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SMART Goals Worksheet

Team: Kindergarten Team Leader: Karol Reardon

Team Members: Jodie Pang, Corinna Mace, Charlotte Huskisson
System Priorities:
High expectations, High performance
Increase the number of high performing students
- Increase the proportion of students in the top performance bands for reading and mathematics
Reduce the number of students who are not achieving
- Reduce the proportion of students performing at or below the national minimum standard for reading and mathematics

School Priorities:
Improved literacy outcomes for Kingsford Smith students.
Improved Numeracy outcomes for Kingsford Smith students.

Team SMART Goal: Strategies and Action Steps Who Is Responsible Target Date or Timeline Evidence of Effectiveness
Reading focus
Our current reality:
Last year, 70% of children met or
exceeded our target of reading at
benchmark, Levels 5-8.
Build vocabulary through the use of
rich texts
All team members
EALD teacher

March to November
Mid year student reports
Childrens conversations

Our SMART goal:
This year, 85% of children will read
and comprehend at benchmark,
Level 8.
Explicitly teach reading strategies,
letter/ sounds, and high frequency

All team members Daily
First Steps parent
information included in
Garden fliers
Week 6 PM Benchmark

Fortnightly running records
Term PM Benchmarks
Regular common formative

Small group targeted intervention
and enrichment
All team members
EALD teacher
SLC Professional Practice
Twice per week per class Children competently and
confidently reading
Parent involvement in morning
All team members
Kindy information session
First Steps parent
information in Garden fliers
(on going)
Parent workshop (1 per term)

Number of parents involved
remains constant
Parents applying training
during reading sessions
Professional Learning and reading All team members
SLC Professional Practice
Deputy Principal
Fortnightly PLT meetings
Individual coaching
Fortnightly running records
Term PM Benchmarks
Regular common formative
Children competently and
confidently reading

Team SMART Goal: Strategies and Action Steps Who Is Responsible Target Date or Timeline Evidence of Effectiveness
Writing focus
Our current reality:
Last year, 75% of children met or
exceeded our target of writing a
simple sentence using capital letter,
spaces and full stop.
Model sentence construction
through sentence transformation,
patterned writing and interactive
Kindergarten teachers
EALD teacher
End of each term
Childrens writing
Formative assessment
Our SMART goal:
This year, 90% of children will met
or exceeded our target of writing a
simple sentence using capital letter,
spaces and full stop.
Explicit teaching of sentence
elements- who, what, where, when
Kindergarten teachers
EALD teacher
End of each term
Childrens writing
Children accurately
articulating their learning

Children writing independently Kindergarten teachers Daily practise
Each term
Work sample collection,
annotation and moderation
Provide parents with information
about writing development
All team members First Steps parent
information included in
Garden fliers (0n going)
Children articulating parent
Conversations with parents
evidence information

Professional Learning and reading All team members
SLC Professional Practice
Deputy Principal
Fortnightly PLT meetings
Individual coaching
Term moderated writing
Regular common formative
Children competently and
confidently writing

Team SMART Goal: Strategies and Action Steps Who Is Responsible Target Date or Timeline Evidence of Effectiveness
Numeracy focus
Our current reality:

Oral counting- rote (ZAP), objects,

Kindergarten Teachers Daily

PIPS final assessment
Common formative
Our SMART goal:
This year 100% of students will
accurately count forward to and
backwards from 20.
100% of children will confidently
identify numerals to 10.
CMIT activities- targeted grouping Kindergarten teachers 3-4 sessions per week SENA 1
PIPS final assessment
Small group targeted intervention
and enrichment
Team Leader Once per week per class Formative assessment tasks
including observations
Provide parents with information
about numeracy development
All team members Relevant information
included in Garden fliers (on
Children articulating parent
Conversations with parents
evidence information

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