microu"ine""& Succe""ful entrepreneur" often commented aout the fact that their
cu"tomer" were profe""ional", "tudent", truck driver" and arti"t"& The target market wa" a group
of enthu"ia"t" with "imilar elief", "kill" and value"&
Strategy 1: @atch on to a .opular +oy, .a""ion or !ra,e
?ollow the trend" and note which one" are long term& 2oe" the topic create lover" and hater"D
!hoo"e a "ide, develop a product and give them the fi"h&
Strategy 6: Sell Ihat .eople :uy
!on"umer" like to uy, ut they do not like to e "old& -ew marketing "trategie" under"tand the
difference etween per"ua"ion and invitation& !reate a de"ire for inclu"ion& !onduct "urvey" and
.age 8
a"k people for their opinion aout an upcoming proBect& Hou may e "urpri"ed to learn that your
idea i" not what cu"tomer" want&
!reate a deci"ion(making matri3 complete with an area for impact, effort, profitaility and
vi"ion& Rank them on a "cale of 1 E = and choo"e to pur"ue the proBect with the highe"t "core&
.)RT $$
T)L$-# $T T< T+0 STR00TS
Chapter 2: 3ne4)a.e 5usiness )lan
The average entrepreneur tend" to "tart hi" u"ine"" Auickly without a u"ine"" plan& To make a
u"ine"" plan, con"ider the following&
1& !hoo"e a "imple, marketale idea that will help other"&
6& Leep co"t" low and det at a minimum&
*& #et the fir"t "ale a" "oon a" po""ile&
G& /"e "urvey" to determine if you "hould develop the product&
=& Re"pond to the fir"t "ucce"" y analy,ing what happened and recreating it&
Seven Step" to $n"tant ;arket Te"ting
1& Rememer convergence&
6& /"e #oogle keyword" to te"t the "i,e of the market& -ote the ad" on the re"ult" page"&
*& Solve the prolem the cu"tomer know" he ha"&
G& Show people that you can help them eliminate the pain&
=& ?ocu" on "olution" not nece""arily lower co"t"& 2evelop your /niAue Selling .ropo"ition&
8& !on"ult with other" in your target market&
9& Show your outline to a "ugroup& @et them te"t it for free and gain valuale feedack&
The one(page u"ine"" plan contain" an"wer" aout the product, the cu"tomer, how it will help
people, price, attracting cu"tomer", metric" and overcoming o"tacle"& $t "hould contain a 1G0(
character mi""ion "tatement E Ie help Mcu"tomer"N achieve MenefitN&
Chapter6: An 3--er You Can7t Re-use
)n irre"i"tile offer include" in"tant enefit" "uperior to it" co"t& $t "ay", :uy thi" item and we%ll
di"count your ne3t purcha"e& !reating an offer entail" under"tanding what cu"tomer" really
want, applying a "oft "ell and giving a gentle nudge& The magical formula i" a comination of the
right audience, right promi"e and right time&
#uilleeau "peak" aout hi" per"onal e3perience with a lock"mith that re"ulted in hi" reali,ation
that people do not alway" make rational uying deci"ion"& $t%" "uBective& !on"ider value like
your cu"tomer" do&
The ?reAuently )"ked Fue"tion" 4?)F"5 page work" to overcome oBection" and uild tru"t& The
guarantee en"ure" that cu"tomer" can get their money ack if they do not like the product& Hour
guarantee "hould e phenomenal or none3i"tent& <ver delivering help" your cu"tomer feel good
aout hi" deci"ion to uy& #ive them "omething e3tra like free "hipping or an upgrade&
.age 9
Chapter 8: "aunch9
$n +ollywood, they create u,, aout a upcoming movie y "howing preview", developing
$nternet campaign" and creating .R "torie"& )" an entrepreneur, you will launch your u"ine"" in
a "imilar fa"hion& See the following tip"&
)n early look at the future E @et other" know that you are working on an intere"ting proBect,
ut do not give the detail" away&
Ihy thi" proBect will matter E 0veryone want" to know what%" in it for them& 03plain the
The plan for the ig deut E $nclude the detail" of the launch& #ive information concerning
the date, how it will work and what they need to know now&
Ihoa, we%re almo"t ready E !reate a "en"e of e3pectation y letting them know you are in
the final countdown&
The moment ha" arrived E .rovide a link and incite them to take action&
@aunche" happen in cycle"& The fir"t and "econd day" reflect the "tronge"t re"pon"e"& )ddre""
any i""ue" or di"crepancie"& :efore you remove the onu"e", make a final pu"h to uy& 2uring
the clo"ing, tell them what i" coming ne3t& :e "ure that all your me""age" are timely and
relatale& )fter the launch, plan ahead for your ne3t proBect&
Chapter :: Hustlin.: The %entle Art o- Sel-4)ro&otion
+u"tling E "preading the word aout your product or "ervice i" a uniAue "kill& ) charlatan talk" a
lot ut ha" no proof to ack up hi" claim"& ) martyr ha" plenty of good work ut doe" not talk
aout it& ) hu"tler know" the perfect formula i" "tyle O "u"tance P impact&
)fter you have carefully cho"en your me""age, tell everyone aout your proBect& $nvite them to
participate& #etting the word out can take many form"& !on"ider a mural, video invite or
incentive" and di"count" for eta te"ter"& )l"o, "pon"or conte"t" and giveaway" to create u,,&
Spend 1= minute" per day to connect with other people through "ocial networking&
)gain, give freely ut do not au"e or manipulate& 2o not participate in Auid pro Auo tactic" that
are a"ed on "hort(term reward"& Tru"t that uilding relation"hip" ha" it" own reward& )" your
u"ine"" grow" and there are more demand" on your time, con"ider proBect" that make you Bump
at the opportunity to help "omeone el"eQ
The <ne(.age .romotion .lan i" a "uccinct plan of action that guide" your recruitment of new
pro"pect"& $t con"i"t" of daily, weekly and monthly "cheduled activitie"& Think aout hu"tling
fir"t and paid adverti"ing "econd&
Chapter 1;: Sho *e the *oney
:u"y entrepreneur" can ea"ily ecome di"tracted with their day(to(day operation"& +owever, they
"hould a"k them"elve", +ow i" thi" activity generating moneyD
Spend a" little money a" po""ile& )ll e3penditure" "hould e u"ed to uild your rand and oo"t
your "ale"& The median "tartup co"t for microu"ine""e" wa" $16= and the average "tartup co"t
wa" $G0C& Ihen you need money, con"ider u"ing your "aving" or Lick"tarter&com
.age C
The three key guideline" for generating profit" are pricing your product or "ervice in relation to
enefit", offering a range of price", and getting paid repeatedly for the "ame thing&
To get paid over and over again, participate in continuity program", memer"hip "ite" and
"u"cription"& The"e type" of program" en"ure a "teady "tream of income& The goal i" to
tran"ition a one(time cu"tomer to a recurring uyer y providing e3cellent cu"tomer "ervice&
)l"o, increa"ing your price" may re"ult in fewer "ale" ut more money&
.)RT $$$
@0'0R)#0 )-2 -01T ST0.S
Chapter 11: *ovin. 3n <p
Small change" can have a ig impact& !on"ider the following:
$ncrea"e traffic E 'i"it Thinktraffic&net to increa"e your company%" traffic&
$ncrea"e conver"ion E ;ea"ure your copywriting content and note the "ource of your
$ncrea"e average "ale" price E /"e the time(honored method" of up"elling 4additional item5,
cro""("elling 4related item"5 and "ale after "ale 4"pecial offer" made after a "ale5&
Sell more to e3i"ting cu"tomer" E Hour current cu"tomer i" more likely to uy again&
)ction(a"ed tweaking con"i"t" of creating a +all of ?ame that "potlight" your e"t cu"tomer%"
"torie", "tarting a new up"ell, encouraging referral", holding a conte"t and offering powerful
guarantee"& )dditionally, convert your product" to "ervice" and your "ervice" to product"& )l"o,
rai"e your price" regularly and note the po"itive re"pon"e" from client" who appreciate your
#uilleeau "potlighted a retailer, +appy Lnit", for their thriving online and offline pre"ence&
They provided "pace" for their cu"tomer" to hang out at their retail "tore", created e3ceptional
di"play" and offered e3clu"ive deal"& !u"tomer" received per"onali,ed thank(you note" with each
order& Their we"ite offer" an e3ten"ive array of product" that generate =0 percent of "ale"&
!ontrary to popular elief, your "ocial media contact" want to hear aout you and the intere"ting
thing" that are happening in your life and u"ine""& Ihile it%" okay to "hare article" and promote
the work of other", follower" and fan" want to know what you have to "ay& Tell them&
The deci"ion to grow ig or "tay "mall i" a per"onal one& +ori,ontal growth i" de"cried a" going
wide and developing product" to "uit the need" of a varied cu"tomer a"e& 'ertical growth i"
defined a" relation"hip uilding and venturing deeper and creating more level" of engagement&
Chapter 1$: Ho to 'ranchise Yoursel-
The purpo"e of franchi"ing i" to ma3imi,e your uniAue "kill", dutie" and pa""ion" y taking them
to the ne3t level& ?ranchi"ing allow" two option": Reaching more people with the "ame me""age
or reaching different people with a new me""age& ) hu and "poke model illu"trate" the concept
of having a home a"e "upported y outpo"t"&
.age 7
)n ideal partner"hip entail" a Boint venture compri"ed of team memer" that work on a "pecific
proBect& The goal i" to grow eyond anything that you could accompli"h on your own& The detail"
of the legal agreement "hould include the divi"ion of money, re"pon"iilitie", marketing, length
of agreement and "cheduled meeting"&
<ut"ourcing i" one of tho"e topic" that generate an immediate po"itive or negative re"pon"e&
+iring contractor" or virtual a""i"tant" can markedly help you grow your u"ine""& !onver"ely,
"ome entrepreneur" e3pre""ed a concern for Auality and control& Some u"ine"" owner" received
help from family memer" or developed artering "y"tem"&
)uditing your u"ine"" i" important ecau"e you "hould alway" e concerned aout
improvement& Hou "hould know where your money i" coming from and take "tep" to en"ure that
it continue"& )naly,e your communication" 4copy5 and make "ure it i" conveying the right
me""age& !on"ider rai"ing your price" to reflect your level of e3perti"e& Strive to meet more of
your cu"tomer%" need" y a""e""ing your po"tpurcha"e proce""e"& Te"t your product offer" and
your a""umption"& Leep a li"t of potential opportunitie" and actively choo"e which one" are right
for you&
)ffiliate program" entail merchant" working with partner"hip" to generate more traffic and "ale"&
The affiliate receive" a portion of the earning"& )ma,on&com i" the mo"t well(known retailer
involved in thi" kind of agreement& +owever, merchant" offer "mall commi""ion" and affiliate"
tend to Bu"t forward referral"&

Chapter 1(: %oin. "on.
;o"t entrepreneur" are intere"ted in uilding a long(term legacy& They define ri"k taking
differently and thu" choo"e their option" carefully& <ne of the mo"t challenging deci"ion" i" to
"tay "mall or grow&
Stay "mall E Thi" choice reflect" a de"ire to enBoy your freedom on your own term"&
#o medium E Thi" deci"ion involve" a igger operation that "till leave" the entrepreneur in
control& The declining of invitation" for partner"hip" en"ure" rand identity&
Split the difference E #rowing and hiring employee" mean" higher co"t and re"pon"iilitie"&
Iorking on your u"ine"" i" an important, everyday ta"k& Strive for mea"urale improvement" E
not Bu"t maintenance& ?ocu" on u"ine"" development, offer development, re"olution of long(
term prolem", price review" and cu"tomer communication&
+ealth in"urance for entrepreneur" can e co"tly& 03pert" "ay you "hould uy a high(deductile
policy and pay ca"h for doctor%" vi"it"& <ther viale option" include Boining a concierge program,
relying on your partner%" or "pou"e%" enefit", "taying on !<:R) and con"idering a "elf(
in"urance plan&
Lnowing your u"ine""%" metric" i" part of eing a "ucce""ful entrepreneur& ?ocu" on daily "ale",
numer of vi"itor", conver"ion rate" and "ale" lead"& <ther activitie" "hould e "cheduled on a i(
weekly or monthly a"i"& )l"o, run your u"ine"" with a view to the future& <perating with a
.age 10
uilt(to("ell model i" different than the $100 "tartup model& ) uilt(to("ell or "calale u"ine""
mu"t e teachale 4ale to train other"5 and valuale&
Chapter 1,: 5ut !hat =- = 'ail>
<ne wi"e entrepreneur "aid that he had learned to ignore advice even from well(meaning friend"&
)lthough "ome u"ine"" owner" worried aout maintaining their u"ine"" in an ever(changing
marketplace and having enough money for payroll, the maBority of them kept fear in per"pective&
)" they reflected on the moment when they knew their u"ine"" wa" going to e a "ucce"", they
e3pre""ed great confidence for the future&
)" $100 "tartup" markedly improve the live" of people nationally and internationally, they will
continue to thrive& Technology%" aility to rapidly "hare information "upport" the effort" of
microu"ine"" owner"& The $100 "tartup i" the epitome of )merican value" E freedom,
independence and financial pro"perity&

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